Sen. Trey Gowdy Takes Comey's "Lack of Intent" Apart Piece by Piece

There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?
So in conclusion, because Hillary is a democrat all democrats find no wrongdoing on her part. Can we expect the same response when a republican does the same thing? It is now going to be the norm to have several private servers in your home, share classified material between your staff and friends on these servers, when asked by the state department to send those emails in it will be okay to scrub them clean, so clean that no forensic evidence can be recovered. Is this the new standard?

Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice both used personal email for Sec of State business.


The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

You are a moron, neither Powell nor Rice SENT classified material via personal email. That's right in the article you cited.

However, if you wish to try all three of them and see what happens, I'm all in.

So, you're saying they're just as guilty as Hillary? Thanks, that's all we needed from you.

You may go now.

No fool. I'm saying I'm happy to see all 3 charged and let a jury decide.

None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


I'll do that in a second, burn that witch
Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice both used personal email for Sec of State business.


The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

You are a moron, neither Powell nor Rice SENT classified material via personal email. That's right in the article you cited.

However, if you wish to try all three of them and see what happens, I'm all in.

So, you're saying they're just as guilty as Hillary? Thanks, that's all we needed from you.

You may go now.

No fool. I'm saying I'm happy to see all 3 charged and let a jury decide.

None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


Not me, I'd just be happy if fools like you would admit "yes she broke the law, and no she should not be rewarded with the Presidency'

Does it truly not bother you the way this thing was played out? I find that impossible to believe that if she had an R behind her name you wouldn't be outraged. See, me? I don't care Republican, Democrat, independent, anyone who is dishonest as Hillary is should be ran out of Washington on a rail.

My God man, the FBI didn't even put her under oath when they interviewed her? Jesus.

Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.
There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?

Not "wanting" to prosecute?

You realize the FBI director is a Republican, right? He can't prosecute, you idiot.
Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice both used personal email for Sec of State business.


The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

You are a moron, neither Powell nor Rice SENT classified material via personal email. That's right in the article you cited.

However, if you wish to try all three of them and see what happens, I'm all in.

So, you're saying they're just as guilty as Hillary? Thanks, that's all we needed from you.

You may go now.

No fool. I'm saying I'm happy to see all 3 charged and let a jury decide.

None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


I'll do that in a second, burn that witch

Thanks for making my point. You're an irrational gang of crybabies, hellbent on destroying her purely out of animus.
You are a moron, neither Powell nor Rice SENT classified material via personal email. That's right in the article you cited.

However, if you wish to try all three of them and see what happens, I'm all in.

So, you're saying they're just as guilty as Hillary? Thanks, that's all we needed from you.

You may go now.

No fool. I'm saying I'm happy to see all 3 charged and let a jury decide.

None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


Not me, I'd just be happy if fools like you would admit "yes she broke the law, and no she should not be rewarded with the Presidency'

Does it truly not bother you the way this thing was played out? I find that impossible to believe that if she had an R behind her name you wouldn't be outraged. See, me? I don't care Republican, Democrat, independent, anyone who is dishonest as Hillary is should be ran out of Washington on a rail.

My God man, the FBI didn't even put her under oath when they interviewed her? Jesus.

Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.

what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.
So, you're saying they're just as guilty as Hillary? Thanks, that's all we needed from you.

You may go now.

No fool. I'm saying I'm happy to see all 3 charged and let a jury decide.

None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


Not me, I'd just be happy if fools like you would admit "yes she broke the law, and no she should not be rewarded with the Presidency'

Does it truly not bother you the way this thing was played out? I find that impossible to believe that if she had an R behind her name you wouldn't be outraged. See, me? I don't care Republican, Democrat, independent, anyone who is dishonest as Hillary is should be ran out of Washington on a rail.

My God man, the FBI didn't even put her under oath when they interviewed her? Jesus.

Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.

what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.

Uh, sorry, no. You're the one who brought up the "If it was a Republican you'd be outraged" hypothetical.

Well hypothesize no more, we've got a Republican presumptive nominee who's guilty of countless more illegal activities than Hillary (to say nothing of his numerous other foibles). Meanwhile, Dems are focused on his rote inability to effectively govern thanks to his temperament. We're not desperately hoping for an asterisk with a trumped up (and failed) investigation.
No fool. I'm saying I'm happy to see all 3 charged and let a jury decide.

