The American Academy of Pediatrics appears to agree with the President that children are almost immune to covid-19


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

It's the teachers that are vulnerable ... especially the older ones ... by one survey, 20% will quit rather than risk exposure ... children are filthy, picking each other's noses, licking posts, french kissing ... just filthy ...

Family tales has me contracting every known communicable disease by my second birthday ... two older brothers in public school ... just filthy places ...
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

I did notice that he is not putting his son on the front lines of public schools or in harm's way of the infection.
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

If you have "too much time" you should have taken the time to understand the issue better. It is not just about kids getting seriously ill. You own link acknowledges that the number of cases in children will increase. That means that teachers and other staff will be exposed. Those adults, as well as the kids will then bring the virus home and expose others, including those who are at high risk
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

If you have "too much time" you should have taken the time to understand the issue better. It is not just about kids getting seriously ill. You own link acknowledges that the number of cases in children will increase. That means that teachers and other staff will be exposed. Those adults, as well as the kids will then bring the virus home and expose others, including those who are at high risk

Are they infectious if they are asymptomatic?

How many years are we going to have to cancel in person schooling?

Will parents be willing to keep paying school taxes for online education?
Immune means resistant to infection. Kids 10 years of age and older are able to transmit. Once a good chunk of teachers are infected how do you propose having classes when there are no staff to cover them? No adult in their right mind is going jump into a sick teachers room. in our district bus drivers are refusing to go back. They are doing other jobs so right now there's only 3 drivers instead if 20. Are you going to force them to return? I'd like things to be normal like everyone else but that simply isn't going to happen anytime soon schools are germ dishes.
It's the teachers that are vulnerable ... especially the older ones ... by one survey, 20% will quit rather than risk exposure ... children are filthy, picking each other's noses, licking posts, french kissing ... just filthy ...

Family tales has me contracting every known communicable disease by my second birthday ... two older brothers in public school ... just filthy places ...

You talk about fairy tales.

Find one case of any child giving it to a teacher in the entire world.

The entire world Genius.

Go ahead. And we will watch you run away.
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

If you have "too much time" you should have taken the time to understand the issue better. It is not just about kids getting seriously ill. You own link acknowledges that the number of cases in children will increase. That means that teachers and other staff will be exposed. Those adults, as well as the kids will then bring the virus home and expose others, including those who are at high risk

Same challenge to another dimwitted Democrat.

Find one case anywhere in the world where a child gave a teacher this disease.

Go ahead.
It's the teachers that are vulnerable ... especially the older ones ... by one survey, 20% will quit rather than risk exposure ... children are filthy, picking each other's noses, licking posts, french kissing ... just filthy ...

Family tales has me contracting every known communicable disease by my second birthday ... two older brothers in public school ... just filthy places ...
If we can protect grocery store checkers we can protect teachers......if teachers are not essential then we should cut their pay and benefits in half.....
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

So much bullshit Covid 19 hysteria :icon_rolleyes:
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.


And since you don’t have any comprehension skills, the issje isn’t just how many kids get sick, it’s who they spread the virus to.

trumpkins are beyond stupid. If you want to milk yourself, no one cares. You don’t get to expose the rest of us because you don’t care about others
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.


And since you don’t have any comprehension skills, the issje isn’t just how many kids get sick, it’s who they spread the virus to.

trumpkins are beyond stupid. If you want to milk yourself, no one cares. You don’t get to expose the rest of us because you don’t care about others

Are you really this stupid?

Let's try again.

Show us one proven case where a student gave this to a teacher in the entire world.

I swear Democrats get dumber every single day.
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

That isn't what the article says.

They aren't "almost immune" or "immune" - they just don't get as badly. Big difference.
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

So much bullshit Covid 19 hysteria :icon_rolleyes:
Lying loon
Lying virtue signaling Communist Democrat
Find one case of any child giving it to a teacher in the entire world.

SARS-CoV-2 is in the Coronavirus family ... and is a deadly form of the common cold ... are you claiming teachers are magically immune from the common cold? ... like The 'Yote said above, children aren't immune from the common cold, they just don't get very sick from it ... teachers in their 50's and 60's with other health issues can get very very sick, even dying, from this particular strain of the common cold ...

Don't get me wrong ... SARS is here to stay ... not opening schools today for this means never opening them ... parents will have to educate their own children, or children will go uneducated ... it's the smart who are getting richer, the stupid who are getting poorer ...
While the number of infections in children will likely rise as schools open, 'COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths in children are "uncommon," and severe illness is "rare,"' so the President is clearly right, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the Democrats' efforts to intensify the sufferings of the Americans people by keeping the schools closed as the election nears is exposed as teh cynical political fraud it is.

If you have "too much time" you should have taken the time to understand the issue better. It is not just about kids getting seriously ill. You own link acknowledges that the number of cases in children will increase. That means that teachers and other staff will be exposed. Those adults, as well as the kids will then bring the virus home and expose others, including those who are at high risk

Are they infectious if they are asymptomatic?

How many years are we going to have to cancel in person schooling?

Will parents be willing to keep paying school taxes for online education?
My guess is that taxes will continue to be paid. Our education system is always in a struggle financially.
Find one case of any child giving it to a teacher in the entire world.

SARS-CoV-2 is in the Coronavirus family ... and is a deadly form of the common cold ... are you claiming teachers are magically immune from the common cold? ... like The 'Yote said above, children aren't immune from the common cold, they just don't get very sick from it ... teachers in their 50's and 60's with other health issues can get very very sick, even dying, from this particular strain of the common cold ...

Don't get me wrong ... SARS is here to stay ... not opening schools today for this means never opening them ... parents will have to educate their own children, or children will go uneducated ... it's the smart who are getting richer, the stupid who are getting poorer ...

All you had to say was "I'm a retard and I couldn't back myself up with actual facts."

The rest is just unsupported bullshit from someone who got caught making stuff up.

Look at it this way little buddy, if HALF of what you just claimed was true you should easily be able to find a single case of it happening in a world of 7 billion people but you can't.

Try thinking next time.
It's the teachers that are vulnerable ... especially the older ones ... by one survey, 20% will quit rather than risk exposure ... children are filthy, picking each other's noses, licking posts, french kissing ... just filthy ...

Family tales has me contracting every known communicable disease by my second birthday ... two older brothers in public school ... just filthy places ...
What a great screed and case made for not having children in school at all, they are such "filthy" little animals.
Is that what you are advocating?

By the way, who has ever picked someone else's nose? I went through school as did my brothers, and my own children and never ever heard of anything remotely like this.
So come up with a better lie next time.

As far as teachers getting infected, ever heard of wearing a mask and social distancing? And that goes for
ALL school employees! Or are you admitting masks and social distancing are just bullshit?

Every other nation in the developed world
are opening up their schools. But we can't seem to manage it
because leftists have turned this issue into a political football.
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