Unreported Polling on Gary Johnson...

Johnson siphons votes from Hillary more than Trump. If it were the other way around, he would be participating in the debates.
Gary Johnson is even a bigger fraud and phony than Hillary Clinton. His running as a Libertarian is a complete and total joke. All you have to do is look at what Johnson did as governor and it's certainly not Libertarian. Glad this fraud won't have a chance to be in the debates and try to fool people with his big act.

He was not libertarian during the 8 years he was governor. So whatz your problem? I know he's not a fire and brimstone libertarian. I don't care right now. My Country's about to go down the tubes while the 2 major parties sling poo with the help from the media. I've got more pressing concerns about this shit feast racheting up beyond fixing even AFTER the election.

................. if America doesn't realize it NEEDS an intervention right now to separate the warring tribes.
And that's all they are anymore ---- thanks to ClinTrump --- a bunch of Lord of Flies warring tribes...
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Of course we will never hear this on mainstream media. Because it does not matter, and will have zero effect on the national outcome.

Gary will not place 1st. Nor will he place 2nd. He will place 3rd. As all the mainstream 3rd party Candidates have in the past 30 years.

The best he can hope to do, is possibly give the election to the candidate he takes the least number of votes from.

There isn't a single state in the Union, where a 3rd party had the majority of the popular vote. Not even one individual state... let alone the country at large.

I remember Ross Perot. Barely 6 states in the entire country, gave him 30% of the popular vote. In short, nothing. As in nothing.

Gary will be no different.... so who cares? Why should the mass media report on a completely irrelevant candidate that has zero hope of being anything more than a foot note, and a short foot note in history, at best?
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Of course we will never hear this on mainstream media. Because it does not matter, and will have zero effect on the national outcome.

Gary will not place 1st. Nor will he place 2nd. He will place 3rd. As all the mainstream 3rd party Candidates have in the past 30 years.

The best he can hope to do, is possibly give the election to the candidate he takes the least number of votes from.

There isn't a single state in the Union, where a 3rd party had the majority of the popular vote. Not even one individual state... let alone the country at large.

I remember Ross Perot. Barely 6 states in the entire country, gave him 30% of the popular vote. In short, nothing. As in nothing.

Gary will be no different.... so who cares? Why should the mass media report on a completely irrelevant candidate that has zero hope of being anything more than a foot note, and a short foot note in history, at best?

But isn't that the point? If he were actually in the debates, and exposed to the low information voter, he might possibly come in first.

Well, the Deep State can't have that, can they now?
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Of course we will never hear this on mainstream media. Because it does not matter, and will have zero effect on the national outcome.

Gary will not place 1st. Nor will he place 2nd. He will place 3rd. As all the mainstream 3rd party Candidates have in the past 30 years.

The best he can hope to do, is possibly give the election to the candidate he takes the least number of votes from.

There isn't a single state in the Union, where a 3rd party had the majority of the popular vote. Not even one individual state... let alone the country at large.

I remember Ross Perot. Barely 6 states in the entire country, gave him 30% of the popular vote. In short, nothing. As in nothing.

Gary will be no different.... so who cares? Why should the mass media report on a completely irrelevant candidate that has zero hope of being anything more than a foot note, and a short foot note in history, at best?

But isn't that the point? If he were actually in the debates, and exposed to the low information voter, he might possibly come in first.

Well, the Deep State can't have that, can they now?

Unless the Republicans ran Stalin, and Democrats ran Hitler..... No amount of media exposure to Gary would make any difference at all.

I know people who don't even watch the debates, and automatically vote Republican or Democrats, because "I'm Republican" and "I'm Democrat". Gary doesn't have that, and NEVER will. Never. EVER. At any point.

Unless they run Hitler and Stalin.... He doesn't stand the slightest chance.
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Of course we will never hear this on mainstream media. Because it does not matter, and will have zero effect on the national outcome.

