Trump, Dictator for Life!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Those of you who either know me, or have an ear for sarcasm, will know that my posts suggesting that Trump "cancel the election until Coronavirus is completely eradicated" are intentionally provocative.

I do not support suspending the Constitution for any reason. You give up a right, you never get it back.

My point is to get our Socialist democrat Progressives to understand that when you support a dictatorial form of government. You never get to pick the Dictator.

You WANT a Federal government of unlimited power? What happens when you get Trump, or someone who views YOU as a threat?
Agent provocateur piker.....:cool:

Come gather round people ,wherever you roam
And admit your GubMit around you has grown
And accept it soon or be picked to the bone
For the times they are a changin’

Come pundits and critics, and you partisan hacks
They all want your votes, but don’t have your backs
And don’t speak too soon for the media’s skewed spin
For there’s no telling who they’re blaming
For the loser is us, if you let them win
For the times they are a changin’

Come senators ,congressmen who patronize all
You give us the crumbs while your lobbyists take all
You make all the rules, yet abide none at all
And the middle class battle is ragin’
May fate shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a changin’

Come mothers and fathers all out through the land
Don’t stand on old times as if it were the plan
Your sons and your daughters need now take a stand
And the old road is rapidly aging
Please take the new road, and do lend a hand

For the times they are a changin’

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Dylan
Those of you who either know me, or have an ear for sarcasm, will know that my posts suggesting that Trump "cancel the election until Coronavirus is completely eradicated" are intentionally provocative.

I do not support suspending the Constitution for any reason. You give up a right, you never get it back.

My point is to get our Socialist democrat Progressives to understand that when you support a dictatorial form of government. You never get to pick the Dictator.

You WANT a Federal government of unlimited power? What happens when you get Trump, or someone who views YOU as a threat?

This is how thye will finally control us and make us do everythin we never wanted to. Again they are using this virus to cause another " lost right" during this bs virus claim they make. Yet it kills etc but it is not anywhere near the point the US putting American unders.....

(ETH) – Health officials have just warned Americans that they should prepare for the worst days ahead, with coronavirus infections in hard-hit New York, Detroit, and New Orleans expected to peak this week. According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, The world’s newly reported cases of the virus have jumped by more than 100,000 in a day for the first time, reaching a staggering 1.2 million infected people globally.

They want more and more and more


Have you noticed the fake news screaming that we need a NATIONAL lock-down?

If Trump did that they would all be calling him a
Why is this "argument" never presented when a Democrat is the WH?....Obama undermined our Constitution more than any other president in our history.....yet nary a peep.
what gets me is people dont realize that both dems and repubes are on the left in this country and both are for a bigger centralized federal government and both piss on the constitution regularly,,,

and sorry it was republicans that undermined the constitution the most with the patriot act that pretty much threw out all of the bill of rights in one swoop,,,
Why is this "argument" never presented when a Democrat is the WH?....Obama undermined our Constitution more than any other president in our history.....yet nary a peep.
what gets me is people dont realize that both dems and repubes are on the left in this country and both are for a bigger centralized federal government and both piss on the constitution regularly,,,

and sorry it was republicans that undermined the constitution the most with the patriot act that pretty much threw out all of the bill of rights in one swoop,,,
Eh, the Patriot Act expired. Some portions were restored in 2015 with the USA Freedom Act...Again,while Obama was at the wheel. And oh by the way ,the biggest infringement on individual liberties was the giant healthcare bill that forced Americans to buy from private entities,aka, the Affordable Care Act,aka Obamacare.I believe that one tops them all.And I might add the SCOTUS deemed it a tax which is NOT a function of the court,that is the job of the House......should I go on?
No you zombie tards , u are selling out AAmerican rights you idiots who fear and want govl to be your daddy gawd dam grwo up you pussies.
Other wise we live like this attorney is telling you!! She tells you asses how it is WAKE UP.


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