Three times they denied God: New GOP advertisement

It was a terrible mistake for the democrats to lie and say they had the vote reinstating God into the democratic platform. We finally had a view into the window of the depraved democratic soullessness. After years, they showed why they were for abortion, for the normalization of homosexuality, for all of the ugliness they have supported for so many years. We saw where it came from. Then they lied about it.
Yeah, which 19th century asshole is that, anyway?

Frankly, Religion, spirituality, it's all the same font of bullshit.

about as rational as believing in a lucky Rabbit's foot.

And yet you cannot prove any of that shit rolling out of your pie hole.

Funny how idiots like you confuse preference with reason.

The thing is, the burden of proof isn't on me, it's on believers...

If you are going to insist on changing the law because your Friend in the Sky says so, I think it's kind of on you to prove you HAVE a friend in the sky, isn't it?
Here is the way I see it, first we had a majority who run this nation with God included into everything that it was being run on as a platform, and back when we had these kinds of platforms, what was the crime rates or the poverty rates etc.? Then along comes a few who didn't like the nation the way it was being run by a majority who believed in God and still do, and for which had suited that majority perfectly, to try and disrupt or destroy it for their own selfish ends. The people who believe in God and live as mostly within themselves decent Christian lives, were willing to give a little space to those who didnot want to be amongst the majority, even though the majority believed and still believe in the ways that they did and still do, and thus this is where all the problems began when this space began to be given up. Soon they will be trying to heard the Christians into a smaller and smaller coral, thus to prepare them and their children for the final slaughter.

Ever heard of the old saying that "if one would have known what they should have known way back when about these things now", then these situations or problems we are having wouldnot exist in America today? Especially in and amongst the majority the way that it is now going on in America, and for which is now under siege by all of this these days. These problems are still small in comparison to the bigger issues, but they are as a thorn in this nations side unto this very day.

Luckily people are Christians, because if they weren't, and were heavily opposed to many of these situations or people these days, then they would be wiped from the face of this earth already, but Christians are a good people, and don't do these kinds of things to be in response to in this nation. They just use the voting booths, but even that is becoming (or) has become a heavily rigged game against them anymore, and yet they only want their ownselves and their children left alone in a nation for which they still control parts of as a solid majority in those parts.
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It was a terrible mistake for the democrats to lie and say they had the vote reinstating God into the democratic platform. We finally had a view into the window of the depraved democratic soullessness. After years, they showed why they were for abortion, for the normalization of homosexuality, for all of the ugliness they have supported for so many years. We saw where it came from. Then they lied about it.

if he turns out to be may.....just sayin...

As though HE is the only option.


Such a silly thing to say.

If God were female, we would have global earthquakes, meteorshowers, and Solar flares that bake the Earth every thirty days or so.

But since we know that beer tastes so good, football is played on Sunday and women look so much better than men, He is obviously a He.

God is both genders actually
Guy, the best thing I ever did in my life was reject religion. I didn't feel guilty about shit I never should have felt guilty about, I didn't have to worry about following a lot of stupid rules and I didn't have to keep making excuses for phonies and hypocrites...
That is religion not spirituality but since you do not care to bother to know the difference you miss out on the benefit of it, but as they say you will never miss what you never had....and I am not a guy. I just have that picture posted for a specific reason which I will not bother to get into

Yeah, which 19th century asshole is that, anyway?

Frankly, Religion, spirituality, it's all the same font of bullshit.

about as rational as believing in a lucky Rabbit's foot.
The man in the picture is John brown. And no religion and spirituality are not the same but you do not bother to educate yourself on the difference and thats just means that you will miss out on the benefits. Your choice.
The situation that we witnessed with the Democrats denying the Lord three times reminds me of Peter.

And Christ's prophecy. Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”

Here's the ad:

Three Times. - YouTube

Feel free to behave like this is something that a theocratic society would punish....maybe some hints of heresy and the Spanish Inquisition for good measure....
The situation that we witnessed with the Democrats denying the Lord three times reminds me of Peter.

