Biden offers safe haven to Hong Kongers in the US as China begins prosecuting pro-democracy protesters


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Interesting...we may end up with a large, or larger, expatriate Chinese population--

Biden offers safe haven to Hong Kongers in the US as China begins prosecuting pro-democracy protesters
President Joe Biden signed a memorandum that will defer the enforced departure of "certain Hong Kong residents" currently in the US for 18 months, the White House said in a Thursday press release.
That means Hong Kongers currently residing in the United States who do not return to Hong Kong voluntarily and have not committed any crimes will be able to stay in the US for another 18 months. They will also be able to seek employment in the US, per the press release.
The move to create a "safe haven" for Hong Kongers was announced as China continues to crack down on pro-democracy protesters in the special autonomous region.
The national security law, instituted in June last year, is part of an effort by Beijing to bring the territory more into line with the rest of mainland China. The former British colony was handed back to China in 1997, and as part of both the territory's "Basic Law" and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the island was supposed to enjoy greater autonomy and political freedom until 2047. The White House pointed to both provisions as having been violated by the new security law.
In the last year, more than 100 people have been arrested under the new law, and there's been a significant chill in political expression in Hong Kong.
The Biden administration sought to frame the move as part of a foreign policy that centers democracy and human rights, arguing there are "compelling foreign policy reasons" for offering safe haven to Hong Kong residents and that the US is "committed to a foreign policy that unites our democratic values with our foreign policy goals."
"Since taking office, the Biden Administration has been clear that we, alongside our allies and partners, strongly oppose the PRC's wielding of the National Security Law to deny basic rights and freedoms, assault Hong Kong's autonomy, and undermine its remaining democratic processes and institutions," said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.
Great news!

Thanks to the Administration.

Now if only Mr. Biden could somehow (quietly and without making the Communists lose face) get Hong Kong to let some of its political prisoners leave for the West (especially the publisher Jimmy Lai whose newspaper was closed down after he was jailed), that would be sensational.

And a lot of us would start addressing him as "President" Biden instead of only "Mr." Biden.
Interesting...we may end up with a large, or larger, expatriate Chinese population--

Biden offers safe haven to Hong Kongers in the US as China begins prosecuting pro-democracy protesters
President Joe Biden signed a memorandum that will defer the enforced departure of "certain Hong Kong residents" currently in the US for 18 months, the White House said in a Thursday press release.
That means Hong Kongers currently residing in the United States who do not return to Hong Kong voluntarily and have not committed any crimes will be able to stay in the US for another 18 months. They will also be able to seek employment in the US, per the press release.
The move to create a "safe haven" for Hong Kongers was announced as China continues to crack down on pro-democracy protesters in the special autonomous region.
The national security law, instituted in June last year, is part of an effort by Beijing to bring the territory more into line with the rest of mainland China. The former British colony was handed back to China in 1997, and as part of both the territory's "Basic Law" and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the island was supposed to enjoy greater autonomy and political freedom until 2047. The White House pointed to both provisions as having been violated by the new security law.
In the last year, more than 100 people have been arrested under the new law, and there's been a significant chill in political expression in Hong Kong.
The Biden administration sought to frame the move as part of a foreign policy that centers democracy and human rights, arguing there are "compelling foreign policy reasons" for offering safe haven to Hong Kong residents and that the US is "committed to a foreign policy that unites our democratic values with our foreign policy goals."
"Since taking office, the Biden Administration has been clear that we, alongside our allies and partners, strongly oppose the PRC's wielding of the National Security Law to deny basic rights and freedoms, assault Hong Kong's autonomy, and undermine its remaining democratic processes and institutions," said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.
It's also interesting that the Biden administration has made it clear that should Cuban refugees come here, they will be deported back to Cuba (and no doubt, imprisonment). The bottom line is that the current administration is pro-Marxist and will do what they can to promote that.
It's also interesting that the Biden administration has made it clear that should Cuban refugees come here, they will be deported back to Cuba (and no doubt, imprisonment). The bottom line is that the current administration is pro-Marxist and will do what they can to promote that.
You don't see China's govt. as Marxist as Cuba's? It doesn't occur to you that the Biden administration is trying to head off another round of boats from Cuba?
I think Cuba should have all sanctions reduced to zero...and all relations normalized.

You can bet that I don't feel the same way about China!
Interesting...we may end up with a large, or larger, expatriate Chinese population--
They are welcome so long as they can be vetted and proven not to be spies. Somehow, I doubt such vetting will be allowed by the current regime in DC.
You don't see China's govt. as Marxist as Cuba's? It doesn't occur to you that the Biden administration is trying to head off another round of boats from Cuba?
I think Cuba should have all sanctions reduced to zero...and all relations normalized.

