It will be hard for another Trump to happen again.

What is behind the conditioned government-issued pathological hatred of Donald Trump that blinds so many people? Trump is no consumate diplomat that speaks in measured terms, that is plain. But with all the information available at the the click of a mouse today anyone can see that consumate diplomats and professional politics gave us the Gulf War, the Arab spring, the Iraq War, and 911.

Washington loves war and Trump threatened that money maker for crooked politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in DC that masquerade as different viewpoints. Many have figured out like the priest in the 1973 movie The Exorcist, that there is only one multi-faced Devil and that Devil is Washington. The people grew sick of buisnesss as usual in Washington which is why Trump prevailed in 2016. Trump's election was a repudiation of the evil that Washington had become. But evil can be powerful and deceitful, and fools will fall into line willingly as fear and ignorance come knocking. It's not the "good" evil that is bad, it's the whistle blower exposing the evil that is the "real" evil! Yes, that's it, Trump is the "bad" evil!

We want to keep the "good" evil cause that's the Devil we know! Slick politicians telling us that war is a good thing is what we want to keep because that is the goose that lays the golden eggs. If our kids die from opoids that is a good thing because you have to sacrifice something to keep those war eggs coming. Trump does not favor war because war is destructive and imposes economic hardship on the economies of the weakest in society. Our country was founded on the notion that the weakest can have a vote and change things if they do not agree with the direction things are going. That's how Trump got the White House.

But Washington evil is clever. It corrupted the whole voting process with mail-in ballots to take that away. It blinded people to ignore this just as it is blinding them to ignore open borders that are importing new voters to throw a wrench into the gears of actual honest elections and get the outcome Washington wants. You have to be blind not to see this. This is being done specifically so another Trump will never happen again.

After they stole that last election people got poorer and sicker. Some who benefit from the status quo don't care. The media in the city I grew up in is firmly in the corner of DEI which is a Mussolini-like distraction to keep the people blind. After they took out Trump the wars came back like gangbusters. Ukraine, Israel, and now Iran. The country is leaderless and rudderless which is what Washington wants. The last chance we have is to put Trump back and even that may be too late. I am sorry you are blind.

I am not.

What a crock of shit.
What is behind the conditioned government-issued pathological hatred of Donald Trump that blinds so many people? Trump is no consumate diplomat that speaks in measured terms, that is plain. But with all the information available at the the click of a mouse today anyone can see that consumate diplomats and professional politics gave us the Gulf War, the Arab spring, the Iraq War, and 911.

Washington loves war and Trump threatened that money maker for crooked politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in DC that masquerade as different viewpoints. Many have figured out like the priest in the 1973 movie The Exorcist, that there is only one multi-faced Devil and that Devil is Washington. The people grew sick of buisnesss as usual in Washington which is why Trump prevailed in 2016. Trump's election was a repudiation of the evil that Washington had become. But evil can be powerful and deceitful, and fools will fall into line willingly as fear and ignorance come knocking. It's not the "good" evil that is bad, it's the whistle blower exposing the evil that is the "real" evil! Yes, that's it, Trump is the "bad" evil!

We want to keep the "good" evil cause that's the Devil we know! Slick politicians telling us that war is a good thing is what we want to keep because that is the goose that lays the golden eggs. If our kids die from opoids that is a good thing because you have to sacrifice something to keep those war eggs coming. Trump does not favor war because war is destructive and imposes economic hardship on the economies of the weakest in society. Our country was founded on the notion that the weakest can have a vote and change things if they do not agree with the direction things are going. That's how Trump got the White House.

But Washington evil is clever. It corrupted the whole voting process with mail-in ballots to take that away. It blinded people to ignore this just as it is blinding them to ignore open borders that are importing new voters to throw a wrench into the gears of actual honest elections and get the outcome Washington wants. You have to be blind not to see this. This is being done specifically so another Trump will never happen again.

After they stole that last election people got poorer and sicker. Some who benefit from the status quo don't care. The media in the city I grew up in is firmly in the corner of DEI which is a Mussolini-like distraction to keep the people blind. After they took out Trump the wars came back like gangbusters. Ukraine, Israel, and now Iran. The country is leaderless and rudderless which is what Washington wants. The last chance we have is to put Trump back and even that may be too late. I am sorry you are blind.

