Time to pressure the unvaccinated


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!
Why the fuck would we pressure the unvaccinated? They may be right. How about we stick to the science, considering there is such a thing in todays political world.
There will be plenty of venues that exercise their choice of not requiring "papers" to go to their business. Just like the man who is prohibiting any person that has been vaccinated from being served at his restaurant. DeBlasio wants a law. Will the new Mayor? Vote the fascist bastards out of office. While you can.
It is absolutely a person's right to refuse vaccination, and our regulations have to preserve bodily autonomy. But it is not a person's fundamental right to go to the club or eat inside at the restaurant of their choice, if their doing so poses a health risk to those around them.

That sums up the debate well.

The problem is, both sides of the partisan death match see government as a means of forcing their will on everyone else. Democrats in NYC are mandating the vaccination passports, while Florida Man DeSantis is mandating the opposite. Fuck mandates. We can figure this shit out ourselves.

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!
Personal freedom will have to suffer? So there is a limit to personal freedom you tolerate, but it's not abortion?
Good grief you're an idiot, idiot!

Amazing how those who want people "pressured" always want someone else to do the pressuring. Maybe they aren't as suicidal as they sound.

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!
I have a much better idea! It's past time the sheep are free to roam. Time to lock them up and to hell with the protesting vaccinated bleaters. Our lives are at stake, along with our rights as Americans and our presonal freedom will no longer have to suffer. It's way past time.

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!
Time to execute any tyrant who even suggests a vaccine passport and ANYONE who supports them.


It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!

It's our personal freedoms that are suffering because of these Darwinian mistakes of nature. France has already started doing just that. You don't get vaccinated, it's you that gets to be inconvenienced, not everybody else. So you get to sit your ass at home with no job, and not be allowed into any public venue.

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!
And when the USSC slaps those passports down as unconstitutional what will you say?
It's our personal freedoms that are suffering because of these Darwinian mistakes of nature. France has already started doing just that. You don't get vaccinated, it's you that gets to be inconvenienced, not everybody else. So you get to sit your ass at home with no job, and not be allowed into any public venue.
We’re not France!

It's past time to institute vaccine passports and to hell with protesting unvaccinated. Lives are at stake and "personal freedom" will just have to suffer. It's past time!


"No Shot, No Freedom." ...you should move on to the next step....put yellow stars on the unvaccinated......then ship them off to camps....

It's our personal freedoms that are suffering because of these Darwinian mistakes of nature. France has already started doing just that. You don't get vaccinated, it's you that gets to be inconvenienced, not everybody else. So you get to sit your ass at home with no job, and not be allowed into any public venue.
We see how that's going down in France. French police clash with anti-virus pass protesters in Paris.

Sure, it's easy to sit down at your little keyboard and issue all sorts of threats you have no power to
enforce, like a big brave man (when everyone knows you're nothing but a pathetic troll with erectile
dysfunction likely).

But in the REAL world of laws and Constitutional guarantees let"s see you just start nullifying and invalidating
the US Constitution. And I say that as someone who has been vaccinated.
It was MY decision to get the vaccine. No one forced me to.
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