There is NOTHING Trump can do to stop the current economic disaster that is unfolding.

No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.
Trump's use of Twitter is the single most ingenious form of communication that any executive officer in this country has ever used to stay in touch with the voting public.
It's so overpowering that it destroys the ability of the mainstream media to control the narrative. Every president from here on out will be hooked on that venue.
Trump has pioneered a new form of political communication that is not likely to go away ever. For what it's worth of the virus is definitely a catastrophe in its own right but the left has prematurely ejaculated on this one. They should have waited at least another three months to start this panic. At this rate all of this will disappear and the market will make a resounding recovery several months before November. At that point people will feel rescued buy a gyro in the White House rather than badgered beaten down by a phony narrative emanating from the shit-mouth media.

I think it would be a hoot watching Trump put a HOLD ON ALL STOCK MARKET ACTIVITY UNTIL the virus dies it's own death....perhaps reopen it the day after he is that would bring some big responses from the worlds financial markets
.....stabilize the market with it's current quotes.....make the world stand up and notice what absolute fools they were!
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.

uh HUH.

Yet Rump was crowing like a rooster every time the market got an erection.

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

Oh by the way I thought the hysteria was overblown. Now it's crashing the markets to a three year low? PICK ONE.

You have to is the Corona Virus that is crashing the Market...not Trump.

Trump isn't driving the panic either...the Media is doing that.

How do you calm folks down now? You can't unring a bell.

We may all be in luck if that HIV drug cocktail the Aussie's discovered actually works.

Trump hasn't done everything right...but he hasn't done much wrong either. That's a fair assessment.

Ain't no need to complectify it. I'm just sayin', whenever the market went up he was all HEY LOOKA ME, and now when it's going the other direction --------------------------------- he isn't. As he put it, "I don't take responsibility at all".

Hence the reference to having it both ways.

As usual it's not a comment about the market or whatever dynamics of the subject. It's a comment about personal character.
While I see what you're saying...and I'll say it is always a mistake to take credit for the markets...or record home ownership like Bush did...(what goes up must come down)...this is not a crisis that loomed on the horizon for years and thru the presidents inaction the markets subprime mortgages and derivitive trading. This was sudden and unparalleled. The government is not a nimble cocaine's the Titanic. You can shift the rudder, but when an iceberg materializes too close to the bow, there just isn't time to make the turn.

I can't blame Trump for something no-one saw coming.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.
Trump's use of Twitter is the single most ingenious form of communication that any executive officer in this country has ever used to stay in touch with the voting public.
It's so overpowering that it destroys the ability of the mainstream media to control the narrative. Every president from here on out will be hooked on that venue.
Trump has pioneered a new form of political communication that is not likely to go away ever. For what it's worth of the virus is definitely a catastrophe in its own right but the left has prematurely ejaculated on this one. They should have waited at least another three months to start this panic. At this rate all of this will disappear and the market will make a resounding recovery several months before November. At that point people will feel rescued buy a gyro in the White House rather than badgered beaten down by a phony narrative emanating from the shit-mouth media.



:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laugh2: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
I can see virtually ANYBODY addressing the issue. Anybody, that is, who's not completely infected with the ME-ME-ME AND DID I MENTION ME virus.
Yeah, that would be YOU-YOU-YOU and all the other entitlement mentality parasites.
Everything Trump has done, hasn't done and said , to this point has been absolutely damaging to the American people as far as this crisis goes.
At least he didn't wait until 1,000 Americans were dead before declaring a national emergency like Obama did with H1N1.

H1N1 came from here.

You know that, right?
Um, no, idiot, it came from Mexico. But that doesn't really matter, does it? What matters is Obamas failure to act decisively, resulting in 61 million infections and 12,469 DEATHS in the U.S. alone. Then there's the estimated 151,700–575,400 deaths worldwide. You just don't know when to STFU, do you?
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.
Trump's use of Twitter is the single most ingenious form of communication that any executive officer in this country has ever used to stay in touch with the voting public.
It's so overpowering that it destroys the ability of the mainstream media to control the narrative. Every president from here on out will be hooked on that venue.
Trump has pioneered a new form of political communication that is not likely to go away ever. For what it's worth of the virus is definitely a catastrophe in its own right but the left has prematurely ejaculated on this one. They should have waited at least another three months to start this panic. At this rate all of this will disappear and the market will make a resounding recovery several months before November. At that point people will feel rescued buy a gyro in the White House rather than badgered beaten down by a phony narrative emanating from the shit-mouth media.



:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laugh2: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

It worked.

No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.

just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times.

Do you figure Biden or Bernie can do that?

Do you think the virus would have stayed offshore under Obama, or a Clinton presidency?

I am not sure we would have even heard about Coronavirus on TV yet if Clinton were President. Very doubtful anything would be canceled.
Yeah, but the left is going to continue to blame Trump for every aspect of this virus, all the way up to the election.
Then, suddenly with elderly Biden in office, they'll claim everything is now perfect.

I doubt Biden will remember the virus by then either way.
March 15, 2020:

The blob says:

"It's a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control of"

March 16, 2020:

The blob says:

And yesterday, you said that this was “under tremendous control.” Do you want to revisit that statement if we are going to be experiencing this until July or August — five more months ahead of where we are now?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, when I’m talking about control, I’m saying we are doing a very good job within the confines of what we’re dealing with. We’re doing a very good job. There’s been a — there’s been a tremendous amount of the way they’re working together. They’re working hand-in-hand. I think they’re doing, really, a great job. And from that standpoint, that’s what I was referring to.

Yeah, Steve, go ahead.

Q But you’re not saying “it’s” under control, right?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m not referring to “it,” meaning the –

Q Coronavirus.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, if you’re talking about the virus —

Q Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: No, that’s not under control for any place in the world. I think I read —

Q Okay. Yesterday you had said it was, so I just —

THE PRESIDENT: I think I read —

Q — wanted to clarify.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I didn’t. I was talking about what we’re doing is under control. But I’m not talking about the virus.


The panic is amplified by a president who clearly has zero idea what he is doing if you listen to his messages.

The CDC tells us to practice social distancing. The FAA ends up placing thousands of people shoulder to shoulder at airports--Americans who just came in from overseas no less.



While you can't blame the blob--in my view--for the onset of the virus...the response by his administration has been a total clusterfuck.
March 15, 2020:

The blob says:

"It's a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control of"

March 16, 2020:

The blob says:

And yesterday, you said that this was “under tremendous control.” Do you want to revisit that statement if we are going to be experiencing this until July or August — five more months ahead of where we are now?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, when I’m talking about control, I’m saying we are doing a very good job within the confines of what we’re dealing with. We’re doing a very good job. There’s been a — there’s been a tremendous amount of the way they’re working together. They’re working hand-in-hand. I think they’re doing, really, a great job. And from that standpoint, that’s what I was referring to.

Yeah, Steve, go ahead.

Q But you’re not saying “it’s” under control, right?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m not referring to “it,” meaning the –

Q Coronavirus.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, if you’re talking about the virus —

Q Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: No, that’s not under control for any place in the world. I think I read —

Q Okay. Yesterday you had said it was, so I just —

THE PRESIDENT: I think I read —

Q — wanted to clarify.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I didn’t. I was talking about what we’re doing is under control. But I’m not talking about the virus.


The panic is amplified by a president who clearly has zero idea what he is doing if you listen to his messages.

The CDC tells us to practice social distancing. The FAA ends up placing thousands of people shoulder to shoulder at airports--Americans who just came in from overseas no less.



While you can't blame the blob--in my view--for the onset of the virus...the response by his administration has been a total clusterfuck.
Compared to what, Obama's handling of H1N1? 12,000 Americans dead? 1,000 dead before he declared it an emergency? Now THAT was a clusterfuck.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.
Even on Super Thursday
March 15, 2020:

The blob says:

"It's a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control of"

March 16, 2020:

The blob says:

And yesterday, you said that this was “under tremendous control.” Do you want to revisit that statement if we are going to be experiencing this until July or August — five more months ahead of where we are now?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, when I’m talking about control, I’m saying we are doing a very good job within the confines of what we’re dealing with. We’re doing a very good job. There’s been a — there’s been a tremendous amount of the way they’re working together. They’re working hand-in-hand. I think they’re doing, really, a great job. And from that standpoint, that’s what I was referring to.

Yeah, Steve, go ahead.

Q But you’re not saying “it’s” under control, right?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m not referring to “it,” meaning the –

Q Coronavirus.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, if you’re talking about the virus —

Q Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: No, that’s not under control for any place in the world. I think I read —

Q Okay. Yesterday you had said it was, so I just —

THE PRESIDENT: I think I read —

Q — wanted to clarify.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I didn’t. I was talking about what we’re doing is under control. But I’m not talking about the virus.


The panic is amplified by a president who clearly has zero idea what he is doing if you listen to his messages.

