The first thing I thought about,,,,, were the animals in the Cali fires..

I have been canvasing the news for any info on the fate of our creatures especially those ultra precious California Mulies(half Columbian Black-Tailed deer/half Desert Mule deer), that proliferate in that area of California. The below link shows a panicked/confused California Mulie doe ALL ALONE & on the run. Short of the Vampire species(non herd creatures/loners) of deer ALL other deer species travel on the go with their herd members. A lone doe on the move as pictured is NOT encouraging regarding the fate of her former herd, tragically.

U got that one right for sure; "completely innocent".

Thank you jackflash. That poor baby. 🙁 I really hope someone rescued her.
[has been]I can recall local FF's dragging a beagle out of a house fire years ago, limp from inhalation We did mouth/muzzle w/O2 on it within a circle of bystanders. The tail started twicthin', then wagged , and she eventually stood up. iirc, it was the only time we transported an animal the vet [/has been] ~S~
Yeah, animals are courageous and loyal. Perhaps.this is why humans love thier pets, courage and loyalty may be the two most admirable traits in humans, quite lacking in most.
Animals, @ least some of them are more loyal & COURAGES than most folks could imagine, pooches immediately come to mind here! The one animal, known for it's fright & flight survival mentality that would really surprise a person when it comes to courage is the 2nd smallest of the smallest(80#-130#) on the north American continent.

I've never even considered leaving my animals. When the fires were down the street from us, I grabbed my purse, Rocky, Max, Sam and my two water frogs. They were trickier than the dogs.

If I had to stick one under each armpit and wear the other for a hat- they're goin' with mama.
I hear ya. And this bullshit that people going to shelters during floods or fire and CANNOT bring their pets? Shame on the shelter offerers. SHAME. And a big ol Fuck You to them to boot.
I'm surprised they are letting people back in so fast. James Woods cried on tv that he lost his house....but posted today with a vid that it did NOT burn.

So with that in mind...I hope those returning to their properties, pets or no pets, will leave a bucket of water and maybe some food for wild animals that did survive.
If anyone here posts at X, please write one asking people returning to their homes to put out water and food for critters, tame and wild.
I saw a video of two guys in a house with flames whipping outside their windows. They both said its time to go! The announcer said they left their dog behind!
That is what upset me.
Me too. In fact, since they are completely innocent and in many cases might not be able to escape, unlike humans...sometimes my heart breaks for them even more. What a horrible nightmarish way to die. :(
Here's 'LOOKING' @ U kid!

Above; how I remember Redland Oregon(66 thru 68). Even the out of focus background is IDENTICAL to the landscape we attempted to clear back then for future cropland. The sheer beauty(almost a calico coloring) of momma & daughter & that alert but NOT spooked look on their faces nor in their eyes tells me that they have already accepted/adopted a human or a human family(food ALWAYS the ice breaker!) into their herd. As physically big as momma looks in the picture in all reality she would be hard pressed to even weigh 130#!

Below; Pure Innocence to the max! This lil guy looks to be about 2 weeks old to me judging from my prior experience I had with them. He's got some serious growing to do to grow into his ears!

Vid below highlights the Columbian Black-Tailed deer of the Willamette Valley/Columbian River BASIN(not just the C/R gorge).

To know them is to luv them!!!
I saw a video of two guys in a house with flames whipping outside their windows. They both said its time to go! The announcer said they left their dog behind!
That is what upset me.
depends on the situation, would you risk your own life for an animal given the same circumstance? many if able will rescue their pets but it's not always the most logical outcome, you can't replace yourself, remember that
Same, exactly. In fact I wasn’t even talking about pets, because that’s a given. I was thinking about all the animals in the wild that may not be able to escape. But I think what Gracie said is probably right, animals in the wild are smart and hopefully will escape.
Horror of horrors. Not all of them make it out safely. Below image was from the Claremont California wild fire of 2018.

The problem is the image above is from 2018, & that problem with wildfires is not only with us today but the wildfires are becoming ever more calamitous. America had the resources to prevent these wildfire disasters but the enviro death cultists pay off their proffe$$ional politician$ to keep our forest floors an untended tinder box all in the name of the good ole mother earth religion(pagan), but actually it's for people control(PC) in the long run. Folks like you, skye, Duke & many others on our USMB & those not even associated with USMB actually care for/love our creatures both wild & domesticated. We as Americans need to push our Representatives to list these enviro death cultists as domestic terrorists & stamp them out whenever/wherever we locate them. The image above could have been prevented as the image below of the lone survivor of her herd could have been prevented also.

animals are pretty smart, they sense or smell danger they haul ass away from it, sure many won't escape due to size or how fast the fire spreads

deer can haul, smaller creatures, squirrels, fox, racoon for example maybe not

if the forest is gone there is no food so no reason to go back until the ecosystem heals

that can be a long process depending on various factors

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