The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Donald Trump: 2.83%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

It should be mention that despite the recession that occurred while George H.W. Bush was President, his last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth of over 4% each quarter. That's the last time the United States EVER had four consecutive quarters of 4% GDP growth.
1992 Quarter One: 4.88%
1992 Quarter Two: 4.41%
1992 Quarter Three: 4.01%
1992 Quarter Four: 4.24%
George H.W. Bush had the economy moving strongly again and definitely deserved to be re-elected President for this and many other reasons. He would have been re-elected had it not been for the 3rd party run of the wealthy Billionaire Ross Perot who took away many of Bush votes, people who would have voted for Bush in a two way race, allowing Clinton to win. George Bush's economic growth and new tax increases set the stage for the Budget Surpluses that were achieved at the end of the 1990s. Without George H.W. Bush, its likely those surpluses would not of happened, the first Budget surpluses since 1969.
The monthly unemployment rate for November 2018 was 3.7%. This is the 23rd unemployment report with Trump in office, his 23rd month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.16% in October 2018 to 4.14% in November 2018.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Donald Trump: 4.14%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 25 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.9% for November 2018, the same as it was in October 2018.
Yes, Obama sucked even with Quantative Easing his entire term, near zero interest rates, and a few Trillion Dollar "stimuli". The money went to unions, and cronies as payback for getting elected. He laughed when asked about "shovel read jobs", saying maybe they weren't so shovel ready as he thought. LOL! What a liar!
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

Donald Trumps average quarterly real GDP growth since taking office drops from last quarter from 2.83% down to 2.78% because 4th quarter real GDP growth in 2018 fell to 2.5891% from 3.3560% in the previous quarter.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Donald Trump: 2.78%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%
So Obama had eight years and could only manage 1.90%. That is horrendous, however, the President does not run the economy, but tax and other policies can affect it. Trump has only been in office for a little over two years. Let's give his policies a little time to make a difference, and let's also see how many times the Fed raises interest rates in order to slow "his" economy.

The Fed has already raised interest rates FOUR TIMES in the short time Trump has been in office. They did the opposite to Obama.
So Obama had eight years and could only manage 1.90%. That is horrendous, however, the President does not run the economy, but tax and other policies can affect it. Trump has only been in office for a little over two years. Let's give his policies a little time to make a difference, and let's also see how many times the Fed raises interest rates in order to slow "his" economy.

GDP growth is important, but its not the only thing to consider when it comes to the President. Even if you could say that all the recent GDP growth was due to Trump's policies, I still would not support him to be re-elected in 2020 given everything else one must consider in voting for President.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.

I think alot of progressives missed the "no further indictments" headline due to where they get their news.

I switched over to MSNBC after the announcement and they were in ass clenched full spin mode. The news was speculating...let that sink in for a moment. The news was speculating that even though no more indictments that Trump did commit crimes and the report would show that Trump said he would plead the 5th. That's what passes for "news" in the liberal media. That's what a POTUS has had to deal with for the past 2 years. Presumption of innocence is out the window.

The Democrats and the Media are all about using Identity Politics to create controversy and further divide us. If we stay divided then we need government to step in, and help us, right? So these elites just want more government, more dependency and more control of our lives. Oh yeah, and give us more of your wealth and income while you are at it to pay for all these "fixes".

The Democrats and Media are fine with an old White guy as long as he promotes the above which Biden does. Do as I say, not as I do is their hypocritical mantra.

Oh brother . Cons don’t use ID politics ? Who’s a bigger divider than Trunp ? He won’t even visit districts he didn’t win .

So Obama had eight years and could only manage 1.90%. That is horrendous, however, the President does not run the economy, but tax and other policies can affect it. Trump has only been in office for a little over two years. Let's give his policies a little time to make a difference, and let's also see how many times the Fed raises interest rates in order to slow "his" economy.

GDP growth is important, but its not the only thing to consider when it comes to the President. Even if you could say that all the recent GDP growth was due to Trump's policies, I still would not support him to be re-elected in 2020 given everything else one must consider in voting for President.

