The current theory behind the continuous face masking even after vaccination.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Ok... So we are being told that the vaccination only protects the vaccinated person. It doesn't protect the person who is unvaccinated from the vaccinated person who though they are vaccinated are still contagious.

I'm not sure I buy all that. So let me say right now as a concession to all the priests of academia that I am certainly not an epidemiologist nor do I claim to have the knowledge of one. However a person does not need a degree in epidemiology to identify inconsistent messaging. All one needs is a good listening ear and a little bit of critical thinking skill.

We start with a totally uninfected person if any of them still exist that is... who comes back with a negative test for covid-19. He is wearing a mask to protect himself from others who may be carrying the virus? Is that correct? Now then he is convinced to pick up the Jab-arm-juice and 14 to 28 Days later Huzzah! He is fully vaccinated but he still needs to wear a mask because why?

I've heard two versions of this one. First version says even though he's vaccinated he can still catch the virus. Ummmmm.... Duh Isn't that what the vaccination is supposed to be for? Second version is even more spectacular. Having having taken the vaccination a person may now become a carrier and therefore they're wearing a mask protect others from himself as well as protect himself from others? Ummm double duh? But I thought this new type of vaccine doesn't actually have the dead virus in it so how can it give someone covid-19? I mean dudes something seriously stinks here.

How does this person end up in a worse condition after having the vaccination than he was before he took the vaccination? Seems to me taking the vaccination put him in more danger and more inconvenience than simply wearing the mask is an unvaccinated person did.

So we continue to be told that we must wear masks because regardless of whether or not we've been vaccinated there's still a danger of catching the virus and spreading it. A vaccinated person can still catch the virus but does not die from it because the vaccination made that possible? How exactly do we know this? So conveniently what appears all over the media exactly when needed is the new 99% survival rate of the vaccinated as opposed to the unvaccinated when it comes to mortality. Let alone the fact that no other outcomes oriented study in the history of this nation has ever produced a 99% number for anything how can you ignore the timing of that number?

So even though our fictional jabee did not die from covid he is now a carrier and dangerous to others who have not yet contracted it and they may or may not be vaccinated????

I mean are they going to start handing out free shovels so we can sort through this ever growing pile of Horsexshit?
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This whole situation has been a catastrophe.

I'm not talking about the epidemic: I'm talking about the government response.

If they'd only let people alone to decide everything about this disease for themselves.
Bottom line is the vax does not work, The mask is to show you are an obedient drone with no mnd of your own
This whole situation has been a catastrophe.

I'm not talking about the epidemic: I'm talking about the government response.

If they'd only let people alone to decide everything about this disease for themselves.
Including the vaccination creation?
Ok... So we are being told that the vaccination only protects the vaccinated person. It doesn't protect the person who is unvaccinated from the vaccinated person who though they are vaccinated are still contagious.

I'm not sure I buy all that. So let me say right now as a concession to all the priests of academia that I am certainly not an epidemiologist nor do I claim to have the knowledge of one. However a person does not need a degree in epidemiology to identify inconsistent messaging. All one needs is a good listening ear and a little bit of critical thinking skill.

We start with a totally uninfected person if any of them still exist that is... who comes back with a negative test for covid-19. He is wearing a mask to protect himself from others who may be carrying the virus? Is that correct? Now then he is convinced to pick up the Jab-arm-juice and 14 to 28 Days later Huzzah! He is fully vaccinated but he still needs to wear a mask because why?

I've heard two versions of this one. First version says even though he's vaccinated he can still catch the virus. Ummmmm.... Duh Isn't that what the vaccination is supposed to be for? Second version is even more spectacular. Having having taken the vaccination a person may now become a carrier and therefore they're wearing a mask protect others from himself as well as protect himself from others? Ummm double duh? But I thought this new type of vaccine doesn't actually have the dead virus in it so how can it give someone covid-19? I mean dudes something seriously stinks here.

How does this person end up in a worse condition after having the vaccination than he was before he took the vaccination? Seems to me taking the vaccination put him in more danger and more inconvenience than simply wearing the mask is an unvaccinated person did.

So we continue to be told that we must wear masks because regardless of whether or not we've been vaccinated there's still a danger of catching the virus and spreading it. A vaccinated person can still catch the virus but does not die from it because the vaccination made that possible? How exactly do we know this? So conveniently what appears all over the media exactly when needed is the new 99% survival rate of the vaccinated as opposed to the unvaccinated when it comes to mortality. Let alone the fact that no other outcomes oriented study in the history of this nation has ever produced a 99% number for anything how can you ignore the timing of that number?

So even though our fictional jabee did not die from covid he is now a carrier and dangerous to others who have not yet contracted it and they may or may not be vaccinated????

I mean are they going to start handing out free shovels so we can sort through this ever growing pile of Horsexshit?
OK, I've explained until I'm blue in the face, but that didn't work.

I've ridiculed and shamed. That didn't work.

Lets try simple pictures:

OK, I've explained until I'm blue in the face, but that didn't work.

I've ridiculed and shamed. That didn't work.

Lets try simple pictures:

View attachment 555715
Still playing word games, eh? What does "risk of transmission" connote? Testing positive for exposure to Covid-19? So what? Does that automatically lead to life-threatening illness or death, even among those with natural or vaccinated immunity?

The fact of the matter is that Covid-19 is less of a threat to the general population than influenza, yet it is being used as an excuse to impair their Constitutional rights. Why should children, whose Covid-19 death rate is a ludicrously low TWO per MILLION, be deprived of education if they are not vaccinated? How much "risk" do they actually pose to the general population?

People who feel that they are in serious danger from Covid-19 are free to take whatever precautions they want. (Deducing from your own pictographs, they have a nearly zero percent "risk of transmission" if they wear a mask, stay six feet away from others and have been vaccinated.) Why should the rest of the population be forced to jump through meaningless hoops? Just to assuage their/your unfounded fears?
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So let me say right now as a concession to all the priests of academia that I am certainly not an epidemiologist nor do I claim to have the knowledge of one
And you should stop right there...

Viruses aren't plants or animals. They are viruses. They are not even alive. They are a mutagen. Meaning they mutate living cells into reproducing more mutagens.
This is not a game, son.
Why can't people catch COVID? Only 2% to 4% of COVID deaths are by those without comorbidities (that's underlying illnesses incase you didn't know). So if you're frightened or have an underlying illness, do the planet a favour and stay in, keep away, now you don't have to pussy on at others.
Why can't people catch COVID? Only 2% to 4% of COVID deaths are by those without comorbidities (that's underlying illnesses incase you didn't know). So if you're frightened or have an underlying illness, do the planet a favour and stay in, keep away, now you don't have to pussy on at others.
I hear some leakage from the conservitard echo chamber.
Or not.

After all, we're all getting it anyway, so what good did all the useless shots and masks and lockdowns DO?
I think what they're afraid of is that we're going to see that they're basically helplrss. The longer a segment of the population remains unvaccinated and unaffected the more it exposes them.

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