Smoke signals from the super-massive black hole of the Galaxy


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Hello, I create this thread very interesting at least I think and all that comes from a site in French so I translate everything in English for you the best possible Thank you:)

An international team involving researchers from CEA and CNRS, has just discovered the existence of two bubbles of hot gas escaping to distances of about 500 light-years, on both sides of the environment the massive black hole in the center of our Galaxy. These results are published in the journal Nature of March 21, 2019.

Like the messages of Native Americans transmitted by smoke bubbles visible from afar, the "hot gas chimneys" escape on both sides of the environment of the massive black hole in the center of our galaxy, up to distances of about 500 light-years. These hot gas bubbles, which tell us about the intense past activity of the black hole and the galactic central regions, have just been discovered by an international team including the astrophysics department of CEA-Irfu and CNRS researchers. .

A sleeping monster
The regions in the center of the Milky Way represent a real laboratory for high energy astrophysics. They have already been the subject of many studies, including X-rays, which can detect the most energetic phenomena in the region, including the very hot gas in the immediate vicinity of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A *, located in the center of our galaxy. This central black hole, more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun, is currently largely inactive. So far, he is responsible only for strong radio wave radiation and very low X-ray emission.

However, the recent observation by the high energy Fermi gamma-ray of large structures towards the galactic center, called "Fermi bubbles", suggests a possible violent activity in the past.


Low-energy X-ray image of the region around the galactic center, obtained with XMM-Newton data between 2016 and 2018, as well as archive data [color code indicates detected x-ray energy: red (1.5 -2.6 keV), green (2.35-2.56 keV) and blue (2.7-2.97 keV)]. Point sources have been hidden and appear as white circles. The total area is 1,800 by 1,600 light-years around the Sgr A * solid black hole in the center (marked by a diamond). The plan of our galaxy is indicated in the middle by the horizontal line (in white dotted lines) and the base of the big "Fermi bubbles". The two white ellipses on both sides (in dashed lines) show the new chimney-shaped structures highlighted by this study. Ponti et al. Nature 2019, XMM-Newton.

Hot gas fireplaces

From 2016 to 2018, a team of researchers mobilized the European XMM-Newton satellite to establish a large-scale map of the X-ray emission of the central region of the galaxy. This team, made up of astrophysicists from the astrophysics department of CEA-Irfu, the CNRS, the Astroparticle and cosmology laboratory of Paris (APC, CNRS / Paris Diderot University / CEA / Observatoire de Paris) and the Institute of Planetology and of Grenoble (IPAG, CNRS / Université Grenoble Alpes) with the support of the National Center for Space Studies (CNES), have prepared nearly fifty new observations over a period of several tens of hours. These have joined the observations already acquired by the satellite, in orbit for almost twenty years, and have resulted in a spectacular image.

The map of X-ray emission covers an area of 1800 by 1500 light-years at the distance from the galactic center. It revealed the existence of real gas "chimneys", two cylindrical structures, which seem to be filled with a very hot gas at temperatures of several million degrees, and escaping on both sides of the center of the galaxy. These chimneys culminate to a height of about 500 light-years, perpendicularly above the galactic plane, exactly in the axis of the Fermi bubbles.


Above: image of the galactic plane in visible light. In the center of the image, the center of the galaxy sheltering the massive black hole is totally obscured by the dust. Bottom: image of the galaxy observed in very high energy gamma rays by the Fermi satellite. From the center of the galaxy on either side of the galactic plane, two large emission zones called "Fermi bubbles" (highlighted by the ellipses) were discovered in 2010. © Fermi / Nasa.

For Andrea Goldwurm, from the CEA Astrophysics Department at the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory in Paris, and co-author of this study: "The most convincing hypothesis is that the hot gas chimneys we discovered could be the channel that transports the energy from the active region of the center of the Galaxy outward, thus feeding the Fermi bubbles, as their morphology suggests. "

Nevertheless, the immediate link with the super-massive black hole is not fully clarified, as recalled by Maïca Clavel, CNRS researcher at the Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics of Grenoble and co-author of this publication: "Although this link can not be completely excluded, because of the likely intermittency of the energy injection from the central regions, the map of the black hole radio emission does not directly support the idea that the chimneys are a continuation of the internal radio lobes. "

Outside the massive black hole, the center of the galaxy is indeed very rich in stars. It can not be ruled out that the chain star explosion (supernovae) or a wind of particles from very massive stars, is also a major source of energy supplying the hot gas chimneys.

Nevertheless, the link established between XMM's gas chimneys and the large Fermi bubbles is an important indication that the activity of the center of our galaxy has been very much.

Des signaux de fumée en provenance du trou noir super-massif de la Galaxie
Hello, I create this thread very interesting at least I think and all that comes from a site in French so I translate everything in English for you the best possible Thank you:)

An international team involving researchers from CEA and CNRS, has just discovered the existence of two bubbles of hot gas escaping to distances of about 500 light-years, on both sides of the environment the massive black hole in the center of our Galaxy. These results are published in the journal Nature of March 21, 2019.