I am not.
Winner. The sheep are too busy, at the mall, taking their credit card out of their fanny pack, and buying sneakers with lights in them, to have any clue about what the uniparty has done. Mail in voting is the death of this republic - it's a license to stuff the ballot box.
Wow, too bad nobody believes you.

Lets hear your explanation on how the Democrats lost seats in the House if they stole the election. It would seem that if there was wide-spread cheating, the Dems would have gained seats, not lost them.

Your move. :heehee::heehee::heehee:
It’s okay Raynine, no trump supporter has ever been able to explain how the GOP gained seats while alleging massive voter fraud.

But it doesn’t stop you guys from digging that grave over and over again so I don’t feel sorry for you.
Winner. The sheep are too busy, at the mall, taking their credit card out of their fanny pack, and buying sneakers with lights in them, to have any clue about what the uniparty has done. Mail in voting is the death of this republic - it's a license to stuff the ballot box.
Meanwhile back in reality... about 10% of the states have been doing nothing but mail in voting for several election cycles. No sizable voter fraud has ever been found there either.

Try again loser.
Meanwhile back in reality... about 10% of the states have been doing nothing but mail in voting for several election cycles. No sizable voter fraud has ever been found there either.

Try again loser.
Garbage, lefty. Just because mail in voting "has been done for a long time" doesn't mean it's a fair system! And regarding "sizable" voter fraud:
A) Why is there ANY voter fraud tolerated?
B) Ever hear of the fox watching the henhouse? Figure it out.

You people are stone cold liars. You could have videotape of someone stuff the ballot box with votes (oh wait - we do) - and you would still deny it.
Garbage, lefty. Just because mail in voting "has been done for a long time" doesn't mean it's a fair system!
Sure it does.
And regarding "sizable" voter fraud:
A) Why is there ANY voter fraud tolerated?
Every election has some measure of fraud. Most of it innocent. There is a good chance you’ve done it yourself without knowing it.
B) Ever hear of the fox watching the henhouse? Figure it out.
Maybe on your planet foxes and hens vote. Not here on earth.
You people are stone cold liars.
No. We’re fact driven. You have no facts so all you have are suspicious, paranoia, and flaccid genitals.
You could have videotape of someone stuff the ballot box with votes (oh wait - we do) - and you would still deny it.
You have no such thing. As has been proven by every court challenge, every audit, and that every state certified their election.

But since I like watching you make a fool of yourself, Seymour Flops and Raynine can’t explain how the GOP gained seats in the 2020 election during all of this mythic voter fraud. Do you care to take a swing at it?
Sure it does.

Every election has some measure of fraud. Most of it innocent. There is a good chance you’ve done it yourself without knowing it.

Maybe on your planet foxes and hens vote. Not here on earth.

No. We’re fact driven. You have no facts so all you have are suspicious, paranoia, and flaccid genitals.

You have no such thing. As has been proven by every court challenge, every audit, and that every state certified their election.

But since I like watching you make a fool of yourself, Seymour Flops and Raynine can’t explain how the GOP gained seats in the 2020 election during all of this mythic voter fraud. Do you care to take a swing at i

Sure it does.

Every election has some measure of fraud. Most of it innocent. There is a good chance you’ve done it yourself without knowing it.

Maybe on your planet foxes and hens vote. Not here on earth.

No. We’re fact driven. You have no facts so all you have are suspicious, paranoia, and flaccid genitals.

You have no such thing. As has been proven by every court challenge, every audit, and that every state certified their election.

But since I like watching you make a fool of yourself, Seymour Flops and Raynine can’t explain how the GOP gained seats in the 2020 election during all of this mythic voter fraud. Do you care to take a swing at it?
Yeah, not hard to figure out at all, lefty. The democrats were able to rig the system where they needed to. Big blue cities in swing states. PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ. They weren't able to do it everywhere because they couldn't do it everywhere. They concentrated their efforts where they had to, places like Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix. The democrats won all of the places they had to win.

Who decided to stop the counting, simultaneously in the middle of the night, in all of the close states?
Yeah, not hard to figure out at all, lefty. The democrats were able to rig the system where they needed to. Big blue cities in swing states. PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ. They weren't able to do it everywhere because they couldn't do it everywhere.
Really? Why not? All they had to do was switch votes in the voting machines....what stopped them from doing that?

