This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is what happens when the federal government steps outside of its constitutional authority. Waste. Fraud. Abuse. Ineptitude. Corruption.
The reason it was not more publicized is probably because the whole thing is a farce. The species did not recover—it never was endangered in the first place. When the Fish and Wildlife Service added this plant to the endangered species list in 1984, the agency reported it could only find about 1,000 of them in a few southern Texas counties, and that there was concern about “grazing pressure” on the hapless plant.

But surveys conducted after 1984 found a wealth of Johnston’s frankenia—over 4 million by one account and over 9 million by another—enough that biologists probably quit trying to guess.

The Fish and Wildlife Service hailed the “recovery” of the plant, saying, “The threats to this species have been eliminated or reduced to the point that the species has recovered … ”

That sounds a lot like a doctor claiming his patient is cured after realizing a terminal diagnosis was totally wrong.
So it took them 30 years and $670,000 of tax payers money for them to acknowledge they were "fixing" a problem that never existed.

This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News
This is what happens when the federal government steps outside of its constitutional authority. Waste. Fraud. Abuse. Ineptitude. Corruption.
The reason it was not more publicized is probably because the whole thing is a farce. The species did not recover—it never was endangered in the first place. When the Fish and Wildlife Service added this plant to the endangered species list in 1984, the agency reported it could only find about 1,000 of them in a few southern Texas counties, and that there was concern about “grazing pressure” on the hapless plant.

But surveys conducted after 1984 found a wealth of Johnston’s frankenia—over 4 million by one account and over 9 million by another—enough that biologists probably quit trying to guess.

The Fish and Wildlife Service hailed the “recovery” of the plant, saying, “The threats to this species have been eliminated or reduced to the point that the species has recovered … ”

That sounds a lot like a doctor claiming his patient is cured after realizing a terminal diagnosis was totally wrong.
So it took them 30 years and $670,000 of tax payers money for them to acknowledge they were "fixing" a problem that never existed.

This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News
/----/ And Libtards who whine about the National Debt when a Republican is in the White House didn't utter one word of protest to this waste and incompetence.
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This is what happens when the federal government steps outside of its constitutional authority. Waste. Fraud. Abuse. Ineptitude. Corruption.
The reason it was not more publicized is probably because the whole thing is a farce. The species did not recover—it never was endangered in the first place. When the Fish and Wildlife Service added this plant to the endangered species list in 1984, the agency reported it could only find about 1,000 of them in a few southern Texas counties, and that there was concern about “grazing pressure” on the hapless plant.

But surveys conducted after 1984 found a wealth of Johnston’s frankenia—over 4 million by one account and over 9 million by another—enough that biologists probably quit trying to guess.

The Fish and Wildlife Service hailed the “recovery” of the plant, saying, “The threats to this species have been eliminated or reduced to the point that the species has recovered … ”

That sounds a lot like a doctor claiming his patient is cured after realizing a terminal diagnosis was totally wrong.
So it took them 30 years and $670,000 of tax payers money for them to acknowledge they were "fixing" a problem that never existed.

This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News
/----/ And Libtards who whine about the National Debt when a Republican is in the White House do utter one word of protest to this waste and incompetence.
The national debt is handled by Congress, more specifically the House..Not the White House, all they do is make a proposal...
/----/ And Libtards who whine about the National Debt when a Republican is in the White House didn't utter one word of protest to this waste and incompetence.
The federal government doesn't even have the authority to "save" plants - much less one's that don't even need saving. This is an outrage which is the direct result of the idiotic "unlimited power" ideology of progressives. It is why everything they do ends in failure.

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