Like the messages of Native Americans transmitted by smoke bubbles visible from afar, the "hot gas chimneys" escape on both sides of the environment of the massive black hole in the center of our galaxy, up to distances of about 500 light-years. These hot gas bubbles, which tell us about the intense past activity of the black hole and the galactic central regions, have just been discovered by an international team including the astrophysics department of CEA-Irfu and CNRS researchers. .

A sleeping monster
The regions in the center of the Milky Way represent a real laboratory for high energy astrophysics. They have already been the subject of many studies, including X-rays, which can detect the most energetic phenomena in the region, including the very hot gas in the immediate vicinity of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A *, located in the center of our galaxy. This central black hole, more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun, is currently largely inactive. So far, he is responsible only for strong radio wave radiation and very low X-ray emission.

However, the recent observation by the high energy Fermi gamma-ray of large structures towards the galactic center, called "Fermi bubbles", suggests a possible violent activity in the past.

View attachment 274207

Low-energy X-ray image of the region around the galactic center, obtained with XMM-Newton data between 2016 and 2018, as well as archive data [color code indicates detected x-ray energy: red (1.5 -2.6 keV), green (2.35-2.56 keV) and blue (2.7-2.97 keV)]. Point sources have been hidden and appear as white circles. The total area is 1,800 by 1,600 light-years around the Sgr A * solid black hole in the center (marked by a diamond). The plan of our galaxy is indicated in the middle by the horizontal line (in white dotted lines) and the base of the big "Fermi bubbles". The two white ellipses on both sides (in dashed lines) show the new chimney-shaped structures highlighted by this study. Ponti et al. Nature 2019, XMM-Newton.

Hot gas fireplaces

From 2016 to 2018, a team of researchers mobilized the European XMM-Newton satellite to establish a large-scale map of the X-ray emission of the central region of the galaxy. This team, made up of astrophysicists from the astrophysics department of CEA-Irfu, the CNRS, the Astroparticle and cosmology laboratory of Paris (APC, CNRS / Paris Diderot University / CEA / Observatoire de Paris) and the Institute of Planetology and of Grenoble (IPAG, CNRS / Université Grenoble Alpes) with the support of the National Center for Space Studies (CNES), have prepared nearly fifty new observations over a period of several tens of hours. These have joined the observations already acquired by the satellite, in orbit for almost twenty years, and have resulted in a spectacular image.

The map of X-ray emission covers an area of 1800 by 1500 light-years at the distance from the galactic center. It revealed the existence of real gas "chimneys", two cylindrical structures, which seem to be filled with a very hot gas at temperatures of several million degrees, and escaping on both sides of the center of the galaxy. These chimneys culminate to a height of about 500 light-years, perpendicularly above the galactic plane, exactly in the axis of the Fermi bubbles.

View attachment 274208

Above: image of the galactic plane in visible light. In the center of the image, the center of the galaxy sheltering the massive black hole is totally obscured by the dust. Bottom: image of the galaxy observed in very high energy gamma rays by the Fermi satellite. From the center of the galaxy on either side of the galactic plane, two large emission zones called "Fermi bubbles" (highlighted by the ellipses) were discovered in 2010. © Fermi / Nasa.

For Andrea Goldwurm, from the CEA Astrophysics Department at the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory in Paris, and co-author of this study: "The most convincing hypothesis is that the hot gas chimneys we discovered could be the channel that transports the energy from the active region of the center of the Galaxy outward, thus feeding the Fermi bubbles, as their morphology suggests. "

Nevertheless, the immediate link with the super-massive black hole is not fully clarified, as recalled by Maïca Clavel, CNRS researcher at the Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics of Grenoble and co-author of this publication: "Although this link can not be completely excluded, because of the likely intermittency of the energy injection from the central regions, the map of the black hole radio emission does not directly support the idea that the chimneys are a continuation of the internal radio lobes. "

Outside the massive black hole, the center of the galaxy is indeed very rich in stars. It can not be ruled out that the chain star explosion (supernovae) or a wind of particles from very massive stars, is also a major source of energy supplying the hot gas chimneys.

Nevertheless, the link established between XMM's gas chimneys and the large Fermi bubbles is an important indication that the activity of the center of our galaxy has been very much.

Des signaux de fumée en provenance du trou noir super-massif de la Galaxie

Well there goes the entire black hole narrative where nothing even light escapes. I am not sure if you even understand the babble of the day or it's consequences to the last babble of the day
Well there goes the entire black hole narrative where nothing even light escapes. I
100% wrong. That only applies to matter within a certain distance of a black hole. All other matter is affected by the black hole as it would any other object with similar mass.

Please learn about these topics before cluttering up the science section with your constant stream of false nonsense.
Well there goes the entire black hole narrative where nothing even light escapes. I
100% wrong. That only applies to matter within a certain distance of a black hole. All other matter is affected by the black hole as it would any other object with similar mass.

Please learn about these topics before cluttering up the science section with your constant stream of false nonsense.
Actually there are no rules on something never observed

But you keep listening to Mike Rowe
Actually there are no rules on something never observed
Well that's stupid and wrong on every level imaginable.

