Unreported Polling on Gary Johnson...

Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

. . . and if you polled the American public, or freshmen and Ivy league Universities, what percentage of them do you think would know the answer to that?

For a guy mired in national election concerns, and local politics, and what not, I'm not surprised, I'm really not. On top of that, everyone can have a senior moment. :badgrin: No excuses though.

But isn't that the point? If he were actually in the debates, and exposed to the low information voter, he might possibly come in first.

Well, the Deep State can't have that, can they now?

Unless the Republicans ran Stalin, and Democrats ran Hitler..... No amount of media exposure to Gary would make any difference at all.

I know people who don't even watch the debates, and automatically vote Republican or Democrats, because "I'm Republican" and "I'm Democrat". Gary doesn't have that, and NEVER will. Never. EVER. At any point.

Unless they run Hitler and Stalin.... He doesn't stand the slightest chance.

They are running 2 retarded arrogant candidates that in a normal cycle -- wouldn't have a chance. Highest negatives in my lifetime. And you're waiting on Stalin and Hitler. Talk about "wasted votes". This election is about nothing more than FEAR and tribal conflict..

All true. So? Still doesn't change the fact that Gary doesn't stand a chance. Unless some insanity happens, Hillary is arrested (finally) and Trump says something insane like "We'll just nuke everyone", Gary doesn't stand a chance.

I think what you MEANT to say was ".... unless some SANITY happens".. :lmao:

Another truth is that the rodents who make up the "party faithful" on both sides are becoming endangered species. The "big middle" is larger than EITHER of their tribes right now. And I don't no miracles or resurrections to reverse that trend. When the "brand loyalties" die -- those 2 corrupt corporate fraternities die. And right now -- MOST ALL the faithful are not voting on "brand loyalty" -- they are voting out of sheer panic.

Soooooooooooooooo... This election cannot be polled. Because it depends on who is motivated to show up and waste a vote on fear and loathing. AND --- that makes it very interesting if America ever catches wind that there are 2 governors on the ballot who are more qualified to be Prez than 1/2 of the past Prez candidates. And less nauseating and arrogant to boot..

The party faithful has existed for over 100 years. You think they are dying out?

I don't think so. In fact, just looking at this forum, suggests that the number of party faithful drastically out number the small faction of those like you.

You get the feeling that there is this dramatic shift, only because you created a thread, that attracts those like you. But this little echo chamber, is an island in the ocean, claiming that so all the pacific will be farm land.

Wellllll..... Not so fast. I don't just toss crap out. I think a little demonstration might be good. Hang around. I'll show you the trends...
Push polls are a dime a dozen. My guess is that pot head Garry Johnson might drain more votes from Hillary than Trump once the true agenda of the modern Libertarian party to legalize drugs becomes apparent.

If the ONLY thing you know about the LParty is marijuana -- you're not trying very hard to look for the lifeboat...

How about the only party committed to ending corporate welfare, making the Govt leaner, more focused and efficient. Not just in WORDS -- but by laying out the plan to CUT about 3 of the agencies. And weed out the duplication. Will not BOMB 3 or 4 Arab countries a week.. Guaranteed. Will choose an Atty Gen. who is NOT a politcal stooge there ONLY to be loyal and protect the Exec branch.

Innovated school choice and vouchers thru Cato Institute DECADES ago. Same with Medical Savings Accounts that DO WORK to actually REDUCE med costs for a large percentage of folks.

marijuana.. pffffft --- that was 20 years ago --- And we WERE CORRECT. Ask the additional 18 states voting on decriminalizing it this fall. We're way done with that issue. And like ALL of the issues we got ridiculed on over the ages -- we were right and America eventually figured out that we were right..

And you're guys and their fuck-ups are the past. America has finally caught up with us.
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

What about it? You know that the LParty has been absolutely solid and correct on MidEast for 25 years while YOUR GUYS screwed it up... Right? It's handled dude. We're gonna clean up the disasters that YOU caused over there...
Riiight lol
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

What about it? You know that the LParty has been absolutely solid and correct on MidEast for 25 years while YOUR GUYS screwed it up... Right? It's handled dude. We're gonna clean up the disasters that YOU caused over there...

SERIOUSLY?? You think it's a joke that your guys blasted 4 Arab countries to bits or incited revolts and never did expect those smoking holes would fill with terrorists? You think it's FUNNY that someone has to fix it?
I think you're take on it is a joke. Seriously lol
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

. . . and if you polled the American public, or freshmen and Ivy league Universities, what percentage of them do you think would know the answer to that?

For a guy mired in national election concerns, and local politics, and what not, I'm not surprised, I'm really not. On top of that, everyone can have a senior moment. :badgrin: No excuses though.

