TRAINWRECK: Ratings Are in for Jan. 6 Committee Carnival Show

Why do you care what matters to me or why would you think I would need to explain it? Anyway, you're grammar suggests inner-city schooling
I’m just a really caring person. If you can’t explain yourself that’s ok I still love and disrespect you.
11 million tuned in. Nice. So what’s the problem?
That’s an extremely small viewing percentage and number based on other major political broadcasts.
Surely you consider your witch hunt as Major but the public has less interest than nightly news or routine TV shows and reruns
Just 3.24 million people watched the network’s “Capitol Assault Hearings” coverage Thursday night, according to the TV Ratings Guide. Exactly one week prior, 3.86 million people tuned in to CBS to watch a Young Sheldon rerun, meaning an old episode of the coming-of-age sitcom garnered roughly 600,000 more viewers than the inaugural hearing.

That is from the OP. It is specific to CBS. And I got to tell you, CBS is usually last when it comes to news broadcast.

A little more than 20 million people watched the televised hearings of the House of Representatives’ January 6 committee Thursday night

Is 20 million more than 3.86 million? I mean seriously, how do you idiots not drown in a rainstorm?
It’s very very very unlikely Apple dumpling that just 3.3 million watched on CBS yet a staggering 17 million watched elsewhere.
That’s an extremely small viewing percentage and number based on other major political broadcasts.
Surely you consider your witch hunt as Major but the public has less interest than nightly news or routine TV shows and reruns
What political broadcasts are you comparing it to?
And 16 million tuned in for this years Oscars ceremony. Bill Clinton drew 66.9 million viewers one month into office as he gave an address to a joint session of Congress. The most viewers of any presidential address EVER.

If not for the hysteria over guns and abortion, the Dims would be looking at an historic walloping this November. One like no midterms EVER!!
The Dims have no clue how sick to fucking death most Americans are about all this "woke" GARBAGE! They would get their little asses absolutely demolished this November!!!

The only thing that is going to save them from an utter catastrophe is Roe getting overturned, and mass shootings.
As it is, they are most likely going to lose both the House and Senate, but boy oh boy are they lucky that they have at least two things they can fight their GOP opponents on.
As many have said, Americans are happy swamp creatures were afraid and now with everything going down the toilet everyone wants to take that fear to the next level.

“‘Context: The evening newscasts on CBS, NBC & ABC average anywhere from 18 to 20 million viewers combined on a typical night,’ Concha explained. ‘Those newscasts do not air in primetime. The January 6 hearings airing in primetime Thursday took in just 11+ million viewers on those three same networks.’ According toNewsbusters, ‘evening newscast audiences on any given night last week were 1.6 times larger than the total number of broadcast viewers who tuned into the hearings on Thursday.’ Of course, one of the issues is that it wasn’t ‘new’; most people have seen most of it and it’s from a year-and-a-half ago. Not to mention that many don’t view it as a legitimate committee, but as a political show trial.”

Oh look, another paid liar fools the most gullible liar on USMB.

The ratings for the hearings do not include streaming platforms, where those nightly news shows are not shown. But on which the hearings are shown.

And with this simple sleight of hand, every gullible cultist from here to DC can be easily fooled.
Pelosi made it an illegitimate committee from the start when she did not allow the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to choose his members.
This turned the hearing into just another one of Pelosi's crazy conspiracy smear campaigns.
Only hardcore left wing fanatics are buying this load of BS.
Pelosi has made a spectacle of herself with her ultra partisan tactics.
History will not be kind to her.

The rules were, each leader has the right to reject two of the opposing party. The two that Pelosi rejected were the ones that disrupts all the other panels. McCarthy threw a temper tamptrum and pulled all the GOP support. The two Republicans left are not prone to disrupt. So it wasn't Pelosis decision, it was McCarthy.

As for history, it's being written right now. Enjoy the ride.
It’s very very very unlikely Apple dumpling that just 3.3 million watched on CBS yet a staggering 17 million watched elsewhere.
What? I mean you guys really are dumber than a box of rocks.

ABC 5.2 million
MSNBC 4.3 million
NBC 3.7 million

Then there is FBN, CNBC, PBS, NBC LX, Newsmax, and Newsnation.

All documented within this thread, but then again, it's the Trump creed. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Maybe not, but this thread is a glaring case in point as to why you and your fellow Trump supporters are such dumbasses. Some yahoo reads an article from Red State that claims low viewership for the hearings, at 20 million viewers. It demonstrates that by making a couple of false comparisons. First, that the nightly news from the networks has more viewers. Well duh uh, of course it would. I mean you can watch the nightly news, or you can watch a rerun of a Friends episode you have already seen 15 times. Then the article points out that ABC had more viewers for a rerun of Shelton. But did Shelton broadcast on half a dozen networks? No. Now many of those Shelton viewers were watching CNN or C-span?

At 20 million viewers the hearings had more viewers than the Oscars and Trump's acceptance speech during the Republican convention. Did Redstate post an article about how piss poor the viewership was for Trump's acceptance speech? Did they point out that Biden had more viewers for his acceptance speech?

The problem here is that so-called news sites, like Redstate, are misleading you. And that is on you, not them. You cannot continue to patronize these propaganda sites. FOX news is no different, in fact, they are the poster boy for the practice. Why do you think so many journalists leave that organization? MSNBC is no better, I am willing to admit that. CNN is an improvement, but only slightly, still bias. I like ABC. But I like NPR so much better. The Economist, the Guardian, Washington Post and New York Times, there is some real journalism.

Look, we shouldn't need a hearing to understand that Trump violated his oath of office. "Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution". Trump did not do that, in fact, he did everything in his power to subvert the Constitution in order to remain in office. He should be put on trial for treason, period. The hell with any hearings.

Wake the fawk up. I mean your continued support of this moron, and your continued reliance on obviously propaganda bullshit sites, is freakin DANGEROUS. Not only to our own republic, but to the world at large. In Brazil, at this very moment, Bolsonaro is already laying the groundwork to contest an election he is destined to lose, just like Trump. He is using the same tactics, the same words, to set that in motion. Had this nation condemned Trump from the getgo, put his ass on trial from the very beginning, Bolsonaro would not even be considering that action. But who the hell am I kidding, you probably can't even point Brazil out on a map.
You sure are angry that people are allowed to disagree with you.

Tough shit, boy.
Pelosi made it an illegitimate committee from the start when she did not allow the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to choose his members.
I'll go over it again, try to keep up.

Two successful bipartisan Impeachments, only to be denied removal from office by the partisan 40+ (R) senators.

Since this has been played out TWICE, no way that Jordan and Banks, who would have only obstructed, were going to be obstructing again.

Jordan and Banks are free to present their own 'alternative e facts' to the public on their time.

No one is going to be charges or convicted by these hearings.
No one (Banks or Jordan) are going to obstruct these hearings.

You understand yet?
More people watched Young Sheldon on ABC. But three times the number of people that watched Young Sheldon watched the hearings. Why do I need to tell you this? Have you no critical thinking skills?
You don't want me to have critical thinking skills. You want me to swallow without question or hesitation Democrat propaganda.

The majority of America doesn't give a shit about your show trial. The majority of America is tired of Democrat bullshit.

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