The real Jesus

what does "the romans wiped out every other branch of Judaism but.....
rabbinic Judaism" mean?? Helena was a very powerful lady----
not just 'his mother' the Jesus sect had already gotten around------in fact
it was popular because Judaism had been popular amongst some greek
and roman intellectuals. There was a time when Christianity was nothing more than a jewish sect centered on a charismatic person (just like early Chassidism). As to 'worship of a jewish man' -----Christianity has been
DIVESTING jesus of his Judaism for the past 2000 years.
Constantine also made conversion to Judaism ILLEGAL <<< first step
to genocide. The church took it from there

What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

It tells me, The Religion that came out of Rome was this-2Thess 2:3. None of her branches fixed much of it.

Ok. If you understand that then why do you not understand that the great tribulation followed immediately after Rome unleashed their false triune mangod on the world in 325 c.e.. 2 Thess 2:3 just states that the day of the Lord comes after the reign of the antichrist.

All that is left is for Jesus to destroy this antichrist; This is the day of the Lord.

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of His arrival."

See?The end is not going to be a world war or some type of cosmic catastrophe. Its going to be a good thing. the end of the age of darkness and war and the establishment of the awareness that the kingdom of God is already in power on earth and has been ever since the beginning.

in fact, since the beginning when heaven and earth were first created, there has never been a time when the kingdom of God was not in power...

If you don't see that it doesn't mean that its not true or that the kingdom of God is yet to come. It just means that you are on the wrong side of the law.

Revelation occurs in the last days= now for well over 120 years or so. Rev 13 has occurred for many years and is still in place. We are many years beyond that in revelation. The whole world has watched it yet 1% can see it. Many are falling for the image of the beast. It will be made to look good to the mortal heart( 2Cor 11:12-15) And so will Rev 16 , With 3 inspired expressions( hitting mortals in the heart) satan misleads-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) to stand in opposition to Jesus. 99%

Let me put it this way. When Jesus appeared the first time he said the kingdom of God is at hand, not in some distant future but right then.. When people of a village town or settlement rejected his teaching and ran him out of town he said the kingdom of God had come close...eventually he was killed and the entire nation and way of life was destroyed.

Apparently when there was an opportunity for the people to accept the truth he spoke which potentially would have resulted in peace and they rejected it they got exactly what they were hoping for, an apocalyptic conflagration.

Be careful about what you wish for. God just might give it to you.

It has only been 2 days to Gods view since Jesus was here.(2Peter 3:8) The kingdom is ruling heaven right now. Very few on earth follow it. Jesus said satan rules this world--0 doubt about that. The kingdom rule takes full control of earth at Har-mageddon. It has NOT occurred yet.
Do you know him?-- John 20:17, Revelation 3:12--1Corinthians 15:24-28
Know him as a liar? 'Cause you used the problematic verse in John that shows him telling Mary to lie for him, since he didn't ascend to Father he descended to hell instead he is telling her to lie.
Acts 2:27, 1 Peter 3:19,
Apostles creed=he went the opposite direction unless he admits he's the son of the devil(his father).-oops
View attachment 206469
Above is rhe fishman god Dagon who was called the devil, his son was baal born dec 25th & Baal's 3day risen from the dead out of a tomb death scene is masked imitated by his son the morning star=Jesus in Rev 22:16.
Look up the Canaanite dying god son mythology of athtar the fierce.

Your problem is one of grammar.
Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

I have not yet ascended.
I am ascending.
2 different tenses.

Christ gave no postmortem itinerary. And never needed anyone to lie on His behalf.

When Christ died, He went to Abraham's Bosom to collect those who favored God in life, but could not ascend to the Father until their sins were paid for. They were a chasm away from hell in a totally different environment. Christ spoke to those in Hell for 3 days before gathering God's own. Abraham, King David, Adam, Eve, a poor beggar and others returned with Christ and remained on earth for 40 days. Same as Jesus.
There was a reason why certain graves opened at Christ's death. Those people were coming back. Here is what was documented from eye witnesses, in real time during the event. This is the testimony of 3 Temple priests and what they saw on their way back to the Temple:
"When we were coming from Galilee we met at the Jordan a very great multitude of men, fathers who had been some time dead"...And they went, and walked around all the region of the Jordan and of the mountains, and they were coming back without finding them. And, behold, suddenly there appeared coming down from Mount Amalech a very great number, as it were, twelve thousand men, who had risen with the Lord. And though they recognized very many there, they were not able to say anything to them for fear and the angelic vision; and they stood at a distance gazing and hearing them, how they walked along singing praises, and saying; "The Lord has risen again from the dead, as He has said; let us all exult and be glad, since He reins for ever". Then those who had been sent were astonished and fell to the ground for fear, and received the answer from them, that they should see Karinus and Leucius in their own houses. And they rose up and went to their houses, and found them spending their time in prayer.

