We all know about the RINO problem regarding the Capital Hill gang. The ole rope a dope tactics of the Capital hill gang are so scandalous that they have actually become legend, eg. SSA benefits paid to deceased individuals etc. The below issue about self defense, firearm ownership & pres. Trump's PROMISE to sign into law a NATIONAL concealed carry reciprocity legislation sounds too good to be true! Unfortunately the before mentioned legislation would need to pass both the lower & upper chambers of the house before pres. Trump could sign it into law.
If I had to bet the farm on it I'd say any legislation on this subject WILL barely squeak by the lower chamber of congress but the upper chamber will just barely manage to tube the legislation. That's WHY both the DNC/RNC corporation$ like to keep the 50/50 split in both chambers of congress as it then nullifies the American constituency. Keep your eyes peeled for this legislation to see if the RINO's can once AGAIN snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
If I had to bet the farm on it I'd say any legislation on this subject WILL barely squeak by the lower chamber of congress but the upper chamber will just barely manage to tube the legislation. That's WHY both the DNC/RNC corporation$ like to keep the 50/50 split in both chambers of congress as it then nullifies the American constituency. Keep your eyes peeled for this legislation to see if the RINO's can once AGAIN snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!