When Asked to Denounce Antifa, Gov. Terry McAuliffe Denounces Violence on Many Sides


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't make this stuff up, folks! No matter how appalled you are at Democrat hypocrisy, they always manage to top themselves.

President Donald Trump triggered an avalanche of criticism for his handling of the deadly violence by far-right white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier in August.

Demonstrator Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed through a march in protest of the “Unite the Right” nationalist gathering in Charlottesville. The vehicle was allegedly driven by James Alex Fields Jr., who is now being charged with second-degree murder and is the subject of an FBI civil rights investigation.

Trump received political blowback for not calling out white supremacy by name immediately after the incident. Trump also received criticism for saying there was violence on “many sides” during the incident. In the preceding days after the initial demonstrations, Trump has condemned violence on both the right and the left directly, calling out “white nationalists” in a statement and the far-left extremist group “antifa” at a rally in Phoenix.

Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascist,” is a group that is prone to use violent fascist tactics for its political ends. Antifa has a long-recorded and established history of violence against police and private citizens. In the wake of Charlottesville, dozens of far-left protesters have been arrested for violent behavior. Sunday afternoon, antifa marched on UC Berkeley's campus in response to a prayer rally. The group beat conservative demonstrators, assaulted reporters and fought police....
He will get away with it and not a peep of dismay from media or anyone else.

Of course he will, Gracie. The Establishment will stop at nothing to maintain the current narrative because if Whites begin to collectively look to their own interests then the game will be up and there'll be no sustainable tax base to leech off of. If you draw even the slightest amount of attention to the hypocrisy on display when it comes to the interests of Whites and preserving their heritage, culture and social norms over those of minorities, well... you've simply got to 'go'.
He will get away with it and not a peep of dismay from media or anyone else.

Of course he will, Gracie. The Establishment will stop at nothing to maintain the current narrative because if Whites begin to collectively look to their own interests then the game will be up and there'll be no sustainable tax base to leech off of. If you draw even the slightest amount of attention to the hypocrisy on display when it comes to the interests of Whites and preserving their heritage, culture and social norms over those of minorities, well... you've simply got to 'go'.
If you would have said this last year, I would have pooh poohed it off. Thanks to most recent events that have collided with reality...I agree with you.
He will get away with it and not a peep of dismay from media or anyone else.

Of course he will, Gracie. The Establishment will stop at nothing to maintain the current narrative because if Whites begin to collectively look to their own interests then the game will be up and there'll be no sustainable tax base to leech off of. If you draw even the slightest amount of attention to the hypocrisy on display when it comes to the interests of Whites and preserving their heritage, culture and social norms over those of minorities, well... you've simply got to 'go'.
If you would have said this last year, I would have pooh poohed it off. Thanks to most recent events that have collided with reality...I agree with you.

I sincerely doubt you're alone on that front, Gracie. Many an eye has been opened and the recent humm of curiosity has began to drown out the futile shrieks of "racist".
If you would have said this last year, I would have pooh poohed it off. Thanks to most recent events that have collided with reality...I agree with you.
I wonder what could be another name for the European Far Right that Swagger identifies with.
I sincerely doubt you're alone on that front, Gracie. Many an eye has been opened and the recent humm of curiosity has began to drown out the futile shrieks of "racist"
'Fascist' is more in the eye of the beholder I guess...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't make this stuff up, folks! No matter how appalled you are at Democrat hypocrisy, they always manage to top themselves.

President Donald Trump triggered an avalanche of criticism for his handling of the deadly violence by far-right white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier in August.

Demonstrator Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed through a march in protest of the “Unite the Right” nationalist gathering in Charlottesville. The vehicle was allegedly driven by James Alex Fields Jr., who is now being charged with second-degree murder and is the subject of an FBI civil rights investigation.

Trump received political blowback for not calling out white supremacy by name immediately after the incident. Trump also received criticism for saying there was violence on “many sides” during the incident. In the preceding days after the initial demonstrations, Trump has condemned violence on both the right and the left directly, calling out “white nationalists” in a statement and the far-left extremist group “antifa” at a rally in Phoenix.

Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascist,” is a group that is prone to use violent fascist tactics for its political ends. Antifa has a long-recorded and established history of violence against police and private citizens. In the wake of Charlottesville, dozens of far-left protesters have been arrested for violent behavior. Sunday afternoon, antifa marched on UC Berkeley's campus in response to a prayer rally. The group beat conservative demonstrators, assaulted reporters and fought police....
Antifa is exactly why we have a 2nd Amendment.
I sincerely doubt you're alone on that front, Gracie. Many an eye has been opened and the recent humm of curiosity has began to drown out the futile shrieks of "racist"
'Fascist' is more in the eye of the beholder I guess...


You dumbfuck, have you even ever seen what the definition of "fascist"is ? Tell you what slave, go look it up then compare it to ANTIFA's mission statement. If you support that then you fit right into that pic you posted of all your male relatives. ANTIFA is the very definition of facist.
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'When Asked to Denounce Antifa, Gov. Terry McAuliffe Denounces Violence on Many Sides'

Trump says this - the Left proclaims he is a racist and attacks him.

McAuliffe says the same thing - the Left proclaims he is a genius and applauds him.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't make this stuff up, folks! No matter how appalled you are at Democrat hypocrisy, they always manage to top themselves.

President Donald Trump triggered an avalanche of criticism for his handling of the deadly violence by far-right white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier in August.

Demonstrator Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed through a march in protest of the “Unite the Right” nationalist gathering in Charlottesville. The vehicle was allegedly driven by James Alex Fields Jr., who is now being charged with second-degree murder and is the subject of an FBI civil rights investigation.

Trump received political blowback for not calling out white supremacy by name immediately after the incident. Trump also received criticism for saying there was violence on “many sides” during the incident. In the preceding days after the initial demonstrations, Trump has condemned violence on both the right and the left directly, calling out “white nationalists” in a statement and the far-left extremist group “antifa” at a rally in Phoenix.

Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascist,” is a group that is prone to use violent fascist tactics for its political ends. Antifa has a long-recorded and established history of violence against police and private citizens. In the wake of Charlottesville, dozens of far-left protesters have been arrested for violent behavior. Sunday afternoon, antifa marched on UC Berkeley's campus in response to a prayer rally. The group beat conservative demonstrators, assaulted reporters and fought police....

lol, this is funny coming from a poster who won't denounce white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
He will get away with it and not a peep of dismay from media or anyone else.

Of course he will, Gracie. The Establishment will stop at nothing to maintain the current narrative because if Whites begin to collectively look to their own interests then the game will be up and there'll be no sustainable tax base to leech off of. If you draw even the slightest amount of attention to the hypocrisy on display when it comes to the interests of Whites and preserving their heritage, culture and social norms over those of minorities, well... you've simply got to 'go'.

agree, but that is changing. people are finally waking up

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