100% if they're running for president
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Survey Monkey?

Seriously? Look at the methodology of the poll! It is a bogus poll completely corrupted by self-selection bias. It's an internet poll!

Put the joint down and quote some REAL polls!

Yeah seriously.. The public gets MAJOR MEDIA polls on Survey monkey every week. And they PRINT them and they are REQUOTED by other outlets. You still have a rotary phone? Can't accurately poll anymore anyways..

  • [PDF]
    NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking …
    This SurveyMonkey Election Tracking data for the week of January 4, 2016 through January 10, 2016 was ... polls takes into account the margin of sampling error.
  • What are you --- over 80???

No, but I teach math and have a solid education in statistics which tells me YOU do not. Internet polls are about as useful as asking 5 people with Hillary t-shirts on at a Hillary rally who they support for President.

How did they poll people who do not have Internet service? Oops!

The answer is in the methodology. I would suggest you read it and maybe the smell of bullshit will seep into your drug-addled brain.

You should be fired then --- for being old and out of touch and too belligerent to be influencing kids.

Link below gives you the "survey monkey methodology" for their WashPost poll... It is NOT a random Internet poll --- it uses a BALANCED subsample of QUALIFIED registered voters that they have previously vetted. BETTER than random phone calls.

It is NOT a random open poll on the Internet you fool... . And if you have a CELL PHONE --- you have an Internet connection.. Amiright there Gramps???

Washington Post-SurveyMonkey 50 state poll

I read the link and that is why I mentioned the methodology, dumbass. For you under-educated pothead lovers, that link explains in detail how fucked up the poll is! You just don't know what it says because you obviously stopped learning to read about 4th grade.

BTW, I highlighted your error. Many phones do NOT have an Internet connection. That would be especially true in rural areas, where Trump supporters might live.

I am a grandfather, which gives me enough experience to know when someone is talking out of their ass, just as you are!
Of course the media is excited about scandals, and health issues, and birth certificates. And they report NATIONAL polls where only about 6 or 8 out of 40 INCLUDE 3rd parties. So I'm SURE you haven't heard how well Johnson/Weld are actually doing state by state..

Moving on Up...

NEW POLL: Gary Johnson at 15%+ in 15 Different States

Just today, we reached 15% in New Hampshire, bringing us to 15 states where we poll at 15% or higher. We are now 19% or higher in three states, and over 10% in 42 states.

That's one reason why highly respected editorial boards like the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal have endorsed Governors Johnson and Weld and CPD board member Gov. Mitch Daniels says: #LetGaryDebate.
((Bless that guy for NOT being a partisan shill)

"This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor." - Winston-Salem Journal

All that includes HIGHER Youth vote than Trump --- 37% And Statewide as high as 25% in N.Mex and mountain states.

You will NEVER HEAR this on mainstream media,...

Survey Monkey?

Seriously? Look at the methodology of the poll! It is a bogus poll completely corrupted by self-selection bias. It's an internet poll!

Put the joint down and quote some REAL polls!

Yeah seriously.. The public gets MAJOR MEDIA polls on Survey monkey every week. And they PRINT them and they are REQUOTED by other outlets. You still have a rotary phone? Can't accurately poll anymore anyways..

  • [PDF]
    NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking …
    This SurveyMonkey Election Tracking data for the week of January 4, 2016 through January 10, 2016 was ... polls takes into account the margin of sampling error.
  • What are you --- over 80???

No, but I teach math and have a solid education in statistics which tells me YOU do not. Internet polls are about as useful as asking 5 people with Hillary t-shirts on at a Hillary rally who they support for President.

How did they poll people who do not have Internet service? Oops!

The answer is in the methodology. I would suggest you read it and maybe the smell of bullshit will seep into your drug-addled brain.

You should be fired then --- for being old and out of touch and too belligerent to be influencing kids.

Link below gives you the "survey monkey methodology" for their WashPost poll... It is NOT a random Internet poll --- it uses a BALANCED subsample of QUALIFIED registered voters that they have previously vetted. BETTER than random phone calls.

It is NOT a random open poll on the Internet you fool... . And if you have a CELL PHONE --- you have an Internet connection.. Amiright there Gramps???

Washington Post-SurveyMonkey 50 state poll

I read the link and that is why I mentioned the methodology, dumbass. For you under-educated pothead lovers, that link explains in detail how fucked up the poll is! You just don't know what it says because you obviously stopped learning to read about 4th grade.

BTW, I highlighted your error. Many phones do NOT have an Internet connection. That would be especially true in rural areas, where Trump supporters might live.

