So a Chinese guy cant own an app in the US but China the country owns 380K acres of farmland in the US. Well that makes sense to the left.

Your inability to see the looming danger is alarming but, fortunately, you are not in-power at the moment.

Germany hadn't fought a war in 20 years and yet they used the 1930s to prepare for the next one.

This is China's 1930s.

You don't seriously think those faux arguments about South China Seas navigation are innocent, do you?

You don't seriously think those new aircraft carriers and growing combat fleet are just for self-defense, do you?

If you DO believe those things then you are simply not a serious player in such evaluations and may be safely ignored.

Then that's the way it will be... it's time to try just that, and see what happens.

Chinese media? Chinese STATE-CONTROLLED media? Chinese Communist PARTY-CONTROLLED media? Uhhhhh... yeah... sure.

Oh, and... with your wife, eh? Chinese immigrant, is she?

Oh, I'm sure that you can find a substantial and rapidly growing collection of fat Chinese as well.

As to a work-ethic... they still have CCP-forced En Masse Labor and millennia of feudal subservience in their brains.

Give 'em a few more decades of increasing wealth and they'll be just as fat and lazy as anyone else, including us.

If you admire them so much then you may be living in the wrong country.

We get others to stop taking advantage of us in the short term, then set about ensuring that we will not be taken advantage of in such a manner again anytime in the foreseeable future.... but first-things-first... stop the abuse, first.

I am not a Trump fan, and I'm doubtful about his abilities in this regards, but at least this gets the conversation going again.

And that conversation (taking care of ourselves and stopping others from taking advantage of us) DOES need to resurface.
Good response, and hopefully Trump shows he is worthy.
you sure do know a lot about the inside workings of the CCP..

is there something you wat to tell us??

its OK I wouldnt admit it if I was a CCP spy,,,

This information was deviously hidden from you inside things called "Books".

that story keeps changing everytime you tell it,,

No there are just progress updates.

As of right now, she has permanent resident status due to being married to an American Citizen.

China has nukes, and Russia respects China in ways that it doesn't demand, but rather it ask for China's help. Of course China has deffered the help to NK is my thoughts, and this way it covers China with the U.S. in as far as appearing neutral.

Or China is just being smart, making friends around the world with countries the West has rejected or neglected.

Take for instance, Trump's conniption fit about the Panama Canal. China has invested billions there. They are also investing in Nicaragua for the potential for a sea-level canal (which would make far more sense, as the Panama Canal has severe limitations.) The US has ignored the despair in Central America and then wonders why all these Central Americans show up looking for asylum.
Let's unpack this shit.

Your inability to see the looming danger is alarming but, fortunately, you are not in-power at the moment.

Power is an illusion. Trump will fail just like he did the first time and for the same reasons. Then we'll elect another Democrat and he will fail.

Germany hadn't fought a war in 20 years and yet they used the 1930s to prepare for the next one.

This is China's 1930s.

You don't seriously think those faux arguments about South China Seas navigation are innocent, do you?

China has claimed the "Nine-Dash" line in the South CHINA Sea since the Qing Dynasty. The idea that this is something new is kind of silly. Taiwan also claims the Nine-Dash line in it's delusion that it's the legitimate government of China.

You don't seriously think those new aircraft carriers and growing combat fleet are just for self-defense, do you?

China has three carriers that are only about half as capable as one of ours. They might have SIX by the middle of the century. We have 11 carriers, not counting amphibious assault ships.

Our problem is we can't find enough people to crew them.

If you DO believe those things then you are simply not a serious player in such evaluations and may be safely ignored.

Ignorance seems to be your forte.

Then that's the way it will be... it's time to try just that, and see what happens.

No, what we need to do is invest in manufacturing and innovation, like the Chinese did. Not give tax cuts to Billionaires and hope they pretty-please do the right thing.

Chinese media? Chinese STATE-CONTROLLED media? Chinese Communist PARTY-CONTROLLED media? Uhhhhh... yeah... sure.

Oh, and... with your wife, eh? Chinese immigrant, is she?

Yes, she is.

Oh, I'm sure that you can find a substantial and rapidly growing collection of fat Chinese as well.

The obesity rate in the US is 25%. The obesity rate in China is 7%

Give 'em a few more decades of increasing wealth and they'll be just as fat and lazy as anyone else, including us.

If you admire them so much then you may be living in the wrong country.

It is foolish to see success and not see what can work and what doesn't.

Some things China does won't work here. I freely admit that. Other things they are doing we could do, but refuse to do.

We get others to stop taking advantage of us in the short term, then set about ensuring that we will not be taken advantage of in such a manner again anytime in the foreseeable future.... but first-things-first... stop the abuse, first.