Karinus and Leucius were two Temple priests that had recently died and were buried by the Pharisees. Both were taken to the Temple and interrogated separately upon their return with Christ. Their accounts were documented.

The bible teaches--they were in Sheol= the grave in the OT. And in Hades= The grave in the NT. There are many hidden truths and disguised truths( Daniel 12:4) in the bible. But now truth is abundant.

good you mentioned DANIEL ----Daniel is written
in a kinda obscure manner-----using some words which remain ----virtually UNDEFINED (it is Aramaic but still undefined words).
It is so obscure that some jewish scholars counseled
that it should not be read ?? INTENTLY??---in short
it is so mystical as to be considered bordering on
rejected dangerous magical stuff. HOWEVER it seems clear to me that it fascinated lots of people-----like those "JOHN"(s) . persons. YUP obscure stuff-------very ESTOTERIC Daniel was the original
EDGAR ALLEN POE without the absinthe

That means they cant understand the hidden truths. Its not magical stuff. symbolism is used quite a bit in the bible.

yes-----IT IS-----very much so-----the poetry of the bible is very intricate-----the people who have the
best idea what the meaning of the symbolism and
imagery in both the Hebrew and Aramaic poetry of
the bible MEANS are those familiar with the
symbolism and imagery in Hebrew and Aramaic
they are called "Talmudic scholars". Feel free to take it up with them. I will add---that the imagery in DANIEL is so esoteric that -----it is still
under debate. IM (not so humble) O ----trying to decipher the meaning from translations ---is kinda silly. As to "REVELATIONS" ,,, I have nothing to say
What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

It tells me, The Religion that came out of Rome was this-2Thess 2:3. None of her branches fixed much of it.

Ok. If you understand that then why do you not understand that the great tribulation followed immediately after Rome unleashed their false triune mangod on the world in 325 c.e.. 2 Thess 2:3 just states that the day of the Lord comes after the reign of the antichrist.

All that is left is for Jesus to destroy this antichrist; This is the day of the Lord.

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of His arrival."

See?The end is not going to be a world war or some type of cosmic catastrophe. Its going to be a good thing. the end of the age of darkness and war and the establishment of the awareness that the kingdom of God is already in power on earth and has been ever since the beginning.

in fact, since the beginning when heaven and earth were first created, there has never been a time when the kingdom of God was not in power...

If you don't see that it doesn't mean that its not true or that the kingdom of God is yet to come. It just means that you are on the wrong side of the law.

Revelation occurs in the last days= now for well over 120 years or so. Rev 13 has occurred for many years and is still in place. We are many years beyond that in revelation. The whole world has watched it yet 1% can see it. Many are falling for the image of the beast. It will be made to look good to the mortal heart( 2Cor 11:12-15) And so will Rev 16 , With 3 inspired expressions( hitting mortals in the heart) satan misleads-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) to stand in opposition to Jesus. 99%

Let me put it this way. When Jesus appeared the first time he said the kingdom of God is at hand, not in some distant future but right then.. When people of a village town or settlement rejected his teaching and ran him out of town he said the kingdom of God had come close...eventually he was killed and the entire nation and way of life was destroyed.

Apparently when there was an opportunity for the people to accept the truth he spoke which potentially would have resulted in peace and they rejected it they got exactly what they were hoping for, an apocalyptic conflagration.

Be careful about what you wish for. God just might give it to you.

It has only been 2 days to Gods view since Jesus was here.(2Peter 3:8) The kingdom is ruling heaven right now. Very few on earth follow it. Jesus said satan rules this world--0 doubt about that. The kingdom rule takes full control of earth at Har-mageddon. It has NOT occurred yet.

oh-----"satan" KING OF THE UNDERWORLD --
the Christian one with the red pitchfork. ----a Manifestation of DUALISM. -------not the
pathetic pitchforkless-----jewish thing
What did I mean?

