So a Chinese guy cant own an app in the US but China the country owns 380K acres of farmland in the US. Well that makes sense to the left.

China has one goal and it’s to become the next main world power vs us. I could care less about TikTok the only time I’ve ever used it is when my kids sent me funny little videos. It’d probably be best for our kids they have less of these apps and focus on other things like the Chinese do having their children learn actual things that benefit them and will help the future of their country grow. Not wasting hours a day on TikTok or any other stupid ass app.

Here's the thing. Chinese kids waste just as much time on silly little Apps as American kids do.

It's just not a big deal.

Biden refused to enforce the ban, and Trump will probably not enforce it either.
Well, until the mainland gets sick of their nonsense and invades, anyway.

They are 97% ethnically Han Chinese.
they speak Mandarin
They write in Hanzi
They call themselves the Republic of China.

They're Chinese.

So why should America be involved in a Chinese domestic argument?
Where does Xi Jinping find western apologists like you?

Does it all depend on whose sleeping in whose bed?

Or for some westerners is there a profit motive that drives them to shill for a hostile power?

Based on your logic the Colonies had no right to break away from Great Britian
I posted an even more direct posting but it seems the site forum dwellers are blocking my posts, only allowing their shills to respind, you din't even see it in the new post forum. With such people taking orders from.the disonest Canandian police there is no wonder China is poisoning Americans,.buying land nesr military bases, hwcking into your networks and most critical infrastructure. It is frightening just how obedient Americans have become. My repeated mantra that "China is going to win" isn't difficult to see. They have the largest export surplus in the history of mankind, a big chunk of this imbalance with America of course, but better to censor the Canadian on behalf of the Creepy Ones.
Where does Xi Jinping find western apologists like you?

Does it all depend on whose sleeping in whose bed?

Or for some westerners is there a profit motive that drives them to shill for a hostile power?

Based on your logic the Colonies had no right to break away from Great Britian

Actually, I kind of wish we hadn't broken away. We'd all be Canadians today and have universal health care instead of the insurance companies fucking us at every opportunity.

The thing is Geo. Washington didn't claim he was the legitimate King of England like Cash-my Check did.

Taiwan is not worth one American life.

Speaking of people who need to access Canada's mental health programs...

I posted an even more direct posting but it seems the site forum dwellers are blocking my posts, only allowing their shills to respind, you din't even see it in the new post forum. With such people taking orders from.the disonest Canandian police there is no wonder China is poisoning Americans,.buying land nesr military bases, hwcking into your networks and most critical infrastructure. It is frightening just how obedient Americans have become. My repeated mantra that "China is going to win" isn't difficult to see. They have the largest export surplus in the history of mankind, a big chunk of this imbalance with America of course, but better to censor the Canadian on behalf of the Creepy Ones.

It probably got combined with one of your 500 other "I hate China" threads, Snidley.
I agree the Democrats made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest problem was that Trump fucked up the country far more than they could fix in four years.
Metaphorically speaking to the Collective Democratic Hive-Mind...

Oh, for the love of God, stop blaming everybody else and look in the mirror and ask "What did
I do wrong" for once in your life!!!

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. In a straight-up popular vote, Harris probably would have won because there would have been a reason to show up if you lived in a Blue State.
Excuses... excuses... excuses...

Instead, try looking to your policies related to Immigration, Crime, LGBTQ, Foreign Policy, Economics, etc.

Now, I will admit, the Democrats did tactically screw up.
They made huge STRATEGIC errors with respect to Illegal Aliens Border Control, Afghanistan, Race, LGBTQ, Israel, etc.

The tactics contributed, no doubt, but they were a minor accent in a much louder sympathy of very, very poor Strategy.

Biden should have withdrawn after the 2022 midterms turned out well for the Democrats and let the nomination process play out.
Harris would have probably been the nominee anyway because, historically, Veeps are the frontrunners.
I have grave doubts. She was Joe's D.E.I. Hire to help with winning in 2020. And she got her butt kicked in 2020 primaries.

No... even if there had been time for a full set of primaries without Joe and/or an Open Convention... I have grave doubts.

She had multiple strikes against her in the context of the entire nationwide voting public.

Race... gender... reputation... perceived D.E.I. status... but, most of all, failures as Border Czar and Guilt-by-Association (Joe).