Gary will not place 1st. Nor will he place 2nd. He will place 3rd. As all the mainstream 3rd party Candidates have in the past 30 years.

The best he can hope to do, is possibly give the election to the candidate he takes the least number of votes from.

There isn't a single state in the Union, where a 3rd party had the majority of the popular vote. Not even one individual state... let alone the country at large.

I remember Ross Perot. Barely 6 states in the entire country, gave him 30% of the popular vote. In short, nothing. As in nothing.

Gary will be no different.... so who cares? Why should the mass media report on a completely irrelevant candidate that has zero hope of being anything more than a foot note, and a short foot note in history, at best?

We're not about winning.. If we WERE --- we'd have Gary HANG GLIDE into his next 4 rallies. Maybe challenge Hillary to a bike race or continue to call Trump a pussy.. We don't do that and we don't pander. We ASK for votes --- we don't EXPECT them.

We COULD WIN -- if we were into the game that's tearing America apart right now..

Clearly there's time for Gary to take a couple states. Maybe get 20+ e-votes. which means that ClinTrump has to win by MORE than 20 points or the whole deal goes into the House.

So in an appocalyptic way -- we could END the 2 party monopoly by FORCING a partisan nuclear option and demonstrating to America how WASTED their votes can REALLY BE and how dysfunctional their representation has really become.

Imagine the spectacle of Hillary ahead at 265 e-votes and a REPUBLICAN House gets to choose the winner.
Better now -- than taking the country down the tubes slowly over the next 5 years or so..
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Of course we will never hear this on mainstream media. Because it does not matter, and will have zero effect on the national outcome.

Gary will not place 1st. Nor will he place 2nd. He will place 3rd. As all the mainstream 3rd party Candidates have in the past 30 years.

The best he can hope to do, is possibly give the election to the candidate he takes the least number of votes from.

There isn't a single state in the Union, where a 3rd party had the majority of the popular vote. Not even one individual state... let alone the country at large.

I remember Ross Perot. Barely 6 states in the entire country, gave him 30% of the popular vote. In short, nothing. As in nothing.

Gary will be no different.... so who cares? Why should the mass media report on a completely irrelevant candidate that has zero hope of being anything more than a foot note, and a short foot note in history, at best?

But isn't that the point? If he were actually in the debates, and exposed to the low information voter, he might possibly come in first.

Well, the Deep State can't have that, can they now?

Unless the Republicans ran Stalin, and Democrats ran Hitler..... No amount of media exposure to Gary would make any difference at all.

I know people who don't even watch the debates, and automatically vote Republican or Democrats, because "I'm Republican" and "I'm Democrat". Gary doesn't have that, and NEVER will. Never. EVER. At any point.

Unless they run Hitler and Stalin.... He doesn't stand the slightest chance.

They are running 2 retarded arrogant candidates that in a normal cycle -- wouldn't have a chance. Highest negatives in my lifetime. And you're waiting on Stalin and Hitler. Talk about "wasted votes". This election is about nothing more than FEAR and tribal conflict..
Johnson's greatest campaign asset is that nobody knows what he stands for. Once people take a gander at that platform and hear him talk about how terrible Social Security is....he loses them.

Yes....he's on all 50 ballots.....and IMO, he should be on the debate stage for that reason. Shit..I'd love to hear him call Trump a pussy to his face. I might even vote for him if he did that.

But....his swing state supporters ought to have a "come to Jesus" moment and think about how they'd like Trump to be in charge. You can hate Clinton all you want....but being irresponsible is stupid.

And...don't tell me how much integrity you have....I have heard it all and I don't give a shit.
Johnson's greatest campaign asset is that he's a stoner and has the stoner vote locked up.
I heard on the radio a few days ago, the commission that sets these debate 'rules' is made up of Republicans and Democrats. The bar used to be 10% set by them, but after Ross Perot did so well and made it to the debates the 'commission' arbitrarily raised it to 15%. The whole intent of course is to shut out any third party.

