That Soap Opera In Genesis


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.First of all, I donā€™t mean to minimize the importance of the family dynamics that took place between the first Jews and the ancestor of several prominent Arab tribes and the forefather of Muhammad. ā€¦.certainly not in light of the importance of those dynamics in the headlines these days.

And soap operas have become important todayā€¦.what with the coronavirus captivity.
ā€œDaytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantinesā€ Daytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantines

2. Nowā€¦.the biblical soap opera: I refer to Genesis, chapter 21.

See, the first Jewish person is really old when God promises him kids. And Abraham really wants childrenā€¦ so, Sarah offers her Egyptian maid, Hagar, to Abraham to provide him with a childā€¦.and guess what line that child beganā€¦. ā€œHagar, Abrahamā€™s concubine and the mother of his son Ishmael. Purchased in Egypt, she served as a maid to Abrahamā€™s childless wife, Sarah, who gave her to Abraham to conceive an heirā€¦. The Jews believed that Ishmael was the ancestor of a number of Bedouin peoples dwelling in southern Palestine. There are also legends stating that Ishmael was an ancestor of Muįø„ammad.ā€ Hagar | biblical figure

Does that plot apply today? You betchaā€™!
ā€œCan my husband see his mistress?': French police receive bizarre lockdown questionsā€
'Can my husband see his mistress?': Police's oddest lockdown questions

3. So, a miracle occursā€¦.the aged Sarah becomes pregnantā€¦gives birth to the promised inheritor of Godā€™s blessing, Isaac.
21.2 Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken.
21.3 Abraham gave his newborn son, whom Sarah had borne him, the name of Isaac.

Now the plot thickens! Isaac is about two, Ishmael about sixteen, and it dawns on Sarah thatā€¦.if Abraham diesā€¦.both will be his heirsā€¦and if you are familiar with the history of ā€˜royal houses,ā€™ this problem is often solved in a lethal manner!

Sarah may be a nice Jewish girlā€¦or old ladyā€¦.but she is a tigress when it comes to protecting the interests of her baby boy!

Soooā€¦.what would the plot line be if this were on Lifetime channel???

How about if it were on the Investigation Discovery channel??? (Toccata and fugue in D)

Ah yes, Sarah and Abraham. Just another all-too-human pair in the Bible who make their fair share of mistakes, that's for sure. Just another story that highlights how badly things can go astray when people decide maybe their plan is better than God's.

In case I come across like I know better, I do not know better. Okay, I KNOW better but I do not DO better all the time. I have "told" God a time or two that I had a great plan.

It did not turn out great.
4. OKā€¦no murder here.
Just a recounting of, as Sue said, an 'all-too-human' human situation.

Now.....add the green-eyed-monster....jealousy!!!

21.10 She said to Abraham, ā€œCast out that slave-woman and her son, for the son of that slave shall not share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.ā€

Let me note here, that this could be considered as evidence in the argument over whether the Bible is simply a ā€˜novelā€™ or divinely inspired: The first Jewish wife doesnā€™t come across as too nice in this interaction, does she.

If the ā€˜tribeā€™ wrote the Old Testamentā€¦.wouldnā€™t Sarah be moreā€¦.ā€™heroicā€™?

ā€œThere is no reason to believe Ishmael had done anything wrong. But now that Isaac has survived past the critical age of weaning, Sarah realized he will have competition for his inheritance, and she sought to eliminate it. She succeeded: Genesis 25:5 records at the end of Abrahamā€™s life that ā€œhe gave everything he had to Isaac.ā€ Dennis Prager

Could this be a reason for the animus by Muslimsā€¦..a grudge from antiquity?
I have "told" God a time or two that I had a great plan.
Whom did you blame?

I believe you miss the larger truth in that post.

We humans are meant to argue with God.

Both free will and intelligence are integral with the Judeo-Christian faith.

Now....about those two gifts God bestowed on mankind, free will, and intelligence.....

The first time I was in the Sistine Chapel, the ceiling was.....needing a cleaning, and the cape behind God was difficult to make out.
The next time, after the ceiling had been cleaned, something dramatic became evident.....



The Brain on the sistine Chapel Ceiling

Michelangelo painted it as a human cerebrum.....

It is a blessing God had given mankind.