As much as anything else, vast numbers of people believe that the Dems were absolutely incompetent in prosecuting Trump.

Given what a Target-Rich Opportunity the Dems had with Trump, and despite Big Promises, they actually delivered very little.

Poor performance and out-of-touch policy and vision were what defeated the Dems this time... Guilt-by-Association.

But she only had 107 days to raise money, get an organization together, and challenge a Trump machine that was ready to go. And she still only lost by 1.48%.
She raised one helluva lot more money than Trump did.. and STILL ran a deficit... no... sorry... see above.... Guilt by Association.
Not really. He only did marginally better with black man and marginally worse with black women.
Your collective inability to recognize that fact will quite probably lead to continued defeats in 2026 and 2026... TBD.
Hispanic men are another issue, of course. There was enough misogyny there to keep them from voting.
Misogyny did, indeed, play a part, but nowhere near as much as did failed out-of-touch Democratic policies... sorry.
HOw much of that improvement was actual gains in votes and how much of it was outright voter suppression is another topic. About three million less people voted in 2024 than in 2020. Partially because of restrictive voting laws.
Restrictive voting laws? If you solid data regarding the impact of recent changes-in-law upon turnout, DO present it.
Partially because there was little enthusiasm for Harris personally.
Partially? True. But I suspect that that "part" was larger than some might like to admit. Queen of Word Salad and Weasel Words.
None of this takes away from the fact that Trump is manifestly unfit for the presidency.
Yes. I have been banging that same drum for a very long time. Nolo contendre.

So... just how bad do you and your policies have to suck in order to lose to that sort of candidate?

Like I said earlier in this post... it is time for Dems to take a long, hard look in the mirror and to have a Come-to-Jesus moment.

Nobody believes you were ever a Democrat. Come on, guy, I've been following your posts here since 2011.
My Presidential voting record:

1972 - Richard Nixon (R)
1976 - Jimmy Carter (D)
1980 - John Anderson (I) (Illinois, Congressman)
1984 - Ronald Reagan (R)
1988 - George H.W. Bush (R)
1992 - Bill Clinton (D)
1996 - Bill Clinton (D)
2000 - George W. Bush (R)
2004 - George W. Bush (R)
2008 - Barack Obama (D)
2012 - Barack Obama (D)
2016 - Hillary Clinton (D)
2020 - Joe Biden (D)
2024 - Kamala Harris (D)

14 elections / 8 D-Votes = 57% (D)
14 elections / 5 R-Votes = 36% (R)
14 elections / 1 I-Vote = 7% (Independent)

I was a registered (R) for a few years (4-5) during and just beyond the 2nd Reagan term.
I was a registered (D) for the years prior to that and since the 1991-1992 time frame.
I live in a Blue State and a Blue County where (R)'s hardly ever win.
I have remained a registered (D) because I wanted to have a voice in WHICH crooked (D) became The Candidate.
But the Lawfare and Hypocrisy and the Elitism and Autocracy and Lies of the (D)'s in the past 4 years have cured me of that.
I have always been a Fickle (D) who sometimes votes (D), sometimes (R), and who prioritizes Issues, Qualifications and Character.
I am Left of Karl Marx on a couple of issues, Right of Atilla the Hun on several, and a true Centrist on a great many of the rest.

I have become disgusted with Democratic incompetence, cowardice, whining, excuse-making, finger-pointing, and ineffectiveness.

I have, indeed, been voting in the Democratic Primaries for decades.

I will not be doing so from this point forward.


Whether you believe that or not is your own affair.
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I agree the Democrats made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest problem was that Trump fucked up the country far more than they could fix in four years.

You see, usually this is how it works.

1) Republicans fuck things up.
2) Democrats win because Republicans fucked things up
3) Republicans whine Democrats didn't fix things they fucked up fast enough.
4) Republicans then go on to playing on the racial, religious, and sexual fears of dumb white people,
5) Return to step 1.

Which is a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College. In a straight-up popular vote, Harris probably would have won because there would have been a reason to show up if you lived in a Blue State.

Now, I will admit, the Democrats did tactically screw up. Biden should have withdrawn after the 2022 midterms turned out well for the Democrats and let the nomination process play out. Harris would have probably been the nominee anyway because, historically, Veeps are the frontrunners. But she only had 107 days to raise money, get an organization together, and challenge a Trump machine that was ready to go. And she still only lost by 1.48%.

