Texas Congressman Threatens Companies That Pay For Employees Out of State Abortion Expenses. Companies say “Go F@&$ Yourself”

I wonder how the lefty politicians would respond if shooting ranges in California provided financial assistance to Californians to go to Texas and buy a gun.
Thank you, coming from a moron of your caliber, I take that as a compliment, idiot.

So, using your logic (and I use the term loosely) an 18 year old who lives in Indiana could be charged with underage drinking for having a drink with their parents in Nevada where it is legal for them to do so.

Hell, using your logic someone from SD could get a ticket for going 75 in ND.
Why do your sort always resort to abuse when you run out of intellect ?
I'll let you know when I am out of intellect. The response was what was called for when the post is pure idiocy from someone who allows an accident of birth to head their government. When are you monarchists going to keep your nose in your own backwards countries and stay out of ours.
I'll let you know when I am out of intellect. The response was what was called for when the post is pure idiocy from someone who allows an accident of birth to head their government. When are you monarchists going to keep your nose in your own backwards countries and stay out of ours.
Now you have moved on to deflection. You are an inadequate.
What does abortion have to do with "reproductive" You morons are too much. Abortion is a synonym for MURDER not reproduction. Quit lying.

You are a right wing fascist propagandist. You have no clue what you are talking about. Abortion has nothing to do with MURDER.
Protecting children from being murdered is the business of all humans. At least all humans that have a soul. That doesn't apply to you Moon Bats, does it?

You right wing fascists have no soul. You are right wing Nazis who are trying to impose your beliefs on others at the point of a gun.
It is not my responsibility to raise somebody else's children, Moon Bat. It is the parents of the child. However, as a human it is my responsibility to protect children from being murdered. They are not mutually inclusive.

If I save a child from drowning on the beach is it my responsible to be responsible for the child the rest of its life? I don't think so.

I've explained this to you several times but you won't take your head out of your Libtard ass long enough to listen.

You are not a human. You are a fascist pig. Red states have the highest infant mortality rates because they refuse to spend the money to reducer it. That is not being pro-life. Nor is opposing the child tax credit.
If they state you are in refuses to extradite you, then yes.

If you go to Cuba and kill someone, you cannot be charged with a crime in the US.

If you live in Utah and go to Las Vegas and win a lot of money gambling, something illegal in Utah, come back and spend it in Utah you cannot be charged with a crime in Utah.

Though states are already trying to figure out ways to stop or punish someone for going to a different state for an abortion.

And no doubt the current SCOTUS will allow it to happen

The Constitution gives the people the right to travel. If they ignore that then they should be removed.
In a filing written for an April 26 meeting, Citigroup wrote: “In response to changes in reproductive health-care laws in certain states in the U.S., beginning in 2022 we provide travel benefits to facilitate access to adequate resources.”

Citigroup is not the only company with policies designed to assist employees seeking abortions who are living in restrictive states such as Texas.

In September 2021, Salesforce told employees the company would help them and their families relocate if they had issues with reproductive health care in their states.

Lyft CEO Logan Green announced the company would pay legal fees for any drivers sued under the Texas law for helping women get abortions.

The parent company of Tinder and OkCupid, Match Group Inc., announced it too was creating a fund for its Texas employees impacted by the abortion law.

In an internal note to employees, Shar Dubey, Match Group’s CEO, wrote that the company “doesn’t usually take political stands unless it is relevant to our business ... but this particular law is so regressive to the cause of women’s rights that I felt compelled to speak publicly about my personal views.”

She added: “ immigrated to America from India over 25 years ago and I have to say, as a Texas resident, I am shocked that I now live in a state where women’s reproductive laws are more regressive than most of the world, including India.”

Hey Briscoe. These companies are going to make sure their employees can obtain abortion services, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. And the Supreme Court can’t help you either.

How does feel to be the impotent little wimp that you are?


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