Biden Admin clears Chinese company to own 370 acres of land 12 miles from Grand Forks AFB


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
What could possibly go wrong with this? China would never spy on our military communications or disrupt them, would they?

Would they?

"The Biden administration just cleared a Chinese company to own 370 acres of land within 12 miles of Grand Forks Air Force Base in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

As a result, China will be able to use a proposed $700 million corn milling plant on the site to spy on military communications and even disrupt them. In Beijing, they must be shaking their heads in disbelief....

[T]he failure to include all military installations in the implementing regulations was a clear case of regulatory malpractice.
As a result of these enormous mistakes, Fufeng USA, a subsidiary of a Shandong province-based agribusiness giant, is, at least for the moment, free to build its wet corn milling and biofermentation plant in Grand Forks.

"The worst-case scenario involves active sabotage of operations at the Grand Forks facility. Should the U.S. and China end up in a shooting war over, say, Taiwan, Fufeng's property near the Air Force base could be used to send malicious signals to jam passing satellites or disrupt the operation of drones. We have made ourselves vulnerable on our own territory." — Brandon Weichert, author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, to Gatestone; December 2022.

Fufeng USA said it was "pleased" with the decision. Chinese war planners must be ecstatic."

Biden Opens Door to China Sabotage in North Dakota

And he's doing favors for them in the open and knows he will face no consequences. That's where America stands today. All I can say is when the attack or collapse comes, the scum who support them are going to suffer just like the rest of us.
The hell of it is we are going to have a rough time of it. The chi-coms don't want useless cities, they want the hinterlands. They know the leftist city pukes will knuckle-under in a heartbeat....They will take the ports at/near the cities and that's it.
Where are they going to put the electronic warfare array? I don't like China buying up our shit but disrupting military communications requires some pretty obvious equipment like giant dishes on top of towers. Not a plausible theory.

Controversial Chinese Corn Mill in ND​

OMAHA (DTN) -- Residents of Grand Forks, North Dakota, are wondering about the next steps for a Chinese company's proposed corn mill after a federal committee concluded last week that it doesn't have jurisdiction over the foreign land purchase despite the proximity to an Air Force base.
Another step in the destruction of traditional America, that was the main reason they stole the elections.

The demonicRats are doing a magnificent job, that's undeniable. :rolleyes:
The Dems have no jurisdiction to forestall anything, South Dakota does have the ability.
Up next......

China builds 5000 acre military complex in South Dakota complete with air force base, 8,000ft runways and advanced defensive weaponry along with
housing for 300,000 PLA special forces troops.
Federal regulators say it's not their jurisdiction so they can't interfere.
White House has no comment.
It has been amazing to watch America dismantled as Americans stood by and did absolutely nothing. We are a proud, brave people. (not)

Say did you see who was on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune tonight? Nikki Glaser was awesome! She spun the wheel and it went all the way around two times!!!!
What could possibly go wrong with this? China would never spy on our military communications or disrupt them, would they?

Better to ask how many 370 acre patches of land have the chinese sold to us right next to their AFBs?!

I'm betting ZERO.

I just wonder whether Joe blows the Chinese too as they get off the plane or is that Hunter's job?
Democrats can't get money and approval from intelligent Americans, that's why they're selling us out to China, greedy assholes that they are.

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