Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Just this once for the low information Trump loyalists. The fact that Trump had these documents at his home is a federal crime. And your counter argument with links is?
You are truly a pussy.

Counter Argument...
Type APNews.com into your browser.
Apparently your fingers don't think so.
Here's the beautiful part of our exchange...
When a LibTard posts an article you give it a Like without asking for an explanation.

When I tell you to get off your lazy ass and look at AP News TOP STORY, you dodge the reality by saying you don't care about the article.
IF the Regime succeeds with this farce, DeSantis can pardon him on Day 1, and then put him in charge of a new office he forms: Dismantling Democrat Disinformation. Trump could then go about cleaning up the anti-American influence in our government.

My gift for the mentally and emotionally handicapped.
Dude, do you need mental assistance? What you posted is the same shit I already read. Nothing has changed. Please, for your sake get help.

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