I am a grandfather, which gives me enough experience to know when someone is talking out of their ass, just as you are!

Not truly convincing at all. Since it was YOU that engaged their ass to speak.. That methodology is SUPERIOR to random phone dialing or even guided phone dialing.. That is why it has become the GO-TO polling for all the networks, several of the biggest newspapers, and other major media outlets.

Times change. Landlines are history. Area codes on phones don't mean SQUAT. For the polling people -- it was innovate or die.. Or go back to standing on the streets..
Anyone voting for Gary Johnson is voting for Gary Johnson.
NO ONE who is not voting for Gary Johnson by this time is voting for Gary Johnson.

When you vote for someone you know can't win you are withholding your vote from someone who has a chance to win.

:bsflag: You vote on principle --- not to win. Charley Sheen thinks he's "winning" too. But that's just hysterically funny.. Voters need to know you have principles and skills. It's up to the voters to waste their votes supporting clowns and bullies that get control of party power with the ONLY goal of "winning". You can end up in the movie "Idiocracy" following your suggestion. Watch it. We're not too damn far from having a President Camacho....

And remember -- half of those folks voting for WINNERS are gonna be big LOSERS on Nov 10th. It shouldn't EVER be about winning if you care about your country and your vote..
Survey Monkey?

Seriously? Look at the methodology of the poll! It is a bogus poll completely corrupted by self-selection bias. It's an internet poll!

Put the joint down and quote some REAL polls!

Yeah seriously.. The public gets MAJOR MEDIA polls on Survey monkey every week. And they PRINT them and they are REQUOTED by other outlets. You still have a rotary phone? Can't accurately poll anymore anyways..

  • [PDF]
    NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking …
    This SurveyMonkey Election Tracking data for the week of January 4, 2016 through January 10, 2016 was ... polls takes into account the margin of sampling error.
  • What are you --- over 80???

No, but I teach math and have a solid education in statistics which tells me YOU do not. Internet polls are about as useful as asking 5 people with Hillary t-shirts on at a Hillary rally who they support for President.

How did they poll people who do not have Internet service? Oops!

The answer is in the methodology. I would suggest you read it and maybe the smell of bullshit will seep into your drug-addled brain.

You should be fired then --- for being old and out of touch and too belligerent to be influencing kids.

Link below gives you the "survey monkey methodology" for their WashPost poll... It is NOT a random Internet poll --- it uses a BALANCED subsample of QUALIFIED registered voters that they have previously vetted. BETTER than random phone calls.

It is NOT a random open poll on the Internet you fool... . And if you have a CELL PHONE --- you have an Internet connection.. Amiright there Gramps???

Washington Post-SurveyMonkey 50 state poll

I read the link and that is why I mentioned the methodology, dumbass. For you under-educated pothead lovers, that link explains in detail how fucked up the poll is! You just don't know what it says because you obviously stopped learning to read about 4th grade.

BTW, I highlighted your error. Many phones do NOT have an Internet connection. That would be especially true in rural areas, where Trump supporters might live.

I am a grandfather, which gives me enough experience to know when someone is talking out of their ass, just as you are!

Not truly convincing at all. Since it was YOU that engaged their ass to speak.. That methodology is SUPERIOR to random phone dialing or even guided phone dialing.. That is why it has become the GO-TO polling for all the networks, several of the biggest newspapers, and other major media outlets.

Times change. Landlines are history. Area codes on phones don't mean SQUAT. For the polling people -- it was innovate or die.. Or go back to standing on the streets..

My God, please go take a laxative! You are so full of shit!

Why don't you address what I said instead of what you think I said? Better yet, have someone with a least a middle school level of reading comprehension explain it to you!

I did not mention landlines, area codes, or most of the other bullshit you claim I have mentioned.

The poll is based on people who have already answered a survey with them before. I have answered questions using Survey Monkey for years. The user designs the questions. They are used a lot by students in graduate school doing research. The point is that the data in this instance is already flawed from the beginning because they only contact people who have answered another of their surveys. That is a guaranteed bias into a system that should be completely random in order to be reliable.

Now, get someone who can actually read to explain that to you, or go back and take some adult education classes so you can get that GED.
Yeah seriously.. The public gets MAJOR MEDIA polls on Survey monkey every week. And they PRINT them and they are REQUOTED by other outlets. You still have a rotary phone? Can't accurately poll anymore anyways..

  • [PDF]
    NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking …
    This SurveyMonkey Election Tracking data for the week of January 4, 2016 through January 10, 2016 was ... polls takes into account the margin of sampling error.
  • What are you --- over 80???

No, but I teach math and have a solid education in statistics which tells me YOU do not. Internet polls are about as useful as asking 5 people with Hillary t-shirts on at a Hillary rally who they support for President.