The CDC tells us to practice social distancing. The FAA ends up placing thousands of people shoulder to shoulder at airports--Americans who just came in from overseas no less.



While you can't blame the blob--in my view--for the onset of the virus...the response by his administration has been a total clusterfuck.
That’s because it’s the first time the US has gone through something like this. South Korea struggled with its two prior cases, learned from it and is now dealing with this much better. Italy is dealing with it much worse. It’s also culture. South Korea is OK with giving up some freedoms for the greater good of their country. Italy has a history of not trusting politicians and you see the results. If that virus spreads to South Italy, where there is a generally poorer population they say their healthcare system will collapse. In the US where the majority of our medicine and medical equipment is imported we were not prepared for a nationwide pandemic. Hopefully going forward we will be. This illustrates why border security is so critical and that we should be setting ourselves up to be ready for further pandemics vs debating abortion, climate change and men peeing in women’s bathrooms.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
And the good news is he was running recession deficits during good times so now I guess we’ll have depression deficits. And good thing he got rid of the pandemic office and started space force.
March 15, 2020:

The blob says:

"It's a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control of"

March 16, 2020:

The blob says:

And yesterday, you said that this was “under tremendous control.” Do you want to revisit that statement if we are going to be experiencing this until July or August — five more months ahead of where we are now?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, when I’m talking about control, I’m saying we are doing a very good job within the confines of what we’re dealing with. We’re doing a very good job. There’s been a — there’s been a tremendous amount of the way they’re working together. They’re working hand-in-hand. I think they’re doing, really, a great job. And from that standpoint, that’s what I was referring to.

Yeah, Steve, go ahead.

Q But you’re not saying “it’s” under control, right?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m not referring to “it,” meaning the –

Q Coronavirus.

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, if you’re talking about the virus —

Q Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: No, that’s not under control for any place in the world. I think I read —

Q Okay. Yesterday you had said it was, so I just —

THE PRESIDENT: I think I read —

Q — wanted to clarify.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I didn’t. I was talking about what we’re doing is under control. But I’m not talking about the virus.


The panic is amplified by a president who clearly has zero idea what he is doing if you listen to his messages.

The CDC tells us to practice social distancing. The FAA ends up placing thousands of people shoulder to shoulder at airports--Americans who just came in from overseas no less.



While you can't blame the blob--in my view--for the onset of the virus...the response by his administration has been a total clusterfuck.
Compared to what, Obama's handling of H1N1? 12,000 Americans dead? 1,000 dead before he declared it an emergency? Now THAT was a clusterfuck.
Wait till you see how bad it gets with the whole country shut down.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.

just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times.

Do you figure Biden or Bernie can do that?

Do you think the virus would have stayed offshore under Obama, or a Clinton presidency?
No, but the media wouldn't of hyped it like they have. The swine flu killed more but we barely heard about it.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.

just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times.

Do you figure Biden or Bernie can do that?

Do you think the virus would have stayed offshore under Obama, or a Clinton presidency?
No, but the media wouldn't of hyped it like they have. The swine flu killed more but we barely heard about it.
Swine flu really was a flu...

trump seems all in now, can’t blame the media.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.

just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times.

Do you figure Biden or Bernie can do that?

Do you think the virus would have stayed offshore under Obama, or a Clinton presidency?
No, but the media wouldn't of hyped it like they have. The swine flu killed more but we barely heard about it.
Swine flu really was a flu...

trump seems all in now, can’t blame the media.
The media can tone it down.
No amount of policies or executive orders can or will make the industries that drive our economic engine recover.
From airlines to manufacturing. It is all taking a hard hit because of THE VIRUS. Until it runs its course all we can do is try to ride the wave.

It is nice to see politicians focusing on the average Joe for once. Bailing out the little man so to speak rather than simply flooding big business with endless cash (Solyndra, banks & Chevy for example)

Blaming ANY OF THIS on ANY POLITICIAN just shows a severe lack of critical thinking on your part.
Next time you vote, just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times. Instead of just twitter trolling through good times.

just remember that the U.S. may need a leader that can lead through the worst of times.

Do you figure Biden or Bernie can do that?

Do you think the virus would have stayed offshore under Obama, or a Clinton presidency?
No, but the media wouldn't of hyped it like they have. The swine flu killed more but we barely heard about it.
Swine flu really was a flu...

trump seems all in now, can’t blame the media.
The media can tone it down.
The country is shut down, how can they tone it down now? President is all in.

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