On the other hand, Oscar Wilde put it this way: "There is no sin except stupidity."
I didn't miss anything. I'm open minded- the only bias I have is against ignorance (stupidity is ignorance working on a PhD in that field of study) and blatant disregard for the Truth- ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights-
I didn't miss anything. I'm open minded- the only bias I have is against ignorance (stupidity is ignorance working on a PhD in that field of study) and blatant disregard for the Truth- ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights-

"ALL men are created equal"

Genesis, 1:26-27
Coincidental to the family interaction per the OP, just last night one mystery show featured a case that is similar...a murder case.

The dad had a child with a girlfriend, meets this beauty and marries her.
Now it's dad, wife, child from another mother.

The couple has a child.....and the first child becomes an issue.

The result is very very different from the one in Genesis and results in a murder....
"ALL men are created equal"
The Declaration of Independence- there is but one Truth, ALL else is knowledge. Truth is constant, knowledge evolves. The bible is a collection of stories which evolved over time and grew from translation and for some words there were (and still are) no translations to english- the intent, of the bible, was multi-faceted- to pass on stories the main one. Then it became dogma used to control groups of people and mold them into a certain, or particular, behavioral pattern to keep them in compliance to an imagined super natural power, imagined by story tellers, to placate the ignorant and superstitious masses- and it worked. How's that for free will being exercised?
"ALL men are created equal"
The Declaration of Independence- there is but one Truth, ALL else is knowledge. Truth is constant, knowledge evolves. The bible is a collection of stories which evolved over time and grew from translation and for some words there were (and still are) no translations to english- the intent, of the bible, was multi-faceted- to pass on stories the main one. Then it became dogma used to control groups of people and mold them into a certain, or particular, behavioral pattern to keep them in compliance to an imagined super natural power, imagined by story tellers, to placate the ignorant and superstitious masses- and it worked. How's that for free will being exercised?

There are four references to ā€˜Divineā€™ in D of Iā€¦
1)in first paragraph ā€˜Laws of Nature and of Natureā€™s God,ā€™

2) next paragraph ā€˜endowed by their Creator,ā€

3) Supreme Judge of the world,

and 4) ā€˜divineā€™ Providence, last paragraph.

This is important because our historic documents memorialize a government based on individuals born with inalienable rights, by, in various references, by the Divine, or Natureā€™s God, or their Creator, or the Supreme Judge, or divine Providence.
1.First of all, I donā€™t mean to minimize the importance of the family dynamics that took place between the first Jews and the ancestor of several prominent Arab tribes and the forefather of Muhammad. ā€¦.certainly not in light of the importance of those dynamics in the headlines these days.

And soap operas have become important todayā€¦.what with the coronavirus captivity.
ā€œDaytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantinesā€ Daytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantines

2. Nowā€¦.the biblical soap opera: I refer to Genesis, chapter 21.

See, the first Jewish person is really old when God promises him kids. And Abraham really wants childrenā€¦ so, Sarah offers her Egyptian maid, Hagar, to Abraham to provide him with a childā€¦.and guess what line that child beganā€¦. ā€œHagar, Abrahamā€™s concubine and the mother of his son Ishmael. Purchased in Egypt, she served as a maid to Abrahamā€™s childless wife, Sarah, who gave her to Abraham to conceive an heirā€¦. The Jews believed that Ishmael was the ancestor of a number of Bedouin peoples dwelling in southern Palestine. There are also legends stating that Ishmael was an ancestor of Muįø„ammad.ā€ Hagar | biblical figure

Does that plot apply today? You betchaā€™!
ā€œCan my husband see his mistress?': French police receive bizarre lockdown questionsā€
'Can my husband see his mistress?': Police's oddest lockdown questions

3. So, a miracle occursā€¦.the aged Sarah becomes pregnantā€¦gives birth to the promised inheritor of Godā€™s blessing, Isaac.
21.2 Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken.
21.3 Abraham gave his newborn son, whom Sarah had borne him, the name of Isaac.

Now the plot thickens! Isaac is about two, Ishmael about sixteen, and it dawns on Sarah thatā€¦.if Abraham diesā€¦.both will be his heirsā€¦and if you are familiar with the history of ā€˜royal houses,ā€™ this problem is often solved in a lethal manner!

Sarah may be a nice Jewish girlā€¦or old ladyā€¦.but she is a tigress when it comes to protecting the interests of her baby boy!