How did they poll people who do not have Internet service? Oops!

The answer is in the methodology. I would suggest you read it and maybe the smell of bullshit will seep into your drug-addled brain.

You should be fired then --- for being old and out of touch and too belligerent to be influencing kids.

Link below gives you the "survey monkey methodology" for their WashPost poll... It is NOT a random Internet poll --- it uses a BALANCED subsample of QUALIFIED registered voters that they have previously vetted. BETTER than random phone calls.

It is NOT a random open poll on the Internet you fool... . And if you have a CELL PHONE --- you have an Internet connection.. Amiright there Gramps???

Washington Post-SurveyMonkey 50 state poll

I read the link and that is why I mentioned the methodology, dumbass. For you under-educated pothead lovers, that link explains in detail how fucked up the poll is! You just don't know what it says because you obviously stopped learning to read about 4th grade.

BTW, I highlighted your error. Many phones do NOT have an Internet connection. That would be especially true in rural areas, where Trump supporters might live.

I am a grandfather, which gives me enough experience to know when someone is talking out of their ass, just as you are!

Not truly convincing at all. Since it was YOU that engaged their ass to speak.. That methodology is SUPERIOR to random phone dialing or even guided phone dialing.. That is why it has become the GO-TO polling for all the networks, several of the biggest newspapers, and other major media outlets.

Times change. Landlines are history. Area codes on phones don't mean SQUAT. For the polling people -- it was innovate or die.. Or go back to standing on the streets..

My God, please go take a laxative! You are so full of shit!

Why don't you address what I said instead of what you think I said? Better yet, have someone with a least a middle school level of reading comprehension explain it to you!

I did not mention landlines, area codes, or most of the other bullshit you claim I have mentioned.

The poll is based on people who have already answered a survey with them before. I have answered questions using Survey Monkey for years. The user designs the questions. They are used a lot by students in graduate school doing research. The point is that the data in this instance is already flawed from the beginning because they only contact people who have answered another of their surveys. That is a guaranteed bias into a system that should be completely random in order to be reliable.

Now, get someone who can actually read to explain that to you, or go back and take some adult education classes so you can get that GED.

Not how it works at all. No wonder you're confused. They know more about the people that are selected as sample population than any old history type poll,. So they can build a better REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE than the old methods. And being a math teacher -- you should appreciate how accurate and representative your small statistical sample should be if you are using 8 or 10K people to represent America. NOT the same people used in different polls. IN FACT, they can COMPARE several population samples for the same poll and get a better margin of error without all the man-hours of phone time.

Folks enrolled in their database cover all the bases. And that information is VETTED by having multiple looks at parts of their demographics/preferences. It's SCIENCE man.. Not rolodex and phonebook stuff...
No, but I teach math and have a solid education in statistics which tells me YOU do not. Internet polls are about as useful as asking 5 people with Hillary t-shirts on at a Hillary rally who they support for President.

How did they poll people who do not have Internet service? Oops!

The answer is in the methodology. I would suggest you read it and maybe the smell of bullshit will seep into your drug-addled brain.

You should be fired then --- for being old and out of touch and too belligerent to be influencing kids.

Link below gives you the "survey monkey methodology" for their WashPost poll... It is NOT a random Internet poll --- it uses a BALANCED subsample of QUALIFIED registered voters that they have previously vetted. BETTER than random phone calls.

It is NOT a random open poll on the Internet you fool... . And if you have a CELL PHONE --- you have an Internet connection.. Amiright there Gramps???

Washington Post-SurveyMonkey 50 state poll

I read the link and that is why I mentioned the methodology, dumbass. For you under-educated pothead lovers, that link explains in detail how fucked up the poll is! You just don't know what it says because you obviously stopped learning to read about 4th grade.

BTW, I highlighted your error. Many phones do NOT have an Internet connection. That would be especially true in rural areas, where Trump supporters might live.

I am a grandfather, which gives me enough experience to know when someone is talking out of their ass, just as you are!

Not truly convincing at all. Since it was YOU that engaged their ass to speak.. That methodology is SUPERIOR to random phone dialing or even guided phone dialing.. That is why it has become the GO-TO polling for all the networks, several of the biggest newspapers, and other major media outlets.

Times change. Landlines are history. Area codes on phones don't mean SQUAT. For the polling people -- it was innovate or die.. Or go back to standing on the streets..

My God, please go take a laxative! You are so full of shit!

Why don't you address what I said instead of what you think I said? Better yet, have someone with a least a middle school level of reading comprehension explain it to you!

I did not mention landlines, area codes, or most of the other bullshit you claim I have mentioned.