You can bet that I don't feel the same way about China!
You seem to forget or are ignorant as to why an embargo was placed on Cuba.
When our Democratic President Kennedy was in office, our Cold War enemy, the Soviet Union, was helping establish nuclear missile sites in Cuba, a mere 90 miles from our coast. Kennedy was blunt, he told the Soviet Union to get them out, or there would be war. Not wanting a nuclear war, The Soviet Union acquiesced. While the old Soviet Union no longer exists, China does and would be more than happy to provide what the former Soviet Union backed off from. I seem to recall our government offering to end the embargo if Cuba released "political prisoners" and allowed its people freedom. The Cuban government refused. The one thing that is consistent is that One-Party Governments are.....ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous. During the protests, Cubans were waving not only their own flags, but also the US Flag and calling for "libertad!" (freedom). As for the left's claim that the Cubans have no medicines and little food, that is absolute B.S., as the embargo NEVER restricts the influx of food and medicine. The people just want an oppressive regime out.
China owns the the espionage game--it's not even close~
There is a lot of truth to that

The are too many chinese honeypots on loan to congress from the CCP, too many chinese communists studying in our universities, and too much chinese investment in US high tech firms

even if they were not skilled hackers - which they seem to be - there is plenty of opportunity for china to steal our knowledge
Interesting...we may end up with a large, or larger, expatriate Chinese population--

Biden offers safe haven to Hong Kongers in the US as China begins prosecuting pro-democracy protesters
President Joe Biden signed a memorandum that will defer the enforced departure of "certain Hong Kong residents" currently in the US for 18 months, the White House said in a Thursday press release.
That means Hong Kongers currently residing in the United States who do not return to Hong Kong voluntarily and have not committed any crimes will be able to stay in the US for another 18 months. They will also be able to seek employment in the US, per the press release.
The move to create a "safe haven" for Hong Kongers was announced as China continues to crack down on pro-democracy protesters in the special autonomous region.
The national security law, instituted in June last year, is part of an effort by Beijing to bring the territory more into line with the rest of mainland China. The former British colony was handed back to China in 1997, and as part of both the territory's "Basic Law" and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the island was supposed to enjoy greater autonomy and political freedom until 2047. The White House pointed to both provisions as having been violated by the new security law.
In the last year, more than 100 people have been arrested under the new law, and there's been a significant chill in political expression in Hong Kong.
The Biden administration sought to frame the move as part of a foreign policy that centers democracy and human rights, arguing there are "compelling foreign policy reasons" for offering safe haven to Hong Kong residents and that the US is "committed to a foreign policy that unites our democratic values with our foreign policy goals."
"Since taking office, the Biden Administration has been clear that we, alongside our allies and partners, strongly oppose the PRC's wielding of the National Security Law to deny basic rights and freedoms, assault Hong Kong's autonomy, and undermine its remaining democratic processes and institutions," said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.
Sadly, he is doing nothing to stop the Chinese from doing what they are doing in China. He hasn't even spoken out against them.

The very least he can do is delay sending folks back there now
So we got people coming in from the south, Biden is going to import people from the middle east, now we wants to import them from China?

Jesus, our society is fucked. It's too diverse already with too many people arguing and fighting trying to make America be the America they want and refuse to all agree to be a part of the same society as it is. This is going to compound the problem even further.

That man truly dissapoints and disgusts me. He has no love for Americans or America.
Interesting...we may end up with a large, or larger, expatriate Chinese population--

Biden offers safe haven to Hong Kongers in the US as China begins prosecuting pro-democracy protesters
President Joe Biden signed a memorandum that will defer the enforced departure of "certain Hong Kong residents" currently in the US for 18 months, the White House said in a Thursday press release.
That means Hong Kongers currently residing in the United States who do not return to Hong Kong voluntarily and have not committed any crimes will be able to stay in the US for another 18 months. They will also be able to seek employment in the US, per the press release.
The move to create a "safe haven" for Hong Kongers was announced as China continues to crack down on pro-democracy protesters in the special autonomous region.
The national security law, instituted in June last year, is part of an effort by Beijing to bring the territory more into line with the rest of mainland China. The former British colony was handed back to China in 1997, and as part of both the territory's "Basic Law" and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the island was supposed to enjoy greater autonomy and political freedom until 2047. The White House pointed to both provisions as having been violated by the new security law.
In the last year, more than 100 people have been arrested under the new law, and there's been a significant chill in political expression in Hong Kong.
The Biden administration sought to frame the move as part of a foreign policy that centers democracy and human rights, arguing there are "compelling foreign policy reasons" for offering safe haven to Hong Kong residents and that the US is "committed to a foreign policy that unites our democratic values with our foreign policy goals."
"Since taking office, the Biden Administration has been clear that we, alongside our allies and partners, strongly oppose the PRC's wielding of the National Security Law to deny basic rights and freedoms, assault Hong Kong's autonomy, and undermine its remaining democratic processes and institutions," said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.
Maybe ByeDumb wants to create another mess in Hong Kong.

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