Suddenly I'm a Big Rand Paul Fan....

Rand doesn't have to position himself as a moderate,he is a moderate.Actually hell Rand would blow far left if that's what it took to get nominated for president...the man is sick...absolutely nothing like his dad. I would be ashamed if Rand was my son.

Well yeah........but you're an idiot, sooooo.............

That's it? That's all you got? I guess when you know someone is right you just call names...

you got him pegged.
I'll be honest with you bro, Rand Paul, like every other "variety" of Libertarian, has no party allegiance, is certainly is not far-right, simply because he holds a strong pro-life view (which often labels someone as far-right, even if they are a communist).

In fact, right-wingers through more hate and vitriol towards us than the left.
Rand doesn't have to position himself as a moderate,he is a moderate.Actually hell Rand would blow far left if that's what it took to get nominated for president...the man is sick...absolutely nothing like his dad. I would be ashamed if Rand was my son.

Well yeah........but you're an idiot, sooooo.............

That's it? That's all you got? I guess when you know someone is right you just call names...

No......when I know that someone is willfully ignorant, i point and laugh. You got the response you fully deserved.
I'll be honest with you bro, Rand Paul, like every other "variety" of Libertarian, has no party allegiance, is certainly is not far-right, simply because he holds a strong pro-life view (which often labels someone as far-right, even if they are a communist).

In fact, right-wingers through more hate and vitriol towards us than the left.

I hate to rain on your parade but the problems in this country cannot be solved by love.

It's time to stand up and die if necessary.

I'd prefer a peaceful resolution but this place is too divided. You cannot vote your way out of what is coming. Only blood will follow.
Well yeah........but you're an idiot, sooooo.............

That's it? That's all you got? I guess when you know someone is right you just call names...

No......when I know that someone is willfully ignorant, i point and laugh. You got the response you fully deserved.

Did you bump your head or something? I mean I don't want to make fun of the mentally ill which you certainly seem to be so...
Liz Cheney is the Daughter of Darth. She's going to fuck up the GOP in Wyoming for her own personal gain. And she hasn't even LIVED there until last year. WHORE.
Tell us how you felt about Hillary's carpetbagging.

Follow the thread, Cletus. I said that Liz is quite the hypocrite, isn't she? Why don't you bring up Bobby Kennedy while you're at it? Or do you remember the Kennedys?
That's it? That's all you got? I guess when you know someone is right you just call names...

No......when I know that someone is willfully ignorant, i point and laugh. You got the response you fully deserved.

Did you bump your head or something? I mean I don't want to make fun of the mentally ill which you certainly seem to be so...

This entire exchange above is meaningless.

No one is going to touch the hypocrisy or power-mongering of Liz Cheney, are you?

Even the Republicans in Wyoming are thinking she's the whore she always wanted to be.
I have no damn clue what her stances are...can ya fill me in? If she is like her pa then there ain't a chance in hell she gets my support. I don't think she has a chance at winning anyways.
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Liz Cheney is the Daughter of Darth. She's going to fuck up the GOP in Wyoming for her own personal gain. And she hasn't even LIVED there until last year. WHORE.
Tell us how you felt about Hillary's carpetbagging.

Follow the thread, Cletus. I said that Liz is quite the hypocrite, isn't she? Why don't you bring up Bobby Kennedy while you're at it? Or do you remember the Kennedys?

I remember them. They were good a bullet catching.
Let me do the homework for you since most people on this board are too lazy to even Google something.

Rand has an ax to grind with the Cheneys:

Dick Cheney: Rand Paul is wrong on government surveillance
Dick Cheney: Rand Paul is wrong on government surveillance

Dick Cheney Endorses Trey Grayson in KY Senate Race
The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Dick Cheney Endorses Trey Grayson in KY Senate Race

OMG, are you still here? You're draining the mean IQ on this site with your presence.
The election will have far less to do with the candidates and more to do with obama and the democrats. Enzi has agreed with democrats and compromised. The people of Wyoming are going to vote on whether they want a representative that will cross the aisle or not.
I'll be honest with you bro, Rand Paul, like every other "variety" of Libertarian, has no party allegiance, is certainly is not far-right, simply because he holds a strong pro-life view (which often labels someone as far-right, even if they are a communist).

In fact, right-wingers through more hate and vitriol towards us than the left.

I hate to rain on your parade but the problems in this country cannot be solved by love.

It's time to stand up and die if necessary.

I'd prefer a peaceful resolution but this place is too divided. You cannot vote your way out of what is coming. Only blood will follow.

On the bright side, liberals disarmed themselves, and the right wing nuts could never muster the TRUE conviction and courage to oppress themselves.
I'm not going to jump on the Rand Paul bandwagon just because he is from KY. I, personally, believe, that he, being a doctor, did what many of them are doing - position himself to get and retain power in the hands of doctors. Law schools are full of them. And the AMA has an agenda to take over the med mal courts. They already have their 'brotherhood of silence' and stick together like glue when one of the kills someone. All we need is for there to be no way for anyone to recover when one of them kills or cripples you.

I changed my party affiliation today because if I'm still around for the next primary, I want to vote in the Republican primary and, I hope, for Paul Ryan, not Rand Paul.
You people need to understand that the federal government is a lost cause. You have to be a member of the "club" to be elected. That means you have to be a slave to Wall Street and the military industrial complex. There is NO possibility that anyone benevolent can ever attain the throne. The nation is gone. It's a fucking tyranny and until you can accept this fact you're only adding to the problem.
I'm not going to jump on the Rand Paul bandwagon just because he is from KY. I, personally, believe, that he, being a doctor, did what many of them are doing - position himself to get and retain power in the hands of doctors. Law schools are full of them. And the AMA has an agenda to take over the med mal courts. They already have their 'brotherhood of silence' and stick together like glue when one of the kills someone. All we need is for there to be no way for anyone to recover when one of them kills or cripples you.

I changed my party affiliation today because if I'm still around for the next primary, I want to vote in the Republican primary and, I hope, for Paul Ryan, not Rand Paul.

That's assuming he runs..I think even if he does he will drop out before Super Tuesday.
Paul Ryan as a member of the gang of 8 has cashed in his national credentials. As has Rubio.
That's it? That's all you got? I guess when you know someone is right you just call names...

No......when I know that someone is willfully ignorant, i point and laugh. You got the response you fully deserved.

Did you bump your head or something? I mean I don't want to make fun of the mentally ill which you certainly seem to be so...

After whining, "That's it? That's all you got? I guess when you know someone is right you just call names...", I would have thought YOU would have taken the high road. Guess not. Quit whining.

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