The West will have to make peace with Russia

Demand the MAD STRATEGY.

Russia could just withdraw and end it. Ukraine doesnt want to be part of Russia.

Those who lived under the Iron Thumb of the USSR would rather die than joun them again

Russia cannot allow the Ukraine to violate the treaties it agreed to when given independence in the 1990s.
The Ukraine is inside the Russian defense grid, so allowing the Ukraine to join NATO would be suicide.
Better to strike first than allow that.
And you do not understand.
The Ukraine used to be all Russian.
The current leadership in Kyiv are ethnic Polish usurpers, bribed by the US in 2014 to take over.
Most Ukrainians want to be part of Russia again.
They want their country back. My issue is I don't see a pathway to it short of WWIII.

The Ukraine inherently belongs to Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, and it only moved due to the Mongol invasion.
Russia mainly wants the Crimea and Donetsk back, but will take all of the Ukraine rather than allow NATO to install first strike nukes.
The Crimea has been depopulated and has less than 30% of its pre-invasion economy. The same will happen with the rest of Ukraine. Only idiots think Russia has some divine right to take back all it's former conquests and empire. Re Crimea and Ukraine:

"Deportation of Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union​

Throughout its time in the Soviet Union, Crimea underwent a population change. As a result of alleged collaboration with the Germans by Crimean Tatars during World War II, all Crimean Tatars were deported by the Soviet regime and the peninsula was resettled with other peoples, mainly Russians and Ukrainians. Modern experts say that the deportation was part of the Soviet plan to gain access to the Dardanelles and acquire territory in Turkey, where the Tatars had Turkic ethnic kin, or to remove minorities from the Soviet Union's border regions.[1]

Nearly 8,000 Crimean Tatars died during the deportation, and tens of thousands perished subsequently due to the harsh exile conditions.[2] The Crimean Tatar deportation resulted in the abandonment of 80,000 households and 150,000 hectares (360,000 acres) of land.

The autonomous republic without its titled nationality was downgraded to an oblast within the Russian SFSR on 30 June 1945."

Yes, mass murder and expelling the locals is how Crimea became 'Russian', and very recently, not by some thousands of years ov being Russian'. And, the policy of illegal aggression has only sparked new NATO membership against Russia.

The fact is Russia is failing and Putin needs the war for the same reasons Hitler needed one, to militarize the country and keep himself in power. His domestic policy has failed.
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The Ukraine inherently belongs to Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, and it only moved due to the Mongol invasion.
Russia mainly wants the Crimea and Donetsk back, but will take all of the Ukraine rather than allow NATO to install first strike nukes.
USSR break up made people not want to ever be with Russia.

Had the people there wanted Russia there would be no War.
We would have nuked Cuba if Russia had not agreed to remove the nukes in 1962.
The Ukraine is much worse since it is inside the Russian defense grid.
So the Ukraine will NEVER be allowed to join NATO.
Russia would have to nuke both Kyiv and the US if that even looked possible.

Does not matter if Moscow would be destroyed or not.
At least if Russia launches before the Ukraine joins, then some of Russia would survive.
If Russia waits until after the Ukraine joins, then none of Russia would survive.
1. If NATO wants Ukraine in NATO no one can stop it.
2. Russia won't use nukes, especially on the US. They know what happens next.
3. What difference does it make if Ukraine is in NATO or not if nukes between Russia and the US are exchanged? That makes no sense. I think Ukraine committed to no nukes on their soil?
The Ukraine inherently belongs to Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, and it only moved due to the Mongol invasion.
Russia mainly wants the Crimea and Donetsk back, but will take all of the Ukraine rather than allow NATO to install first strike nukes.
Ukraine is a sovereign country.
An outline for a peace plan could be, Russia keeps the 2014 lines at Donetsk, Russia keep Crimea, Ukraine joins NATO but with commitment that no nukes allowed in Ukraine.
Putin could care less about making amends with the western nations.
The Russian economy is stronger than ever.
Both China and now India have become aligned with Russia.
The new BRICS organization now rivals the Western G7 bloc of nations.
Agreed. We’re watching the demise of the US empire in real time, but it seems few Americans realize it.

