That 'White Nationalists Causing George Floyd Riot Chaos' Talking Point Took Another Devastating Blow; Even the SPLC Couldn't Find Any Evidence


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Some of the TDS morons in this forum have been peddling the theory that "white nationalists" are instigating the violence associated with the George Floyd protests. That notion is clearly idiotic, but here is further proof:

However, a civil arrest list provided by the public information officer of the St. Paul Police Department shows 12 of the 18 people arrested from Thursday through 6 a.m. Saturday were from Minnesota. Five of them are from St. Paul, three are from Woodbury (part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area), two are from Minneapolis, one is from Mankato and one is from St. Louis Park. Four are from out of state and two did not have cities of residence listed.
Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.
And now, in New York City, it appears anarchists are the ones creating the mayhem. Not even the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is biased as anything, couldn't find evidence of white supremacists (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:
I see the "outside agitators don't exist and aren't coordinating to cause violence, but if they do exist they're only white supremacists" narrative is finally dying an ignominious death.— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) June 1, 2020
In New York City, a senior police official said anarchists had planned to start mayhem in the city even before the protests started, using encrypted communication to raise bail money and to recruit medics. During the demonstrations, they maintained supply routes to distribute gasoline, rocks and bottles, and also dispatched scouts to find areas devoid of police officers, said John Miller, the deputy commissioner in charge of the Police Department’s counter-terrorism and intelligence efforts.
The riots, looting, killings and burning down of cities is not about the death of George Floyd or racism. Floyd did not die in a Red city run by a Red Mayor in a Red State.
Minnesota especially the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul have been deep Blue Democrat for decades.
Hasn't anyone asked why these racists running these Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Blue cities have NOT done anything about solving the racism problem except blame Republicans and now Trump?
Take for example NYC, Mayor Disgraziato aka De Blasio has abandoned the citizens of the city ad it's five boroughs to anarchists/Antifa who are allowed to roam freely spreading the rioting, looting, burning and assaults on the police and citizens in defiance of the assistance offered by Trump and the Federal gov't.
Heck, even Cuomo see's the incompetence in his political brother.
blacks have a persecution complex, my friends, this proves it

instead of preaching hate and revenge, they should preach love and justice, and only then will they get a seat at the big American table
Some of the TDS morons in this forum have been peddling the theory that "white nationalists" are instigating the violence associated with the George Floyd protests. That notion is clearly idiotic, but here is further proof:

However, a civil arrest list provided by the public information officer of the St. Paul Police Department shows 12 of the 18 people arrested from Thursday through 6 a.m. Saturday were from Minnesota. Five of them are from St. Paul, three are from Woodbury (part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area), two are from Minneapolis, one is from Mankato and one is from St. Louis Park. Four are from out of state and two did not have cities of residence listed.
Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.
And now, in New York City, it appears anarchists are the ones creating the mayhem. Not even the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is biased as anything, couldn't find evidence of white supremacists (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:
I see the "outside agitators don't exist and aren't coordinating to cause violence, but if they do exist they're only white supremacists" narrative is finally dying an ignominious death.— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) June 1, 2020
In New York City, a senior police official said anarchists had planned to start mayhem in the city even before the protests started, using encrypted communication to raise bail money and to recruit medics. During the demonstrations, they maintained supply routes to distribute gasoline, rocks and bottles, and also dispatched scouts to find areas devoid of police officers, said John Miller, the deputy commissioner in charge of the Police Department’s counter-terrorism and intelligence efforts.
all the protestors need to do is disban once the violence infiltrators get there. the fact they don't disassociate from them is very telling to me.
Some of the TDS morons in this forum have been peddling the theory that "white nationalists" are instigating the violence associated with the George Floyd protests. That notion is clearly idiotic, but here is further proof:

However, a civil arrest list provided by the public information officer of the St. Paul Police Department shows 12 of the 18 people arrested from Thursday through 6 a.m. Saturday were from Minnesota. Five of them are from St. Paul, three are from Woodbury (part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area), two are from Minneapolis, one is from Mankato and one is from St. Louis Park. Four are from out of state and two did not have cities of residence listed.
Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.
And now, in New York City, it appears anarchists are the ones creating the mayhem. Not even the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is biased as anything, couldn't find evidence of white supremacists (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:
I see the "outside agitators don't exist and aren't coordinating to cause violence, but if they do exist they're only white supremacists" narrative is finally dying an ignominious death.— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) June 1, 2020
In New York City, a senior police official said anarchists had planned to start mayhem in the city even before the protests started, using encrypted communication to raise bail money and to recruit medics. During the demonstrations, they maintained supply routes to distribute gasoline, rocks and bottles, and also dispatched scouts to find areas devoid of police officers, said John Miller, the deputy commissioner in charge of the Police Department’s counter-terrorism and intelligence efforts.
all the protestors need to do is disban once the violence infiltrators get there. the fact they don't disassociate from them is very telling to me.
If white nationalists really were behind all the violence, then why don't these blue city mayors shut them down? It's clear they are giving free reign to the violence.
Some of the TDS morons in this forum have been peddling the theory that "white nationalists" are instigating the violence associated with the George Floyd protests. That notion is clearly idiotic, but here is further proof:

However, a civil arrest list provided by the public information officer of the St. Paul Police Department shows 12 of the 18 people arrested from Thursday through 6 a.m. Saturday were from Minnesota. Five of them are from St. Paul, three are from Woodbury (part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area), two are from Minneapolis, one is from Mankato and one is from St. Louis Park. Four are from out of state and two did not have cities of residence listed.
Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.
And now, in New York City, it appears anarchists are the ones creating the mayhem. Not even the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is biased as anything, couldn't find evidence of white supremacists (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:
I see the "outside agitators don't exist and aren't coordinating to cause violence, but if they do exist they're only white supremacists" narrative is finally dying an ignominious death.— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) June 1, 2020
In New York City, a senior police official said anarchists had planned to start mayhem in the city even before the protests started, using encrypted communication to raise bail money and to recruit medics. During the demonstrations, they maintained supply routes to distribute gasoline, rocks and bottles, and also dispatched scouts to find areas devoid of police officers, said John Miller, the deputy commissioner in charge of the Police Department’s counter-terrorism and intelligence efforts.
all the protestors need to do is disban once the violence infiltrators get there. the fact they don't disassociate from them is very telling to me.
If white nationalists really were behind all the violence, then why don't these blue city mayors shut them down? It's clear they are giving free reign to the violence.
these mayors say it. They are cheering them on. they are giving them the streets to destroy. the fact the virus hoax failed, the only way to keep businesses closed now is through destruction. know that.

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