The end result: race relations will appear to improve, but actually get worse


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
It is one thing to get whites to SAY they understand, it is quite another to get whites to ACTUALLY understand.

And what I'm sensing from white people I know is that they see this entire incident as proof that black people are not rational actors in society and they will burn and loot their own neighborhood stores when they're angry.

So -- things will get worse.
You keep firing up new threads to address issues in other threads. It is sort of wasteful to say the least.

The problem is that you can’t really dump all people into such categories. You can’t say that all Blacks feel this, or all Whites think that way. Because we do not all feel the same, or think the same.

To continue the thought of my earlier response in another thread. World War One. Zimmerman before the break down of diplomacy, told the American Ambassador that the United States dare not go to war against Germany. There were a million Americans of German Descent, and he promised they would all rise up and fight for Germany. The American Diplomat was astonished when he realized that Zimmerman actually believed this nonsense. He replied that we had a Million Light poles to hang them from.

The truth was, barely a handful of those people agreed with Zimmerman.

That has been the case through History, and to today. You look at local sports teams. Sure, most of the people are fans or supporters of the teams, yet there are always some who prefer another team. So arguing that everyone in Atlanta wants to see the Falcons win the Super Bowl, or the Braves win the World Series is false. Many would like to see another team win.

It is the same in Elections. Even the most outrageously partisan districts have people who vote against the party. It may be a D plus 29 district, but someone in there is voting for Republicans.

So arguing that Blacks do or do not support this or that is Ridiculous. Worse, it pigeonholes people into a category that is unsupportable.
If I am a racist it is because I MISTAKENLY believe that ALL blacks are as ROTTEN and EVIL as the blacks who cause so many problems in their neighborhoods by constantly shooting each other, selling each other drugs, abandoning their children, and rioting in the streets every time a cop kills one of them.

I KNOW of course that there are MANY blacks who are good, law-abiding citizens, but UNFORTUNATELY these good blacks share the same race as the bad blacks and SUFFER from unfortunate guilt by association.
Considering that whites have organized the looting and rioting, the 95 percent of whites who are serious about living together in peace will begin pushing back on whites like the OP.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
If I am a racist it is because I MISTAKENLY believe that ALL blacks are as ROTTEN and EVIL as the blacks who cause so many problems in their neighborhoods by constantly shooting each other, selling each other drugs, abandoning their children, and rioting in the streets every time a cop kills one of them.

I KNOW of course that there are MANY blacks who are good, law-abiding citizens, but UNFORTUNATELY these good blacks share the same race as the bad blacks and SUFFER from unfortunate guilt by association.

Youre a racist dude. Own that shit.
Considering that whites have organized the looting and rioting, the 95 percent of whites who are serious about living together in peace will begin pushing back on whites like the OP.
Just how will you push back on ME.

All I'm saying is that that EXTREMELY BAD CONDUCT of the rioters have done more damage for race relations than you can possibly conceive of.

You think you've won a victory.

No, you have won a DEFEAT.
Considering that whites have organized the looting and rioting, the 95 percent of whites who are serious about living together in peace will begin pushing back on whites like the OP.
Since he actually went there how does he explain his races centuries old history of looting, pillaging, genocide, and murder? Mutha fucka got some serious blind spots.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Considering that whites have organized the looting and rioting, the 95 percent of whites who are serious about living together in peace will begin pushing back on whites like the OP.
Since he actually went there how does he explain his races centuries old history of looting, pillaging, genocide, and murder? Mutha fucka got some serious blind spots.
He ain't got no spots. The mf IS blind.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Hows that different from say last year?
Here's what I'm going to say about this topic of conversation.

The Democrats were caught by surprise when Trump won in 2016. All their pollsters assured them that Hillary would win for sure.

Ever since, the Democrats have been at war with Trump to destroy him, using one tactic after another: the fake Russia scandal, the impeachment, the COVID-19 shut down.

Now, using the excuse of one man's death, they have started riots all over America.

The Democrats can no longer be treated like a legitimate political party. They must be considered a terrorist organization and treated as such.

Unfortunately for blacks, the Democrats used them as pawns in this war they are fighting against Trump.

When the riots are over, the Democrats will abandon blacks, who will discover that all their stores are boarded up and will never be reopened. There won't even be a place to buy food.
Here's what I'm going to say about this topic of conversation.

The Democrats were caught by surprise when Trump won in 2016. All their pollsters assured them that Hillary would win for sure.

Ever since, the Democrats have been at war with Trump to destroy him, using one tactic after another: the fake Russia scandal, the impeachment, the COVID-19 shut down.

Now, using the excuse of one man's death, they have started riots all over America.

The Democrats can no longer be treated like a legitimate political party. They must be considered a terrorist organization and treated as such.

Unfortunately for blacks, the Democrats used them as pawns in this war they are fighting against Trump.

When the riots are over, the Democrats will abandon blacks, who will discover that all their stores are boarded up and will never be reopened. There won't even be a place to buy food.
" There won't even be a place to buy food. "

Thats ok. We know how to farm. Besides Drumpf will be gone.
Here's my message to the Democrats:

You think you made gains through your murder and property destruction.

No -- you have given yourself a big defeat.

Now -- we really do hate you, and with good reason.
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Whites don't believe that because whites have attended the protests and still are. Only racists believe what you stated.
Here's what I'm going to say about this topic of conversation.

The Democrats were caught by surprise when Trump won in 2016. All their pollsters assured them that Hillary would win for sure.

Ever since, the Democrats have been at war with Trump to destroy him, using one tactic after another: the fake Russia scandal, the impeachment, the COVID-19 shut down.

Now, using the excuse of one man's death, they have started riots all over America.

The Democrats can no longer be treated like a legitimate political party. They must be considered a terrorist organization and treated as such.

Unfortunately for blacks, the Democrats used them as pawns in this war they are fighting against Trump.

When the riots are over, the Democrats will abandon blacks, who will discover that all their stores are boarded up and will never be reopened. There won't even be a place to buy food.
When will racists stop trying this shit?
Here's my message to the Democrats:

You think you made gains through your murder and property destruction.

No -- you have given yourself a big defeat.

Now -- we really do hate you, and with good reason.

" Now -- we really do hate you, and with good reason. "

Oh so now you really hate us? Good to know. We always thought you really hated us before when we were getting lynched and shit. :)
The problem is that the PROPAGANDA of the left sweeps ALL blacks into the category of VICTIM even middle-class blacks who have nothing to do with the situation in the ghettos.
No, that's not how that happens. It is the racist who initiates the propaganda while ignorantly refusing to realize that all blacks face racism.
Well, you may believe what you want, however, the rioters have thrown fuel on the fire of racism by making whites believe that blacks, when it comes down to it, can't really be trusted to act like civilized people.
Whites don't believe that because whites have attended the protests and still are. Only racists believe what you stated.
You have abused the word "racist" until it no longer stings.

What I have said is true.

One black man is killed and there's riots all over America, and billions of dollars of property is destroyed and dozens more murdered.

It is time to call a spade a spade.

Our experiment in democracy is over. The Democrats have proven they are no longer interested in living at peace with us so we must arm ourselves for what is to come.

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