Disinformation is enemy #1.

I'm going to simplify this for you.

My mortgage, my vehicle payments, I have a contract to pay those directly, every month.
Which I do.
I just set your strawman ablaze.

Here in NC we have a few toll roads, but most are not.

When I drive on a toll road a camera snaps my license plate and sends me an invoice, which I then pay each month.
Because that is the agreement when driving on the toll road.
Thats a direct payment.

The other roads I pay for through taxation.
Those are indirect payments.

You didn't simplify anything for me, you simplified it for yourself so you can justify whatever claims you want to make. Prove to me that Mexico actually paid for the "wall" in actual numbers and facts, not made up fantasies.
We fought with Russia
No, the USSR and the WAllies fought the same enemy. The USSR was never our ally, it was a total one way street. Billions in everything from gasoline to grain, machine tools to locomotives and tanks to aircraft flowed to the USSR at no cost to Stalin and nothing came back.
so you don't know that Russia is the USA ally, huh?
No, the UK was the USA’s ally. We worked together on the battlefield and economically to defeat the Axis. The Soviets refused to cooperate militarily except for about five occasions when WAllied personnel were kept imprisoned on the temporary bases and isolated from the common Soviet citizen. These were the so called “shuttle” bombing missions where US bombers dropped their loads, then overflew Germany to Soviet bases, refueled and rearmed and hit another target of the way home. The WAllies were so dissatisfied with the Soviet conduct the program was cancelled despite the vast potential benefits to both the Soviets and WAllies.
No, the USSR and the WAllies fought the same enemy. The USSR was never our ally, it was a total one way street. Billions in everything from gasoline to grain, machine tools to locomotives and tanks to aircraft flowed to the USSR at no cost to Stalin and nothing came back.
Our president stood in solidarity

Our president stood in solidarity

FDR was pro-Soviet. He surrounded himself with people who put the needs of the USSR above those of the USA and the other WAllies.
No, the UK was the USA’s ally. We worked together on the battlefield and economically to defeat the Axis. The Soviets refused to cooperate militarily except for about five occasions when WAllied personnel were kept imprisoned on the temporary bases and isolated from the common Soviet citizen. These were the so called “shuttle” bombing missions where US bombers dropped their loads, then overflew Germany to Soviet bases, refueled and rearmed and hit another target of the way home. The WAllies were so dissatisfied with the Soviet conduct the program was cancelled despite the vast potential benefits to both the Soviets and WAllies.
Post 892

Once a Sheriff’s Deputy in Florida, Now a Source of Disinformation From Russia

A dozen years ago, John Mark Dougan, a former deputy sheriff in Palm Beach County, Fla., sent voters an email posing as a county commissioner, urging them to oppose the re-election of the county’s sheriff.

He later masqueraded online as a Russian tech worker with a pseudonym, BadVolf, to leak confidential information in violation of state law, fooling officials in Florida who thought they were dealing with a foreigner.

He also posed as a fictional New York City heiress he called Jessica, tricking an adviser to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office into divulging improper conduct by the department.

“And boy, did he ever spill ALL of the beans,” Mr. Dougan said in a written response to questions for this article, in which he confirmed his role in these episodes.
The fakes have recently included a baseless article on a fake San Francisco Chronicle website that said Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, had smuggled 300 kilograms of cocaine from Argentina. Another false narrative appeared last month in the sham Chronicle and on another site, called The Boston Times, claiming that the C.I.A. was working with Ukrainians to undermine Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign.

Wow, I never would have guessed he's trying to help Trump.

OpenAI finds Russian and Chinese groups used its tech for propaganda campaigns

SAN FRANCISCO — ChatGPT maker OpenAI said Thursday that it caught groups from Russia, China, Iran and Israel using its technology to try to influence political discourse around the world, highlighting concerns that generative artificial intelligence is making it easier for state actors to run covert propaganda campaigns as the 2024 presidential election nears.

OpenAI removed accounts associated with well-known propaganda operations in Russia, China and Iran; an Israeli political campaign firm; and a previously unknown group originating in Russia that the company’s researchers dubbed “Bad Grammar.” The groups used OpenAI’s tech to write posts, translate them into various languages and build software that helped them automatically post to social media.

Putin didn't have AI at his disposal in 2016. His pro-Trump propaganda was low tech.

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