Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Like 16, the Left got Trump elected. They’re doing it again. Thank you Leftists!

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Read it all from VDH.

Like 16, the Left got Trump elected. They’re doing it again. Thank you Leftists!

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Read it all from VDH.

This is not looking good. God I'm glad I'm well to do or better off than most. It's like I'm about to get mugged and I know it. About to get fucked over. This must be what liberal Germans felt in 1935 when they warned people but they could not see it. Today the Not sees are back. Wow! And with support of the blacks, hispanics, arabs, jews, ukrainian Americans, etc. Wow!

There is still time and polls don't mean shit. You have no idea who's showing up to vote. Lots of 18 year olds who like abortion. What about the recent losses Republicans have had in red states? Last year, 2022 election. You're leading in polls meanwhile we're winning elections. But I am worried. Good! That will get out the vote.
This is not looking good. God I'm glad I'm well to do or better off than most. It's like I'm about to get mugged and I know it. About to get fucked over. This must be what liberal Germans felt in 1935 when they warned people but they could not see it. Today the Not sees are back. Wow! And with support of the blacks, hispanics, arabs, jews, ukrainian Americans, etc. Wow!

There is still time and polls don't mean shit. You have no idea who's showing up to vote. Lots of 18 year olds who like abortion. What about the recent losses Republicans have had in red states? Last year, 2022 election. You're leading in polls meanwhile we're winning elections. But I am worried. Good! That will get out the vote.
Today the Not sees are back.

Not Sees on both sides of the ballot.

Doesn't matter who wins, America loses.
Not Sees on both sides of the ballot.

Doesn't matter who wins, America loses.

I don't think so. Unemployment is low, stock market is up and we are not in a recession. Seems like the Clinton years to me. We just need blue collar workers wages to go up. But the feds are raising interest rates to slow that down. With boomers retiring, promotion and job openings are coming or already here. Go out and get a better job. Unions scored big last year. That will help blue collar wages go up.
Imagine all the crimes Trump will commit unafraid he will ever get charged.

Let me remind you why he fired Rex Tillerson. Trump got sick of Rex telling him "you can't do that it's illegal".
Thats an unintended consequence of the lawfare campaign waged against trump and MAGAs by the Deep State and the democrat party since 2016

Like the Man said, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword

Whatever new power the president has thanks to trump’s defense of himself and recent supreme court decisions will be there for the next president, no matter which party the president is from
Thats an unintended consequence of the lawfare campaign waged against trump and MAGAs by the Deep State and the democrat party since 2016

Like the Man said, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword

Whatever new power the president has thanks to trump’s defense of himself and supreme court decisions will be there for the next president, no matter which party the president is from

Isn't is crazy how wildly different things turn out if we vote for a Republican or Democrat?

For example remember we voted for Bush over Gore because Republicans said Gore wouldn't be a good president? Same thing they said about Bill Clinton.

And people voted for Bush because things were good and they figured how bad could Bush fuck things up. Literally they voted for Bush over Gore because they felt like they could more see themselves having a beer with Bush. Remember that? People got spoiled and didn't realize how great Clinton was and that they should have given Gore 4 years.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Instead they voted for Bush

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
I don't think so. Unemployment is low, stock market is up and we are not in a recession. Seems like the Clinton years to me. We just need blue collar workers wages to go up. But the feds are raising interest rates to slow that down. With boomers retiring, promotion and job openings are coming or already here. Go out and get a better job. Unions scored big last year. That will help blue collar wages go up.
Go out and get a better job.
not may jobs out there for a 74 y/o with COPD
Virginia starts in-person voting on Sept. 20, 2024......It's not your granddad's election cycle anymore.

It's what you leftist dems wanted so don't blame anyone but yourselves if you are not ready in time.
Trump has an EXCELLENT chance of winning Virginia, particularly with Youngkin helping to get out the vote in the areas that are NOT NoVa.
Was there when Trump was president?

I think Trump wants to cut medicare and social security. Socialist ponzi schemes. May have to cut your benefits 25%. Vote for Trump
no intention of voting for Trump OR Biden.

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