And Christ's prophecy. Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”

Here's the ad:

Three Times. - YouTube

Feel free to behave like this is something that a theocratic society would punish....maybe some hints of heresy and the Spanish Inquisition for good measure....

So now it is theocratic to observe an event and its similarities to a sciptural event?

Have you Christ Haters stepped your game up so soon already?
As though HE is the only option.


Such a silly thing to say.

If God were female, we would have global earthquakes, meteorshowers, and Solar flares that bake the Earth every thirty days or so.

But since we know that beer tastes so good, football is played on Sunday and women look so much better than men, He is obviously a He.

God is both genders actually

Then why do the Prophets consistently refer to Him as 'He'?

Of course, that might be nothing more than why the Spanish have a gender for every object, but I think it goes well beyond that.
That is religion not spirituality but since you do not care to bother to know the difference you miss out on the benefit of it, but as they say you will never miss what you never had....and I am not a guy. I just have that picture posted for a specific reason which I will not bother to get into

Yeah, which 19th century asshole is that, anyway?

Frankly, Religion, spirituality, it's all the same font of bullshit.

about as rational as believing in a lucky Rabbit's foot.
The man in the picture is John brown. And no religion and spirituality are not the same but you do not bother to educate yourself on the difference and thats just means that you will miss out on the benefits. Your choice.

What does Joe care for further knowledge when he knows everything that is really important already?

/just kidding, mostly
Such a silly thing to say.

If God were female, we would have global earthquakes, meteorshowers, and Solar flares that bake the Earth every thirty days or so.

But since we know that beer tastes so good, football is played on Sunday and women look so much better than men, He is obviously a He.

God is both genders actually

Then why do the Prophets consistently refer to Him as 'He'?

Of course, that might be nothing more than why the Spanish have a gender for every object, but I think it goes well beyond that.
Well people do not understand that "man" referrs to species group just like elephant or bird or lizard etc referrs to both male and female. Much in the bible has been misinterpreted.
I think most Americans realize that modern Republicans (not decent ones like Ike and even Reagan) have nothing to do with what Jesus was talking about. So, no, this is bullshit and everyone will see it as such. ...

Yes, because people who dont believe in Jesus Christ are the biggest experts on the subject of Christianity....right.

Fuck off.


Well said Jim..........
That is religion not spirituality but since you do not care to bother to know the difference you miss out on the benefit of it, but as they say you will never miss what you never had....and I am not a guy. I just have that picture posted for a specific reason which I will not bother to get into

Yeah, which 19th century asshole is that, anyway?

Frankly, Religion, spirituality, it's all the same font of bullshit.

about as rational as believing in a lucky Rabbit's foot.

And yet you cannot prove any of that shit rolling out of your pie hole.

Funny how idiots like you confuse preference with reason.

In a way I agree with you. I would prefer that religion hadn't singlehandedly accomplished world overpopulation lying about birth control and at the other extreme destroying several civilizations in the name of the lord. That is the reason those who's peoples that have been wronged by you should attack you and slit your throats at every opportunity. Thanks to you and your churches policy there are more of them than there are of you. I'm thinking of going into the knife manufacturing business. :lol:
God is both genders actually

Then why do the Prophets consistently refer to Him as 'He'?

Of course, that might be nothing more than why the Spanish have a gender for every object, but I think it goes well beyond that.
Well people do not understand that "man" referrs to species group just like elephant or bird or lizard etc referrs to both male and female. Much in the bible has been misinterpreted.

I think people today are far to quick to attribute meanings to misinterpretation when it is merely the culture of our time that is filtering things askew.

Gender denotes more than who has a dick and who does not.
In a way I agree with you.

OK, NOW I am in trouble.

I would prefer that religion hadn't singlehandedly accomplished world overpopulation lying about birth control

That is bullshit. The reduction of infant mortality rates and the incrase in efficiency of food production and energy had far more to do with population growth than lack of birth control.

You would know that if you would bother to get your facts PRIOR to casting your opinions in iron.

and at the other extreme destroying several civilizations in the name of the lord.

