Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2000

Lol, building around here is like it was in the nineties, I don't care who says it. The economy is booming again! Thanks Trump!
This is still the Obama economy, and you're welcome.
No, Obama's economy never had a GDP over 3%. He did turn full time jobs into part time jobs. I do give him credit for that. Oh and he did tell all of American business owners. You didn't build that. Lol, you're a fool.
They didn't build the roads and bridges. They were busy trying to make a business go. And the fool is the one who gives credit for an economy that's been in recovery for eight years to the guy not even a year in office after the last GOP guy fucked it into the ground.
They paid the taxes that paid to build everything. The fool is the one who thinks Obama wanted a good economy. Also educate yourself on the reason the economy went sour. Then maybe you can keep and up, and quit looking ignorant.
Lies won't help you.

View attachment 158408
Oh a chart, lol. What caused that dip? Oh and both parties are at fault. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass.
But what is the real story , the complete story behind middle - income workers wages, compared to the price index.
1. The cost of inequality to middle-class households
The cost of unequal growth to middle-income households
Figure 1
The U.S. middle class had $17,867 less income in 2007 because of the growth of inequality since 1979Household income of the broad middle class, actual and projected assuming no growth in inequality, 1979–2011

$ 61,542.17 $ 61,542.17
1980/01/01 $ 59,460.37 $ 59,579.37
1981/01/01 $ 59,210.54 $ 59,456.53
1982/01/01 $ 58,036.98 $ 59,071.83
1983/01/01 $ 57,202.97 $ 59,479.82
1984/01/01 $ 60,446.87 $ 62,779.71
1985/01/01 $ 60,428.61 $ 63,811.15
1986/01/01 $ 62,282.04 $ 68,495.45
1987/01/01 $ 61,406.97 $ 66,243.89
1988/01/01 $ 62,294.60 $ 69,102.25
1989/01/01 $ 63,153.24 $ 69,773.54
1990/01/01 $ 63,356.58 $ 69,050.00
1991/01/01 $ 62,372.76 $ 67,405.82
1992/01/01 $ 62,736.36 $ 69,303.97
1993/01/01 $ 63,537.30 $ 69,703.89
1994/01/01 $ 63,937.79 $ 70,532.26
1995/01/01 $ 65,895.09 $ 73,271.98
1996/01/01 $ 66,618.03 $ 75,655.23
1997/01/01 $ 67,717.28 $ 78,559.19
1998/01/01 $ 70,025.47 $ 82,314.50
1999/01/01 $ 71,827.31 $ 85,754.07
2000/01/01 $ 71,685.32 $ 87,083.66
2001/01/01 $ 71,738.64 $ 82,561.12
2002/01/01 $ 70,107.92 $ 79,126.24
2003/01/01 $ 70,232.82 $ 80,397.74
2004/01/01 $ 72,563.23 $ 85,031.93
2005/01/01 $ 73,700.24 $ 89,259.28
2006/01/01 $ 74,417.13 $ 91,994.00
2007/01/01 $ 76,442.90 $ 94,310.00
2008/01/01 $ 73,539.98 $ 86,971.41
2009/01/01 $ 72,708.64 $ 82,490.43
2010/01/01 $ 72,875.68 $ 84,737.13
2011/01/01 $ 72,036.33 $ 83,665.79


Note: Data show average income of households in the middle three-fifths.

Source: EPI analysis of Congressional Budget Office data

Reproduced from Figure I in Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge
2. Wage trends of the last three decades
The gap between the growth of productivity and that of a typical worker’s pay
Figure 3
When it comes to the pace of annual pay increases, the top 1% wage grew 138% since 1979, while wages for the bottom 90% grew 15%Cumulative change in real annual wages, by wage group, 1979–2013
Figure 4
Middle-class wages are stagnant—Middle-wage workers’ hourly wage is up 6% since 1979, low-wage workers’ wages are down 5%, while those with very high wages saw a 41% increase

see more at

Much more pertinent information at the URL site.