For one, yes there are. That's how, for instance, we discover new particles. Thats how we know the rules of fusion at the core of the Sun, despite never having observed it directly.

Second, we have observed black holes. We have directly imaged the event horizon of a black hole.
Actually there are no rules on something never observed
Well that's stupid and wrong on every level imaginable.

For one, yes there are. That's how, for instance, we discover new particles. Thats how we know the rules of fusion at the core of the Sun, despite never having observed it directly.

Second, we have observed black holes. We have directly imaged the event horizon of a black hole.
Black holes by their description are not observable, as all we can observe is light, so if no light escapes there is nothing to view.

But you keep listening to Mike Rowe
Actually there are no rules on something never observed
Well that's stupid and wrong on every level imaginable.

For one, yes there are. That's how, for instance, we discover new particles. Thats how we know the rules of fusion at the core of the Sun, despite never having observed it directly.

Second, we have observed black holes. We have directly imaged the event horizon of a black hole.
Black holes by their description are not observable, as all we can observe is light, so if no light escapes there is nothing to view.

But you keep listening to Mike Rowe
Uh, youre wrong. So...that pretty much eliminates any need to hear from you in any science thread.

Go debate dumb shit in the debate forums.
Actually there are no rules on something never observed
Well that's stupid and wrong on every level imaginable.

For one, yes there are. That's how, for instance, we discover new particles. Thats how we know the rules of fusion at the core of the Sun, despite never having observed it directly.

Second, we have observed black holes. We have directly imaged the event horizon of a black hole.
Black holes by their description are not observable, as all we can observe is light, so if no light escapes there is nothing to view.

But you keep listening to Mike Rowe
Uh, youre wrong. So...that pretty much eliminates any need to hear from you in any science thread.

Go debate dumb shit in the debate forums.
LOL nothing can escape from a black hole including light. Dude everything viewed is light or reflected light, no light no view.

But you have pictures of something black on a black background

Enjoy listening to Mike Rowe
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Actually there are no rules on something never observed
Well that's stupid and wrong on every level imaginable.

For one, yes there are. That's how, for instance, we discover new particles. Thats how we know the rules of fusion at the core of the Sun, despite never having observed it directly.

Second, we have observed black holes. We have directly imaged the event horizon of a black hole.
Black holes by their description are not observable, as all we can observe is light, so if no light escapes there is nothing to view.

But you keep listening to Mike Rowe
Uh, youre wrong. So...that pretty much eliminates any need to hear from you in any science thread.

Go debate dumb shit in the debate forums.
LOL nothing can escape from a black hole including light. Dude everything viewed is light or reflected light, no light no view.

But you have pictures of something black on a black background

Enjoy listening to Mike Rowe
Mike Rowe is your schtick line, its not something that matters. Youre a memer.

"deeerp science is always wrong...kun-spiracy!"

Fuggin meme.
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Actually there are no rules on something never observed
Well that's stupid and wrong on every level imaginable.

For one, yes there are. That's how, for instance, we discover new particles. Thats how we know the rules of fusion at the core of the Sun, despite never having observed it directly.

Second, we have observed black holes. We have directly imaged the event horizon of a black hole.
Black holes by their description are not observable, as all we can observe is light, so if no light escapes there is nothing to view.

But you keep listening to Mike Rowe
Uh, youre wrong. So...that pretty much eliminates any need to hear from you in any science thread.

Go debate dumb shit in the debate forums.
LOL nothing can escape from a black hole including light. Dude everything viewed is light or reflected light, no light no view.

But you have pictures of something black on a black background

Enjoy listening to Mike Rowe
Mike Rowe is your schtick line, its not something that matters. Youre a memer.

"deeerp science is always wrong...kun-spiracy!"

Fuggin meme.
Still waiting for that black hole photo?
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Reminds me of that salivan guy, but 1,000% less entertaining.
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Still waiting for the black hole photo?

Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Still waiting for the black hole photo?

You're memeing.
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Reminds me of that salivan guy, but 1,000% less entertaining.
Well,now he is stuck on repeat. Somehow, his posts are improved by this.
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Reminds me of that salivan guy, but 1,000% less entertaining.
Congratulations you are the 2 millionth post...………………

You have won a box of free Italian Ice
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Still waiting for the black hole photo?

You're memeing.
You are following as usual
Black holes by their description are not observable
Yes, the black hole itself is not observable, maybe. It may be, if youare close enough and it is not a singluarity. Try reading something about black holes published after 1984, for once.

Therefore, by your idiot logic, it cant have any rules. Yet we use the rules of black holes to find them and observe their effects all the time.
Why do you suppose this idiot is spamming the science section? Typically these socks do this because they have taken such a beating in the past. His recent posts back that idea up.
Still waiting for the black hole photo?

You're memeing.
You are following as usual
I'm just not impressed with an obsessive compulsive that screams anti science psychobabble all day and speaks in only meme.

There's 11 year olds studying physics that are much wiser than your little schtick...and if your schtick was impressive, Im positive USMB isnt where it would land looking for attention.:thup:

Now, kindly, take your conspiratard hillbilly ass out of the science forum, mike rowe.

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