The first thing I thought about,,,,, were the animals in the Cali fires..

It breaks my heart that animals living in the hills and pets that were left behind were hurt or killed.

Do you know any upbeat stories about animals that were saved and survived?
I can't even imagine how some of the families feel. So helpless and dealing with so much grief already. It's a horrible feeling when you are helpless.

A couple of nights ago there was a raccoon and he was walking as if blind, maybe he had been hit by a skunk or something because there was an odor around and he was waddling seemingly off balance.

Anyways, he was walking right towards a line of cars doing 40km, maybe 200-250m away, not slowly down, oblivious to the grave danger he was in. Cars on both sides of the road. I jumped in front of him and scared him back to the grass. He scurried back in front of someone house but was safe. He was fairly large too and I didn't know what response to anticipate from a large raccoon who may fear for his life and possibly lash out. Thankfully he/she didn't have any little ones or they might have attacked me.

I looked back as I walked on and he was still on the grass curled up in a ball. I felt some guilt for scaring him but if he walked out there he was a goner for sure because cars wouldn't be able to stop or there could be some dead people in a pileup.

Now imagine that is your dog or cat and they were left to die alone? The owners can only hope they died from the smoke rather than the fire.

Fire is horrible when it is out of control and my heart breaks for any human having to deal with it.
It breaks my heart that animals living in the hills and pets that were left behind were hurt or killed.

Do you know any upbeat stories about animals that were saved and survived?
I, too, thought of the same thing. But...they will flee east. Animals are smarter than most think. Pets left behind? That's another whole story, and probably lost their inner compass for survival. Or were locked in a basement, etc. People are fucking asshole when it comes to their pets. Not all, but enough to ruin my day when I hear about it.

Only story I can tell from experience is the Paradise Fire. A horse was a swimming pool. Smart horse.
It breaks my heart that animals living in the hills and pets that were left behind were hurt or killed.

Do you know any upbeat stories about animals that were saved and survived?

Me too. In fact, since they are completely innocent and in many cases might not be able to escape, unlike humans...sometimes my heart breaks for them even more. What a horrible nightmarish way to die. :(
I, too, thought of the same thing. But...they will flee east. Animals are smarter than most think. Pets left behind? That's another whole story, and probably lost their inner compass for survival. Or were locked in a basement, etc. People are fucking asshole when it comes to their pets. Not all, but enough to ruin my day when I hear about it.

Only story I can tell from experience is the Paradise Fire. A horse was a swimming pool. Smart horse.

I've never even considered leaving my animals. When the fires were down the street from us, I grabbed my purse, Rocky, Max, Sam and my two water frogs. They were trickier than the dogs.

If I had to stick one under each armpit and wear the other for a hat- they're goin' with mama.
sad to think of but this fire spread so fast many people ran for their lives and most likely did not get the chance to rescue their dogs, cats and other pets or anything of value
we are talking billions of dollars gone, from what I read the average home price was 25M so plenty of antiques, painting you never can replace

I still wonder if this was an accident or arson
Yeah, animals are courageous and loyal. Perhaps.this is why humans love thier pets, courage and loyalty may be the two most admirable traits in humans, quite lacking in most.
I would never, ever leave my pets behind.

I would say the same but it is impossible to really know unless we are in that situation as the flames are charging at you at a rapid pace. It really is just a gut wrenching situation and I feel for these people. You might be near your car and going to get your pets is a death sentence for the owner as well depending on the situation.
I can't even imagine how some of the families feel. So helpless and dealing with so much grief already. It's a horrible feeling when you are helpless.

A couple of nights ago there was a raccoon and he was walking as if blind, maybe he had been hit by a skunk or something because there was an odor around and he was waddling seemingly off balance.

Anyways, he was walking right towards a line of cars doing 40km, maybe 200-250m away, not slowly down, oblivious to the grave danger he was in. Cars on both sides of the road. I jumped in front of him and scared him back to the grass. He scurried back in front of someone house but was safe. He was fairly large too and I didn't know what response to anticipate from a large raccoon who may fear for his life and possibly lash out. Thankfully he/she didn't have any little ones or they might have attacked me.

I looked back as I walked on and he was still on the grass curled up in a ball. I felt some guilt for scaring him but if he walked out there he was a goner for sure because cars wouldn't be able to stop or there could be some dead people in a pileup.

Now imagine that is your dog or cat and they were left to die alone? The owners can only hope they died from the smoke rather than the fire.

Fire is horrible when it is out of control and my heart breaks for any human having to deal with it.

OMG, this was supposed to be an uplifting story...

I've never even considered leaving my animals.

Same, exactly. In fact I wasn’t even talking about pets, because that’s a given. I was thinking about all the animals in the wild that may not be able to escape. But I think what Gracie said is probably right, animals in the wild are smart and hopefully will escape.
It breaks my heart that animals living in the hills and pets that were left behind were hurt or killed.

Do you know any upbeat stories about animals that were saved and survived?
I have been canvasing the news for any info on the fate of our creatures especially those ultra precious California Mulies(half Columbian Black-Tailed deer/half Desert Mule deer), that proliferate in that area of California. The below link shows a panicked/confused California Mulie doe ALL ALONE & on the run. Short of the Vampire species(non herd creatures/loners) of deer ALL other deer species travel on the go with their herd members. A lone doe on the move as pictured is NOT encouraging regarding the fate of her former herd, tragically.

It breaks my heart that animals living in the hills and pets that were left behind were hurt or killed.

Do you know any upbeat stories about animals that were saved and survived?
I never understand them. people are at home and it's getting real with flames lapping at your walls ...what you don't grab the dog? I'll leave the fish behind in the fish tank .... Yeah f*** them but I'm grabbing the dog and going
Me too. In fact, since they are completely innocent and in many cases might not be able to escape, unlike humans...sometimes my heart breaks for them even more. What a horrible nightmarish way to die. :(
U got that one right for sure; "completely innocent".

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