So total story is...............more work less income.
Nice job

700,000 Americans left the workforce in October

The Labor Participation rate is a disaster..........Trump economy is a disgrace

U.S. unemployment drops to lowest in 17 years
From the same link:

Still, the overall picture is very good -- although getting to this point after the financial crisis has been a crawl, economists point out.

"You can look it at as a marathon or a sprint. Other expansions were more like a sprint. This is a marathon," says Robert Frick, chief economist at the Navy Federal Credit Union. Another way to put it: "The party can go on for a lot longer. It's just not a wild party."

Thank you President Trump! After years of a sluggish Obama economy, things are finally moving!

700,000 left the workforce and Trump only added 261,000

You do the math
From the same link:

Still, the overall picture is very good -- although getting to this point after the financial crisis has been a crawl, economists point out.

"You can look it at as a marathon or a sprint. Other expansions were more like a sprint. This is a marathon," says Robert Frick, chief economist at the Navy Federal Credit Union. Another way to put it: "The party can go on for a lot longer. It's just not a wild party."

Thank you President Trump! After years of a sluggish Obama economy, things are finally moving! :)
Trump adding a few burger flipping jobs is nothing to celebrate

Why haven't wages been increasing if the Trump economy is so good?
Man, Trump's incredible 4.1% Unemployment Rate sure is makin the Hater-Bots very cranky. Lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000? Dang son, Trump is killin it. The more he rolls, the more they hate. I love it. :dance:
I thought the numbers were faked by the Obama admin. Hmm...I guess not so much.
No, according to the formula his administration used, his numbers were 'what they were'. Using that same formula, Trump's numbers are much better. :p

Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2000

We said they were accurate, people like you and Trump said it was a lie.
I still don't buy it because it does not take into account the number of people who simply gave up trying to find a job. Even if you do take that into account, compared to Obama's Unemployment rate using the same formula, Trump's economy is STILL better.

No matter how you slice it, take both unemployment records using the exact same formula - no matter what that formula is, and Trump has the better economy.

Lower Unemployment Rate.
Fewer People On Food Stamps.
Fewer People on Welfare.
Stock Market Up Higher.
Snowflake Butt-Hurt Higher.

I still don't buy it because it does not take into account the number of people who simply gave up trying to find a job.

Oh, you mean workforce participation?
It is unchanged.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
I thought the numbers were faked by the Obama admin. Hmm...I guess not so much.
No, according to the formula his administration used, his numbers were 'what they were'. Using that same formula, Trump's numbers are much better. :p

Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2000


The same formula you called "doctored" less than a year. lol
The same formula you called "doctored" less than a year. lol
So are you saying Obama lied his ass off during his term by using a false formula, or are you saying snowflakes are lying now by trying to hold Trump to a different standard? :p
Man, Trump's incredible 4.1% Unemployment Rate sure is makin the Hater-Bots very cranky. Lowest Unemployment Rate since 2000? Dang son, Trump is killin it. The more he rolls, the more they hate. I love it. :dance:

LOL, this is what 'Trump's' UE numbers are getting him:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Aw, poor baby. Trump's incredible 4.1% Unemployment Rate makin ya cranky? I think someone needs their diaper changed, and a nap. :)
The same formula you called "doctored" less than a year. lol
So are you saying Obama lied his ass off during his term by using a false formula, or are you saying snowflakes are lying now by trying to hold Trump to a different standard? :p

Ah, don't bother. This incredible number is driving the Hater-Bots crazy. They're just flailing. Right now they're glued to their Democrat Fake News, in the hopes they'll be fed some bullshit talking-points to use. The more Trump rolls, the more they hate. It is what it is.
Oh, you mean workforce participation? It is unchanged.
But according to Obama and snowflakes that has nothing to do with figuring out the unemployment rate...remember? :p

According to you it sure did.

2. 4.6 unemployment rate....sounds great, especially when you don't count the 94 million Americans not wrking /in the work force and NOT all being to old to work.

Barry doctors his unemployment numbers as much as he doctored his Stimulus bill's "# of jobs created / saved".


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