Israel to Help Christians Share “Holy Fire” amid Outbreak


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is working with foreign governments and Orthodox Christian leaders in the Holy Land to make sure that one of their most ancient and mysterious rituals — the Holy Fire ceremony — is not extinguished by the coronavirus outbreak, officials said Friday.

Each year, thousands of worshippers flock to Jerusalem’s Old City and pack into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher — built on the site where Christian tradition holds that Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected — for the pre-Easter ceremony.

Top Eastern Orthodox clerics enter the Edicule, the small chamber marking the site of Jesus’ tomb, and exit with candles said to be miraculously lit with “holy fire” as a message to the faithful. The flame is normally shared with candle-holding pilgrims and even sent in special containers to Orthodox Christian communities around the world.

That is very cool.
Dear sisters and brothers, Jesus was crucified - and he rose from death. Between he was in the darkness of his grave. Do not forget: Even in the darkest place his light shines. Wherever you are - whatever you will have to do at Easter 2020 in times of Corona - do not desperate. God bless you.

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This is so refreshing. People can get along and help each other in a spirit of mutual respect and love of humanity. We are one people all across the globe.

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