None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


Not me, I'd just be happy if fools like you would admit "yes she broke the law, and no she should not be rewarded with the Presidency'

Does it truly not bother you the way this thing was played out? I find that impossible to believe that if she had an R behind her name you wouldn't be outraged. See, me? I don't care Republican, Democrat, independent, anyone who is dishonest as Hillary is should be ran out of Washington on a rail.

My God man, the FBI didn't even put her under oath when they interviewed her? Jesus.

Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.

what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.

Uh, sorry, no. You're the one who brought up the "If it was a Republican you'd be outraged" hypothetical.

Well hypothesize no more, we've got a Republican presumptive nominee who's guilty of countless more illegal activities than Hillary (to say nothing of his numerous other foibles). Meanwhile, Dems are focused on his rote inability to effectively govern thanks to his temperament. We're not desperately hoping for an asterisk with a trumped up (and failed) investigation.

Okay, tell you what name 1 illegal thing Trump has done and list the statute to back it up. We'll discuss.
None of them will be. Will that satisfy Republicans? Nope. They won't be happy until SOMEONE in law enforcement stands before a microphone and declares that she is a witch that must be burned.


Not me, I'd just be happy if fools like you would admit "yes she broke the law, and no she should not be rewarded with the Presidency'

Does it truly not bother you the way this thing was played out? I find that impossible to believe that if she had an R behind her name you wouldn't be outraged. See, me? I don't care Republican, Democrat, independent, anyone who is dishonest as Hillary is should be ran out of Washington on a rail.

My God man, the FBI didn't even put her under oath when they interviewed her? Jesus.

Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.

what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.

Uh, sorry, no. You're the one who brought up the "If it was a Republican you'd be outraged" hypothetical.

Well hypothesize no more, we've got a Republican presumptive nominee who's guilty of countless more illegal activities than Hillary (to say nothing of his numerous other foibles). Meanwhile, Dems are focused on his rote inability to effectively govern thanks to his temperament. We're not desperately hoping for an asterisk with a trumped up (and failed) investigation.

Okay, tell you what name 1 illegal thing Trump has done and list the statute to back it up. We'll discuss.

Trump University: It’s Worse Than You Think - The New Yorker

Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

In one sense, the latest revelations don’t break much new ground. Back in 2013, when the office of Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, filed a civil lawsuit against Trump and some of his associates, the complaint, which is also worth reading in full, made perfectly clear what sort of organization it was targeting. Despite Trump University’s claim that it offered “graduate programs, post graduate programs, doctorate programs,” it wasn’t a university at all. It was a company that purported to be selling Trump’s secret insights into how to make money in real estate. From the time Trump University began operating, in 2005, the A.G.’s office repeatedly warned the company that it was breaking the law by calling itself a university. (In New York State, universities have to obtain a state charter.)

That was the bait—or, rather, the initial bait. According to the Attorney General’s complaint, the free classes were merely a marketing device. There, Trump University’s instructors “engaged in a methodical, Systematic Series of misrepresentations” designed to convince students to sign up for a three-day seminar, where they would learn Trump’s personal techniques and strategies for investing, at a cost of about fifteen hundred dollars.

Fraudulent claims with his Trump University...


There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?

No it isn't...its a security violation that may or may not be classified as a crime
Not me, I'd just be happy if fools like you would admit "yes she broke the law, and no she should not be rewarded with the Presidency'

Does it truly not bother you the way this thing was played out? I find that impossible to believe that if she had an R behind her name you wouldn't be outraged. See, me? I don't care Republican, Democrat, independent, anyone who is dishonest as Hillary is should be ran out of Washington on a rail.

My God man, the FBI didn't even put her under oath when they interviewed her? Jesus.

Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.

what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.

Uh, sorry, no. You're the one who brought up the "If it was a Republican you'd be outraged" hypothetical.

Well hypothesize no more, we've got a Republican presumptive nominee who's guilty of countless more illegal activities than Hillary (to say nothing of his numerous other foibles). Meanwhile, Dems are focused on his rote inability to effectively govern thanks to his temperament. We're not desperately hoping for an asterisk with a trumped up (and failed) investigation.

Okay, tell you what name 1 illegal thing Trump has done and list the statute to back it up. We'll discuss.

