The End Of Hong Kong


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Time to treat the ChiComs like we do with Terrorist Iran.

Over the course of April and throughout May, while much of the world’s attention was trained on the coronavirus’s spiraling death toll, hardly a day passed in Hong Kong without news of arrested activists, scuffles among lawmakers, or bombastic proclamations from mainland officials. Long-standing norms were done away with at dizzying speed. […]

The moves were capped this week when China’s National People’s Congress announced that it would force wide-ranging national-security laws on Hong Kong in response to last year’s prodemocracy protests. In doing so, Beijing circumvented the city’s autonomous legislative process and began dismantling the “one country, two systems” framework under which Hong Kong is governed, setting up what will likely be a fundamental shift in the territory’s freedoms, its laws, and how it is recognized internationally.
Trump knows this too. If you watched a few of his most recent pressers he pretty much stated as such. Nobody is going to rescue Hong Kong. This place is finished, and Taiwan is next! So I am not sure at this point what America’s next move is going to be, but clearly each day passing China is becoming more hostile towards the West, and this virus is not helping in regards to our preparedness.

I think anyone fleeing persecution deserves consideration for asylum. I think it would be better to coordinated internationsk pressure brought on China.
...from their own government for religious or political reasons.

Trump knows this too. If you watched a few of his most recent pressers he pretty much stated as such. Nobody is going to rescue Hong Kong. This place is finished, and Taiwan is next! So I am not sure at this point what America’s next move is going to be, but clearly each day passing China is becoming more hostile towards the West, and this virus is not helping in regards to our preparedness.

China taking advantage of the impose OR ELSE POLICIES........
Not sure the UK had a lot of options. Wasn’t there a lease involved?
Been a long time..........UK could have stood tall and said NO.......even if a lease was involved........I don't think so.............but when it went down..........we knew it would END BADLY.

Edward Heath tried to negotiate an agreeement with the CCP and of course the CCP lied their asses off, as Westerners still do not understand the depth of Chicom rage about the Opium Wars and their hatred of the West. Margeret Thatcher was the Brit PM at that time, so it was universal gullibility, unfortunately for the people of Hong Kong.

We were all supposed to be part of one giant Global People who wouldnt lie and be mean any more. Guess that was just more bullshit along with the rest of the Globaloney.
Saw this coming long ago.........when the UK sold their souls there........and left Hong Kong to the Chicoms.

Now the Dragon asserts it's power..........whether the people there like it or not.

They would have done this to Taiwan already.....except for American guns pointing at them.
Just like Frank Burns said "If you steal something, never give it back. It will only cause problems."
Saw this coming long ago.........when the UK sold their souls there........and left Hong Kong to the Chicoms.

Now the Dragon asserts it's power..........whether the people there like it or not.

They would have done this to Taiwan already.....except for American guns pointing at them.
Just like Frank Burns said "If you steal something, never give it back. It will only cause problems."

100 year lease..........LOL

UK should have said we owned it for a 100 years ......we are not leaving....
Time to treat the ChiComs like we do with Terrorist Iran.

Over the course of April and throughout May, while much of the world’s attention was trained on the coronavirus’s spiraling death toll, hardly a day passed in Hong Kong without news of arrested activists, scuffles among lawmakers, or bombastic proclamations from mainland officials. Long-standing norms were done away with at dizzying speed. […]

The moves were capped this week when China’s National People’s Congress announced that it would force wide-ranging national-security laws on Hong Kong in response to last year’s prodemocracy protests. In doing so, Beijing circumvented the city’s autonomous legislative process and began dismantling the “one country, two systems” framework under which Hong Kong is governed, setting up what will likely be a fundamental shift in the territory’s freedoms, its laws, and how it is recognized internationally.
What is it we do to terrorist in Iran, that you would advocate we do in China?
Saw this coming long ago.........when the UK sold their souls there........and left Hong Kong to the Chicoms.

Now the Dragon asserts it's power..........whether the people there like it or not.

They would have done this to Taiwan already.....except for American guns pointing at them.
Just like Frank Burns said "If you steal something, never give it back. It will only cause problems."

100 year lease..........LOL

UK should have said we owned it for a 100 years ......we are not leaving....
They signed an agreement in 1898.
Time to treat the ChiComs like we do with Terrorist Iran.

Over the course of April and throughout May, while much of the world’s attention was trained on the coronavirus’s spiraling death toll, hardly a day passed in Hong Kong without news of arrested activists, scuffles among lawmakers, or bombastic proclamations from mainland officials. Long-standing norms were done away with at dizzying speed. […]

The moves were capped this week when China’s National People’s Congress announced that it would force wide-ranging national-security laws on Hong Kong in response to last year’s prodemocracy protests. In doing so, Beijing circumvented the city’s autonomous legislative process and began dismantling the “one country, two systems” framework under which Hong Kong is governed, setting up what will likely be a fundamental shift in the territory’s freedoms, its laws, and how it is recognized internationally.
What is it we do to terrorist in Iran, that you would advocate we do in China?
Everything. After CV19, China makes Iran terrorists look incompetent.
China taking advantage of the impose OR ELSE POLICIES........
Of course, they are using it as an excuse.

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Chinese own a LOT of west coast property. Time to declare it government property just as they do to companies.
The only question is what to do if they keep pushing and try to take Taiwan.............

At some point the world has to say enough............Taiwan will decide that...........not sure if China thinks they can pull the trigger on that one..........

We have agreements with Taiwan on that.............but we also have Dem and Reps kissing Chinese asses for money...................That is clear..........will they stop us from standing the line in Taiwan..........hmmm

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