Soooā€¦.what would the plot line be if this were on Lifetime channel???

How about if it were on the Investigation Discovery channel??? (Toccata and fugue in D)

Well, not only Hagar turned disrespectful towards our mother Sarah A"H,
but Torah tells us her son Ishmael who's wild nature as a hunter already started to appear,
used to "laugh around", shooting arrows around Itzhak, he wouldn't dare kill his brother while Avraham Avinu A"H was alive, but while laughing to himself he was thinking exactly about what You wrote - what would happen after Aveaham Avinu A"H passed.

However, one has to take in mind that our mother Sarah A"H, was actually of a higher level in prophecy than Avraham Avinu A"H - G-d Himself confirmed that (Beresheet 21:12) telling Avraham Avinu to listen to his wife when she demanded to expel Hagar.

G-d's plan was to establish a nation that would be burdened with correction of the world, specifically from one specific (Semitic) family line of the handful of Hebrews that were remained on earth in exile - "for in Isaac will be called your seed" (Ber. 21:12). And so it continued with Jacob who married within that family. One must also mention that all this time, throughout his entire life Avraham Avinu A"H kept contact and used to visit Ishmael whom he dearly loved.

Anyway, back to today - it is written that upon the two brothers hearing of Avraham Avinu A"H passing away they went to bury their father together. "And Abraham expired and died in a good old age, old and satisfied, and he was gathered to his people. And Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him in the Cave of Machpelah..." (Ber. 25:8-9). Thus Ishmael eventually did Tshuvah (repented) recognizing Itzhka's birthright giving him forward the way during burial.

Ishmael did Tshuvah - how is this relevant for today?
Well, look at recent development of Israel's relations with the Arab world in the last decade.
Until the current world crisis, it must be said in favor of many Arab countries, they began reversing their hostility whether openly or 'under the table', some opened their skies to Israel, played Israel's anthem in sports events, several even opened new synagogues and started working on mutual tourism, or simply publicly established official relations that could not be even perceived s a wild imagination some decades ago (probably since Israel's re-constitution).

Put cynicism aside, though there is of course a measure of healthy skepticism that has to remain, what we saw was actually a formation of a wide regional alliance based on security interests, with a great potential of further development of a unified economic trade zone, with Israel at the leadership position.

No matter how much relations with Israel could benefit Arab world,
no matter how Israel could try and play this around, and again cynicism aside,
to the favor of Arabs - without their Tshuvah this simply couldn't be brought about.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.
1.First of all, I donā€™t mean to minimize the importance of the family dynamics that took place between the first Jews and the ancestor of several prominent Arab tribes and the forefather of Muhammad. ā€¦.certainly not in light of the importance of those dynamics in the headlines these days.

And soap operas have become important todayā€¦.what with the coronavirus captivity.
ā€œDaytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantinesā€ Daytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantines

2. Nowā€¦.the biblical soap opera: I refer to Genesis, chapter 21.

See, the first Jewish person is really old when God promises him kids. And Abraham really wants childrenā€¦ so, Sarah offers her Egyptian maid, Hagar, to Abraham to provide him with a childā€¦.and guess what line that child beganā€¦. ā€œHagar, Abrahamā€™s concubine and the mother of his son Ishmael. Purchased in Egypt, she served as a maid to Abrahamā€™s childless wife, Sarah, who gave her to Abraham to conceive an heirā€¦. The Jews believed that Ishmael was the ancestor of a number of Bedouin peoples dwelling in southern Palestine. There are also legends stating that Ishmael was an ancestor of Muįø„ammad.ā€ Hagar | biblical figure

Does that plot apply today? You betchaā€™!
ā€œCan my husband see his mistress?': French police receive bizarre lockdown questionsā€
'Can my husband see his mistress?': Police's oddest lockdown questions

3. So, a miracle occursā€¦.the aged Sarah becomes pregnantā€¦gives birth to the promised inheritor of Godā€™s blessing, Isaac.
21.2 Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken.
21.3 Abraham gave his newborn son, whom Sarah had borne him, the name of Isaac.

Now the plot thickens! Isaac is about two, Ishmael about sixteen, and it dawns on Sarah thatā€¦.if Abraham diesā€¦.both will be his heirsā€¦and if you are familiar with the history of ā€˜royal houses,ā€™ this problem is often solved in a lethal manner!