Here's the problem, guy. Americans vote with their wallet, every time a fat-ass MAGA hat waddles through Costco buying Chinese-made goods. When he's paying 60% more for those goods, he's probably going to lose the MAGA hat.

I am not a Trump fan, and I'm doubtful about his abilities in this regards, but at least this gets the conversation going again.

And that conversation (taking care of ourselves and stopping others from taking advantage of us) DOES need to resurface.

There's an old saying, no one can take advantage of you without your permission.

The CHinese gave us what we asked them for- cheap consumer goods we didn't want to make. A junkie always hates his pusher, but never as much as he hates himself.
This information was deviously hidden from you inside things called "Books".

No there are just progress updates.

As of right now, she has permanent resident status due to being married to an American Citizen.

Or China is just being smart, making friends around the world with countries the West has rejected or neglected.

Take for instance, Trump's conniption fit about the Panama Canal. China has invested billions there. They are also investing in Nicaragua for the potential for a sea-level canal (which would make far more sense, as the Panama Canal has severe limitations.) The US has ignored the despair in Central America and then wonders why all these Central Americans show up looking for asylum.
The U.S. has ignored or shouldn't you say that certain administrations have ignored the area's of the world in which you made your claim ?

So it depends on what party you aspire too, and how you've been allowed to do what you do that determines your loyalty and bias in these threads.

Your words - Take for instance, Trump's conniption fit about the Panama Canal. China has invested billions there. They are also investing in Nicaragua for the potential for a sea-level canal (which would make far more sense, as the Panama Canal has severe limitations.)

Invested billions there for what ? Limitations of the canal for what ?

You see, it is that you ignore the national security implications of it all, but you being married now to this alleged Chinese immigrant might tell us a lot about your bias for China, and then your word's of disdain for your own nation, and for its national security interest all in favor of your support for China in the ways that you exhibit here is very interesting indeed.
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In 2021, a Chinese company bought land near an Air Force base in Grand Forks, N.D., sending lawmakers into a frenzy.

Lawmakers feared that China, which many policymakers view as a strategic adversary even though it's the country's top trading partner outside North America, could gain control over the U.S. food and energy supply, as well as a hold on markets and critical infrastructure.

China owns 380,000 acres of land in the U.S. Here's where - IPM Newsroom China owns 380,000 acres of land in the U.S. Here's where - IPM Newsroom

The left are so culpable in the systematic destruction of everything this country was supposed to be. Freedom of speech all but gone
I heard a lefty radio host say the other day that foreign companies don't have first amendment rights, which is thought was odd, the left believes that the cotus and all the rights apply to everyone, legal and illegal

Also,I love how all the leftys are now anti zuck, anti bezos, because they changed their platforms and donated to trump...
I heard a lefty radio host say the other day that foreign companies don't have first amendment rights, which I thought was odd, the left believes that the cotus and all the rights as is written in the cotus applies to everyone, legal and illegal

Also,I love how all the leftys are now anti zuck, anti bezos, because they changed their platforms and donated to trump...
Fixed some of your mistakes above if you didn't mind, and yes I agree with your entire post.. 👍
he U.S. has ignored or shouldn't you say that certain administrations have ignored the area's of the world in which you made your claim ?

So it depends on what party you aspire too, and how you've been allowed to do what you do that determines your loyalty and bias in these threads.

Not at all. I think both parties are nearly equally guilty of flawed foreign policy.

We drop bombs, the Chinese build roads and hospitals. And then we wonder why the Chinese are gaining traction in the world.

Invested billions there for what ? Limitations of the canal for what ?

The limitation of the Panama Canal is that it works on a lock system to get a ship above the land, and then back down into the other ocean. That depends in turn on a steady supply of fresh water feeding the locks to fill them up. Due to climate change, there have been droughts in the lakes and rivers that feed the locks, slowing transit times and making transit through the canal more expensive.

Not to mention - our Nimitz and Ford class carriers are too big to fit in the canal.

The Chinese Belt and Road initiative (also know as the New Silk Road Initiative) is based on the premise that if you improve ports and roads in countries that buy your products, they can bring in more of your products and make more money.

You see, it is that you ignore the national security implications of it all, but you being married now to this alleged Chinese immigrant might tell us a lot about your bias for China, and then your word's of disdain for your own nation, and for its national security interest all in favor of your support for China in the ways that you exhibit here is very interesting indeed.

My disdain for this country is that 47-50% of you look at Donald TRump, an absolute piece of shit of a human being without a single redeeming quality, and think he's presidential material.
Not at all. I think both parties are nearly equally guilty of flawed foreign policy.

