Trump team orchestrated 'fake electors' to try to overturn election, Jan. 6 committee details


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I've heard reference to "fake electors" in passing from time to time but had no knowledge of what had really occured.

60 Minutes is currently airing on TV and they did a segment on this topic which I find particularly interesting in light of the events of the last few days. Of course I'm referring to the conviction of the former U.S. president Donald J. Trump and the subsequent outrage in response.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.
During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.
"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.
The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.
But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.
The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.
Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.
"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."
And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.
"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."
When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.
"I thought, this is tragic parody," he testified at Thursday's hearing. Bowers also alleged that Giuliani acknowledged the absence of evidence for Trump's claims of election fraud.
Continued at the hyperlink below


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How many felony counts will Trump get from the Stalinists for this one? 50? 100?
One for every fake elector.

How many years for fake electors, 4?

Trump should have put spies in the Biden Adm to rat him out every time he got on the phone......Just like Obama did.

Maybe a conservative LtCol Vindman in the communications office spying on all of the phone calls.
I've heard reference to "fake electors" in passing from time to time but had no knowledge of what had really occured.

60 Minutes is currently airing on TV and they did a segment on this topic which I find particularly interesting in light of the events of the last few days. Of course I'm referring to the conviction of the former U.S. president Donald J. Trump and the subsequent outrage in response.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.
During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.
"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.
The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.
But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.
The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.
Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.
"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."
And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.
"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."
When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.
"I thought, this is tragic parody," he testified at Thursday's hearing. Bowers also alleged that Giuliani acknowledged the absence of evidence for Trump's claims of election fraud.
Continued at the hyperlink below
They don't care as they just want to win by any means. What Trump tried to do is fairly obvious but some just stick their head in the sand. and shake that ass.
I've heard reference to "fake electors" in passing from time to time but had no knowledge of what had really occured.

60 Minutes is currently airing on TV and they did a segment on this topic which I find particularly interesting in light of the events of the last few days. Of course I'm referring to the conviction of the former U.S. president Donald J. Trump and the subsequent outrage in response.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.
During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.
"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.
The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.
But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.
The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.
Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.
"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."
And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.
"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."
When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.
"I thought, this is tragic parody," he testified at Thursday's hearing. Bowers also alleged that Giuliani acknowledged the absence of evidence for Trump's claims of election fraud.
Continued at the hyperlink below
June 27, 2021 post

In a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Thursday, Pence decried the attack, which was fueled by Trump's repeated lie that the 2020 election was "stolen" from him.

“Truth is, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president," Pence said.

He went on to add that he would "always be proud" that he fulfilled his obligation to approve the certification of President Joe Biden's election win.

credit where credit is due: thank you Mr. Pence
I've heard reference to "fake electors" in passing from time to time but had no knowledge of what had really occured.

60 Minutes is currently airing on TV and they did a segment on this topic which I find particularly interesting in light of the events of the last few days. Of course I'm referring to the conviction of the former U.S. president Donald J. Trump and the subsequent outrage in response.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.
During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.
"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.
The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.
But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.
The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.
Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.
"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."
And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.
"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."
When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.
"I thought, this is tragic parody," he testified at Thursday's hearing. Bowers also alleged that Giuliani acknowledged the absence of evidence for Trump's claims of election fraud.
Continued at the hyperlink below

And now the accusations of Thought Crimes.

Goodbye, America. I guess we had a good run.
June 27, 2021 post

In a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Thursday, Pence decried the attack, which was fueled by Trump's repeated lie that the 2020 election was "stolen" from him.

“Truth is, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president," Pence said.

He went on to add that he would "always be proud" that he fulfilled his obligation to approve the certification of President Joe Biden's election win.

credit where credit is due: thank you Mr. Pence

A very small percentage of those in politics would have done what he did.
I've heard reference to "fake electors" in passing from time to time but had no knowledge of what had really occured.

60 Minutes is currently airing on TV and they did a segment on this topic which I find particularly interesting in light of the events of the last few days. Of course I'm referring to the conviction of the former U.S. president Donald J. Trump and the subsequent outrage in response.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.
During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.
"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.
The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.
But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.
The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.
Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.
"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."
And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.
"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."
When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.
"I thought, this is tragic parody," he testified at Thursday's hearing. Bowers also alleged that Giuliani acknowledged the absence of evidence for Trump's claims of election fraud.
Continued at the hyperlink below
“Fake electors” is another made up MSM catch phrase. Just like “Hush money” when NDA’s are perfectly legal.

