Thank You, President Trump


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
"Silver Lining"
A sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect: Every cloud has a silver lining.


President Trump,

Now that your one (1) ugly and embarrassing term is stumbling and screeching to a merciful end, I'd like to look for a silver lining in these past four years. I can honestly say that you have demonstrated and/or helped create what could be considered several positive things in America. To wit:

Our System Held
As unfortunate as it is that you and your enablers in your parallel universe were able to con your supporters into believing every bit of so-called "evidence" and every electoral fraud claim and conspiracy theory, the American democratic system has held up. And, most importantly, it has been held up by judges YOU APPOINTED. How fitting is that. No doubt we have to be diligent in maximizing the security and safety of our voting systems into the future, and we must continue that.

The World Needs an Engaged America
When you chose to disengage from the rest of the world and hide in our little corner, the world saw first hand how important an involved America still is. Our allies simply don't have the resources to mitigate the actions of adversaries such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and I trust that going forward they can clearly see how important we are. Your ignorance and shallow "ugly American" chauvinism demonstrated how important it is that we do the opposite of what you tried.

What Not to Do in a Crisis
The first of many reasons you lost the election by seven million votes was almost certainly your complete failure to lead in the COVID crisis. Instead of stepping up and being the leader the country needed, you chose to (1) lie to the American public about the severity of a deadly virus that was bearing down on us, (2) regularly attack and dismiss our best health scientists when they were simply trying to do their job, (3) mock Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their families, (4) feed into your supporters' ignorance and denial about the virus, no doubt causing more illness and death, (5) thank your supporters when they jammed into indoor events with little attention to public safety, (6) demonstrate so little concern about the virus for people around you that you literally the people's White House into a COVID hot spot, and (7) lie again to the American people that we had "turned the corner" on the virus when you knew damn well we had not. So, going forward, future Presidents will know what NOT to do, which is certainly a positive.

Young People are Paying Attention and are Engaged
I can only hope that this will continue, but I was thrilled to see so many young people (including our beautiful daughters) so motivated and excited to vote in 2020. We older people like to think we have all the answers, and that the ideas and opinions of our younger people have little or no value. That is delusion, and I'm glad you fired them up to vote against you.

We Have Much to Examine and Address
Your behaviors and temperament sure as hell emboldened some of our most hateful, bigoted, ignorant, feral and paranoid citizens to speak up and speak out, demonstrating how important it is that we maintain an environment of free speech and expression in this great country. These awful people self-identified for us loud and clear, and they proved to us beyond doubt that we still have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a better and more civilized nation.

So, for the above, and more, I sincerely thank you.

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"Silver Lining"
A sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect: Every cloud has a silver lining.


President Trump,

Now that your one (1) ugly and embarrassing term is stumbling and screeching to a merciful end, I'd like to look for a silver lining in these past four years. I can honestly say that you have demonstrated and/or helped create what could be considered several positive things in America. To wit:

Our System Held
As unfortunate as it is that you and your enablers in your parallel universe were able to con your supporters into believing every bit of so-called "evidence" and every electoral fraud claim and conspiracy theory, the American democratic system has held up. And, most importantly, it has been held up by judges YOU APPOINTED. How fitting is that. No doubt we have to be diligent in maximizing the security and safety of our voting systems into the future, and we must continue that.

The World Needs an Engaged America
When you chose to disengage from the rest of the world and hide in our little corner, the world saw first hand how important an involved America still is. Our allies simply don't have the resources to mitigate the actions of adversaries such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and I trust that going forward they can clearly see how important we are. Your ignorance and shallow "ugly American" chauvinism demonstrated how important it is that we do the opposite of what you tried.

What Not to Do in a Crisis
The first of many reasons you lost the election by seven million votes was almost certainly your complete failure to lead in the COVID crisis. Instead of stepping up and being the leader the country needed, you chose to (1) lie to the American public about the severity of a deadly virus that was bearing down on us, (2) regularly attack and dismiss our best health scientists when they were simply trying to do their job, (3) mock Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their families, (4) feed into your supporters' ignorance and denial about the virus, no doubt causing more illness and death, (5) thank your supporters when they jammed into indoor events with little attention to public safety, (6) demonstrate so little concern about the virus for people around you that you literally the people's White House into a COVID hot spot, and (7) lie again to the American people that we had "turned the corner" on the virus when you knew damn well we had not. So, going forward, future Presidents will know what NOT to do, which is certainly a positive.

