Switzerland stops the COVID vaccines, Spike protein kills brain cells,

The claim that Switzerland withdrew vaccine recommendations is not a confirmable headline, I believe it to be false. The govt. web site of Switzerland does not have the announcement.
I read the Swiss Public Health Office cite 98% of their population have Covid antibodies is the reason for no further vaccine recommendation.


In conclusion, in this short article, I brought three examples that challenge the seemingly consensual notion that the booster doses are capable of providing long-term protection against severe illness and death. The three examples constitute, of course, only a small part of our full-length article and I urge you to review the entire evidence we bring in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Like all the "Gen whatevers" need their only two working brain cells killed.

Explains the tidal surge in fuktards, morons, Libturds, and psychopatic Karens.
Was I at least right about the conspiracy?
I'm not sure, "conspiracy," is the right term.

Read this wiki stub;

And then read this one;

Tell me what the difference is, and how legal systems would differentiate the two, when institutional investors and those vehicles and corporations which are used by them, which all of our corporations, banks, financial markets, and the bonds, which undergird all of our cities, towns and institutions, and everyone's savings, educational, & retirement plans, that depend on these entire systems, and are now intertwined in all this, technically, legalized conspiracy/corruption?

What you propose, is attacking the inherent bones, sinews and muscles, of how society is put together, because, yes, the cancer really is that endemic now.

There is no judge, or congressional representative, that is ready to act to untangle this mess, at this point, IMO.

"It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It"​

Nothing short of the fall of the Republic, or its replacement with a global government, even more onerous, will solve this, I am afraid. My fear, is that this might make things worse. We can only hope it won't?
I say we follow their lead. I also think it should have been done years ago. The vaccine is killing people.

Bang: Switzerland withdraws all Covid vaccination recommendations​

Switzerland stops the Covid vaccinations: all vaccination recommendations have been withdrawn, doctors can only administer the controversial vaccines in individual cases under certain conditions - but then bear the risk of liability for vaccination damage. When will countries like Germany and Austria follow this example?
Here read this you gullible dupe… stop spreading fake news


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