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the year 350 C.E. under the watchful eyes of Roman authorities before widespread publication just a few years after they usurped control over early Christian writings completely destroying every other sect and persecuting and killing anyone who maintained a belief in the hidden nature of those teachings.

What does that tell you?

A modern comparison would be the attempts of the chinese to obliterate the authority of the dali lama and replace him with their own perverse state sanctioned version of Buddhism that eliminated the threat to their control of the population.

It tells me, The Religion that came out of Rome was this-2Thess 2:3. None of her branches fixed much of it.

Ok. If you understand that then why do you not understand that the great tribulation followed immediately after Rome unleashed their false triune mangod on the world in 325 c.e.. 2 Thess 2:3 just states that the day of the Lord comes after the reign of the antichrist.

All that is left is for Jesus to destroy this antichrist; This is the day of the Lord.

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of His arrival."

See?The end is not going to be a world war or some type of cosmic catastrophe. Its going to be a good thing. the end of the age of darkness and war and the establishment of the awareness that the kingdom of God is already in power on earth and has been ever since the beginning.

in fact, since the beginning when heaven and earth were first created, there has never been a time when the kingdom of God was not in power...

If you don't see that it doesn't mean that its not true or that the kingdom of God is yet to come. It just means that you are on the wrong side of the law.

Revelation occurs in the last days= now for well over 120 years or so. Rev 13 has occurred for many years and is still in place. We are many years beyond that in revelation. The whole world has watched it yet 1% can see it. Many are falling for the image of the beast. It will be made to look good to the mortal heart( 2Cor 11:12-15) And so will Rev 16 , With 3 inspired expressions( hitting mortals in the heart) satan misleads-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) to stand in opposition to Jesus. 99%

Let me put it this way. When Jesus appeared the first time he said the kingdom of God is at hand, not in some distant future but right then.. When people of a village town or settlement rejected his teaching and ran him out of town he said the kingdom of God had come close...eventually he was killed and the entire nation and way of life was destroyed.

Apparently when there was an opportunity for the people to accept the truth he spoke which potentially would have resulted in peace and they rejected it they got exactly what they were hoping for, an apocalyptic conflagration.

Be careful about what you wish for. God just might give it to you.

It has only been 2 days to Gods view since Jesus was here.(2Peter 3:8) The kingdom is ruling heaven right now. Very few on earth follow it. Jesus said satan rules this world--0 doubt about that. The kingdom rule takes full control of earth at Har-mageddon. It has NOT occurred yet.


Nebuchadnezzar, after a humiliating 7 year period of madness living like a dumb beast without the sense to look up or get out of the rain, raised his eyes and saw the kingdom of God in power thousands of years ago.

If you can't see that the kingdom of God is already in power, his law already in full force and has been ever since divine light was spoken into existence and the concept of heaven and earth was first established, the world above and the world below, it is because you are suffering from a similar humiliating period of madness.

Some people remain that way for their entire lives.

Its time to look up and get out of the rain kemosabe.

For what its worth, the marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

Don't be late.
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oh the seals-----my all time fave character in the SEVENTH SEAL-----was "DEATH" playing chess

Are you any good at chess? Maybe even you can evade death to live long enough to commit a redemptive act...

Who can say?

Maybe you should forgive those nasty 6 year old catechism whores if you want to be forgiven for your crusade...

If you had any sense you would make that move before its checkmate.

No one can repent from the grave.
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oh the seals-----my all time fave character in the SEVENTH SEAL-----was "DEATH" playing chess

Are you any good at chess? Maybe even you can evade death to live long enough to commit a redemptive act...

Who can say?

Maybe you should forgive those nasty 6 year old catechism whores if you want to be forgiven for your crusade...

If you had any sense you would make that move before its checkmate.

