Sarah Palin resigning as Governor of Alaska

No Obama is the white equivalent of Jessie Jackson. LOL
Could you explain your comment about Obama threatening one of Palin's kids?

Thanks in advance.
NO you go back and might improve your understanding. *rolls eyes*

Obama threatened her kids? You should explain yourself to Ravi, it was a direct question about an unusual accusation. I've never heard that one.
And if she is quitting due to the unbearable presure, you idiots need to take a look at these fucking weak asses you want in power. Sandford, Palin, just the latest wimps the GOP has produced. Thank God they're only governors. I'd hate to see a president run away crying because his feelings got hurt.

you'd rather have one that continued to allow the media to destroy their family.

So you don't want the White House controlling the media except when it's more convenient for your people. Got it.
And if she is quitting due to the unbearable presure, you idiots need to take a look at these fucking weak asses you want in power. Sandford, Palin, just the latest wimps the GOP has produced. Thank God they're only governors. I'd hate to see a president run away crying because his feelings got hurt.

you'd rather have one that continued to allow the media to destroy their family.

So you don't want the White House controlling the media except when it's more convenient for your people. Got it.

NO, you fucking idiot. Not what i said.
Could you explain your comment about Obama threatening one of Palin's kids?

Thanks in advance.
NO you go back and might improve your understanding. *rolls eyes*

Obama threatened her kids? You should explain yourself to Ravi, it was a direct question about an unusual accusation. I've never heard that one.
damn you libs are showing me that you lack reading comprehension
This is comical. For those who think that Palin is doing this because she cannot stand the heat, well your naive assumptions are very short sighted. She stated very clearly exactly why she chose to do this and frankly, it makes sense. It has little to do with her being incapable.

As for her future plans, well if you oppose her politically, you should be worried right now, not spouting off. You should be concerned with your own political backyard because there may be a new pitbull coming to shit in it.

Under estimating Palin is one of her better assets and she understands how to use that, to her advantage.
This makes no sense. She's got a hell of a future ahead of her... you can't just quit as governor without finishing your first term! She's going to ruin her potential!

Hey, somebody has to be diligent and watch for Putin to rear his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America...

This is comical. For those who think that Palin is doing this because she cannot stand the heat, well your naive assumptions are very short sighted. She stated very clearly exactly why she chose to do this and frankly, it makes sense. It has little to do with her being incapable.

As for her future plans, well if you oppose her politically, you should be worried right now, not spouting off. You should be concerned with your own political backyard because there may be a new pitbull coming to shit in it.

Under estimating Palin is one of her better assets and she understands how to use that, to her advantage.

I like that prospect.
Would you seriously want her running this country?

It'd be just desserts for all the people who ridiculed and abused her. She wouldn't be my first choice but I take her over Obama in a New York second.

I disagree. She's popular and as I said a phenomenol fundraiser, ambitious but she's more like a Dan Quayle than an Obama or Hillary Clinton.

I think the GOP leadership wanted her to stop thinking she's going to run for president or there's another scandal.

I think Republicans need to seriously ask themselves why Sarah Palin is so popular. Eye candy? After all, what if McCain had chosen a truly knowledgeable and experienced female running mate like Kay Bailey Hutchinson? Would she have received so much attention? No, because Ms. Hutchinson wouldn't have strutted back and forth across the stage in tight bluejeans and winking at supporters.
Makes before country, or in this case state, has long been the GOP way.


All bullshit aside, the fact is she has abandonned the people who elected her, her state. She has forsaken her duties and her oath. It's the stuff deserters are made of.

yeah, it's almost as bad as being elected to the senate and then spending all your time running for the presidency.

Which of course McCain also did. In fact, he was MIA more than Obama was.
another person effectively destroyed by the bastards from the left! good going assholes!

The media will eat you up and destroy you if you don't know how to handle them. She had no clue what she was in for. But the problem isn't what the media did to her... it's that she had no idea what she was doing, had no knowledge of events and no understanding of them.

nope,, it was pure destruction from the left.. she has done nothing but defend herself since the election.. you guys are assholes pure and simple.. I hope you enjoy your victory.. it will come back to haunt your ass some day. I believe in Karma!

mccain's team, did a number on her and a blame game as well....i wouldn't leave them out....
I do not think this has anything to do with her interest in running as Senate, or President! She has had enough of the BS and I don't blame her one bit.

It isn't really BS, with her it's just one drama after another..

I don't think the Republican leadership wants her to run this time. She did keep rambling about something or other being the best thing for the team.
McCain dissed her last week, but still that shouldn't have affected her job as Gov. Very unusual for a governor to step down mid-term. :eusa_eh:

name one gov who has stepped down that didnt do it due to scandal or hiding something.....

go on i will waiting....
Too damn bad but then I remember I character named Sydney harris who once said words to the effect that anyone willing to put up with the crap you have to put up with in order to become president of this country is probably unworthy of the position in the first place, for instance the current loser in chief.

Maggie the closest anyone got to attacking Chelsea was a Rush Limbaugh piece regarding the private school mommy and daddy sent her to. And what was fabricated about Obama? He didn't attend the church of the lying prophet -REV. Wright - for 20 years? Oh wait yes he did. He didn't dine time to time with Bill Ayres unrepentant and unpunished terrorist who has yet to pay his debt to American society for his crimes? Oh wait yes he did. No one fabricated a damn thing about Obama they didn't have to there was plenty of stuff there to indicate that we were going to get exactly what we've gotten so far.
This is comical. For those who think that Palin is doing this because she cannot stand the heat, well your naive assumptions are very short sighted. She stated very clearly exactly why she chose to do this and frankly, it makes sense. It has little to do with her being incapable.

As for her future plans, well if you oppose her politically, you should be worried right now, not spouting off. You should be concerned with your own political backyard because there may be a new pitbull coming to shit in it.

Under estimating Palin is one of her better assets and she understands how to use that, to her advantage.

I like that prospect.

She has NO chance of ever being president...NONE...she would only get the GOP base, the right wing pea brains that make up 20% of the population... the other 80%; the normal people KNOW she is an empty vessel...
It isn't really BS, with her it's just one drama after another..

I don't think the Republican leadership wants her to run this time. She did keep rambling about something or other being the best thing for the team.
McCain dissed her last week, but still that shouldn't have affected her job as Gov. Very unusual for a governor to step down mid-term. :eusa_eh:

name one gov who has stepped down that didnt do it due to scandal or hiding something.....

go on i will waiting....

name one political figure in history who has had to endure this many attacks on her family.

go on. I'll wait.
I do not think this has anything to do with her interest in running as Senate, or President! She has had enough of the BS and I don't blame her one bit.

It isn't really BS, with her it's just one drama after another..

I don't think the Republican leadership wants her to run this time. She did keep rambling about something or other being the best thing for the team.

Wouldn't be surprised if that were true. For all this talk of the "dirty Libs" derailing her, it might well be her fellow Republicans.
Palin understands this choice and she knows exactly what she is doing. To listen to the liberals quack is rather funny. This woman is going to be heard and she is going to be a force politically either in office or out of office in this nation.

Frankly this move should scare the hell out of all liberals.

Oh yeah, I'm shakin' already. When McCain nominated her, Republicans dropped their jaws and Democrats laughed their asses off. Nothing's changed.

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