Zone1 Will I go to heaven, hell or walk this planet as a ghost when I die?

Will I go to heaven, hell or walk this planet as a ghost when I die? Where do you think I'll go and how will it be like?
Errr...if I knew the answer to that question I would better know how to live and whom to pray to. That's the great mystery isn't it? I personally prefer to hedge my.bets. Even when assessing it al logicaly, with the size of the universe and the unlimited mysteries, ther ehas to be one correct answer. G-d. That's just my personal take. Believe, pray and hedge your bets if you choose.
Will I go to heaven, hell or walk this planet as a ghost when I die? Where do you think I'll go and how will it be like?
you will be happy to know that Hell does not exist according to Dolores Cannon. Purgatory exists but people do not stay in purgatory forever. Everyone eventually goes to Heaven.
you will be happy to know that Hell does not exist according to Dolores Cannon. Purgatory exists but people do not stay in purgatory forever. Everyone eventually goes to Heaven.
Hitler? In heaven?

Recently read an article about a secret DOD program, recently declassified..............

A study conducted by US Army Intelligence has suggested that reincarnation is real because consciousness 'never dies.'

Entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process,' the 29-page report was drafted by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell in 1983 and declassified by the CIA in 2003.

The research has resurfaced on social media, with Chicago-based comedian Sara Holcomb summarizing the findings, saying: 'We're pretty sure reincarnation is real.'

'Consciousness is energy and it exists outside of our understanding of reality,' Holocomb said, paraphrasing page 19 of McDonnell's Army intel report.
'And energy... never dies.'
Will I go to heaven, hell or walk this planet as a ghost when I die? Where do you think I'll go and how will it be like?
It's no mystery. Do you accept Christ as your Savior? If you do, then your sins were nailed to the cross. And God doesn't even remember your iniquity. There is no reason not to know where you are headed if you are covered by the blood of the Lamb. You enter Heaven on Christ's perfect record. That is the exchange that took place. He took our sin, and we took his lack of sin to get to the Father. The Bible tells you where you are going, and the way to get there.
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Hitler? In heaven?

Yes, according to Kurt Vonnegut Jr. in one of his books. I've read all of them but I can't remember which one. Anyway, he wrote that after death EVERYONE goes to heaven and they are all happy (even Hitler) and wish that they had died much sooner. They are all friends and however naughty they might have been in life is no longer of any importance.
Will I go to heaven, hell or walk this planet as a ghost when I die? Where do you think I'll go and how will it be like?

Once upon a time God thought of you and created you because he has BIG plans for you! It's my belief that you'll go straight to Heaven unless you live a wicked life and deny Jesus. In that case you'll spend some time in the proverbial "Lake of Fire" before you're permitted into Heaven.
Will I go to heaven, hell or walk this planet as a ghost when I die? Where do you think I'll go and how will it be like?
Imagine being embraced by pure love. Then, take a second look at life here. For some reason we silly humans wanted to know both good and evil, not having a clue what we were getting into. God agreed, insisted on remaining in our midst, lending guidance while remaining out of sight. He slipped us His Law...Commandments...Guidance...Spirit to spirit enlightenment to assist in our journey of coming to know both good and evil. In your life here, what are you choosing: Good? Evil?

Why are you asking us? Ask those who've already taken the journey.

I was born into the Catholic faith, and was therefore taught to pray for souls in purgatory. Some might call them ghosts, but there have been three instances of knowing prayers do help those who have passed on. I once had a brief glimpse of death. It was wonderful, fantastic, astonishing and I wanted to jump right in. It is impossible to describe...the best I can do is saying by comparison we live in a black and white world, a negative to a positive print, and where we are headed to in comparison is glorious color and spectacular beauty. Love.

Returning to the here and now. Faith. Instead of approaching Faith with the perspective that Faith is the key to heaven, change that perspective to Faith is the key of guiding us through life in the here and now. NOW is where faith lives. Instead of thinking faith is now to get into heaven, remember, instead, that faith is the Guardian of our present, a brief taste of the love and goodness which is our inheritance. God is in our midst...step beyond belief into knowing.

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