You do believe the voting machines were rigged right? Or are the machines suddenly perfectly sound all of the sudden?

So which is it???? Were the machines hacked or not? If they were hacked...why didn’t the democrats hack enough of the contests to give them a super majority in the Senate and a larger cushion in the House?

Let me, you’ll completely disavow any of the voting machines being hacked or misprogrammed or anything else since it doesn’t fit into the latest conspiracy theory.

You’re so easy.

They concentrated their efforts where they had to, places like Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix. The democrats won all of the places they had to win.
And amazingly the GOP picked up seats in Michigan....

Oooooh a swing and a miss there.
Who decided to stop the counting, simultaneously in the middle of the night, in all of the close states?
Nobody. Since it didn’t happen.
Republican warmongers seem to be hysterical with rage about Biden not being Bibi's puppet.

Is Bibi working with Russia to aid Trump and the other enemies of the USA?
LOL. While Trump was president the dems were often saying that Trump would lead us into wars and couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes. Ever since Biden has been president there have been more and more wars and we are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been. Your words ring hollow to the truth.
Never before has so many words been used to say so little so often.

Just say Trump is a victim...that is what every pro Trump post devolves into. Kudos for resisting the urge to say “deep state”...howeve “Washington evil” is much more lame.

Nothing was stolen from the blob. The voters didn’t like 4 years of complete chaos and hate.
Without election theft the party of millionaires that like to fuck kids would disappear. But nobody has been hung, or dragged though the streets, so it's just going to keep happening. Steal elections, use the stolen power to lock up your opponents, rinse, lather, repeat.

And you end up with a bed-shitting shut-in like this drooling at you...

View attachment 932042
Here's shit gibbon Trump being wheeled off to Otisville:


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LOL. While Trump was president the dems were often saying that Trump would lead us into wars and couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes. Ever since Biden has been president there have been more and more wars and we are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been. Your words ring hollow to the truth.
Trump tossed the Obama/Biden terrorists appeasement doctrine into the trash, that's what triggered them. Now here we are, Trump proven correct once again. The so called experts in Washington, the so called professional politicians and state department has multiple failures and wars piling up.
It won't happen for one reason and that is the fact that Trump ran as a economic democratic socialist in 2016 in the same vine of FDR and Theodore Roosevelt. He campaigned as someone that wanted to stop the offshoring of jobs and companies to china, india and the third world and bring them back to america. This made the center and even many people in unions give him a chance over clinton. The problem with assholes like Trump is Biden has taken the batton and is bringing back millions of jobs in industry and promoting real economic policies that favor the growth of our middle class.

We now know that he is an enemy of the people and is a heartless piece of shit that is destructive to this country. This is why he was defeated in 20202 and will be defeated again this year.
Trump tossed the Obama/Biden terrorists appeasement doctrine into the trash, that's what triggered them. Now here we are, Trump proven correct once again. The so called experts in Washington, the so called professional politicians and state department has multiple failures and wars piling up.
Yup. Trump quit sending aid to Hamas and Biden resumed it, with the money being spent on military infrastructure and the OCT 7th attack.
Trump is too senile to have any foreign policy. Check out his rally speech. The man should be in a retirement home.

He's just trying to stay out of jail now.
Trump evinces no sign of dementia-----Biden does---Trump is afflicted with HOOF IN MOUTH disease----the differential diagnosis can be confusing
It won't happen for one reason and that is the fact that Trump ran as a economic democratic socialist in 2016 in the same vine of FDR and Theodore Roosevelt. He campaigned as someone that wanted to stop the offshoring of jobs and companies to china, india and the third world and bring them back to america. This made the center and even many people in unions give him a chance over clinton. The problem with assholes like Trump is Biden has taken the batton and is bringing back millions of jobs in industry and promoting real economic policies that favor the growth of our middle class.

We now know that he is an enemy of the people and is a heartless piece of shit that is destructive to this country. This is why he was defeated in 20202 and will be defeated again this year.
Check out spell check and see if you can get into a remedial English program. Trump's policies have, actually, been consistent. He is
consistently PRO-AMERICAN and fair-minded.

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