No one can repent from the grave.

regarding my citing of those 6 year old catechism whores, I have nothing to repent. I never NAMED
them or ever threw a rock BACK AT THEM. I cited
them because of their age. Six year old girls do not
INVENT in their own minds the accusation "YOU
KILLED JESUS"------since the girls were students at
the local catholic school ----the assumption that they
learned that sort of filth at school, is reasonable----
it is possible they learned it just at home. I am not
the only jewish child in the world with the experience
I cited. You are trying to TRIVIALIZE it. ----and then USE it to discredit any other FACTS that I have
employed in discussion that YOU do not "like"
oh the seals-----my all time fave character in the SEVENTH SEAL-----was "DEATH" playing chess

Are you any good at chess? Maybe even you can evade death to live long enough to commit a redemptive act...

Who can say?

Maybe you should forgive those nasty 6 year old catechism whores if you want to be forgiven for your crusade...

If you had any sense you would make that move before its checkmate.

No one can repent from the grave.

regarding my citing of those 6 year old catechism whores, I have nothing to repent. I never NAMED
them or ever threw a rock BACK AT THEM. I cited
them because of their age. Six year old girls do not
INVENT in their own minds the accusation "YOU
KILLED JESUS"------since the girls were students at
the local catholic school ----the assumption that they
learned that sort of filth at school, is reasonable----
it is possible they learned it just at home. I am not
the only jewish child in the world with the experience
I cited. You are trying to TRIVIALIZE it. ----and then USE it to discredit any other FACTS that I have
employed in discussion that YOU do not "like"

Nice try Rosie. I am not trying to trivialize anything. I pointed out how your infantile emotional resentments that you nurture like a pet snake have detrimentally affected your perceptions and consequently how you think and feel about life and that it still affects you to this day..

Anyone who has even the slightest whiff of Catholicism becomes the target of your rage...islamo nazi catechism whores and similar FILTH comes out of you like PROJECTILE VOMIT. on people who never did anything to you.

Obviously you never got over it. Obviously you blame the victims of child abuse instead of the perpetrators.

Get a grip.
oh the seals-----my all time fave character in the SEVENTH SEAL-----was "DEATH" playing chess

Are you any good at chess? Maybe even you can evade death to live long enough to commit a redemptive act...

Who can say?

Maybe you should forgive those nasty 6 year old catechism whores if you want to be forgiven for your crusade...

If you had any sense you would make that move before its checkmate.

No one can repent from the grave.

regarding my citing of those 6 year old catechism whores, I have nothing to repent. I never NAMED
them or ever threw a rock BACK AT THEM. I cited
them because of their age. Six year old girls do not
INVENT in their own minds the accusation "YOU
KILLED JESUS"------since the girls were students at
the local catholic school ----the assumption that they
learned that sort of filth at school, is reasonable----
it is possible they learned it just at home. I am not
the only jewish child in the world with the experience
I cited. You are trying to TRIVIALIZE it. ----and then USE it to discredit any other FACTS that I have
employed in discussion that YOU do not "like"

Nice try Rosie. I am not trying to trivialize anything. I pointed out how your infantile emotional resentments that you nurture like a pet snake have detrimentally affected your perceptions and consequently how you think and feel about life and that it still affects you to this day..

Anyone who has even the slightest whiff of Catholicism becomes the target of your rage...islamo nazi catechism whores and similar FILTH comes out of you like PROJECTILE VOMIT. on people who never did anything to you.

Obviously you never got over it.

Get a grip.

you analysis is utter nonsense. You seem to find something wrong with the term "islamo Nazi" as
a reference to the deicide myth used to justify the murder of jews over the past approximately 1700 years by Christians and the justification of murder of jews over the past 1400 years by muslims based on the jewish rejection of "muhummad as final prophet".
I have cited examples of persistent features of that culture.which---is actually YOUR CULTURE. It is your heritage which MANY have tried to discard----but
which continues to poison your "soul"
oh the seals-----my all time fave character in the SEVENTH SEAL-----was "DEATH" playing chess

Are you any good at chess? Maybe even you can evade death to live long enough to commit a redemptive act...

Who can say?

Maybe you should forgive those nasty 6 year old catechism whores if you want to be forgiven for your crusade...

If you had any sense you would make that move before its checkmate.