Trump University: It’s Worse Than You Think - The New Yorker

Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

In one sense, the latest revelations don’t break much new ground. Back in 2013, when the office of Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, filed a civil lawsuit against Trump and some of his associates, the complaint, which is also worth reading in full, made perfectly clear what sort of organization it was targeting. Despite Trump University’s claim that it offered “graduate programs, post graduate programs, doctorate programs,” it wasn’t a university at all. It was a company that purported to be selling Trump’s secret insights into how to make money in real estate. From the time Trump University began operating, in 2005, the A.G.’s office repeatedly warned the company that it was breaking the law by calling itself a university. (In New York State, universities have to obtain a state charter.)

That was the bait—or, rather, the initial bait. According to the Attorney General’s complaint, the free classes were merely a marketing device. There, Trump University’s instructors “engaged in a methodical, Systematic Series of misrepresentations” designed to convince students to sign up for a three-day seminar, where they would learn Trump’s personal techniques and strategies for investing, at a cost of about fifteen hundred dollars.

Fraudulent claims with his Trump University...


I see only some civil complaints, no criminal ones. By your very own logic this is no big deal since the state of NY has never charged Trump, nor anyone associated with Trump University with a crime.

As for my personal opinion. Buyer beware and also there are quite a few people who were quite satisfied with what they received from Trump University.

Also, McDonalds has a McDonalds University, have they committed a crime by calling it a University?
There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?

No it isn't...its a security violation that may or may not be classified as a crime

Yeah , may or may not be classified as a crime depending on your last name.
Trump University broke the law. Do you think Trump had even a TINY bit of culpability there? It certainly harmed far more people. You have a piece-of-shit trash candidate on the Republican side this November. That's pretty much the only reason you guys keep banging this drum.

what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.

Uh, sorry, no. You're the one who brought up the "If it was a Republican you'd be outraged" hypothetical.

Well hypothesize no more, we've got a Republican presumptive nominee who's guilty of countless more illegal activities than Hillary (to say nothing of his numerous other foibles). Meanwhile, Dems are focused on his rote inability to effectively govern thanks to his temperament. We're not desperately hoping for an asterisk with a trumped up (and failed) investigation.

Okay, tell you what name 1 illegal thing Trump has done and list the statute to back it up. We'll discuss.

Trump University: It’s Worse Than You Think - The New Yorker

Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

In one sense, the latest revelations don’t break much new ground. Back in 2013, when the office of Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, filed a civil lawsuit against Trump and some of his associates, the complaint, which is also worth reading in full, made perfectly clear what sort of organization it was targeting. Despite Trump University’s claim that it offered “graduate programs, post graduate programs, doctorate programs,” it wasn’t a university at all. It was a company that purported to be selling Trump’s secret insights into how to make money in real estate. From the time Trump University began operating, in 2005, the A.G.’s office repeatedly warned the company that it was breaking the law by calling itself a university. (In New York State, universities have to obtain a state charter.)

That was the bait—or, rather, the initial bait. According to the Attorney General’s complaint, the free classes were merely a marketing device. There, Trump University’s instructors “engaged in a methodical, Systematic Series of misrepresentations” designed to convince students to sign up for a three-day seminar, where they would learn Trump’s personal techniques and strategies for investing, at a cost of about fifteen hundred dollars.

Fraudulent claims with his Trump University...


I see only some civil complaints, no criminal ones. By your very own logic this is no big deal since the state of NY has never charged Trump, nor anyone associated with Trump University with a crime.

As for my personal opinion. Buyer beware and also there are quite a few people who were quite satisfied with what they received from Trump University.

Also, McDonalds has a McDonalds University, have they committed a crime by calling it a University?

You said "breaking the law". Whether the remedy is civil or criminal is irrelevant. Defamation of character is not punishable by imprisonment, but it is breaking the law, and you can be compensated if you're a victim.
There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?

No it isn't...its a security violation that may or may not be classified as a crime

Yeah , may or may not be classified as a crime depending on your last name.

Definitely not if it's "Trump" right?
what Trump did or did not do has NOTHING to do with Hillary. That is simply a troll tactic designed to end the discussion about Hillary.

Go to a thread about that topic, and tag me and I'll give an honest opinion there. I won't wait for you to do so here.

