TBN preacher Kerry Shook says Paul wrote 3/4 NT in Neros Prison


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
Perhaps Kerry Shook needs to recognize what he's accidentally admitting.
That being Paul and the NT is Forbidden according to little known law that is a warning to help us from making the greatest mistakes
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus,
Yeshu/Yehuda/Theudas=used in making the partial image of Jesus.
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Zarquawi, Turkey's Tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiite his opposition supporters.

The greatest murderers or influences to murder were political prisoners who's henchmen and followers always murdered, even violently torturing their opposition.
Judaism tried to save us, while the church supressed those rules allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities

Basically Kerry Shook is boasting a book and author that caused thousands of wars and over 50 million murders andcould have been avoided with listening to 1 simple rule.
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This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)


You can for a $53. seed donation.

I'm waiting for the day you guys had enough of those Sunday interupting broadcasts to actually send them actual seeds in the mail with a letter stating, hope yor father Baal puts this to good harvest god use.
quote;"Jesus pointed all to his Father--"
and that Father was Baal (sources below).
You being a JW should know the Head of hosts- spiritual Father is Shalem (Evening Star Michael) and not the fallen morning star-Rev 22;16.

Sources: 1)they never say the father's name.
2)Baal's son is the morning star-rev 22:16
3)Ishtar(easter) son was the morning star.
4)they are imitating the dying god mythology of the Canaanites whereby the son called morning star surpasses his father Baal on the throne by dying and bringing attention to himself as the new mask for Baal.
5)the crucifixion scene is written from plagiarizing the Baal passion play.
Source:the predated Assyrian (700bc) Marduk-Bel Tablets housed now in the Brittish Museum.
6)He's this god's only Begotten son and Yhwh's begotten was David in Psalms, so Jesus can't be YHWH's only begotten son.
We do know however, that Baal's only son is the Morning Star
(Jesus claimed to be Rev 22:16)
=Jesus is claimed the son of Baal.
David claimed to be the begotten son of Shalem thus naming his 2 sons after Shalem.
Don't believe me?
Then please note the actual original transliteration for Shalem has a prefix of Man meaning "Son of" Man as prefix end of last names mean "son of" origin. This is why Solomon being named after Shalem has that prefix based on the Actual transliteration of "the name"(HaShem).

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