More Arkansas Kids Are Getting COVID-19, And They Are Getting Sicker


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

Didn't you get the right wing's all an overblown hoax.
The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

Yep, the virus is mutating because the shit fior brains adults won't get vaccinated. So we will have this problem for the forseeable future. Covid is now part of our everyday lives, when it could have been stamped down in just a year.
A giant pile of lies from the Zionist left.

Nobody is sick.

The test is a fraud.

This is another leftwing fascist attempt to shut America down over lies used to generate fear.

Dump the fear.

Ignore the lies except identify the Covid liars for what they are

The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

And the vaccine is not approved for anyone under 12 years of age, so what do we do now?

Wait, the virus is nothing to worry about and all my yelling at you about your stupidity is unwarranted to you, but now you are worried about those damn kids?

You only care about them because they are in a red state and are using them for your political hate for the right!
Yep, the virus is mutating because the shit fior brains adults won't get vaccinated. So we will have this problem for the forseeable future. Covid is now part of our everyday lives, when it could have been stamped down in just a year.
The Delta variant is attacking vaccinated and unvaccinated so not even with the current vaccine and 100% vaccine would it stop virus variations. Also considering there are over 7 billion people in the world and less than a billion have vaccinated you will still have variants. I expected you to be more honest than this.
A giant pile of lies from the Zionist left.

Nobody is sick.

The test is a fraud.

This is another leftwing fascist attempt to shut America down over lies used to generate fear.

Dump the fear.

Ignore the lies except identify the Covid liars for what they are


Joking, right?
Yep, the virus is mutating because the shit fior brains adults won't get vaccinated. So we will have this problem for the forseeable future. Covid is now part of our everyday lives, when it could have been stamped down in just a year.
I think, even if everybody gets vaccinated in this country, the virus will continue to mutate. We have indeed reach a new paradigm, humanity and Covid-19 and it's mutated offspring. It is going to be like the yearly flue shot covering the most active variants of the year.
^^^ To me, there is always the chance that one vaccination after another will be thought of once certain people think that what is already out there isn't enough anymore.

God bless you always!!!

The delta variant has changed most things we knew with the virus.

One is that kids won't be harmed or get the virus.

So a small number of young adults are catching what is basically a mild flu?

We need CovidScam Martial Law™ dammit!!!
Only Arkansas kids? Statistics say that more people die after being vaccinated than Arkansas kids who come down with symptoms similar to the flu.

The kids and the athletes are the same, tested "positive" and never develop symptoms.... They were never sick.

We do know kids are dying from the faux vax....
I think it's a prescription for disaster.
Right, and now the governor is sorry he signed the mask law.

"In hindsight, I wish that it had not become law. But it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation," he said at a Tuesday news conference.
Right, and now the governor is sorry he signed the mask law.

"In hindsight, I wish that it had not become law. But it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation," he said at a Tuesday news conference.

Yes he did. I saw that video.

The stupidity and selfishness of the trump people is disgusting and causing a lot of people to suffer and die.
Yes he did. I saw that video.

The stupidity and selfishness of the trump people is disgusting and causing a lot of people to suffer and die.
Yes, stupidity and selfishness for many trump people. But I think the problem is scarier than simple stupidity. They have been seriously gaslighted which is a mild word for brainwashed.

They join the ranks of scientologists, those who firmly believe the moon landings were fake, the earth is 6000 years old, Democrats who ate babies, Jim Jones and his Kool-Aid, flat-earthers, etc.

Even with intelligent people the human brain has an ingrained intellectual "defect" where beliefs short circuit the logic centers, so logical arguments simply don't work.

These ideas of foibles of the brain are covered in a great book,
The Believing Brain by Michael Shermer.


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