I agree that the economy is only one factor, and any President's policies don't control the economy but may influence it. I do agree with Trump's overall policy positions, and actions so far. It is obvious you don't, and that's ok.
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

Donald Trumps average quarterly real GDP growth since taking office is at 2.64% after 10 quarters in office. Trumps average is steadily dropping. It was at 2.83% towards the end of 2018. Still Better GDP growth on average compared to the last two Presidents, but Trump has only served 2.5 years so far, and his average GDP growth rate is now below that of most modern Presidents. He is also failing to maintain an average of above 3% growth that he promised.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
09. Donald Trump: 2.64%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

Donald Trumps average quarterly real GDP growth since taking office is at 2.59% after 10 quarters in office. Trumps average is steadily dropping. It was at 2.83% towards the end of 2018. Still Better GDP growth on average compared to the last two Presidents, but Trump has only served 2.75 years so far, and his average GDP growth rate is now below that of most modern Presidents. He is also failing to maintain an average of above 3% growth that he promised.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
09. Donald Trump: 2.59%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.

I think alot of progressives missed the "no further indictments" headline due to where they get their news.

I switched over to MSNBC after the announcement and they were in ass clenched full spin mode. The news was speculating...let that sink in for a moment. The news was speculating that even though no more indictments that Trump did commit crimes and the report would show that Trump said he would plead the 5th. That's what passes for "news" in the liberal media. That's what a POTUS has had to deal with for the past 2 years. Presumption of innocence is out the window.

The Democrats and the Media are all about using Identity Politics to create controversy and further divide us. If we stay divided then we need government to step in, and help us, right? So these elites just want more government, more dependency and more control of our lives. Oh yeah, and give us more of your wealth and income while you are at it to pay for all these "fixes".

The Democrats and Media are fine with an old White guy as long as he promotes the above which Biden does. Do as I say, not as I do is their hypocritical mantra.

Oh brother . Cons don’t use ID politics ? Who’s a bigger divider than Trunp ? He won’t even visit districts he didn’t win .

So Obama had eight years and could only manage 1.90%. That is horrendous, however, the President does not run the economy, but tax and other policies can affect it. Trump has only been in office for a little over two years. Let's give his policies a little time to make a difference, and let's also see how many times the Fed raises interest rates in order to slow "his" economy.

GDP growth is important, but its not the only thing to consider when it comes to the President. Even if you could say that all the recent GDP growth was due to Trump's policies, I still would not support him to be re-elected in 2020 given everything else one must consider in voting for President.

I agree that the economy is only one factor, and any President's policies don't control the economy but may influence it. I do agree with Trump's overall policy positions, and actions so far. It is obvious you don't, and that's ok.

The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%.

Thats because Kennedy adopted what are today Republican tax policies.

That's because Kennedy inherited a booming economy from Eisenhower, with an upper marginal tax rate of 90%.
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

Donald Trumps average quarterly real GDP growth since taking office is at 2.59% after 10 quarters in office. Trumps average is steadily dropping. It was at 2.83% towards the end of 2018. Still Better GDP growth on average compared to the last two Presidents, but Trump has only served 2.75 years so far, and his average GDP growth rate is now below that of most modern Presidents. He is also failing to maintain an average of above 3% growth that he promised.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
09. Donald Trump: 2.55%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

Donald Trumps average quarterly real GDP growth since taking office is at 2.55% after 12 quarters in office. Trumps average is steadily dropping. It was at 2.83% towards the end of 2018. Still Better GDP growth on average compared to the last two Presidents, but Trump has only served 3 years so far, and his average GDP growth rate is now below that of most modern Presidents. He is also failing to maintain an average of above 3% growth that he promised.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
09. Donald Trump: 2.55%

10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%​
Lol! Obama inherited a depressed economy with unemployment rising. You guys crack me up.
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%.

Thats because Kennedy adopted what are today Republican tax policies.

JFK also said..."The best welfare program in the world is a JOB!