This is not democracy. The major parties should not be able to set this agenda AT ALL. No need to wonder why all those other democracies out there have numerous parties sharing power in the government but the US never does. The two parties have it rigged all the way through.

But the American people don't do anything about it so it continues.

They're mostly Democrats with a few quisling establishment Republicans - people like Olympia Snow and John Danforth. There's hardly anything impartial about it. If it was impartial then people like Laura Ingraham and Mark Levin would be moderators, not just a bunch of lib journalists.
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...
"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

Was that written before or after Johnson called Trump a pussy and promised to do it again if he got into the debates?
Shows how desperate people are for a third party. I think that's great, but Johnson is a tool. I'd love nothing more than a good 3rd party guy, but he ain't it.

As a libertarian, I was so very disappointed that the party chose Johnson. They did it in my home town of Orlando too! He is in fact a tool and his running mate is as much a libertarian as Hillary is.
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...
"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

Was that written before or after Johnson called Trump a pussy and promised to do it again if he got into the debates?

Actually --- that's funny. Because the "pussy thing" got recycled from some of the EARLIEST LParty INTERNAL primary debates. Where our candidates routinely use some juicy language --- largely because NO ONE is watching the process except the party faithful...

So that's an OLD OLD unguarded moment that the media just picked up on. :biggrin: Being the lazy snots that they are. And when this idiot tossed it BACK to Gary --- he just owned it.. So what?
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Who wins a state with 15%?
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Who wins a state with 15%?

You didn't thru the thread. Polling 2 weeks ago about 23% in N.Mex. High in Utah and some other Mountain states.. Press just gives the poll totals missing those 20% numbers and people are stupid to question why the Trump Clinton numbers don't add to anywhere NEAR 100%...

Three states above 19%... And the 2 clowns haven't tried to claw each other's eyes out in a debate yet..

:banana: There are also 3 states that allocate partial E-votes.
I heard on the radio a few days ago, the commission that sets these debate 'rules' is made up of Republicans and Democrats. The bar used to be 10% set by them, but after Ross Perot did so well and made it to the debates the 'commission' arbitrarily raised it to 15%. The whole intent of course is to shut out any third party.

This is not democracy. The major parties should not be able to set this agenda AT ALL. No need to wonder why all those other democracies out there have numerous parties sharing power in the government but the US never does. The two parties have it rigged all the way through.

But the American people don't do anything about it so it continues.

They're mostly Democrats with a few quisling establishment Republicans - people like Olympia Snow and John Danforth. There's hardly anything impartial about it. If it was impartial then people like Laura Ingraham and Mark Levin would be moderators, not just a bunch of lib journalists.

You are the reason it never changes. How in hell did you get so angry at the world.
Johnson blew any chance he might have had when he said "What's A leppo"?

He never had a chance anyway...I see Hillary's support from the 35 and under demographic is cratering....fell from leading Trump by 24 down to 5 in a month
I heard on the radio a few days ago, the commission that sets these debate 'rules' is made up of Republicans and Democrats. The bar used to be 10% set by them, but after Ross Perot did so well and made it to the debates the 'commission' arbitrarily raised it to 15%. The whole intent of course is to shut out any third party.

This is not democracy. The major parties should not be able to set this agenda AT ALL. No need to wonder why all those other democracies out there have numerous parties sharing power in the government but the US never does. The two parties have it rigged all the way through.

But the American people don't do anything about it so it continues.

The top 2 guys on that commission are a current lobbyist and a former lobbyist. Nice, huh?

Johnson blew any chance he might have had when he said "What's A leppo"?

He never had a chance anyway...I see Hillary's support from the 35 and under demographic is cratering....fell from leading Trump by 24 down to 5 in a month
He's never had a chance of winning the election but he DID have a chance at reaching 15% and possibly influencing the outcome.

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