Not really. He only did marginally better with black man and marginally worse with black women.

Hispanic men are another issue, of course. There was enough misogyny there to keep them from voting. HOw much of that improvement was actual gains in votes and how much of it was outright voter suppression is another topic. About three million less people voted in 2024 than in 2020. Partially because of restrictive voting laws. Partially because there was little enthusiasm for Harris personally.

None of this takes away from the fact that Trump is manifestly unfit for the presidency.

So what? Frankly, I've been through this before.. in 2017, 2009, 2003, 1993, 1981*, and 1977. It just doesn't mean nearly as much as you think it does.

Nobody believes you were ever a Democrat. Come on, guy, I've been following your posts here since 2011.
You lost a large part of your reader's when you admitted once again that you wanted the cackling low IQ Harris to become the president.

People tire of you ignoramuses.
Margaret Brennan on face the nation said a while ago that Trump has an E&O ready to extend tik tok 90 days tomorrow.
Actually, I kind of wish we hadn't broken away. We'd all be Canadians today and have universal health care instead of the insurance companies fucking us at every opportunity.

The thing is Geo. Washington didn't claim he was the legitimate King of England like Cash-my Check did.

Taiwan is not worth one American life.

Speaking of people who need to access Canada's mental health programs...

It probably got combined with one of your 500 other "I hate China" threads, Snidley.
No one cares what you think compromised JoeB.
Margaret Brennan on face the nation said a while ago that Trump has an E&O ready to extend tik tok 90 days tomorrow.
Oh good Lord, what would you knuckleheads do if you didn't have tik-tok ? This country is so ridiculous about everything these days.
Here's the thing. Chinese kids waste just as much time on silly little Apps as American kids do.

It's just not a big deal.

Biden refused to enforce the ban, and Trump will probably not enforce it either.
Really ? So your wife feeds you this information eh ? OK, so why not tik-tok for Chinese kid's ? Is it that the CCP doesn't want it's children exposed to the nasty deplorable culture that is big in American culture these days ?
Oh good Lord, what would you knuckleheads do if you didn't have tik-tok ? This country is so ridiculous about everything these days.
I don't do tik tok and guess what? They are back online and thanking Trump that will sign the extension tomorrow.
Thats old history that I do know about

Are you going to lecture me about the china civil war in 1949?

China has cleverly used the enormous gift of free trade with the western democracies to barter influence around the world, much to the disadvantage of the Taiwan people

But freedom is not so easily denied, and the Taiwanese people have earned theirs in spite of communist pressure
A blind squirrel found an acorn! Wow! I am so underwhelmed with your proving yourself to be a hypocrite. I think you will do better on ignore. I tire of these constant diatribes where you convince yourself you were initially wrong. Have a nice day!

That map is such a load of crap! That may show the cities and counties where they have companies or own land, but it is nowhere near accurate. It overestimates their land ownership by about a factor of 10,000. Run the numbers and see what it comes out to microscopic percentage of all farmland. Let's see the raw data!

Personally, I don't want them owning land near our bases for obvious reasons, but let's put Chicken Little on the back burner for a little and don't overhype it just because we can.
A blind squirrel found an acorn! Wow! I am so underwhelmed with your proving yourself to be a hypocrite. I think you will do better on ignore. I tire of these constant diatribes where you convince yourself you were initially wrong. Have a nice day!
I am not a hypocrite when it comes to china

They are our number one enemy in the world whether you fell like admitting it or not

And think you might agree if you were not so eager to argue with me
Metaphorically speaking to the Collective Democratic Hive-Mind...

Oh, for the love of God, stop blaming everybody else and look in the mirror and ask "What did
I do wrong" for once in your life!!!

I think I did a pretty good job of what Democrats did wrong... still no excuse for letting Trump win.

Instead, try looking to your policies related to Immigration, Crime, LGBTQ, Foreign Policy, Economics, etc.

Okay, let's look at that.

Immigration needs to be reformed, and hating on brown people isn't a strategy.
Crime went down under Biden after spiking under Trump.
LGBTQ- Sorry, man, They're queer, they're here, get used to it.
Economics- Republicans bring recessions every time they get into office. They'll do it again.

hey made huge STRATEGIC errors with respect to Illegal Aliens Border Control, Afghanistan, Race, LGBTQ, Israel, etc.