Sarah may be a nice Jewish girlā€¦or old ladyā€¦.but she is a tigress when it comes to protecting the interests of her baby boy!

Soooā€¦.what would the plot line be if this were on Lifetime channel???

How about if it were on the Investigation Discovery channel??? (Toccata and fugue in D)

Well, not only Hagar turned disrespectful towards our mother Sarah A"H,
but Torah tells us her son Ishmael who's wild nature as a hunter already started to appear,
used to "laugh around", shooting arrows around Itzhak, he wouldn't dare kill his brother while Avraham Avinu A"H was alive, but while laughing to himself he was thinking exactly about what You wrote - what would happen after Aveaham Avinu A"H passed.

However, one has to take in mind that our mother Sarah A"H, was actually of a higher level in prophecy than Avraham Avinu A"H - G-d Himself confirmed that (Beresheet 21:12) telling Avraham Avinu to listen to his wife when she demanded to expel Hagar.

G-d's plan was to establish a nation that would be burdened with correction of the world, specifically from one specific (Semitic) family line of the handful of Hebrews that were remained on earth in exile - "for in Isaac will be called your seed" (Ber. 21:12). And so it continued with Jacob who married within that family. One must also mention that all this time, throughout his entire life Avraham Avinu A"H kept contact and used to visit Ishmael whom he dearly loved.

Anyway, back to today - it is written that upon the two brothers hearing of Avraham Avinu A"H passing away they went to bury their father together. "And Abraham expired and died in a good old age, old and satisfied, and he was gathered to his people. And Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him in the Cave of Machpelah..." (Ber. 25:8-9). Thus Ishmael eventually did Tshuvah (repented) recognizing Itzhka's birthright giving him forward the way during burial.

Ishmael did Tshuvah - how is this relevant for today?
Well, look at recent development of Israel's relations with the Arab world in the last decade.
Until the current world crisis, it must be said in favor of many Arab countries, they began reversing their hostility whether openly or 'under the table', some opened their skies to Israel, played Israel's anthem in sports events, several even opened new synagogues and started working on mutual tourism, or simply publicly established official relations that could not be even perceived s a wild imagination some decades ago (probably since Israel's re-constitution).

Put cynicism aside, though there is of course a measure of healthy skepticism that has to remain, what we saw was actually a formation of a wide regional alliance based on security interests, with a great potential of further development of a unified economic trade zone, with Israel at the leadership position.

No matter how much relations with Israel could benefit Arab world,
no matter how Israel could try and play this around, and again cynicism aside,
to the favor of Arabs - without their Tshuvah this simply couldn't be brought about.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

It appears that Hagar is the one put-upon by Sarah.

And Abraham recognizes this.

From Prager's book, "Genesis:"

21.11 The matter distressed Abraham greatly, for it concerned a son of his.
This translation downplays Abrahamā€™s internal reaction. The Hebrew does not say ā€œdistressed.ā€ It says, ā€œthe thing was very bad in his eyes.ā€ Sarahā€™s demand must have stunned Abraham. Ishmael was, after all, also his sonā€”a son whom he loved and, furthermore, who was conceived at Sarahā€™s behest. But she long since regretted her scheme (Genesis 16:4-6) and now wanted both Ishmael and his mother gone. That Sarah did not even deign to refer to Ishmael or his mother by their
names must have further upset Abraham. There are many things that can produce tension between a husband and wife. The raising of children is one of the biggestā€”particularly when one of them is a stepchild."
(Ber. 25:8-9). Thus Ishmael eventually did Tshuvah (repented) recognizing Itzhka's birthright giving him forward the way during burial.
Juden nonsense Shlomo ... :cuckoo:

Ishmael had nothing to repent for. He and his brother meet to bury their father. The rest is just stuff you're making up to try and legitimize the zionist land theft and genocide agenda.

Genesis 25:9 "His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,"
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(Ber. 25:8-9). Thus Ishmael eventually did Tshuvah (repented) recognizing Itzhka's birthright giving him forward the way during burial.
Juden nonsense Shlomo ... :cuckoo:

Ishmael had nothing to repent for. He and his brother meet to bury their father. The rest is just stuff you're making up to further the zionist land theft and genocide agenda.