Young People are Paying Attention and are Engaged
I can only hope that this will continue, but I was thrilled to see so many young people (including our beautiful daughters) so motivated and excited to vote in 2020. We older people like to think we have all the answers, and that the ideas and opinions of our younger people have little or no value. That is delusion, and I'm glad you fired them up to vote against you.

We Have Much to Examine and Address
Your behaviors and temperament sure as hell emboldened some of our most hateful, bigoted, ignorant, feral and paranoid citizens to speak up and speak out, demonstrating how important it is that we maintain an environment of free speech and expression in this great country. These awful people self-identified for us loud and clear, and they proved to us beyond doubt that we still have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a better and more civilized nation.

So, for the above, and more, I sincerely thank you.


Pure troll..../thread.
"Silver Lining"
A sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect: Every cloud has a silver lining.


President Trump,

Now that your one (1) ugly and embarrassing term is stumbling and screeching to a merciful end, I'd like to look for a silver lining in these past four years. I can honestly say that you have demonstrated and/or helped create what could be considered several positive things in America. To wit:

Our System Held
As unfortunate as it is that you and your enablers in your parallel universe were able to con your supporters into believing every bit of so-called "evidence" and every electoral fraud claim and conspiracy theory, the American democratic system has held up. And, most importantly, it has been held up by judges YOU APPOINTED. How fitting is that. No doubt we have to be diligent in maximizing the security and safety of our voting systems into the future, and we must continue that.

The World Needs an Engaged America
When you chose to disengage from the rest of the world and hide in our little corner, the world saw first hand how important an involved America still is. Our allies simply don't have the resources to mitigate the actions of adversaries such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and I trust that going forward they can clearly see how important we are. Your ignorance and shallow "ugly American" chauvinism demonstrated how important it is that we do the opposite of what you tried.

What Not to Do in a Crisis
The first of many reasons you lost the election by seven million votes was almost certainly your complete failure to lead in the COVID crisis. Instead of stepping up and being the leader the country needed, you chose to (1) lie to the American public about the severity of a deadly virus that was bearing down on us, (2) regularly attack and dismiss our best health scientists when they were simply trying to do their job, (3) mock Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their families, (4) feed into your supporters' ignorance and denial about the virus, no doubt causing more illness and death, (5) thank your supporters when they jammed into indoor events with little attention to public safety, (6) demonstrate so little concern about the virus for people around you that you literally the people's White House into a COVID hot spot, and (7) lie again to the American people that we had "turned the corner" on the virus when you knew damn well we had not. So, going forward, future Presidents will know what NOT to do, which is certainly a positive.

Young People are Paying Attention and are Engaged
I can only hope that this will continue, but I was thrilled to see so many young people (including our beautiful daughters) so motivated and excited to vote in 2020. We older people like to think we have all the answers, and that the ideas and opinions of our younger people have little or no value. That is delusion, and I'm glad you fired them up to vote against you.

We Have Much to Examine and Address
Your behaviors and temperament sure as hell emboldened some of our most hateful, bigoted, ignorant, feral and paranoid citizens to speak up and speak out, demonstrating how important it is that we maintain an environment of free speech and expression in this great country. These awful people self-identified for us loud and clear, and they proved to us beyond doubt that we still have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a better and more civilized nation.

So, for the above, and more, I sincerely thank you.

Yes, the cheeto-in-chief's attack on the environment did create an activism among America's young people, and, conscientious adults, not seen since the 1960s. Naturally, most Baby Boomers called them "whiney", but that is to be expected from the most greedy and self-serving generation ever to have lived. (And their Generation X children are just as bad.)

"Silver Lining"
A sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect: Every cloud has a silver lining.


President Trump,

Now that your one (1) ugly and embarrassing term is stumbling and screeching to a merciful end, I'd like to look for a silver lining in these past four years. I can honestly say that you have demonstrated and/or helped create what could be considered several positive things in America. To wit:

Our System Held
As unfortunate as it is that you and your enablers in your parallel universe were able to con your supporters into believing every bit of so-called "evidence" and every electoral fraud claim and conspiracy theory, the American democratic system has held up. And, most importantly, it has been held up by judges YOU APPOINTED. How fitting is that. No doubt we have to be diligent in maximizing the security and safety of our voting systems into the future, and we must continue that.