The poll is based on people who have already answered a survey with them before. I have answered questions using Survey Monkey for years. The user designs the questions. They are used a lot by students in graduate school doing research. The point is that the data in this instance is already flawed from the beginning because they only contact people who have answered another of their surveys. That is a guaranteed bias into a system that should be completely random in order to be reliable.

Now, get someone who can actually read to explain that to you, or go back and take some adult education classes so you can get that GED.

Not how it works at all. No wonder you're confused. They know more about the people that are selected as sample population than any old history type poll,. So they can build a better REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE than the old methods. And being a math teacher -- you should appreciate how accurate and representative your small statistical sample should be. NOT the same people used in different polls. IN FACT, they can COMPARE several population samples and get a better margin of error without all the man-hours of phone time.

Folks enrolled in their database cover all the bases. And that information is VETTED by having multiple looks at parts of their demographics/preferences. It's SCIENCE man.. Not rolodex and phonebook stuff...

Well, I guess the laxative didn't work and you are still pulling shit out of your ass by hand. You don't even understand the shit you are posting. I have a graduate degree with extensive coursework in statistics. What do you have? Google, poor reading comprehension and bad math skills?

The only reason I responded to your posts is to stop you from spreading more stupidity to the pothead supporters out there who think Johnson will do anything but finish third in every state he is on the ballot and i doubt he can do that.
But isn't that the point? If he were actually in the debates, and exposed to the low information voter, he might possibly come in first.

Well, the Deep State can't have that, can they now?

Unless the Republicans ran Stalin, and Democrats ran Hitler..... No amount of media exposure to Gary would make any difference at all.

I know people who don't even watch the debates, and automatically vote Republican or Democrats, because "I'm Republican" and "I'm Democrat". Gary doesn't have that, and NEVER will. Never. EVER. At any point.

Unless they run Hitler and Stalin.... He doesn't stand the slightest chance.

They are running 2 retarded arrogant candidates that in a normal cycle -- wouldn't have a chance. Highest negatives in my lifetime. And you're waiting on Stalin and Hitler. Talk about "wasted votes". This election is about nothing more than FEAR and tribal conflict..

All true. So? Still doesn't change the fact that Gary doesn't stand a chance. Unless some insanity happens, Hillary is arrested (finally) and Trump says something insane like "We'll just nuke everyone", Gary doesn't stand a chance.

I think what you MEANT to say was ".... unless some SANITY happens".. :lmao:

Another truth is that the rodents who make up the "party faithful" on both sides are becoming endangered species. The "big middle" is larger than EITHER of their tribes right now. And I don't no miracles or resurrections to reverse that trend. When the "brand loyalties" die -- those 2 corrupt corporate fraternities die. And right now -- MOST ALL the faithful are not voting on "brand loyalty" -- they are voting out of sheer panic.

Soooooooooooooooo... This election cannot be polled. Because it depends on who is motivated to show up and waste a vote on fear and loathing. AND --- that makes it very interesting if America ever catches wind that there are 2 governors on the ballot who are more qualified to be Prez than 1/2 of the past Prez candidates. And less nauseating and arrogant to boot..

The party faithful has existed for over 100 years. You think they are dying out?

I don't think so. In fact, just looking at this forum, suggests that the number of party faithful drastically out number the small faction of those like you.

You get the feeling that there is this dramatic shift, only because you created a thread, that attracts those like you. But this little echo chamber, is an island in the ocean, claiming that so all the pacific will be farm land.

Here ya go Andy. Up to some point in 2015...

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows


As I SAID --- the tribal faithful are in full decline and the "politically homeless" are at all time highs for our lifetime. And the sell orders are in for a faithful party member. No wonder with the huge fractures in BOTH parties and the hijinks in disenfranchising voters and lust for power with NO PERFORMANCE.

And just wait til Gallup does this AFTER the current clusterfuck you call an election. We're BIGGER than either of you demented lemmings. And very very soon --- we'll be bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass war parties.
You should be fired then --- for being old and out of touch and too belligerent to be influencing kids.

Link below gives you the "survey monkey methodology" for their WashPost poll... It is NOT a random Internet poll --- it uses a BALANCED subsample of QUALIFIED registered voters that they have previously vetted. BETTER than random phone calls.

It is NOT a random open poll on the Internet you fool... . And if you have a CELL PHONE --- you have an Internet connection.. Amiright there Gramps???

Washington Post-SurveyMonkey 50 state poll

I read the link and that is why I mentioned the methodology, dumbass. For you under-educated pothead lovers, that link explains in detail how fucked up the poll is! You just don't know what it says because you obviously stopped learning to read about 4th grade.