No one can repent from the grave.

regarding my citing of those 6 year old catechism whores, I have nothing to repent. I never NAMED
them or ever threw a rock BACK AT THEM. I cited
them because of their age. Six year old girls do not
INVENT in their own minds the accusation "YOU
KILLED JESUS"------since the girls were students at
the local catholic school ----the assumption that they
learned that sort of filth at school, is reasonable----
it is possible they learned it just at home. I am not
the only jewish child in the world with the experience
I cited. You are trying to TRIVIALIZE it. ----and then USE it to discredit any other FACTS that I have
employed in discussion that YOU do not "like"

Nice try Rosie. I am not trying to trivialize anything. I pointed out how your infantile emotional resentments that you nurture like a pet snake have detrimentally affected your perceptions and consequently how you think and feel about life and that it still affects you to this day..

Anyone who has even the slightest whiff of Catholicism becomes the target of your rage...islamo nazi catechism whores and similar FILTH comes out of you like PROJECTILE VOMIT. on people who never did anything to you.

Obviously you never got over it.

Get a grip.

you analysis is utter nonsense. You seem to find something wrong with the term "islamo Nazi" as
a reference to the deicide myth used to justify the murder of jews over the past approximately 1700 years by Christians and the justification of murder of jews over the past 1400 years by muslims based on the jewish rejection of "muhummad as final prophet".
I have cited examples of persistent features of that culture.which---is actually YOUR CULTURE. It is your heritage which MANY have tried to discard----but
which continues to poison your "soul"

lol... Christians reject the claim that Mohammed was the final prophet too which amounts to a claim that mohammed was both the fulfillment of Christian expectations for the return of Jesus and Jewish expectations for the appearance of their messiah...

Aside from that you don't have the slightest idea about what is my culture, which is astonishing to me..

Its not like I have been keeping my views secret.

oh the seals-----my all time fave character in the SEVENTH SEAL-----was "DEATH" playing chess

Are you any good at chess? Maybe even you can evade death to live long enough to commit a redemptive act...

Who can say?

Maybe you should forgive those nasty 6 year old catechism whores if you want to be forgiven for your crusade...

If you had any sense you would make that move before its checkmate.

No one can repent from the grave.

regarding my citing of those 6 year old catechism whores, I have nothing to repent. I never NAMED
them or ever threw a rock BACK AT THEM. I cited
them because of their age. Six year old girls do not
INVENT in their own minds the accusation "YOU
KILLED JESUS"------since the girls were students at
the local catholic school ----the assumption that they
learned that sort of filth at school, is reasonable----
it is possible they learned it just at home. I am not
the only jewish child in the world with the experience
I cited. You are trying to TRIVIALIZE it. ----and then USE it to discredit any other FACTS that I have
employed in discussion that YOU do not "like"

Nice try Rosie. I am not trying to trivialize anything. I pointed out how your infantile emotional resentments that you nurture like a pet snake have detrimentally affected your perceptions and consequently how you think and feel about life and that it still affects you to this day..

Anyone who has even the slightest whiff of Catholicism becomes the target of your rage...islamo nazi catechism whores and similar FILTH comes out of you like PROJECTILE VOMIT. on people who never did anything to you.

Obviously you never got over it.

Get a grip.

you analysis is utter nonsense. You seem to find something wrong with the term "islamo Nazi" as
a reference to the deicide myth used to justify the murder of jews over the past approximately 1700 years by Christians and the justification of murder of jews over the past 1400 years by muslims based on the jewish rejection of "muhummad as final prophet".
I have cited examples of persistent features of that culture.which---is actually YOUR CULTURE. It is your heritage which MANY have tried to discard----but
which continues to poison your "soul"

lol... Christians reject the claim that Mohammed was the final prophet too which amounts to a claim that mohammed was both the fulfillment of Christian expectations for the return of Jesus and Jewish expectations for the appearance of their messiah...

Aside from that you don't have the slightest idea about what is my culture, which is astonishing to me..

Its not like I have been keeping my views secret.


you don't know anything about your family background and the customs and traditions of your close relatives?

Your islamo Nazi tendencies DO SHINE THRU.
AS to your "general" knowledge-----It is true that muslims consider muhummad to be the fulfillment
of both Jewish and Christian prophecies. So? you made no point
So now Hobelim is claiming to do
HaSheva (redemptive) acts?
Go figure. ;-)

I am not sure what he is claiming

Thats better... See?

Its not that hard to be honest.