The World Needs an Engaged America
When you chose to disengage from the rest of the world and hide in our little corner, the world saw first hand how important an involved America still is. Our allies simply don't have the resources to mitigate the actions of adversaries such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and I trust that going forward they can clearly see how important we are. Your ignorance and shallow "ugly American" chauvinism demonstrated how important it is that we do the opposite of what you tried.

What Not to Do in a Crisis
The first of many reasons you lost the election by seven million votes was almost certainly your complete failure to lead in the COVID crisis. Instead of stepping up and being the leader the country needed, you chose to (1) lie to the American public about the severity of a deadly virus that was bearing down on us, (2) regularly attack and dismiss our best health scientists when they were simply trying to do their job, (3) mock Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their families, (4) feed into your supporters' ignorance and denial about the virus, no doubt causing more illness and death, (5) thank your supporters when they jammed into indoor events with little attention to public safety, (6) demonstrate so little concern about the virus for people around you that you literally the people's White House into a COVID hot spot, and (7) lie again to the American people that we had "turned the corner" on the virus when you knew damn well we had not. So, going forward, future Presidents will know what NOT to do, which is certainly a positive.

Young People are Paying Attention and are Engaged
I can only hope that this will continue, but I was thrilled to see so many young people (including our beautiful daughters) so motivated and excited to vote in 2020. We older people like to think we have all the answers, and that the ideas and opinions of our younger people have little or no value. That is delusion, and I'm glad you fired them up to vote against you.

We Have Much to Examine and Address
Your behaviors and temperament sure as hell emboldened some of our most hateful, bigoted, ignorant, feral and paranoid citizens to speak up and speak out, demonstrating how important it is that we maintain an environment of free speech and expression in this great country. These awful people self-identified for us loud and clear, and they proved to us beyond doubt that we still have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a better and more civilized nation.

So, for the above, and more, I sincerely thank you.

Yes, the cheeto-in-chief's attack on the environment did create an activism among America's young people, and, conscientious adults, not seen since the 1960s. Naturally, most Baby Boomers called them "whiney", but that is to be expected from the most greedy and self-serving generation ever to have lived. (And their Generation X children are just as bad.)

Gosh, and we're so smart, with this shit show we're leaving them, including $30T in debt.

And yeah, I had forgotten about the environmental angle.
Some folk$ may have good reason$ to miss him:

"DECEMBER 11, 2020
Roaming Charges: Negative Creep

"Billionaires in US have grown their collective wealth by $1 trillion since mid-March. That’s more than it would cost to send a $3,000 stimulus check to every person in America.:rolleyes:

"+ Last week, the Treasury Department finally released the list of companies receiving PPP loans.

"Not surprisingly, at least 25 PPP loans totally more than $3.65 million were awarded to businesses with addresses at Trump and Kushner real estate properties, paying rent to those owners."
"Silver Lining"
A sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect: Every cloud has a silver lining.


President Trump,

Now that your one (1) ugly and embarrassing term is stumbling and screeching to a merciful end, I'd like to look for a silver lining in these past four years. I can honestly say that you have demonstrated and/or helped create what could be considered several positive things in America. To wit:

Our System Held
As unfortunate as it is that you and your enablers in your parallel universe were able to con your supporters into believing every bit of so-called "evidence" and every electoral fraud claim and conspiracy theory, the American democratic system has held up. And, most importantly, it has been held up by judges YOU APPOINTED. How fitting is that. No doubt we have to be diligent in maximizing the security and safety of our voting systems into the future, and we must continue that.

The World Needs an Engaged America
When you chose to disengage from the rest of the world and hide in our little corner, the world saw first hand how important an involved America still is. Our allies simply don't have the resources to mitigate the actions of adversaries such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and I trust that going forward they can clearly see how important we are. Your ignorance and shallow "ugly American" chauvinism demonstrated how important it is that we do the opposite of what you tried.

What Not to Do in a Crisis
The first of many reasons you lost the election by seven million votes was almost certainly your complete failure to lead in the COVID crisis. Instead of stepping up and being the leader the country needed, you chose to (1) lie to the American public about the severity of a deadly virus that was bearing down on us, (2) regularly attack and dismiss our best health scientists when they were simply trying to do their job, (3) mock Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their families, (4) feed into your supporters' ignorance and denial about the virus, no doubt causing more illness and death, (5) thank your supporters when they jammed into indoor events with little attention to public safety, (6) demonstrate so little concern about the virus for people around you that you literally the people's White House into a COVID hot spot, and (7) lie again to the American people that we had "turned the corner" on the virus when you knew damn well we had not. So, going forward, future Presidents will know what NOT to do, which is certainly a positive.