BTW, I highlighted your error. Many phones do NOT have an Internet connection. That would be especially true in rural areas, where Trump supporters might live.

I am a grandfather, which gives me enough experience to know when someone is talking out of their ass, just as you are!

Not truly convincing at all. Since it was YOU that engaged their ass to speak.. That methodology is SUPERIOR to random phone dialing or even guided phone dialing.. That is why it has become the GO-TO polling for all the networks, several of the biggest newspapers, and other major media outlets.

Times change. Landlines are history. Area codes on phones don't mean SQUAT. For the polling people -- it was innovate or die.. Or go back to standing on the streets..

My God, please go take a laxative! You are so full of shit!

Why don't you address what I said instead of what you think I said? Better yet, have someone with a least a middle school level of reading comprehension explain it to you!

I did not mention landlines, area codes, or most of the other bullshit you claim I have mentioned.

The poll is based on people who have already answered a survey with them before. I have answered questions using Survey Monkey for years. The user designs the questions. They are used a lot by students in graduate school doing research. The point is that the data in this instance is already flawed from the beginning because they only contact people who have answered another of their surveys. That is a guaranteed bias into a system that should be completely random in order to be reliable.

Now, get someone who can actually read to explain that to you, or go back and take some adult education classes so you can get that GED.

Not how it works at all. No wonder you're confused. They know more about the people that are selected as sample population than any old history type poll,. So they can build a better REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE than the old methods. And being a math teacher -- you should appreciate how accurate and representative your small statistical sample should be. NOT the same people used in different polls. IN FACT, they can COMPARE several population samples and get a better margin of error without all the man-hours of phone time.

Folks enrolled in their database cover all the bases. And that information is VETTED by having multiple looks at parts of their demographics/preferences. It's SCIENCE man.. Not rolodex and phonebook stuff...

Well, I guess the laxative didn't work and you are still pulling shit out of your ass by hand. You don't even understand the shit you are posting. I have a graduate degree with extensive coursework in statistics. What do you have? Google, poor reading comprehension and bad math skills?

The only reason I responded to your posts is to stop you from spreading more stupidity to the pothead supporters out there who think Johnson will do anything but finish third in every state he is on the ballot and i doubt he can do that.

I have several degrees in signal and image processing and many papers on stochastic processes in communication channels and pattern recognition. Don't think analyzing a simple polling methodology is a challenge for me... Let's let go of the Monkey and move on.
Unless the Republicans ran Stalin, and Democrats ran Hitler..... No amount of media exposure to Gary would make any difference at all.

I know people who don't even watch the debates, and automatically vote Republican or Democrats, because "I'm Republican" and "I'm Democrat". Gary doesn't have that, and NEVER will. Never. EVER. At any point.

Unless they run Hitler and Stalin.... He doesn't stand the slightest chance.

They are running 2 retarded arrogant candidates that in a normal cycle -- wouldn't have a chance. Highest negatives in my lifetime. And you're waiting on Stalin and Hitler. Talk about "wasted votes". This election is about nothing more than FEAR and tribal conflict..

All true. So? Still doesn't change the fact that Gary doesn't stand a chance. Unless some insanity happens, Hillary is arrested (finally) and Trump says something insane like "We'll just nuke everyone", Gary doesn't stand a chance.

I think what you MEANT to say was ".... unless some SANITY happens".. :lmao:

Another truth is that the rodents who make up the "party faithful" on both sides are becoming endangered species. The "big middle" is larger than EITHER of their tribes right now. And I don't no miracles or resurrections to reverse that trend. When the "brand loyalties" die -- those 2 corrupt corporate fraternities die. And right now -- MOST ALL the faithful are not voting on "brand loyalty" -- they are voting out of sheer panic.

Soooooooooooooooo... This election cannot be polled. Because it depends on who is motivated to show up and waste a vote on fear and loathing. AND --- that makes it very interesting if America ever catches wind that there are 2 governors on the ballot who are more qualified to be Prez than 1/2 of the past Prez candidates. And less nauseating and arrogant to boot..

The party faithful has existed for over 100 years. You think they are dying out?

I don't think so. In fact, just looking at this forum, suggests that the number of party faithful drastically out number the small faction of those like you.

You get the feeling that there is this dramatic shift, only because you created a thread, that attracts those like you. But this little echo chamber, is an island in the ocean, claiming that so all the pacific will be farm land.

Here ya go Andy. Up to some point in 2015...

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows


As I SAID --- the tribal faithful are in full decline and the "politically homeless" are at all time highs for our lifetime. And the sell orders are in for a faithful party member. No wonder with the huge fractures in BOTH parties and the hijinks in disenfranchising voters and lust for power with NO PERFORMANCE.