The country wasn't burdened with welfare in those days and the country had much higher
income tax rates. At the same time...Folks got deductions for all donations. Thus giving to the
Salvation Army, Churches, Scouts, Colleges, etc...were all tax deductible. Corporations were glad to donate
to charitable causes.
there are 2 types of people: those who think Trump is saving the world, and those who think that the world needs saving from Trump.

i belong to the latter, my friends! what about you?
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Donald Trump: 2.83%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

It should be mention that despite the recession that occurred while George H.W. Bush was President, his last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth of over 4% each quarter. That's the last time the United States EVER had four consecutive quarters of 4% GDP growth.
1992 Quarter One: 4.88%
1992 Quarter Two: 4.41%
1992 Quarter Three: 4.01%
1992 Quarter Four: 4.24%
George H.W. Bush had the economy moving strongly again and definitely deserved to be re-elected President for this and many other reasons. He would have been re-elected had it not been for the 3rd party run of the wealthy Billionaire Ross Perot who took away many of Bush votes, people who would have voted for Bush in a two way race, allowing Clinton to win. George Bush's economic growth and new tax increases set the stage for the Budget Surpluses that were achieved at the end of the 1990s. Without George H.W. Bush, its likely those surpluses would not of happened, the first Budget surpluses since 1969.

Why are using averages when Barack Obama had to deal with the great recession? And as I recall Republicans would mock Obama for not having two consecutive months at 3%. I don’t hear about that anymore?
Celebrating economic growth while adding a $Trillion a year to the National Debt, now at $23T and rising, seems Nero'ish to me.
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Donald Trump: 2.83%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

It should be mention that despite the recession that occurred while George H.W. Bush was President, his last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth of over 4% each quarter. That's the last time the United States EVER had four consecutive quarters of 4% GDP growth.
1992 Quarter One: 4.88%
1992 Quarter Two: 4.41%
1992 Quarter Three: 4.01%
1992 Quarter Four: 4.24%
George H.W. Bush had the economy moving strongly again and definitely deserved to be re-elected President for this and many other reasons. He would have been re-elected had it not been for the 3rd party run of the wealthy Billionaire Ross Perot who took away many of Bush votes, people who would have voted for Bush in a two way race, allowing Clinton to win. George Bush's economic growth and new tax increases set the stage for the Budget Surpluses that were achieved at the end of the 1990s. Without George H.W. Bush, its likely those surpluses would not of happened, the first Budget surpluses since 1969.

Why are using averages when Barack Obama had to deal with the great recession? And as I recall Republicans would mock Obama for not having two consecutive months at 3%. I don’t hear about that anymore?

As of January 2020:

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
09. Donald Trump: 2.55%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

Real quarterly GDP growth goes up and down many times during most Presidential Administrations. It would not be accurate to simply cherry pick one or two quarters of good growth or one or two quarters of bad growth. All quarters of economic growth under each President are considered and then averaged as that is the most accurate way to make comparisons on GDP growth between the Presidential administrations.

Trump's average growth is falling. It was about 2.83% a year ago, but it has fallen to 2.55%. If current trends continue, he will likely finish his term which will likely be his last, with 2.35% average real GDP growth. Its will be a little better than the Obama and Bush averages, but not by much.
As of April 2020:

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
09. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
10. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
11. Donald Trump: 1.97%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%

13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

First quarter GDP data for 2020 is now in and there has been a devastating negative 5.0471% decline in GDP for the first quarter of this year. This brings Donald Trump's average real quarterly GDP growth rate for his time in office down from 2.55% at the start of January to 1.97% at the start of April. 2nd quarter results will likely be even worse sending Trump's average quarterly real GDP growth rate to the bottom of the list by July. At one point in late 2018, Trump's average was 2.83%.

Trump risk going into the election with the worst average quarterly real GDP growth rate of any President since World War II. On the Unemployment front, current unemployment going into the election might be the worst ever in U.S. history.
Quarter 1's quarterly GDP contraction of 5.0471% was the 7th worst quarterly GDP contraction since World War II. Second quarter figures are likely to be worse.

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