There's a Growing 'Trad-Wife' Trend That's Making Feminists Furious

This from your link:

Yep, nothing says peak feminism like squatting in a workplace toilet while a robot sucks milk out your tits so you can continue to pay some other woman to ignore your kid.

Is brilliant and spot-on.

There are women who prefer to work, even if all they make is eaten up by childcare and work-related expenses. Praise Allah, I had a "Tradwife," who wanted to stay home and raise our children. They are leaps and bounds ahead of other people their age. Always have been.
First we were ordered to stay home and keep house; second we were ordered all to go out to work and farm out the kids and give up cooking and housecleaning. As long as we keep doing what you order us to do, I don't see why you should be complaining, Flops.

Personally, I think we'd each better decide what we want and go for that. If some nice man wants to fit in with the program, okay.
I was talking about me and my opinions on any of your ginned up moral outrage campaigns. First and foremost people should mind their own damned business if something has no direct bearing on their lives.
I'm all for MYODB till someone, group, or the .gov tries to bully their way into my life telling me how I should run it and what I should put-up with as "normal". When that happens they are going to have a fuckin' problem.
I'm all for MYODB till someone, group, or the .gov tries to bully their way into my life telling me how I should run it and what I should put-up with as "normal". When that happens they are going to have a fuckin' problem.
You live on the internet too much. What you see on this screen should have zero bearing on your everyday attitude towards real life people. I see the very worst kind of haters and ragers on the internet but most of my friends and family call themselves conservatives. People talking shit on the internet are no more than words on a screen. If you take it personally that's a problem with you.
You live on the internet too much. What you see on this screen should have zero bearing on your everyday attitude towards real life people. I see the very worst kind of haters and ragers on the internet but most of my friends and family call themselves conservatives. People talking shit on the internet are no more than words on a screen. If you take it personally that's a problem with you.
BS....Due to low-life dem interference in my state during the brief time they held total sway in Richmond I can't even gift a family heirloom gun to my kids or grandchildren without state/fed "paperwork" and a $17.00 charge. They bullied that into law and it affected both my life and my wallet.

Hopefully when we take the Virginia Senate back in November we can have all that rolled back next year.
BS....Due to low-life dem interference in my state during the brief time they held total sway in Richmond I can't even gift a family heirloom gun to my kids or grandchildren without state/fed "paperwork" and a $17.00 charge. They bullied that into law and it affected both my life and my wallet.

Hopefully when we take the Virginia Senate back in November we can have all that rolled back next year.
I live in a deep red part of Florida. There's things I don't like how the state is run but I don't let any of it spoil my joy in life. I used to be an angry, hard trolling asshole too but it started spilling over into my real world attitudes. I was raised to be a gentleman.
BS....Due to low-life dem interference in my state during the brief time they held total sway in Richmond I can't even gift a family heirloom gun to my kids or grandchildren without state/fed "paperwork" and a $17.00 charge. They bullied that into law and it affected both my life and my wallet.

Hopefully when we take the Virginia Senate back in November we can have all that rolled back next year.
Boy, if the GOP can get back Virginia, that would be so great!
I live in a deep red part of Florida. There's things I don't like how the state is run but I don't let any of it spoil my joy in life. I used to be an angry, hard trolling asshole too but it started spilling over into my real world attitudes. I was raised to be a gentleman.
I prefer to live by the feud when wronged....You do you.
I live in a deep red part of Florida. There's things I don't like how the state is run but I don't let any of it spoil my joy in life. I used to be an angry, hard trolling asshole too but it started spilling over into my real world attitudes. I was raised to be a gentleman.

^^^Another lefty hiding out in a free state. Why don't you live in California or New York?
First we were ordered to stay home and keep house; second we were ordered all to go out to work and farm out the kids and give up cooking and housecleaning. As long as we keep doing what you order us to do, I don't see why you should be complaining, Flops.
Flops never ordered any woman to go out and work and farm out the kids and give up cooking and cleaning. Flops is complaining about the feminist movement marginalizing women who chose to stay home and have kids.

Corporations loved the influx of women workers. They worked almost as cheap as illegal aliens and smelled much nicer, providing more opportunity for sexual harassment and just plain adultary.