And just wait til Gallup does this AFTER the current clusterfuck you call an election. We're BIGGER than either of you demented lemmings. And very very soon --- we'll be bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass war parties.

Do you not see that your own graph proves my point?

If the information of this graph was even remotely relevant, then Independents should have won the 92 election, the 96 election, the 2000 election, the 08, and 2012 elections. Not to mention most of the mid-terms, and governors and so on. Today there is only one 3rd party state governor.... Alaska. Yippy.

You are only 3 percentage points higher than you were in 1995. Yet basically you still have a 3rd party, that is in 3rd place, and by such a wide margin, that you are effectively irrelevant.

But hey... if you can win, go for it. If you think you can make a difference for the better... by all means. You are screaming at me, as if I care either way. I don't care.

I'm just calling it, like I see it. This is a non-event. And always will be a non-event. If you can prove me wrong, I'll be the first to admit it. But you have to prove it first. It won't change my life, either way.
They are running 2 retarded arrogant candidates that in a normal cycle -- wouldn't have a chance. Highest negatives in my lifetime. And you're waiting on Stalin and Hitler. Talk about "wasted votes". This election is about nothing more than FEAR and tribal conflict..

All true. So? Still doesn't change the fact that Gary doesn't stand a chance. Unless some insanity happens, Hillary is arrested (finally) and Trump says something insane like "We'll just nuke everyone", Gary doesn't stand a chance.

I think what you MEANT to say was ".... unless some SANITY happens".. :lmao:

Another truth is that the rodents who make up the "party faithful" on both sides are becoming endangered species. The "big middle" is larger than EITHER of their tribes right now. And I don't no miracles or resurrections to reverse that trend. When the "brand loyalties" die -- those 2 corrupt corporate fraternities die. And right now -- MOST ALL the faithful are not voting on "brand loyalty" -- they are voting out of sheer panic.

Soooooooooooooooo... This election cannot be polled. Because it depends on who is motivated to show up and waste a vote on fear and loathing. AND --- that makes it very interesting if America ever catches wind that there are 2 governors on the ballot who are more qualified to be Prez than 1/2 of the past Prez candidates. And less nauseating and arrogant to boot..

The party faithful has existed for over 100 years. You think they are dying out?

I don't think so. In fact, just looking at this forum, suggests that the number of party faithful drastically out number the small faction of those like you.

You get the feeling that there is this dramatic shift, only because you created a thread, that attracts those like you. But this little echo chamber, is an island in the ocean, claiming that so all the pacific will be farm land.

Here ya go Andy. Up to some point in 2015...

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows


As I SAID --- the tribal faithful are in full decline and the "politically homeless" are at all time highs for our lifetime. And the sell orders are in for a faithful party member. No wonder with the huge fractures in BOTH parties and the hijinks in disenfranchising voters and lust for power with NO PERFORMANCE.

And just wait til Gallup does this AFTER the current clusterfuck you call an election. We're BIGGER than either of you demented lemmings. And very very soon --- we'll be bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass war parties.

Do you not see that your own graph proves my point?

If the information of this graph was even remotely relevant, then Independents should have won the 92 election, the 96 election, the 2000 election, the 08, and 2012 elections. Not to mention most of the mid-terms, and governors and so on. Today there is only one 3rd party state governor.... Alaska. Yippy.

You are only 3 percentage points higher than you were in 1995. Yet basically you still have a 3rd party, that is in 3rd place, and by such a wide margin, that you are effectively irrelevant.

But hey... if you can win, go for it. If you think you can make a difference for the better... by all means. You are screaming at me, as if I care either way. I don't care.

I'm just calling it, like I see it. This is a non-event. And always will be a non-event. If you can prove me wrong, I'll be the first to admit it. But you have to prove it first. It won't change my life, either way.

Don't get your reasoning. There IS NO Independent party. An Independent candidate can be a crank ONE ISSUE moron, a nazi, a communist or any attention seeking populist like Perot. Saying Indies should have won all these contests shows that you view Independents as some kind of movement or party. It's NOT. It's the camp where America's politically homeless live. And they MIGHT or might NOT be thrilled about candidate that gets on the ballot LABELED as an Indie. Those are 2 different things. No connection between them.

It's the people totally FED UP with the other 2 choices. Worse than fed up -- they are often pissed off. And the group include all 3rd party supporters as well who have resigned from the 2 party system.

And what is this BS about the LParty only being "3 percentage higher than in 1995"? WhereTF does that come from given the current Johnson/Weld polling?

