Sarah Palin: "Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism"

This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Sarah Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism - YouTube
And after laissez faire capitalism come fascism.

Take your pick.

After? Fascism is liberalism. The two things are indistinguishable.

Yanno, you conservatives have to quit using scary words until you actually know what they mean, because obviously, you're scaring all the other lemmings and making them dumber because they don't understand those scary words either and are hoping that you do. I said......................apparently you don't.

[lib-er-uh-liz-uh m, lib-ruh-] Show IPA

1. the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.

2. a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.

3. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.

4. a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities.

Liberalism | Define Liberalism at

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)


1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism

2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

[C20: from Italian fascismo , from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces ]

Fascism | Define Fascism at may help out once in a while if you'd crack open a dictionary every now and again.

Facists are far right wing types. Liberals are left wing types. Nowhere are you EVER going to get a liberal to become a fascist or vice versa.
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Sarah Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism - YouTube
And after laissez faire capitalism come fascism.

Take your pick.

After? Fascism is liberalism. The two things are indistinguishable.

Yes indeed, why the Pope is a facists.
Thanks for posting that light fiction. Now for a dose of reality. If you look at the economic policies endorsed by American liberals, anyone with two brain cells to rub together will note their astounding similarity with Mussolini's. Forming industrial cartels to artificially raise prices? Ever heard of the NRA? Military like corps of the unemployed performing make-work jobs? Ever heard of the CCC? Nationalization of industry? I give you General Motors and Amtrak.

Liberalism is fascism. Only the terminally gullible continue to deny it.

And after laissez faire capitalism come fascism.

Take your pick.

After? Fascism is liberalism. The two things are indistinguishable.

Yanno, you conservatives have to quit using scary words until you actually know what they mean, because obviously, you're scaring all the other lemmings and making them dumber because they don't understand those scary words either and are hoping that you do. I said......................apparently you don't.

[lib-er-uh-liz-uh m, lib-ruh-] Show IPA

1. the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.

2. a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.

3. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.

4. a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities.

Liberalism | Define Liberalism at

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)


1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism

2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

[C20: from Italian fascismo , from fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces ]

Fascism | Define Fascism at may help out once in a while if you'd crack open a dictionary every now and again.

Facists are far right wing types. Liberals are left wing types. Nowhere are you EVER going to get a liberal to become a fascist or vice versa.
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Sarah Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism - YouTube
And after laissez faire capitalism come fascism.

Take your pick.

After? Fascism is liberalism. The two things are indistinguishable.

Holy shit your stupid. Very very stupid. Try education, it works for most.
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

The problem here is that you're a total fucking moron.
My thoughts exactly. I'm wondering why ANYONE would consider this crazy bitch to be relevant any longer.

She's had her 15 min of fame and made enough cash to keep her happy. Why can't the silly twit just fade away into the sunset?

Uh huh. No one was more obsessed with her on this board than you. Except maybe David S.

Actually, I've never started a thread about her (I challenge you to find one), I've only popped in on other threads already started to see what kind of idiocy she's spewing now.

However................a lot of you righties seem obsessed with protecting her and her bullshit views.

I'm sure Sarah Palin is incorrect and Obama could, in no way, support any "socialist" views. Only a crazy person would even dare suggest the ideals of socialism could possibly, even remotely, exist within the framework of some within the Democrat Party.

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This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Sarah Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism - YouTube

wait until obama taxes take place and realize the quality of jobs are negative.

californication and prop 30 retroactive into everyone's wallet/paycheck

I thought the lotto system was suppose to fix the bridge to nowhere
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This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism

Well, if Palin said it -- and on Faux News even -- then it must be a science fact! :thup:

So I see Sarah's fans are still thinking that the Left is afraid of her, that her words cause them great concern and worry.

I'm pretty sure that isn't the case, folks, seriously. Maybe you're just kidding.


For cryin' out loud, even Dick Cheney dissed her.

Cheney's not running for anything, he can be honest!

This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism

Well, if Palin said it -- and on Faux News even -- then it must be a science fact! :thup:

More than ONE person has said it even before the Dear leader was elected, but seeing you all come to Obama's defense over it has been halarious
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism

Well, if Palin said it -- and on Faux News even -- then it must be a science fact! :thup:

Yeah, they're such a brain trust.. Genius level. :D
It seems to me that the trend is going in the opposite direction. Privatization. Schools, Prisons, Highways, parking. The push toward getting rid of the post office. Even the military using private contractors to do what military used to do.

And all of these services have become more expensive and less effective in the process.
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism

Well, if Palin said it -- and on Faux News even -- then it must be a science fact! :thup:

More than ONE person has said it even before the Dear leader was elected, but seeing you all come to Obama's defense over it has been halarious

If you really think Sarah palin is creditable source and she has real stuff to say, your political mindset is prob. Off a little
Did he or did he not push for the legislation that resulted in the .coms?

He did not. Domain name space designations were set by IEEE, Gore and congress had nothing at all to do with them.

{RFC 819, written by Jon Postel from the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at
the University of Southern California (USC) & Zaw-Sing Su from Stanford Research
Institute (SRI) in 1982 built on the earlier work by Mills and gave the first general outline
of the DNS structure and how it would allow for easier cross-network access. In
November of 1983, Dr. Paul Mockapetris, also from ISI, published a request for
comments to the Internet community entitled “Domain Names – Concepts and Facilities”
as RFC 882 and “Domain Names – Implementation and Specification” as RFC 883.
These two papers (later made obsolete by RFC 1034 and RFC 1035) outlined a
completely new way of managing host name lookups. Most importantly, they included
two very important concepts, delegation and authority.}

He didn't create the sites, he created the enabling legislation that divested the government of its control.

More partisan bullshit. Gore's entire contribution was that he supported the High Performance Computing Act of 1991. Notice that this is a full decade AFTER the adoption of DNS standards, well past DARPA funded TCP/IP and Ethernet funding, completely absent PARC or CERN efforts, and actually backed the wrong technology. (Thank CERN for backing the right one.)

Legislation - High-Performance Computing Act of 1991

You're bringing all sorts irrelevancies into the mix that aren't on point. Of course the net wasn't much back then. Hell, I was doing gopher before the web became the thing, but that doesn't have anything to do with the point I'm making about Gore, either.

It has everything to do with Gore, they backed the wrong horse. The act was a slush fund for grant whores, and as is ALWAYS the case, the entrenched and connected got the booty. This meant campus gopher servers and the Archie/Veronica search efforts. Meanwhile, Mosaic comes out of Europe. But Vint Cerf got a Ferrari, and we MUST have priorities... may help out once in a while if you'd crack open a dictionary every now and again.

Facists are far right wing types. Liberals are left wing types. Nowhere are you EVER going to get a liberal to become a fascist or vice versa.

Did you make it all the way to third grade?

Serious question.

Say sparky, prior to developing Fascism (Il Fascisti;) Benito Mussolini was head of what organization?

  1. The Reelect George W. Bush Campaign
  2. The Ayn Rand Institute
  3. The Italian Bolshevik Party
  4. The I Like Pineapple Club

Leftists, stupid as petrified cat turds....

Learn something, fucktard.

[ame=]The Doctrine of Fascism: Benito Mussolini: 9780865274631: Books[/ame]

Yes, you'll get thrown out of the democratic party, but you'll be a better person.

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