Which ones that did not deserve to be destroyed?

That is the reason those who's peoples that have been wronged by you should attack you and slit your throats at every opportunity.

Wronged? For what? Giving them more advanced technology? Improving their health by improving their nutrition and life styles? Ridding them of their oppressors like the Aztecs and Thuggees?

Again, you demonstrate what an ignorant jack ass you are.

Thanks to you and your churches policy there are more of them than there are of you. I'm thinking of going into the knife manufacturing business. :lol:

More of them than us?

Now you cant even read a fucking count. We are the bigest faith, not any other.

Again, our problem is that for too long we have been presumptive, but the rise of Christ hating fools like you is about to solve that problem for us.

I wonder if using the term "fuck off" is considered Godly.

If it is, hell, I'm in!


Again, there is no reason for it to not be considered Godly.

The word 'fuck' derives from the German language Fuck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In England, the nobility who were descended from French normans who were in turn descended from Viking raiders, wanted to encourage the use of terms that came from French instead of the native English which was Germanic. This was a form of subjugation for English speaking people and one of the reasons that English is one of the few languages I know of whos spelling revision in the modern era was more intended to show etymological roots than to obey logical rules for spelling as in Latin and Spanish.

This is why the word 'vulgar' which means 'common' became an insult, though the Catholic church called one of its earliest translations of the Bible the 'Vulgate' meaning Common as in translated into the common language.

The same is true of the word villain, which originally meant simply villager and is now a pejorative because it is the opposite of noble.

So the word fuck is vulgar, true, but I see no reason why it should offend God any more than the word intercourse when used to describe an activity that He created and described Himself as 'good'.

So when I suggest someone fuck off, I am simply suggesting that they go do something that they might find more enjoyable and have more talent for than posting bullshit here on the internet. And Jesus would suggest people put their talents where they may better serve them, right?

So see, it can be entirely Godly.
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In a way I agree with you.

OK, NOW I am in trouble.

I would prefer that religion hadn't singlehandedly accomplished world overpopulation lying about birth control

That is bullshit. The reduction of infant mortality rates and the incrase in efficiency of food production and energy had far more to do with population growth than lack of birth control.

You would know that if you would bother to get your facts PRIOR to casting your opinions in iron.

Which ones that did not deserve to be destroyed?

That is the reason those who's peoples that have been wronged by you should attack you and slit your throats at every opportunity.

Wronged? For what? Giving them more advanced technology? Improving their health by improving their nutrition and life styles? Ridding them of their oppressors like the Aztecs and Thuggees?

Again, you demonstrate what an ignorant jack ass you are.

Thanks to you and your churches policy there are more of them than there are of you. I'm thinking of going into the knife manufacturing business. :lol:

More of them than us?

Now you cant even read a fucking count. We are the bigest faith, not any other.

Again, our problem is that for too long we have been presumptive, but the rise of Christ hating fools like you is about to solve that problem for us.

You lie on so many levels to yourself and others it is hard to know where to start attempting to show you how aggregiously fucked up your mind is.

I'll go with the birth control... Birth control starts before the unwanted or unneeded pregnancies occur dolt. Think about it.
You lie on so many levels to yourself and others it is hard to know where to start attempting to show you how aggregiously fucked up your mind is.

Again, you make an unwarranted/unsupported assertion.

The more you make such assertions the more you demonstrate that I am not the one with a fucked up mind, dumbass.

I'll go with the birth control... Birth control starts before the unwanted or unneeded pregnancies occur dolt. Think about it.

LOL, of course they start BEFORE the pregnancies, ROFLMMFAO!

What I stated is known to be valid. Prior to the last century or so, no one used birth control for the most part, but the populations grew slowly untill we developed a more scientific approach to medicine and began to reduce infant mortality rates.

Thain about that, dumbass. Most children died way before adulthood and when they stopped dying in such large proportions the populations EXPLODED. It did not have jack shit to do with birth control you ignoramus.

Again, please go fuck off.

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