Now if you only knew how to ask an intelligent question you might get an answer.

you need to be QUESTIONED as in INTERROGATED in order to express yourself
cogently? why? I will start as per tradition---tell me your age, you height and weight and your reason for this consultation
So now Hobelim is claiming to do
HaSheva (redemptive) acts?
Go figure. ;-)

I am not sure what he is claiming

Thats better... See?

Its not that hard to be honest.

Now if you only knew how to ask an intelligent question you might get an answer.

you need to be QUESTIONED as in INTERROGATED in order to express yourself
cogently? why? I will start as per tradition---tell me your age, you height and weight and your reason for this consultation


If you don't have the wherewithal to ask an intelligent question you do not have the substance to comprehend an intelligent answer.

So then if you ask a stupid question you will get a stupid answer.

There are protocols and procedures, darling, not to mention the required modicum of respect.

If you want out of the hell that you have created for yourself, you can start by calling me sir. lol...

Baruch haba b'Shem ADONAI and all that jazz.

Last edited:
So now Hobelim is claiming to do
HaSheva (redemptive) acts?
Go figure. ;-)

I am not sure what he is claiming

hobie----you have AGAIN------written nothing

Thats better... See?

Its not that hard to be honest.

Now if you only knew how to ask an intelligent question you might get an answer.

you need to be QUESTIONED as in INTERROGATED in order to express yourself
cogently? why? I will start as per tradition---tell me your age, you height and weight and your reason for this consultation


If you don't have the wherewithal to ask an intelligent question you do not have the substance to comprehend an intelligent answer.

So then if you ask a stupid question you will get a stupid answer.

So now Hobelim is claiming to do
HaSheva (redemptive) acts?
Go figure. ;-)

I am not sure what he is claiming

Thats better... See?

Its not that hard to be honest.

Now if you only knew how to ask an intelligent question you might get an answer.

you need to be QUESTIONED as in INTERROGATED in order to express yourself
cogently? why? I will start as per tradition---tell me your age, you height and weight and your reason for this consultation


If you don't have the wherewithal to ask an intelligent question you do not have the substance to comprehend an intelligent answer.

So then if you ask a stupid question you will get a stupid answer.

There are protocols and procedures, darling, not to mention the required modicum of respect.

If you want out of the hell that you have created for yourself, you can start by calling me sir. lol...


what is your rank? In the military-----I am addressed
as Ma'am because of my RANK. It is military procedure. In the court room I am addressed as Doctor. On this messageboard you are an obvious SCMUCK
So now Hobelim is claiming to do
HaSheva (redemptive) acts?
Go figure. ;-)

I am not sure what he is claiming

Thats better... See?

Its not that hard to be honest.

Now if you only knew how to ask an intelligent question you might get an answer.

you need to be QUESTIONED as in INTERROGATED in order to express yourself
cogently? why? I will start as per tradition---tell me your age, you height and weight and your reason for this consultation


If you don't have the wherewithal to ask an intelligent question you do not have the substance to comprehend an intelligent answer.

So then if you ask a stupid question you will get a stupid answer.

There are protocols and procedures, darling, not to mention the required modicum of respect.

If you want out of the hell that you have created for yourself, you can start by calling me sir. lol...


what is your rank? In the military-----I am addressed
as Ma'am because of my RANK. It is military procedure. In the court room I am addressed as Doctor. On this messageboard you are an obvious SCMUCK

lol,,, obviously you are obsessed with this schmuck..

Enjoy the ride!
I am not sure what he is claiming

Thats better... See?

Its not that hard to be honest.

Now if you only knew how to ask an intelligent question you might get an answer.

you need to be QUESTIONED as in INTERROGATED in order to express yourself
cogently? why? I will start as per tradition---tell me your age, you height and weight and your reason for this consultation


If you don't have the wherewithal to ask an intelligent question you do not have the substance to comprehend an intelligent answer.

So then if you ask a stupid question you will get a stupid answer.

There are protocols and procedures, darling, not to mention the required modicum of respect.

If you want out of the hell that you have created for yourself, you can start by calling me sir. lol...


what is your rank? In the military-----I am addressed
as Ma'am because of my RANK. It is military procedure. In the court room I am addressed as Doctor. On this messageboard you are an obvious SCMUCK

lol,,, obviously you are obsessed with this schmuck..

Enjoy the ride!

I have no obsessions. ----and, certainly, not with

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