We drop bombs, the Chinese build roads and hospitals. And then we wonder why the Chinese are gaining traction in the world.

The limitation of the Panama Canal is that it works on a lock system to get a ship above the land, and then back down into the other ocean. That depends in turn on a steady supply of fresh water feeding the locks to fill them up. Due to climate change, there have been droughts in the lakes and rivers that feed the locks, slowing transit times and making transit through the canal more expensive.

Not to mention - our Nimitz and Ford class carriers are too big to fit in the canal.

The Chinese Belt and Road initiative (also know as the New Silk Road Initiative) is based on the premise that if you improve ports and roads in countries that buy your products, they can bring in more of your products and make more money.

My disdain for this country is that 47-50% of you look at Donald TRump, an absolute piece of shit of a human being without a single redeeming quality, and think he's presidential material.
My opinion still stands concerning your heavy bias against an American citizen, otherwise who is also the president of this United State's in which won the job in a landslide due to the nation seeing right through people like you, who otherwise hate this nation, and say and do anything you can to apply your hatred towards it while kissing the ace of another.
My opinion still stands concerning your heavy bias against an American citizen, otherwise who is also the president of this United State's in which won the job in a landslide due to the nation seeing right through people like you, who otherwise hate this nation, and say and do anything you can to apply your hatred towards it while kissing the ace of another.

Trump didn't win by a landslide. He won by the lowest margin a president has ever been returned to office in despite running against an opponent who was hobbled.

He's a rapist, a convicted felon, an adjudicated fraudster, who is only not in prison because our system is incapable of holding law-breaking presidents accountable.

He will fail, miserably, and you will be here excusing every failure.
Trump didn't win by a landslide. He won by the lowest margin a president has ever been returned to office in despite running against an opponent who was hobbled.

He's a rapist, a convicted felon, an adjudicated fraudster, who is only not in prison because our system is incapable of holding law-breaking presidents accountable.

He will fail, miserably, and you will be here excusing every failure.
Powerful is the butthurt and teenage angst in this one... :itsok:


I didn't vote for the Bad Orange Man myself but...

The Dems had four years after his first term and they screwed-the-pooch good-and-proper...

In appreciation for all those screw-ups, and having an anointed candidate shoved down their throats...

The Dems got beat in the Popular Vote and they got absolutely slaughtered in the Electoral College...

Trump's victory formula included the defection of very large numbers of Black and Hispanic Straight Men...

You got outsmarted and out-maneuvered by a P.T. Barnum clone... a damning and amusing perspective in its own right...

Your political adversaries now control...

The White House
The Supreme Court
The Senate
The House of Representatives

Hyper-Liberal Leftist Fun-Time is over... DEI is already on its way out-the-door... and the Illegal Aliens are next... :laughing0301:

Stupid, elitist, arrogant, vision-less, un-teachable, lazy, incompetent, gut-less nut-less race-baiting Woke-a$$ Democrats...

They'll blame everybody BUT themselves and their asinine and out-of-touch policies and behaviors...

Personally, after the last four years, I'm done with those a$$hole$... I'm changing party affiliation from (D) to (I)...

I'm going to be an Independent from now on... formalizing what I've been practicing for years anyway...

I didn't leave the Democratic Party... the Democratic Party left me..."
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You mean an island some ancient dictator in peking seized by force.

An island that a japanese dictatorship seized control of and held till the end of WWII

An island that was briefly controlled by the non communist dictator Chang Kai-shek in 1949 for about 50 years before a peaceful revolution of the Taiwanese people

The people in the now democratic republic of Taiwan no longer consider themselves Chinese and do not want to be ruled by inhuman communist dictators in biijing

Yeah, that's the ticket! Thats why they still call themselves the Republic of China although they are not Chinese.

You definitely are not the sharpest crayon in the box, nor the brightest!
Thats why they still call themselves the Republic of China although they are not Chinese.
There is a very practical reason for not declaring independence from mainland china and renaming Taiwan as the Republic of Taiwan

If you know half as much as you claim it should be pretty obvious

The Taiwanese want to avoid being invaded by the chicoms
China has one goal and it’s to become the next main world power vs us. I could care less about TikTok the only time I’ve ever used it is when my kids sent me funny little videos. It’d probably be best for our kids they have less of these apps and focus on other things like the Chinese do having their children learn actual things that benefit them and will help the future of their country grow. Not wasting hours a day on TikTok or any other stupid ass app.
There is a very practical reason for not declaring independence from mainland china and renaming Taiwan as the Republic of Taiwan