We can only hope the neocons psychopaths in DC won’t destroy the world to keep their hegemony.
1. If NATO wants Ukraine in NATO no one can stop it.
2. Russia won't use nukes, especially on the US. They know what happens next.
3. What difference does it make if Ukraine is in NATO or not if nukes between Russia and the US are exchanged? That makes no sense. I think Ukraine committed to no nukes on their soil?
Russia can stop it and is doing it. Are you blind?
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1. If NATO wants Ukraine in NATO no one can stop it.
2. Russia won't use nukes, especially on the US. They know what happens next.
3. What difference does it make if Ukraine is in NATO or not if nukes between Russia and the US are exchanged? That makes no sense. I think Ukraine committed to no nukes on their soil?
I’m amazed at your ignorance.

What do you think the US would do if Mexico became a vassal state of Russia, and Russian put nuclear missiles on the border?

Do you ever consider placing yourself in the shoes of the empire’s made up enemies?

ps. Russia will use nukes. They have stated this is an existential threat. Do you know what that means?
The Ukraine inherently belongs to Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, and it only moved due to the Mongol invasion.
Russia mainly wants the Crimea and Donetsk back, but will take all of the Ukraine rather than allow NATO to install first strike nukes.

No, they don't.


Either increase your meds, or get off the drugs.
I think Ukraine committed to no nukes on their soil?

Because the U.S. and the West guaranteed their safety and sovereignty, and Russia also agreed to that deal. But, like their Muslim allies in general, they were lying and promptly reneged on any deals and attacked them anyway. No point in cutting deals with them any more, same as with faux 'Palestinians', Iranians, etc..
I’m amazed at your ignorance.

What do you think the US would do if Mexico became a vassal state of Russia, and Russian put nuclear missiles on the border?

Do you ever consider placing yourself in the shoes of the empire’s made up enemies?

ps. Russia will use nukes. They have stated this is an existential threat. Do you know what that means?

WE know what you mean; you want to blow Putin and lick his feet.
Because the U.S. and the West guaranteed their safety and sovereignty, and Russia also agreed to that deal. But, like their Muslim allies in general, they were lying and promptly reneged on any deals and attacked them anyway. No point in cutting deals with them any more, same as with faux 'Palestinians', Iranians, etc..

My only concern is how long before something bad happens, either by accident or by Russian desperation, and we get drawn into the war. By we I mean NATO.
My only concern is how long before something bad happens, either by accident or by Russian desperation,
It is the Western nation's and the Nato nitwits that are in desperation mode.
Putin is in the catbird seat watching the clown show of the Biden administration constantly fumble and stumble trying to thwart Russia's success politically and militarily to no avail.
It is the Western nation's and the Nato nitwits that are in desperation mode.
Putin is in the catbird seat watching the clown show of the Biden administration constantly fumble and stumble trying to thwart Russia's success politically and militarily to no avail.
Agreed. It’s amazing the lies our ruling class tells itself and the number of average Americans still believing those lies.
The Ukraine inherently belongs to Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, and it only moved due to the Mongol invasion.
Russia mainly wants the Crimea and Donetsk back, but will take all of the Ukraine rather than allow NATO to install first strike nukes.
The Ukraine does not belong to Russia. What used to be is irrelevant.

NATO has no interest or need to install any nukes there liar
We would have nuked Cuba if Russia had not agreed to remove the nukes in 1962.
The Ukraine is much worse since it is inside the Russian defense grid.
So the Ukraine will NEVER be allowed to join NATO.
Russia would have to nuke both Kyiv and the US if that even looked possible.

Does not matter if Moscow would be destroyed or not.
At least if Russia launches before the Ukraine joins, then some of Russia would survive.
If Russia waits until after the Ukraine joins, then none of Russia would survive.
Russia would be destryed there would be no SURVIVING it

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