Personally, I think we'd each better decide what we want and go for that. If some nice man wants to fit in with the program, okay.
Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm sure that between set of men who are hardworking, caring, and supportive of their wives and children and the set of men who expect their wives to be a source of income, there is some overlap. It is probably not a very large subset, though. So, if you find such a man, my hat is off to you.
I live in a deep red part of Florida. There's things I don't like how the state is run but I don't let any of it spoil my joy in life. I used to be an angry, hard trolling asshole too but it started spilling over into my real world attitudes. I was raised to be a gentleman.

I thought you lived in Ventura?
^^^Another lefty hiding out in a free state. Why don't you live in California or New York?
As I tried to explain to the other jerk I don't let politics spoil my joy. I love having lived here in the middle of natural splendor for the past 45 years. DeSantis can't do a single thing to spoil that.
The stay at home wife is just fine as long as it's what they want to do
Great. Now tell that to your feminist friends so they can stop telling women like my wife (a homemaker) and my brother’s wife (homemaker and mother of 8) that they’ve betrayed the sisterhood and are slaves to the patriarchy.

It’s not a constant issue, and it’s not all feminists, but it’s a very sizesble and incredibly vocal group in the feminist movement.
Great. Now tell that to your feminist friends so they can stop telling women like my wife (a homemaker) and my brother’s wife (homemaker and mother of 8) that they’ve betrayed the sisterhood and are slaves to the patriarchy.

It’s not a constant issue, and it’s not all feminists, but it’s a very sizesble and incredibly vocal group in the feminist movement.
Right now the feminists are busy trying to keep men from pretending to be women and taking away all they fought for, especially in women's athletics.
Great. Now tell that to your feminist friends so they can stop telling women like my wife (a homemaker) and my brother’s wife (homemaker and mother of 8) that they’ve betrayed the sisterhood and are slaves to the patriarchy.

It’s not a constant issue, and it’s not all feminists, but it’s a very sizesble and incredibly vocal group in the feminist movement.
I speak for myself. It's fine if you want to stupidly attack these people by proxy. I'm pretty used to it by now.
It's fine if you want to stupidly attack these people by proxy
No. I WANT to attack them physically, but I have refrained from found so (so far).

It’s great for you to say “I don’t do that” but until you speak out against your fellow feminists doing it, it still taints the entire movement.
No. I WANT to attack them physically, but I have refrained from found so (so far).

It’s great for you to say “I don’t do that” but until you speak out against your fellow feminists doing it, it still taints the entire movement.
Seems like you take things way, way too personally. Just because you hate what people say does not mean they are being hateful. Even when they are being hateful what's it to you?
Seems like you take things way, way too personally. Just because you hate what people say does not mean they are being hateful. Even when they are being hateful what's it to you?
I only believe in two concepts in the whole world… Right and Wrong. I fervently believe that feminism, and especially aggressively anti-traditionalist feminism is Wrong on every level possible. It is abhorrent to me.

I do my best to avoid these people, and distance myself when I do come into contact with them. Unfortunately many of them seem to seek out traditionalists like my family and actively attempt to create negative interactions.

My wife has PTSD from her childhood. These interactions are extremely triggering and traumatic for her. Especially when these individuals bring her Hispanic heritage into the conversation. That makes these interactions even worse for me, as it is my role as her husband to protect her. This has led her to be less willing to go out in public, which is not good for her mental or physical health.
I only believe in two concepts in the whole world… Right and Wrong. I fervently believe that feminism, and especially aggressively anti-traditionalist feminism is Wrong on every level possible. It is abhorrent to me.

I do my best to avoid these people, and distance myself when I do come into contact with them. Unfortunately many of them seem to seek out traditionalists like my family and actively attempt to create negative interactions.

My wife has PTSD from her childhood. These interactions are extremely triggering and traumatic for her. Especially when these individuals bring her Hispanic heritage into the conversation. That makes these interactions even worse for me, as it is my role as her husband to protect her. This has led her to be less willing to go out in public, which is not good for her mental or physical health.
There is so much self-inflicted misery in that post that I really don't know how to answer.

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