If you know half as much as you claim it should be pretty obvious

The Taiwanese want to avoid being invaded by the chicoms
That's not what was said, and they have declared their independence, dipshit! We refuse to recognize it! Wink wink, while supplying and supporting them as if they were an independent country. That is OUR mistake.
That's not what was said, and they have declared their independence, dipshit! We refuse to recognize it! Wink wink, while supplying and supporting them as if they were an independent country. That is OUR mistake.
You are making up nonsense

Taiwan is independent but not officially for the reason I already gave
You are making up nonsense

Taiwan is independent but not officially for the reason I already gave
Officially by who's standard? Do you even understand the One China Policy and how it came to be? I seriously doubt you are that educated. We say Taiwan is not independent to the world with one side of our two faces and then treat it exactly that way with the other face when we talk to them. Get a degree and study foreign relations in the Far east like I did before spouting your claptrap!
China has one goal and it’s to become the next main world power vs us. I could care less about TikTok the only time I’ve ever used it is when my kids sent me funny little videos. It’d probably be best for our kids they have less of these apps and focus on other things like the Chinese do having their children learn actual things that benefit them and will help the future of their country grow. Not wasting hours a day on TikTok or any other stupid ass app.
Yes indeed, but the love of money by our business class has a bad tendency to cloud their mind's, thus causing them to go blind in their forward visionary.
Officially by who's standard? Do you even understand the One China Policy and how it came to be?
Thats old history that I do know about

Are you going to lecture me about the china civil war in 1949?

China has cleverly used the enormous gift of free trade with the western democracies to barter influence around the world, much to the disadvantage of the Taiwan people

But freedom is not so easily denied, and the Taiwanese people have earned theirs in spite of communist pressure
I didn't vote for the Bad Orange Man myself but...

The Dems had four years after his first term and they screwed-the-pooch good-and-proper...

I agree the Democrats made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest problem was that Trump fucked up the country far more than they could fix in four years.

You see, usually this is how it works.

1) Republicans fuck things up.
2) Democrats win because Republicans fucked things up
3) Republicans whine Democrats didn't fix things they fucked up fast enough.
4) Republicans then go on to playing on the racial, religious, and sexual fears of dumb white people,
5) Return to step 1.

In appreciation for all those screw-ups, and having an anointed candidate shoved down their throats...

The Dems got beat in the Popular Vote and they got absolutely slaughtered in the Electoral College...

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. In a straight-up popular vote, Harris probably would have won because there would have been a reason to show up if you lived in a Blue State.

Now, I will admit, the Democrats did tactically screw up. Biden should have withdrawn after the 2022 midterms turned out well for the Democrats and let the nomination process play out. Harris would have probably been the nominee anyway because, historically, Veeps are the frontrunners. But she only had 107 days to raise money, get an organization together, and challenge a Trump machine that was ready to go. And she still only lost by 1.48%.

Trump's victory formula included the defection of very large numbers of Black and Hispanic Straight Men...

Not really. He only did marginally better with black man and marginally worse with black women.

Hispanic men are another issue, of course. There was enough misogyny there to keep them from voting. HOw much of that improvement was actual gains in votes and how much of it was outright voter suppression is another topic. About three million less people voted in 2024 than in 2020. Partially because of restrictive voting laws. Partially because there was little enthusiasm for Harris personally.

None of this takes away from the fact that Trump is manifestly unfit for the presidency.

You got outsmarted and out-maneuvered by a P.T. Barnum clone... a damning and amusing perspective in its own right...

Your political adversaries now control...

The White HouseThe Supreme CourtThe SenateThe House of Representatives

So what? Frankly, I've been through this before.. in 2017, 2009, 2003, 1993, 1981*, and 1977. It just doesn't mean nearly as much as you think it does.

Personally, after the last four years, I'm done with those a$$hole$... I'm changing party affiliation from (D) to (I)...

I'm going to be an Independent from now on... formalizing what I've been practicing for years anyway...

I didn't leave the Democratic Party... the Democratic Party left me..."
Nobody believes you were ever a Democrat. Come on, guy, I've been following your posts here since 2011.
Thats old history that I do know about

Are you going to lecture me about the china civil war in 1949?

China has cleverly used the enormous gift of free trade with the western democracies to barter influence around the world, much to the disadvantage of the Taiwan people

But freedom is not so easily denied, and the Taiwanese people have earned theirs in spite of communist pressure

Well, until the mainland gets sick of their nonsense and invades, anyway.

Yeah, that's the ticket! Thats why they still call themselves the Republic of China although they are not Chinese.

You definitely are not the sharpest crayon in the box, nor the brightest!


They are 97% ethnically Han Chinese.
they speak Mandarin
They write in Hanzi
They call themselves the Republic of China.

They're Chinese.

So why should America be involved in a Chinese domestic argument?
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