The Republican Establishment Doesn't Think Romney Will Win


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
According to Joe Scarborough, Mittens doesn't stand a chance come November.

He said on 'Morning Joe' on Wednesday, April 4, "I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,"

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

Do you guys think that is true?

If so, the Republicans are TOAST!!! Like I've been saying all along.

:lol: LOL!!!!
According to Joe Scarborough, Mittens doesn't stand a chance come November.

He said on 'Morning Joe' on Wednesday, April 4, "I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,"

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

Do you guys think that is true?

If so, the Republicans are TOAST!!! Like I've been saying all along.

:lol: LOL!!!!
bwaaa haaa haaa !!! it's the economy stupid !!! your bOY is leaving along with a lot of lefties in congress in november !!! what are you going to do when that happens commy???:badgrin::badgrin:
According to Joe Scarborough, Mittens doesn't stand a chance come November.

He said on 'Morning Joe' on Wednesday, April 4, "I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,"

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

Do you guys think that is true?

If so, the Republicans are TOAST!!! Like I've been saying all along.

:lol: LOL!!!!
A repeat of McCain in 2008 ... it was his turn.
According to Joe Scarborough, Mittens doesn't stand a chance come November.

He said on 'Morning Joe' on Wednesday, April 4, "I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,"

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

Do you guys think that is true?

If so, the Republicans are TOAST!!! Like I've been saying all along.

:lol: LOL!!!!

They don't WANT this. They don't.
I understand why you guys don't like this bit of information. Really...I get it.

Unless there's a significant reversal in the economy, I don't think Mitt is going to win, either.
Unless there's a significant reversal in the economy, I don't think Mitt is going to win, either.

Unless unemployment goes down, significantly, in Florida, I believe Romney will take Florida.
The choice between Romney and Obama will be a choice between a man who has had success both in business and as an executive...and a man who has had no success at either.

The choice between Romney and Obama will be a choice between a moderate Republican who has a track record of working across the aisle to accomplish things or a far left Democrat who has a track record of partisanship and finger pointing when dealing with the other side.

Ask yourself some very simple questions...

Do you think Barack Obama is going to be any more effective in a second term than he was in the first? Do you think his anti-fossil fuel stance is going to make our economy stronger? Do you think he has the political back bone to make the hard decisions to address the deficit? Do you think that his blame the GOP strategy breeds cooperation or division and if the latter, how will he EVER accomplish anything?
OldStyle, the GOP has absolutely NO intention of "working with the Democrats" as you put it.

The instant a Republican gets in to Office it will be all about a new RW agenda that the country has chosen.

You're lying and you know it.
I understand why you guys don't like this bit of information. Really...I get it.


Nobody likes the simple fact that the republicans choose to lose races when they don't want to take responsibility for the mess they made. Sure, everyone else is out here frothing at the mouth, and they did spend heaps of their ill-gotten gains running against each other, but that was for the base, not the nationals. They'll sit this dance out, thank yew very much, and poison the well when and if there's a well fit to poison in four more years.
One party just gets us toasted quicker. Both partys are spend driven one just wants the govt to have less income to spend.
So I'm wasting my vote for Romney! Can you suggest what I should
do with my vote. I never like to waste things.....

(1) 2012 vote...Starting at $23.62, no shipping and tax free!
I do have access to 15 others they are $50ea and a $5.00 pushy, poaky or pencil checky. FEE!
When Romney gets TROUNCED worse than McCain did come November I hope I don't see a SINGLE one of you RWers talking about "Well, I knew he wasn't going to win anyway" "Romney wasn't a Conservative" or any other such nonsense.

I really hope I DON'T see anything like that.
According to Joe Scarborough, Mittens doesn't stand a chance come November.

He said on 'Morning Joe' on Wednesday, April 4, "I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,"

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

Do you guys think that is true?

If so, the Republicans are TOAST!!! Like I've been saying all along.

:lol: LOL!!!!

Interesting observation by the enlightened one considering the republican establishment is stead fast entrenched within the progressive compassionate conservative wing of the party. The liberal GOP establishment thrives on crony capitalism and big Omnipotent centralized government and will be vacated from party power if they fail to get Mitt the wimp elected. Simple and key point, is there a big enough difference between the two candidates, as noted not apparent at present, are people fed up with hallowed vain promises, yes, and do people have confidence in the current administration to turn the economy around, not according to most polls,? Or as it was once stated "it's all about the economy stupid"? The election is along way off and one should not count their chickens before they hatch.
When Romney gets TROUNCED worse than McCain did come November I hope I don't see a SINGLE one of you RWers talking about "Well, I knew he wasn't going to win anyway" "Romney wasn't a Conservative" or any other such nonsense.

I really hope I DON'T see anything like that.

You won't. We give in. You win. The polls and Scarbo say so. Romney might as well not even show up.
November is light years away.
It totally depends on what happens late summer when the economy cools as it does every year. The stock market is well past overdue for the current bubble to burst, if it happens before November - Obama is out. If it hasn't happened by then - this will help Obama in a big way.
But we cannot discount what damage will be done when the SCOTUS rules Obamacare invalid. Especially if the White House tries to put up a fight...and I expect they will...that may very well be what it takes for him to lose the election.
Romney is irrelevant. He will not win based on his credentials or anything else. If he wins it will be Obama losing to [insert name here].
The choice between Romney and Obama will be a choice between a man who has had success both in business and as an executive...and a man who has had no success at either.

The choice between Romney and Obama will be a choice between a moderate Republican who has a track record of working across the aisle to accomplish things or a far left Democrat who has a track record of partisanship and finger pointing when dealing with the other side.

Ask yourself some very simple questions...

Do you think Barack Obama is going to be any more effective in a second term than he was in the first? Do you think his anti-fossil fuel stance is going to make our economy stronger? Do you think he has the political back bone to make the hard decisions to address the deficit? Do you think that his blame the GOP strategy breeds cooperation or division and if the latter, how will he EVER accomplish anything?

It's the typical Republican ....."Unless you elect our candidate, we will make sure that nothing gets accomplished"

Should the voters reward Republicans for their temper tantrum?

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