The Racist History of The Democratic Party

Yes. You hold Trump to a standard that you clearly don't hold Biden to, and you're voting for Biden. It's hypocrisy. That means you don't really have that standard, it's just a partisan political attack. Democrats are all about partisan.

Glad I could explain it to you, thanks for asking. You're welcome
So you must know my opinion of Biden and the Democrats.

Go ahead and tell me. You must know the answer to call me a hypocrite.

You made that up. There's no evidence that the racists left the Democrat party. I've lived in the South for decades and most of them are firmly planted at home with the racist Democrat party as they always were. Their daddy was a Democrat and they'll die a Democrat. Think about it. They are racists because they do NOT want change.

BTW, most of the racists from the Dixiecrat south died. No conspiracy, it was old age.

No, the racists are firmly with you. Rest assured
So does that mean youre ready to take down confederate monuments?
So does that mean youre ready to take down confederate monuments?

I support taking down actual confederate monuments, yes. I also support renaming all the southern bases named after confederate generals. And I've long supported removing confederate flags from all government property and removing them from being within the flags of States.

Blacks have reasonable reason to resent those. And government should not be doing things that reasonably offends a significant portion of it's own population.

That said, I do not support doing it through riots but through lawful means. I think looters and rioters should be arrested and spend a good chunk of time in jail. I'd also declare open season on them when they are looting someone's property
Who has been whitewashing the Democratic Party?
The party masters...where are all the statues of their racist past? REMOVED! and who do you think it is that really owes reparations? them! now the racists want to share their blame [an the tab for it] with the rest of America like it does with every in humane decision it has made...but you already knew that didn't you? to keep killing black children in the womb? pretending that is a caring humane function for folks like you is hobby and the most disgusting form of whitewashing...any more silliness?
Everyone knows that the Democratic party used to be the party where racists and bigots found a home.

Most people know that that is no longer the case, and that the Republican party is now where racists
and bigots can find a home.

Why doesn't the OP seem to know this?
You made that up. There's no evidence that the racists left the Democrat party. I've lived in the South for decades and most of them are firmly planted at home with the racist Democrat party as they always were. Their daddy was a Democrat and they'll die a Democrat. Think about it. They are racists because they do NOT want change.

BTW, most of the racists from the Dixiecrat south died. No conspiracy, it was old age.

No, the racists are firmly with you. Rest assured

Ok, so who is flying the confederate flags down in the South. If the Dixiecrats are gone and the South is GOP dominant. Sorry, the geography is what it is. That is factual.
Ok, so who is flying the confederate flags down in the South. If the Dixiecrats are gone and the South is GOP dominant. Sorry, the geography is what it is. That is factual.

Dominant means like 50-60 percent in most places. This is just more of your leftist stupid shit where everyone is one thing or the other, there is no gray.

Did you know there are tens of millions of ... Republicans ... in California? Sheesh.

BTW, I almost never see confederate flags in the south. I said confederate flags should not fly on GOVERNMENT property. The people are still free to do as they choose
David Duke is a nobody. Why would Trump know the details about him? Wasn't he a Democrat for most of his life?

Meanwhile, barak obama was good friends with actual racists, and anti-semites...louis farrakhan, al sharpton and jeremiah wright....and who knows what other racists he called friends and allies....actual racists, that he knew and embraced personally .....
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It is just as easy for YOU to address the statements in the video, how come you haven't done it yet?


"It is just as easy for YOU to address the statements in the video, how come you haven't done it yet?"


at one time CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS in the democrat party promoted slavery and racism.

but over the years CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN racists left he democratic party and joined the republican party.

conservatives try to whitewash THEIR involvement with slavery and racisnm by DENYING TRUTH anD ATCUAL HISTORY....

CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS in the democratic party supported slavery and racism.

why do you choose to lie?

the democrats who supported slavery and racism were CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!
Dominant means like 50-60 percent in most places. This is just more of your leftist stupid shit where everyone is one thing or the other, there is no gray.

Did you know there are tens of millions of ... Republicans ... in California? Sheesh.

BTW, I almost never see confederate flags in the south. I said confederate flags should not fly on GOVERNMENT property. The people are still free to do as they choose

“Leftist stupid shit”

White flag accepted
Never said that
Point out where I used the word “everyone”.

Dont bother it isn’t there.

Want to keep arguing the point?

You said that the south was republican now and assumed that meant that the racists were Republican. That was the basis of your argument.

So basically at this point, you're another lying Democrat who won't stand behind what you said

Ok, so who is flying the confederate flags down in the South. If the Dixiecrats are gone and the South is GOP dominant. Sorry, the geography is what it is. That is factual.

That argument doesn't work unless you assume there is no meaningful Democrat party left, which of course is not true
You said that the south was republican now and assumed that meant that the racists were Republican. That was the basis of your argument.

So basically at this point, you're another lying Democrat who won't stand behind what you said

That argument doesn't work unless you assume there is no meaningful Democrat party left, which of course is not true

My point is proven. All you have are insults. I don’t need insults because I’m right.

Have a nice day.
Ok, so who is flying the confederate flags down in the South. If the Dixiecrats are gone and the South is GOP dominant. Sorry, the geography is what it is. That is factual.
My point is proven. All you have are insults. I don’t need insults because I’m right.

Have a nice day.

You said the racists had to be Republicans, but as I pointed out the Democrat party is still a significant minority. The only thing you proved is you're not man enough to admit that was a stupid argument, it doesn't prove shit.

The fiscal conservatives went Republican. You offered no evidence at all. Typical Democrat empty shell
I never said Trump supported or endorsed David Duke.

So now you're just another liar.

And then you have to launch the personal attacks.

You are a proven liar and an emotional child. And, therefore, a good Trumpster.
Trump supporters arent the ones going out in violent emotional mobs and rioting pig .

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