Trumpophobia is Skyrocketing Along With His Polls

I called it months ago, that Democrats would lose their freaking minds. Just wait until Trump is sworn in for a 2nd term the TDS will be epic.
I called it months ago, that Democrats would lose their freaking minds. Just wait until Trump is sworn in for a 2nd term the TDS will be epic.
It will be indeed. They'll go into full-blown denial. They'll refuse to accept the election results. They'll concoct insane conspiracy theories to support their denial. There will be riots, maybe even in DC.

Party on, partisans.
I loved Bill Maher's take on this. He certainly criticized Democrats too but in the end said

“We handed out 4 trillion dollars of free money, 280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in US history’ and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on Biden. So we’re gonna bring back Trump?! The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check?!”

“Talk about not learning anything,” Maher concluded.
I guess Maher is now back to being a brainless liberal for the next month or so until the says something the right wing agrees with again.
If we could pour a gallon of truth serum down their throats, I suspect this is what many of them would say:

"Yes, he's a liar. Yes, he's a con man. He's not very intelligent or articulate. He's an embarrassment whenever he speaks. He ignores laws and doesn't care about the Constitution. He knows he lost in 2020, but he's too insecure to admit it. He's only out for his own glory and validation, and he's clearly not emotionally well. He really does represent the worst of America. He is essentially a child.

"HOWEVER, I believe that America has gone so far down the wrong path that all of that is secondary to me. I'm sorry, I know this isn't good, I know I have to ignore a ton of ugly, but I just don't care at this point. I see him as the one and only person who, through the force of his own damaged personality, would fix the things I want to see fixed. Even if he has to break every law in the book. I think America has truly reached a "do or die" moment, and this is our last chance. He's my guy, no matter what."

Y'know what? I could respect that. I may disagree with it, but I could respect it. But what they're doing, this cosplaying and bullshitting, is an insult to the country.

You’re proceeding on the assumption that these lowlife people want to “fix” things.

They don’t.
You’re proceeding on the assumption that these lowlife people want to “fix” things.

They don’t.
Some do, some don't. There seems to be a strong, nihilistic bent from partisans on both sides who, realizing that can't get their way, are content to watch it all burn.
It's ALL a set up for the NEXT cries of "Stolllen" Election Part III.
Pretend trump is leading and spread the fake news.

Yup, they are telling their sheep that the ONLY way trump loses is if the (D) cheat and steal the Election.
Same story, part III.
Do we get to listen to Hillary blather about stolen elections AGAIN?
Some do, some don't. There seems to be a strong, nihilistic bent from partisans on both sides who, realizing that can't get their way, are content to watch it all burn.
Exactly. As the deficit and Debt skyrocket, the "Nero Parties" both play their fiddles and point fingers.
This is not looking good. God I'm glad I'm well to do or better off than most. It's like I'm about to get mugged and I know it. About to get fucked over. This must be what liberal Germans felt in 1935 when they warned people but they could not see it. Today the Not sees are back. Wow! And with support of the blacks, hispanics, arabs, jews, ukrainian Americans, etc. Wow!

There is still time and polls don't mean shit. You have no idea who's showing up to vote. Lots of 18 year olds who like abortion. What about the recent losses Republicans have had in red states? Last year, 2022 election. You're leading in polls meanwhile we're winning elections. But I am worried. Good! That will get out the vote.
Tell me more about how good it is Democrats are busy attacking people because they’re Jewish.
This is not looking good. God I'm glad I'm well to do or better off than most. It's like I'm about to get mugged and I know it. About to get fucked over. This must be what liberal Germans felt in 1935 when they warned people but they could not see it. Today the Not sees are back. Wow! And with support of the blacks, hispanics, arabs, jews, ukrainian Americans, etc. Wow!

There is still time and polls don't mean shit. You have no idea who's showing up to vote. Lots of 18 year olds who like abortion. What about the recent losses Republicans have had in red states? Last year, 2022 election. You're leading in polls meanwhile we're winning elections. But I am worried. Good! That will get out the vote.
Nikki Haley was still taking large chunks of the vote in the primaries away from Trump....even after she had dropped out of the race.
Also if Trump gets even a single felony conviction this week independents and pretty much eveyone else but his die-hard MAGAt base has been saying for months in various polls that they will not vote for him.
And there is still a LOT of time between now and November and a lot is stacked up to happen between now and then.
I think what we're seeing now in Trump's polling is similar to the polling mirage we saw going into the 2022 midterms where Republicans were so cocky about this supposed "red wave" that was supposed to sweep congress and give The GOP a solid majority in both houses.
But nope. The polls were wrong.
Barely a fizzle.
I’m on Medicare and I’d vote Trump until I die.
With Trump in power you might not have to wait too long to die.
Government dependent drains on the system might be the first ones the Trump regime puts in the ovens.
Political enemies, journalists, illegal immigrants, and Social Security/Medicare recipients all shoved into the same cattle cars and shipped to the same concentration camps to await extermination.
See that's the problem with pledging your allegiance to a tyrant who is already telling you what he's going to do to your enemies.
He's also telling you what he'll do to YOU as soon as you are no longer useful to him.
With Trump in power you might not have to wait too long to die.
Government dependent drains on the system might be the first ones the Trump regime puts in the ovens.
Political enemies, journalists, illegal immigrants, and Social Security/Medicare recipients all shoved into the same cattle cars and shipped to the same concentration camps to await extermination.
See that's the problem with pledging your allegiance to a tyrant who is already telling you what he's going to do to your enemies.
He's also telling you what he'll do to YOU as soon as you are no longer useful to him.
Of course!
Things are soooo grand under Democrats rule!
Like 16, the Left got Trump elected. They’re doing it again. Thank you Leftists!

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Read it all from VDH.


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