Genesis 25:9 "His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,"

I've been to the cave of Machpelah, visited by both Jews and Muslims.
5. Doesnā€™t this really sound like a plot from every cable drama? Sarah tells the guyā€¦ā€™wellā€¦.go find another girl friendā€¦.I donā€™t care.ā€™

When will men learn to understand women???

Everyone who is familiar with soap operas can guess how Sarah reacts when Hagar becomes Abrahamā€™s baby-mamaā€¦.yupā€¦.she blames the guy!

16.5 And Sarai said to Abram, ā€œThe wrong done to me is your fault! I myself put my maid in your bosom; now that she sees that she is pregnant, I am lowered in her esteem. The Lord decide between you and me!ā€

And Sarah takes it out on poor Hagar! She is so mistreated that she runs out into the desert, where she would have died.

Guess Who comes to her rescue.
(Ber. 25:8-9). Thus Ishmael eventually did Tshuvah (repented) recognizing Itzhka's birthright giving him forward the way during burial.
Juden nonsense Shlomo ... :cuckoo:

Ishmael had nothing to repent for. He and his brother meet to bury their father. The rest is just stuff you're making up to further the zionist land theft and genocide agenda.

Genesis 25:9 "His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,"

Well, nothing in the Torah was written that wasn't for the generations to come.
And we are that generation - doubt not.

All Your complaints address to Rashi ztz"l, who wrote these words based on the text itself,
some 1000 years before political Zionism ever saw the light of modern history.

I know you don't like what's going on between Israel and the Arab world,
but that in itself adds to the effect, only confirming the significance of the events.
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1.First of all, I donā€™t mean to minimize the importance of the family dynamics that took place between the first Jews and the ancestor of several prominent Arab tribes and the forefather of Muhammad. ā€¦.certainly not in light of the importance of those dynamics in the headlines these days.

And soap operas have become important todayā€¦.what with the coronavirus captivity.
ā€œDaytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantinesā€ Daytime Soaps Surge: B&B, Days, GH and Y&R Experience Significant Ratings Boosts as America Quarantines

2. Nowā€¦.the biblical soap opera: I refer to Genesis, chapter 21.

See, the first Jewish person is really old when God promises him kids. And Abraham really wants childrenā€¦ so, Sarah offers her Egyptian maid, Hagar, to Abraham to provide him with a childā€¦.and guess what line that child beganā€¦. ā€œHagar, Abrahamā€™s concubine and the mother of his son Ishmael. Purchased in Egypt, she served as a maid to Abrahamā€™s childless wife, Sarah, who gave her to Abraham to conceive an heirā€¦. The Jews believed that Ishmael was the ancestor of a number of Bedouin peoples dwelling in southern Palestine. There are also legends stating that Ishmael was an ancestor of Muįø„ammad.ā€ Hagar | biblical figure

Does that plot apply today? You betchaā€™!
ā€œCan my husband see his mistress?': French police receive bizarre lockdown questionsā€
'Can my husband see his mistress?': Police's oddest lockdown questions

3. So, a miracle occursā€¦.the aged Sarah becomes pregnantā€¦gives birth to the promised inheritor of Godā€™s blessing, Isaac.
21.2 Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken.
21.3 Abraham gave his newborn son, whom Sarah had borne him, the name of Isaac.

Now the plot thickens! Isaac is about two, Ishmael about sixteen, and it dawns on Sarah thatā€¦.if Abraham diesā€¦.both will be his heirsā€¦and if you are familiar with the history of ā€˜royal houses,ā€™ this problem is often solved in a lethal manner!

Sarah may be a nice Jewish girlā€¦or old ladyā€¦.but she is a tigress when it comes to protecting the interests of her baby boy!

Soooā€¦.what would the plot line be if this were on Lifetime channel???

How about if it were on the Investigation Discovery channel??? (Toccata and fugue in D)

Well, not only Hagar turned disrespectful towards our mother Sarah A"H,
but Torah tells us her son Ishmael who's wild nature as a hunter already started to appear,
used to "laugh around", shooting arrows around Itzhak, he wouldn't dare kill his brother while Avraham Avinu A"H was alive, but while laughing to himself he was thinking exactly about what You wrote - what would happen after Aveaham Avinu A"H passed.

However, one has to take in mind that our mother Sarah A"H, was actually of a higher level in prophecy than Avraham Avinu A"H - G-d Himself confirmed that (Beresheet 21:12) telling Avraham Avinu to listen to his wife when she demanded to expel Hagar.

