The left's war on meat and people living well....

Loser Drifters Who Were Never Spanked, So They Never Grew Up
Whatever excuses you're looking for to abandon them in our streets is irrelevant to the fact that we need to resolve the homelessness and drug epidemic in our country. Socialists have solutions, while you apparently don't.
I volunteer as a farmer to teach the leftards how to process livestock

The 1980s was the beginning of the end of the working class in this country, along with our manufacturing base.

Ivy Leaguers Go Slumming

You consistently and insistently point to your pet homeless human garbage as fallout from Reaganism, but such lowlife would have sunk to the bottom in any kind of economy. Career criminals, low-energy drifters, and self-indulgent immature brats are all you care about. The reason is that they are the only people you can rationally feel superior to, which made you decide to become their Moses leading them to the Communist Promised Land.
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You want the rich to get everything at the expense of everyone else.
BooHoo propoganda
The rich get that way by a myriad of diligent applications and occasionally embedded family wealth. You won’t apply yourself so you piss and moan like a true pussy . “At the expense of others” really has no technical, reality application nor meaning but you can use it to blame your apathy on others and retreat to safe space
Ivy Leaguers Go Slumming

You consistently and insistently use your pet homeless human garbage as fallout from Reaganism, but such lowlife would have sunk to the bottom in any kind of economy. Career criminals, low-energy drifters, and self-indulgent immature brats are all you care about. The reason is that they are the only people you can rationally feel superior to, which made you decide to become their Moses leading them to the Communist Promised Land.
Since you don't know me, you have no idea who I interact with regularly or what I do for a living, so you're simply pulling all of that capitalist Cold War rhetoric out of your ass. The reason we have homeless in America is because in our country politicians serve the wealthy elites at the expense of everyone else. What I see, is that when people who are homeless and grappling with substance abuse and other issues, receive housing and the assistance they need to rebuild their lives, they greatly improve their condition and are no longer urinating and defecating on the sidewalk, in front of your home or business. They're not harassing your customers, or shoplifting in your store, because they're receiving the help they need to get back on their feet.

A considerable number of them move out of the basic housing we provide them, into better housing, with a good paying job. I just helped a man who lived with us for six years, move into his new apartment with his wife. He has a job with the city earning a good income, with benefits. He was once strung out on drugs, sleeping on the sidewalk. You can abandon them, but we won't and if you ever find yourself homeless, here in NYC, we will help you as well.
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BooHoo propoganda
The rich get that way by a myriad of diligent applications and occasionally embedded family wealth. You won’t apply yourself so you piss and moan like a true pussy . “At the expense of others” really has no technical, reality application nor meaning but you can use it to blame your apathy on others and retreat to safe space
Yes, at the cost of the working class who should be the ones who own the means of production and all of the major centers of economic power in this country. The people should rule in both government and the workplace. Democracy in both politics and at work. Don't like it? Boohoo.
Your work isn't worth shit without a society to work in and your co-workers and all of the people who helped you along the way. There are no "self-made" people, just a few arrogant, pretentious assholes who think they did it all on their own, without anyone else's help.
A great way to piss of liberals is go to your local fast food joint and have a couple of whoppers or quarter pounders. Make sure to sit near the liberal eating a salad.
Whoppers are pathetic these days. They have been downsized.
Yes, at the cost of the working class who should be the ones who own the means of production and all of the major centers of economic power in this country. The people should rule in both government and the workplace. Democracy in both politics and at work. Don't like it? Boohoo.
The working class is constant commie chatter. It scores no point in modern times.
People work and get income and live solid lives.
People who own where they all work live lavish lives and that somehow angers your sick, commie emotions.
Work is work, not play, not fun, not make you top 5% wealthy . Fact of life and just as it should be.
Try doing some work and earn a living and you may gain comprehension and replace your childish resentment.
You want to discuss serious, complex issues then whine about your opponent's long posts. For every line of bullshit you write, it might take two or three lines or more to debunk it.

We don't throw "tons of money" at the problems I mentioned, nor do we have a workable strategy or action plan, because if we did, we would eliminate homelessness. The greatest obstacle to allocating funds to social services and eliminating homelessness are the Republicans. The private sector is often more bureaucratic, autocratic, and inefficient than the government, so your anti-government "administrative" red-tape claim is an old worn-out, fallacious capitalist polemic. Capitalists and their brainwashed working-class serfs hate democratic government because it is the strong arm of the people, which undermines their destructive pursuits and self-serving power.
You dumbfuck! NOTHING is as
bureaucratic, autocratic, and inefficient
as government.
The working class is constant commie chatter. It scores no point in modern times.
People work and get income and live solid lives.
People who own where they all work live lavish lives and that somehow angers your sick, commie emotions.
Work is work, not play, not fun, not make you top 5% wealthy . Fact of life and just as it should be.
Try doing some work and earn a living and you may gain comprehension and replace your childish resentment.

Oh boohoo rich little boy wants to be an unaccountable master exploiting human beings. The employer (i.e. exploiter) of his employees i.e. exploitees. No sorry grandpa, your children are going to be socialists, because advanced automation will eliminate for-profit capitalist production. We're now entering into the socialist era, thanks to advanced technology. Do you need a class on economics? Apparently you do.
You should become a socialist because it's coming sooner than you think. You might as well convert now Johnny.
Yep, about everything I'm thinking right now I should not post.

I'll convert to Socialism as soon as you join the Hairy Fishnuts.
Oh boohoo rich little boy wants to be an unaccountable master exploiting human beings. The employer (i.e. exploiter) of his employees i.e. exploitees. No sorry grandpa, your children are going to be socialists, because advanced automation will eliminate for-profit capitalist production. We're now entering into the socialist era, thanks to advanced technology. Do you need a class on economics? Apparently you do.
Who's going to own the machines, dumbass? You know, the "means of production"?

Who's going to operate them?

Apparently you don't understand the concept of innovation.
Who's going to own the machines, dumbass? You know, the "means of production"?
The working class, through the dictatorship of the Proletariat. A democratic proletarian-run government manages all of the advanced technology for the people. A rationally planned, centralized command economy, with powerful computers running artificial intelligence, doing all of the accounting and logistics, in collaboration with worker-run factories. Thanks to advanced tech, this is the inevitable mode of production for the modern world. Boohoo if you don't like it, because it's going to happen, peacefully or not. If the wealthy elites think that they're going to be the only ones owning the tech and factories, they're dumb.

No techno-feudalism for the American people, but rather democratic socialism, where everyone owns the technology together and runs production under a democratic system in the workplace, in collaboration with a democratic socialist government. DEM-PEOPLE -CRACY/RULERSHIP = DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT/THE WORKING CLASS.

The people will rule, boohoo if you don't like that old man, because it's going to happen, through a peaceful transition or a violent revolution, it will occur. You can count on that.

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