The tactics contributed, no doubt, but they were a minor accent in a much louder sympathy of very, very poor Strategy.

Biden deported more people than Trump did.

Doha pretty much tied Biden's hands, and frankly, what do you think he was supposed to do in Afghanistan, exactly?

Fuck Israel.

I have grave doubts. She was Joe's D.E.I. Hire to help with winning in 2020. And she got her butt kicked in 2020 primaries.

No... even if there had been time for a full set of primaries without Joe and/or an Open Convention... I have grave doubts.

She had multiple strikes against her in the context of the entire nationwide voting public.

Well, you can have grave doubts, but every time a former or current Veep has sought the nomination, with one exception, they got it. (That exception being Dan Quayle in 1996.)

Nixon, Humphry, Mondale, Bush, Gore, Biden, Harris. You really can't deny a veep the slot, given you've argued that they were ready to go next up.

She raised one helluva lot more money than Trump did.. and STILL ran a deficit... no... sorry... see above.... Guilt by Association.

Well, I doubt that, given how murky campaign financing is. Elon gave Trump 250 million in contributions. There probably should be a law against that. The guy isn't even a fucking American.

Your collective inability to recognize that fact will quite probably lead to continued defeats in 2026 and 2026... TBD.
Nope. Trump will fuck things up so bad nothing with an R behind it will be able to get elected.

Misogyny did, indeed, play a part, but nowhere near as much as did failed out-of-touch Democratic policies... sorry.

Nope, it was mostly misogyny... or do you think the only person to beat Trump has been a man. This country isn't ready for a woman president yet.

Restrictive voting laws? If you solid data regarding the impact of recent changes-in-law upon turnout, DO present it.

3 million less people voted, when that number SHOULD have gone up.

Yes. I have been banging that same drum for a very long time. Nolo contendre.

So... just how bad do you and your policies have to suck in order to lose to that sort of candidate?

Like I said earlier in this post... it is time for Dems to take a long, hard look in the mirror and to have a Come-to-Jesus moment.

Nope. This country doesn't need two Republican Parties pandering to awful white people.

My Presidential voting record:
No one believes you or cares.

have become disgusted with Democratic incompetence, cowardice, whining, excuse-making, finger-pointing, and ineffectiveness.

Or.... wait for it... Trump just got lucky.

You can blame Harris for being a poor candidate (she was) or Biden for not getting out of the way in time, or the media for not doing it's job, or the Tech Oligarchs for deciding Trump was for sale and a prime bargain. .

But Trump had incredible luck in being able to avoid convictions, surviving assassination attempts, etc.
China has one goal and it’s to become the next main world power vs us. I could care less about TikTok the only time I’ve ever used it is when my kids sent me funny little videos. It’d probably be best for our kids they have less of these apps and focus on other things like the Chinese do having their children learn actual things that benefit them and will help the future of their country grow. Not wasting hours a day on TikTok or any other stupid ass app.

When haven't they had that goal?
I think I did a pretty good job of what Democrats did wrong... still no excuse for letting Trump win.
Oh, you were all-too-happy to dwell on the small-scale contributory tactics and were conveniently avoiding failed Dem strategies.
Okay, let's look at that.

Immigration needs to be reformed, and hating on brown people isn't a strategy.
Immigration reform requires border control.

Immigration reform does not mean letting the millions of previous border-sneaks stay just because they're here already.

As to "hating on brown people"... in case you hadn't noticed based on the results in Nov 2024... the Race Card is wearing thin. You guys really need to start weaning yourselves off of that particular teat... it's drying up...

Crime went down under Biden after spiking under Trump.
Unreported / Unprosecuted Crime is always an unknown... thanks to Woke-a$$ Race-Card-Playing prosecutors and DA's.

That, too, is coming to an end.

LGBTQ- Sorry, man, They're queer, they're here, get used to it.
They can be here all they like. They just won't be able to go into womens' bathrooms and play in womens' sports anymore.

It's what the American Electorate said they wanted... and that's what they're going to get.

Economics- Republicans bring recessions every time they get into office. They'll do it again.
TBD... and yet they continue to win, every time the idiot Dems push their luck and go too far with societal engineering... :cool:
Biden deported more people than Trump did.
It's not the deportations that signify... it's the Net Population Gain-or-Loss... and the Dems screwed-the-pooch on that one.