If "you don't care" either you found some meaningful sane and competent candidate that you like --- good for you. Why are you here?
All true. So? Still doesn't change the fact that Gary doesn't stand a chance. Unless some insanity happens, Hillary is arrested (finally) and Trump says something insane like "We'll just nuke everyone", Gary doesn't stand a chance.

I think what you MEANT to say was ".... unless some SANITY happens".. :lmao:

Another truth is that the rodents who make up the "party faithful" on both sides are becoming endangered species. The "big middle" is larger than EITHER of their tribes right now. And I don't no miracles or resurrections to reverse that trend. When the "brand loyalties" die -- those 2 corrupt corporate fraternities die. And right now -- MOST ALL the faithful are not voting on "brand loyalty" -- they are voting out of sheer panic.

Soooooooooooooooo... This election cannot be polled. Because it depends on who is motivated to show up and waste a vote on fear and loathing. AND --- that makes it very interesting if America ever catches wind that there are 2 governors on the ballot who are more qualified to be Prez than 1/2 of the past Prez candidates. And less nauseating and arrogant to boot..

The party faithful has existed for over 100 years. You think they are dying out?

I don't think so. In fact, just looking at this forum, suggests that the number of party faithful drastically out number the small faction of those like you.

You get the feeling that there is this dramatic shift, only because you created a thread, that attracts those like you. But this little echo chamber, is an island in the ocean, claiming that so all the pacific will be farm land.

Here ya go Andy. Up to some point in 2015...

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows


As I SAID --- the tribal faithful are in full decline and the "politically homeless" are at all time highs for our lifetime. And the sell orders are in for a faithful party member. No wonder with the huge fractures in BOTH parties and the hijinks in disenfranchising voters and lust for power with NO PERFORMANCE.

And just wait til Gallup does this AFTER the current clusterfuck you call an election. We're BIGGER than either of you demented lemmings. And very very soon --- we'll be bigger than BOTH of your sorry ass war parties.

Do you not see that your own graph proves my point?

If the information of this graph was even remotely relevant, then Independents should have won the 92 election, the 96 election, the 2000 election, the 08, and 2012 elections. Not to mention most of the mid-terms, and governors and so on. Today there is only one 3rd party state governor.... Alaska. Yippy.

You are only 3 percentage points higher than you were in 1995. Yet basically you still have a 3rd party, that is in 3rd place, and by such a wide margin, that you are effectively irrelevant.

But hey... if you can win, go for it. If you think you can make a difference for the better... by all means. You are screaming at me, as if I care either way. I don't care.

I'm just calling it, like I see it. This is a non-event. And always will be a non-event. If you can prove me wrong, I'll be the first to admit it. But you have to prove it first. It won't change my life, either way.

Don't get your reasoning. There IS NO Independent party. An Independent candidate can be a crank ONE ISSUE moron, a nazi, a communist or any attention seeking populist like Perot. Saying Indies should have won all these contests shows that you view Independents as some kind of movement or party. It's NOT. It's the camp where America's politically homeless live. And they MIGHT or might NOT be thrilled about candidate that gets on the ballot LABELED as an Indie. Those are 2 different things. No connection between them.

It's the people totally FED UP with the other 2 choices. Worse than fed up -- they are often pissed off. And the group include all 3rd party supporters as well who have resigned from the 2 party system.

And what is this BS about the LParty only being "3 percentage higher than in 1995"? WhereTF does that come from given the current Johnson/Weld polling?

If "you don't care" either you found some meaningful sane and competent candidate that you like --- good for you. Why are you here?

I'm here to simply say my opinion. That's what an open forum is for. lol. Why is anyone here? Are the rest of you earning money somehow? Paid by the hour to post? Let me know so I can apply for the job.

People are often pissed off about many things. In the UK, they are pissed off to, and they have many options, not just two parties. Same in Germany, and many other countries.

People who identify as independent, doesn't mean they don't vote Republican or Democrat.

There are people on this forum, which claim to be independent, even have a name that says independent, and yet... they are completely left-wing, or completely right-wing. There is nothing independent about them.

You are right, I confused independent with libertarian. Doesn't matter to my point. The fact that such and such percentage of voters identified as independent, didn't change the outcomes in the elections. Not even remotely.

It's hard to say that if Ross Perot had not run for office, if that would have made any difference in the election results. Bush wasn't popular after he jacked up taxes, when he made that a specific promise to not do. While it's clear Perot stole more votes from Bush, than Clinton, it would be difficult to claim with certainty that Bush would not have lost anyway.... after all, his lack of popularity is exactly why Perot stole his votes the most.

Point being...... the 3rd parties still.... have never had any real effect. And I stand by my claim, they likely never will.

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