I didn't vote for the Bad Orange Man myself but...
The Dems had four years after his first term and they screwed-the-pooch good-and-proper...
I agree the Democrats made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest problem was that Trump fucked up the country far more than they could fix in four years.
You see, usually this is how it works.
1) Republicans fuck things up.
2) Democrats win because Republicans fucked things up
3) Republicans whine Democrats didn't fix things they fucked up fast enough.
4) Republicans then go on to playing on the racial, religious, and sexual fears of dumb white people,
5) Return to step 1.
In appreciation for all those screw-ups, and having an anointed candidate shoved down their throats...
The Dems got beat in the Popular Vote and they got absolutely slaughtered in the Electoral College...
Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. In a straight-up popular vote, Harris probably would have won because there would have been a reason to show up if you lived in a Blue State.
Now, I will admit, the Democrats did tactically screw up. Biden should have withdrawn after the 2022 midterms turned out well for the Democrats and let the nomination process play out. Harris would have probably been the nominee anyway because, historically, Veeps are the frontrunners. But she only had 107 days to raise money, get an organization together, and challenge a Trump machine that was ready to go. And she still only lost by 1.48%.
Trump's victory formula included the defection of very large numbers of Black and Hispanic Straight Men...
Not really. He only did marginally better with black man and marginally worse with black women.
Hispanic men are another issue, of course. There was enough misogyny there to keep them from voting. HOw much of that improvement was actual gains in votes and how much of it was outright voter suppression is another topic. About three million less people voted in 2024 than in 2020. Partially because of restrictive voting laws. Partially because there was little enthusiasm for Harris personally.
None of this takes away from the fact that Trump is manifestly unfit for the presidency.
You got outsmarted and out-maneuvered by a P.T. Barnum clone... a damning and amusing perspective in its own right...
Your political adversaries now control...
The White HouseThe Supreme CourtThe SenateThe House of Representatives
So what? Frankly, I've been through this before.. in 2017, 2009, 2003, 1993, 1981*, and 1977. It just doesn't mean nearly as much as you think it does.
Personally, after the last four years, I'm done with those a$$hole$... I'm changing party affiliation from (D) to (I)...
I'm going to be an Independent from now on... formalizing what I've been practicing for years anyway...
"I didn't leave the Democratic Party... the Democratic Party left me..."
Nobody believes you were ever a Democrat. Come on, guy, I've been following your posts here since 2011.