G-d's plan was to establish a nation that would be burdened with correction of the world, specifically from one specific (Semitic) family line of the handful of Hebrews that were remained on earth in exile - "for in Isaac will be called your seed" (Ber. 21:12). And so it continued with Jacob who married within that family. One must also mention that all this time, throughout his entire life Avraham Avinu A"H kept contact and used to visit Ishmael whom he dearly loved.

Anyway, back to today - it is written that upon the two brothers hearing of Avraham Avinu A"H passing away they went to bury their father together. "And Abraham expired and died in a good old age, old and satisfied, and he was gathered to his people. And Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him in the Cave of Machpelah..." (Ber. 25:8-9). Thus Ishmael eventually did Tshuvah (repented) recognizing Itzhka's birthright giving him forward the way during burial.

Ishmael did Tshuvah - how is this relevant for today?
Well, look at recent development of Israel's relations with the Arab world in the last decade.
Until the current world crisis, it must be said in favor of many Arab countries, they began reversing their hostility whether openly or 'under the table', some opened their skies to Israel, played Israel's anthem in sports events, several even opened new synagogues and started working on mutual tourism, or simply publicly established official relations that could not be even perceived s a wild imagination some decades ago (probably since Israel's re-constitution).

Put cynicism aside, though there is of course a measure of healthy skepticism that has to remain, what we saw was actually a formation of a wide regional alliance based on security interests, with a great potential of further development of a unified economic trade zone, with Israel at the leadership position.

No matter how much relations with Israel could benefit Arab world,
no matter how Israel could try and play this around, and again cynicism aside,
to the favor of Arabs - without their Tshuvah this simply couldn't be brought about.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

It appears that Hagar is the one put-upon by Sarah.

And Abraham recognizes this.

From Prager's book, "Genesis:"

21.11 The matter distressed Abraham greatly, for it concerned a son of his.
This translation downplays Abrahamā€™s internal reaction. The Hebrew does not say ā€œdistressed.ā€ It says, ā€œthe thing was very bad in his eyes.ā€ Sarahā€™s demand must have stunned Abraham. Ishmael was, after all, also his sonā€”a son whom he loved and, furthermore, who was conceived at Sarahā€™s behest. But she long since regretted her scheme (Genesis 16:4-6) and now wanted both Ishmael and his mother gone. That Sarah did not even deign to refer to Ishmael or his mother by their
names must have further upset Abraham. There are many things that can produce tension between a husband and wife. The raising of children is one of the biggestā€”particularly when one of them is a stepchild."

Our mother Sarah A"H did no wrong to Hagar.
Avraham Avinu A"H did love Ishmael, and thus had a blind spot even seeing the issue.

G-d later confirmed Sarah Imenu A"H was right,
even on a higher prophetic level, seeing much further in G-d's plan than Avraham A"H.

It has more to do with the universalist -cosmopolitan vs particularist vision that he pondered upon regarding the way to fulfill the mission set for him, G-d eventually confirmed as well, it was a particularist vision - but that seems a topic for a whole other conversation.
Something most Christians aren't aware of is that Hagar was upgraded from slave to wife. Making her son Ishmael equal with Isaac as a legitimate heir to Abraham's blessings.

Genesis 16:3 "So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife."
Something most Christians aren't aware of is that Hagar was upgraded from slave to wife. Making her son Ishmael equal with Isaac as a legitimate heir to Abraham's blessings.

Genesis 16:3 "So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife."

And yet G-d said:

"And God said to Abraham, "Be not displeased concerning the lad and concerning your handmaid; whatever Sarah tells you, hearken to her voice, for in Isaac will be called your seed." (Ber 21:12)

And later:

"And to the sons of Abraham's concubines, Abraham gave gifts, and he sent them away from his son Isaac while he [Abraham] was still alive, eastward to the land of the East.
(Ber. 25:6)

Avraham Avinu A"H sent them away during his life, with gifts as it is reacquired in law,
thus leaving no part in the inheritance. G-d later blessed Ishmael apart from that.
And that we see till this day - with great kingdoms, victories and vast lands acquired
throughout history, and money pouring from the ground.

Only not that which belongs to Israel.
They all tried but eventually failed - Christians, Muslims, but the land itself knows who are her true children - thus has been patiently keeping the best of her fruits only for us to enjoy.
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