The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II.

The Presidents ranked by highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II!​

As of May 30, 2024:

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Joe Biden: 3.14%
08. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Donald Trump: 1.93%
13. Barack Obama: 1.90%

14. George W. Bush: 1.87%

The First Quarter real GDP numbers for 2024 were released on May 30, 2024 and show the U.S. economy grew at a 1.3% rate. This much slower rate of growth compared to previous quarters in 2023 brings Biden's quarterly real GDP growth average down to 3.14% for his first term in office to date. There are three more quarters left in his first time, 2 of which will be known prior to the November 2024 election.
LOL!! back for your annual post U2?

Welcome back!!

No one cares about GDP, this election is about INFLATION, and the FACT that prices rose 25% or so under Biden.

Biden cost the average household about $1,000 a month in reduced buying power.

LOL!! back for your annual post U2?

Welcome back!!

No one cares about GDP, this election is about INFLATION, and the FACT that prices rose 25% or so under Biden.

Biden cost the average household about $1,000 a month in reduced buying power.

Everyone should care about real GDP growth, because it is vital to the standard of living of everyone in the country as well the national power and security of the country. Joe Biden has done far better than Donald Trump on this measure. In fact, Joe Biden has the BEST real GDP average growth rate of any President since Bill Clinton. Under Joe Biden, the United States has had by far the highest average real GDP growth it has so far experienced in the 21st century.

Here is another economic metric where Joe Biden is cleaning house:

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Joe Biden: 4.16%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Donald Trump: 5.01%
07. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
08. George W. Bush: 5.27%
09. John Kennedy: 5.98%
10. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
11. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
12. Barack Obama: 7.45%
13. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
14. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
Everyone should care about real GDP growth, because it is vital to the standard of living of everyone in the country as well the national power and security of the country. Joe Biden has done far better than Donald Trump on this measure. In fact, Joe Biden has the BEST real GDP average growth rate of any President since Bill Clinton. Under Joe Biden, the United States has had by far the highest average real GDP growth it has so far experienced in the 21st century. Here is another economic metric where Joe Biden is cleaning house:
Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Joe Biden: 4.16%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Donald Trump: 5.01%
07. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
08. George W. Bush: 5.27%
09. John Kennedy: 5.98%
10. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
11. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
12. Barack Obama: 7.45%
13. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
14. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
Unemployment rates when households are losing $1,000 a month in buying power?

Voters will ALWAYS vote their wallets. Biden has been a disaster for household finances and standard of living.

The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Donald Trump: 2.83%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

It should be mention that despite the recession that occurred while George H.W. Bush was President, his last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth of over 4% each quarter. That's the last time the United States EVER had four consecutive quarters of 4% GDP growth.
1992 Quarter One: 4.88%
1992 Quarter Two: 4.41%
1992 Quarter Three: 4.01%
1992 Quarter Four: 4.24%
George H.W. Bush had the economy moving strongly again and definitely deserved to be re-elected President for this and many other reasons. He would have been re-elected had it not been for the 3rd party run of the wealthy Billionaire Ross Perot who took away many of Bush votes, people who would have voted for Bush in a two way race, allowing Clinton to win. George Bush's economic growth and new tax increases set the stage for the Budget Surpluses that were achieved at the end of the 1990s. Without George H.W. Bush, its likely those surpluses would not of happened, the first Budget surpluses since 1969.
Kennedy also holds the record for doing the most WH interns.
Imagine Obama's GDP if he hadn't expanded the role of govt. so bigly. Of course leftists don't know what I'm talking about, they're only "aware" of the lies they receive from their masters.

The Presidents ranked by highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II!​

As of July 25, 2024:

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Joe Biden: 3.12%
08. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Donald Trump: 1.93%
13. Barack Obama: 1.90%

14. George W. Bush: 1.87%

The United States real quarterly GDP grew by 2.8% in the second quarter of 2024.

The Presidents ranked by highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II!​

As of July 25, 2024:

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Joe Biden: 3.12%
08. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Donald Trump: 1.93%
13. Barack Obama: 1.90%

14. George W. Bush: 1.87%

The United States real quarterly GDP grew by 2.8% in the second quarter of 2024.
OMG, have you been to buy groceries lately?

People are standing in bread lines.

People's standard of living is being hurt by Biden/Harris, so don't try to bullshit them with GDP.

If you look at the graph, GDP is fairly constant excluding the dip due to the Covid pandemic.


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