They were alternate electors in case a challenge to the election results would get overturned. JFK did it. Nothing illegal about it.
I've heard reference to "fake electors" in passing from time to time but had no knowledge of what had really occured.

60 Minutes is currently airing on TV and they did a segment on this topic which I find particularly interesting in light of the events of the last few days. Of course I'm referring to the conviction of the former U.S. president Donald J. Trump and the subsequent outrage in response.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.
During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.
"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.
The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.
But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.
Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said in recorded testimony that the White House counsel's office advised Meadows, Giuliani and others that the plan was not legally sound. And two Trump campaign lawyers, Justin Clark and Matt Morgan, testified that they were uncomfortable with the idea of tapping fake electors.
The tactical details of the effort, according to evidence presented Tuesday, included a clandestine plot for fake electors to sleep overnight in the Michigan Capitol, the involvement of members of Congress, and a Trump campaign request for false Wisconsin certification documents to be flown across state lines to Washington in time for the Jan. 6 count.
Laura Cox, former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, testified in a video clip that a person affiliated with the Trump campaign told her about the sleepover stratagem.
"He told me that the Michigan Republican electors were planning to meet in the Capitol and hide overnight so that they could fulfill the role of casting their vote per law in the Michigan chambers," she said. "And I told him in no uncertain terms that was insane and inappropriate."
And a Wisconsin Republican complained in a text message about the Trump campaign's Jan. 4, 2021, search for a plane to carry false certification documents.
"Freaking Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the senate President [Pence]," Mark Jefferson, the executive director of the Wisconsin GOP, wrote. "They're going to call one of us to tell us just what the hell is going on."
When Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Trump supporter who rebuffed Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani's entreaties to switch electors in his state, learned that fake electors had met, he was shocked.
"I thought, this is tragic parody," he testified at Thursday's hearing. Bowers also alleged that Giuliani acknowledged the absence of evidence for Trump's claims of election fraud.
Continued at the hyperlink below
And this isn’t an isolated incident concerning solely the 2020 election; Trump remains an ongoing threat to democracy – one of countless reasons why Trump is unfit to be president.
And now the accusations of Thought Crimes.

Goodbye, America. I guess we had a good run.
In the year 2024, there is so much electronic data generated by our everyday activities that I don't understand why people would think that things cannot be proven or why they would commit certain crimes knowing the electronic trail it creates and leaves behind.

I'm not sure why you referred to this as a "thought" crime but they interviewed a young lady who was tasked with flying to DC and personally delivering some of those fake votes if I understood the news story correctly. This is the story I watched so you don't have to take my word for it, you can watch it yourself:

Watch 60 Minutes Season 56 Episode 36: 6/2/2024: Fake Electors; A Prisoner of Iran; Rich Paul - Full show on CBS
“Fake electors” is another made up MSM catch phrase. Just like “Hush money” when NDA’s are perfectly legal.

They were alternate electors in case a challenge to the election results would get overturned. JFK did it. Nothing illegal about it.
But the results were not overturned, at least not in Wisconsin, correct?
“Fake electors” is another made up MSM catch phrase. Just like “Hush money” when NDA’s are perfectly legal.

They were alternate electors in case a challenge to the election results would get overturned. JFK did it. Nothing illegal about it.
Agreed. Alternate electors are a long standing tradition in American politics.

Leftards are completely full of shit.
They were alternate electors in case a challenge to the election results would get overturned. JFK did it. Nothing illegal about it.
No. Some swore they were certified electors, not alternate electors. Falsely affirming in a federal election? I would have thought that to be illegal.
Some were not so stupid as to do that.
I'm pretty sure none of the people who were not stupid enough to leave out the contingent nature of their claimed electoral position have been charged.
And now the accusations of Thought Crimes.

Goodbye, America. I guess we had a good run.
Not really. The accusation is. Forging electoral college votes and conspiring to get them accepted as real. Instead of the duly certified actual electoral college votes.

In other words election fraud on a statewide level in multiple states. As opposed to a simple claim that fraud occurred.

And unlike those claims. This accusation is completely documented, and not actually disputed in any of it's particulars.

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