Young People are Paying Attention and are Engaged
I can only hope that this will continue, but I was thrilled to see so many young people (including our beautiful daughters) so motivated and excited to vote in 2020. We older people like to think we have all the answers, and that the ideas and opinions of our younger people have little or no value. That is delusion, and I'm glad you fired them up to vote against you.

We Have Much to Examine and Address
Your behaviors and temperament sure as hell emboldened some of our most hateful, bigoted, ignorant, feral and paranoid citizens to speak up and speak out, demonstrating how important it is that we maintain an environment of free speech and expression in this great country. These awful people self-identified for us loud and clear, and they proved to us beyond doubt that we still have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a better and more civilized nation.

So, for the above, and more, I sincerely thank you.

Yes, the cheeto-in-chief's attack on the environment did create an activism among America's young people, and, conscientious adults, not seen since the 1960s. Naturally, most Baby Boomers called them "whiney", but that is to be expected from the most greedy and self-serving generation ever to have lived. (And their Generation X children are just as bad.)

Gosh, and we're so smart, with this shit show we're leaving them, including $30T in debt.

And yeah, I had forgotten about the environmental angle.
I wonder how much the "environmental angle' is going to cost us?
"Silver Lining"
A sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect: Every cloud has a silver lining.


President Trump,

Now that your one (1) ugly and embarrassing term is stumbling and screeching to a merciful end, I'd like to look for a silver lining in these past four years. I can honestly say that you have demonstrated and/or helped create what could be considered several positive things in America. To wit:

Our System Held
As unfortunate as it is that you and your enablers in your parallel universe were able to con your supporters into believing every bit of so-called "evidence" and every electoral fraud claim and conspiracy theory, the American democratic system has held up. And, most importantly, it has been held up by judges YOU APPOINTED. How fitting is that. No doubt we have to be diligent in maximizing the security and safety of our voting systems into the future, and we must continue that.

The World Needs an Engaged America
When you chose to disengage from the rest of the world and hide in our little corner, the world saw first hand how important an involved America still is. Our allies simply don't have the resources to mitigate the actions of adversaries such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and I trust that going forward they can clearly see how important we are. Your ignorance and shallow "ugly American" chauvinism demonstrated how important it is that we do the opposite of what you tried.

What Not to Do in a Crisis
The first of many reasons you lost the election by seven million votes was almost certainly your complete failure to lead in the COVID crisis. Instead of stepping up and being the leader the country needed, you chose to (1) lie to the American public about the severity of a deadly virus that was bearing down on us, (2) regularly attack and dismiss our best health scientists when they were simply trying to do their job, (3) mock Americans for simply trying to protect themselves and their families, (4) feed into your supporters' ignorance and denial about the virus, no doubt causing more illness and death, (5) thank your supporters when they jammed into indoor events with little attention to public safety, (6) demonstrate so little concern about the virus for people around you that you literally the people's White House into a COVID hot spot, and (7) lie again to the American people that we had "turned the corner" on the virus when you knew damn well we had not. So, going forward, future Presidents will know what NOT to do, which is certainly a positive.

Young People are Paying Attention and are Engaged
I can only hope that this will continue, but I was thrilled to see so many young people (including our beautiful daughters) so motivated and excited to vote in 2020. We older people like to think we have all the answers, and that the ideas and opinions of our younger people have little or no value. That is delusion, and I'm glad you fired them up to vote against you.

We Have Much to Examine and Address
Your behaviors and temperament sure as hell emboldened some of our most hateful, bigoted, ignorant, feral and paranoid citizens to speak up and speak out, demonstrating how important it is that we maintain an environment of free speech and expression in this great country. These awful people self-identified for us loud and clear, and they proved to us beyond doubt that we still have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a better and more civilized nation.

So, for the above, and more, I sincerely thank you.

Yes, the cheeto-in-chief's attack on the environment did create an activism among America's young people, and, conscientious adults, not seen since the 1960s. Naturally, most Baby Boomers called them "whiney", but that is to be expected from the most greedy and self-serving generation ever to have lived. (And their Generation X children are just as bad.)

Gosh, and we're so smart, with this shit show we're leaving them, including $30T in debt.

And yeah, I had forgotten about the environmental angle.
I wonder how much the "environmental angle' is going to cost us?
Couldn't tell you.
Mentally Ill Liberal: I am happy that the money we didn't have for our veterans will now go to pay the bills of other nations.

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