Uh, sorry, no. You're the one who brought up the "If it was a Republican you'd be outraged" hypothetical.

Well hypothesize no more, we've got a Republican presumptive nominee who's guilty of countless more illegal activities than Hillary (to say nothing of his numerous other foibles). Meanwhile, Dems are focused on his rote inability to effectively govern thanks to his temperament. We're not desperately hoping for an asterisk with a trumped up (and failed) investigation.

Okay, tell you what name 1 illegal thing Trump has done and list the statute to back it up. We'll discuss.

Trump University: It’s Worse Than You Think - The New Yorker

Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

In one sense, the latest revelations don’t break much new ground. Back in 2013, when the office of Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, filed a civil lawsuit against Trump and some of his associates, the complaint, which is also worth reading in full, made perfectly clear what sort of organization it was targeting. Despite Trump University’s claim that it offered “graduate programs, post graduate programs, doctorate programs,” it wasn’t a university at all. It was a company that purported to be selling Trump’s secret insights into how to make money in real estate. From the time Trump University began operating, in 2005, the A.G.’s office repeatedly warned the company that it was breaking the law by calling itself a university. (In New York State, universities have to obtain a state charter.)

That was the bait—or, rather, the initial bait. According to the Attorney General’s complaint, the free classes were merely a marketing device. There, Trump University’s instructors “engaged in a methodical, Systematic Series of misrepresentations” designed to convince students to sign up for a three-day seminar, where they would learn Trump’s personal techniques and strategies for investing, at a cost of about fifteen hundred dollars.

Fraudulent claims with his Trump University...


I see only some civil complaints, no criminal ones. By your very own logic this is no big deal since the state of NY has never charged Trump, nor anyone associated with Trump University with a crime.

As for my personal opinion. Buyer beware and also there are quite a few people who were quite satisfied with what they received from Trump University.

Also, McDonalds has a McDonalds University, have they committed a crime by calling it a University?

You said "breaking the law". Whether the remedy is civil or criminal is irrelevant.

lol if the New York AG had though Trump broke the law he would have charged him with a crime, which COULD have resulted in either a civil or a criminal penalty (probably a civil penalty meaning a fine as is usually the case with businesses) but in either case no one except a few loons on the left has claimed a crime had committed.
There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?

No it isn't...its a security violation that may or may not be classified as a crime

Yeah , may or may not be classified as a crime depending on your last name.

Definitely not if it's "Trump" right?

If Trump had done exactly what Hillary had done RE classified material I'd want him prosecuted.
There were no crimes committed. The FBI tried to find one, and couldn't. But by all means, create your own task force and use your apparently considerable law-enforcement acumen to try and trump up some charges.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, folks have been charged with it before, not wanting to prosecute is not the same as no crime committed.

Is there any amount of lying or pushing the margins that Hillary can do before you ever admit she has done anything wrong?

No it isn't...its a security violation that may or may not be classified as a crime

correct, it may rise to criminal, my bad, however if any civil servant did what she did, they would be severely punished at a minimum. Fines and loss of job for starters. She violated agency directives at a minimum. Now she wants to be president?

Obama actually praised Hillary, and liberals defend her. One does not praise and defend someone that did what Hillary did, that's just wrong.
Absolutely brilliant analysis. MSM will try to bury it. So much for the rule of law...

When did Trey Gowdy become a Senator?

He's in the House and not the Senate...
So is Elijah Cummings. What does that tell you?

it tell me the OP'er and those responding didn't know that Trey Gowdy is in the House and not the Senate... Did i ever write that Cummings was a Senator and if so please provide in detail where I did this because to my knowledge I know the difference between a Senator and someone that is in the House but does the OP'er?
Absolutely brilliant analysis. MSM will try to bury it. So much for the rule of law...

When did Trey Gowdy become a Senator?

He's in the House and not the Senate...
So is Elijah Cummings. What does that tell you?

it tell me the OP'er and those responding didn't know that Trey Gowdy is in the House and not the Senate... Did i ever write that Cummings was a Senator and if so please provide in detail where I did this because to my knowledge I know the difference between a Senator and someone that is in the House but does the OP'er?

It was a fucking mistake. move the fuck on moron. You're making more of a deal of calling the guy a Senator rather than a Congressmen than the FBI made of Clinton committing espionage.

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