Doha pretty much tied Biden's hands, and frankly, what do you think he was supposed to do in Afghanistan, exactly?
1. destroy all American military equipment on the way out the door

2. leave no man (of ours) or friend behind

Fuck Israel.
Yes. That's the attitude that Joe and Kamala and AOC and The Squad manifested, both grossly and subtly.

Joe's hamstring'ing of Israel was a substantial contributing grievance-cause that helped the Dems to lose in 2024.

You've (collectively) learned nothing from that defeat, which means that you may have more defeats ahead of you, near-term.

Well, you can have grave doubts, but every time a former or current Veep has sought the nomination, with one exception, they got it. (That exception being Dan Quayle in 1996.)

Nixon, Humphry, Mondale, Bush, Gore, Biden, Harris. You really can't deny a veep the slot, given you've argued that they were ready to go next up.
Tell that to Nelson Rockefeller, Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney or Mike Pence in recent times, or a hatful of others further back in time.

I'm sorry, but the rock-throwers were right about Kamala... she was a D.E.I. hire, both as Veep
and as a candidate.

At a point in time in which the broader American Electorate had had a bellyful of such things... and they rejected it and her with it.

It did not help matters any that she began and ended her campaign amongst her Black sorority sisters and had actively supported Reparations in the past when that had become entrenched as anathema amongst the broader Electorate.

Well, I doubt that, given how murky campaign financing is.
Your doubts do not constitute reliable data.
Elon gave Trump 250 million in contributions. There probably should be a law against that. The guy isn't even a fucking American.
Isn't Musk a naturalized citizen? If "yes", then he's an American.
Nope. Trump will fuck things up so bad nothing with an R behind it will be able to get elected.
That's what you said last time.

That's what I said last time.

I was wrong.

So were you.

Nope, it was mostly misogyny... or do you think the only person to beat Trump has been a man. This country isn't ready for a woman president yet.
Democratic Party Blame-Everybody-and-Everything-But-Ourselves Excuse No. 3,246. Acknowledged. Rejected.
3 million less people voted, when that number SHOULD have gone up.
Lots of people refused to vote for Trump... they ALSO couldn't bring themselves to vote for your Word Salad Queen.
Nope. This country doesn't need two Republican Parties pandering to awful white people.
You go right on playing that Race Card... it got you nowhere in 2024... it will be even more stale by 2026 and 2028... :laughing0301:
No one believes you or cares.
My, my, my... I don't think I fit I fit into the neat little universe of Leftists and Right-Wingers that you dwell in... :itsok:
Or.... wait for it... Trump just got lucky.
Keep telling yourselves that rather than looking long-and-hard into the mirror... it keeps you in the Loser Column... :omg:

Your (collective) inability to rationally analyze your policy planks and to modify or replace many of them will haunt you.

You can blame Harris for being a poor candidate (she was) or Biden for not getting out of the way in time, or the media for not doing it's job, or the Tech Oligarchs for deciding Trump was for sale and a prime bargain. .

But Trump had incredible luck in being able to avoid convictions, surviving assassination attempts, etc.
It wasn't so much Trump's Luck as it was cowardly Biden Admin DOJ and FBI and AG and DA staffers and waiting too long.

The Dems shot themselves in the foot, and have nobody to blame for the Bad Orange Man but themselves...

Even if they lack the intellectual courage and basic honesty and realism to reach such profoundly accurate conclusions.
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View attachment 1066843

In 2021, a Chinese company bought land near an Air Force base in Grand Forks, N.D., sending lawmakers into a frenzy.

Lawmakers feared that China, which many policymakers view as a strategic adversary even though it's the country's top trading partner outside North America, could gain control over the U.S. food and energy supply, as well as a hold on markets and critical infrastructure.

China owns 380,000 acres of land in the U.S. Here's where - IPM Newsroom China owns 380,000 acres of land in the U.S. Here's where - IPM Newsroom

The left are so culpable in the systematic destruction of everything this country was supposed to be. Freedom of speech all but gone

How exactly is The Left to blame for this. Site specific instances along day, month and year of land purchase.
I don't do tik tok and guess what? They are back online and thanking Trump that will sign the extension tomorrow.
One way or the other, with Trump in power it'll be far more trustworthy than what we had with the Biden administration. Who knows what was going on with spy balloon ignoring Biden in charge.

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