S.E Cupp: Trump and the GOP in tatters


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Not to worry the Ds will F things up and lose control of both houses, possibly in 2022. That is if the pattern of the last few decades holds true.

Trump was the best thing to happen to the D party. Now they must rule and they suck at that.
I said way back in the beginning of 2016 that if Trump were to get the nomination and actually pull off a win he'd bring long term destruction to the Republican Party. It unfolded exactly as predicted.
Where, pray tell, is this destruction? If he didn't destroy the GOP in 2020 do you think he will in the mid-terms? I think the GOP will take back both houses.
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Great article. Thanks.
I said way back in the beginning of 2016 that if Trump were to get the nomination and actually pull off a win he'd bring long term destruction to the Republican Party. It unfolded exactly as predicted.
Where, pray tell, is this destruction? If he didn't destroy the GOP in 2020 do you think he will in the mid-terms? I think the GOP will take back both houses.

Did you read the whole article?


Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

Republicans long ago made the Faustian bargain to put up with all of that in exchange for things they insisted were worth Trump’s many troubles, including tax cuts, conservative judges, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and more.

But now, as Biden takes office and Democrats take control of Congress, most of those things appear to have been fleeting. Indeed, the short-term sugar high of Trump’s perceived accomplishments is about to come crashing down.

In just the first 10 days of his presidency, Biden has already promised to undo a long list of Trump acts, according to Chief of Staff Ron Klain.

Remember how excited Republicans got when Trump unceremoniously pulled out of the Paris climate accord? Biden can rejoin it without much ceremony, and likely will.

He can also rejoin the Iran nuclear deal that Trump quit in 2017, a move Republicans applauded at the time.

Biden can reverse Trump’s travel ban, which prohibited travel to and from some Muslim-majority countries, a policy Republicans like Sen. Ted Cruz insisted had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity but was merely in the “interest of national security.”

As part of his covid-19 relief plan, Biden can rejoin the World Health Organization, and plans to extend eviction and foreclosure restrictions and increase the federal minimum wage.

He’ll overhaul many of Trump’s anti-immigrant policies like family separation, and restore the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. He can relax the process of applying for extending visas.

Trump was unable to repeal and replace Obamacare, as he promised, but he did manage to chip away at some of its provisions. Biden can restore and strengthen many of those via executive actions.
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?

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Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?


Its OPINION, Moe... not news.
In the GOPs mind it was worth it. They kept HRC out of the WH. Remade the judiciary and passed a massive tax cut. The reactionary wing found its voice driving out the moderates as well as the conservatives. “Faustian bargain” was an apropos description.

The Republican Party played the frog to the Trump scorpion...
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?


Its OPINION, Moe... not news.
AKA fake news.

"Opinion" and "fake news" are not mutually exclusive terms, you dullard determined diligently duped dupity dumbass dorkified dork.

You're a clueless low IQ easily brainwashed idiot.
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Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp writes of the downfall of Donald Trump and the GOP:

Trump’s legacy was in tatters before he lost to Joe Biden, but in the ensuing months, he really managed to burn it to the ground. Historians, even without the benefit of hindsight, have already declared him the worst president in American history.

Let’s not forget, Trump also leaves a big stink-bomb of a parting gift to the GOP — Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

This all raises the question: Was it worth it, Republicans? Was carrying Trump’s fetid water around for four years worth the baggage, the guilt by association or, in some cases, the actual guilt of doing Trump’s dirty work?

Was it worth the impeachments — plural — the current and sure-to-come lawsuits, the resignations, the revolving door of users, losers and grifters?

Was it worth the domestic terrorism — a rise during Trump’s tenure of white supremacy and anti-Semitic attacks, and a revolt at the Capitol that left five people dead?

Was it worth the near-constant embarrassments of an ignorant, dishonest, petulant and puerile president who humiliated our country on the world stage with his gross incompetence and undignified antics?

Was it worth losing any moral or ethical high ground the party could once claim by ignoring or defending a whole catalog of terrible behavior, from multiple allegations of rape to orphaning migrant children, interfering in U.S. elections to inciting violence at the Capitol?


Its OPINION, Moe... not news.
AKA fake news.

I thought you were smarter than that.
Great article. Thanks.
Not a great article. What's great is Trump's legacy. There will be no more RINOs in the Republican party.

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 41.. He's not a conservative and has NO core values.

"Cupp, who identifies as a Log Cabin Republican, said the Republican Party should support gay marriage. She describes herself as a "mainstream conservative" and criticized Ron Paul's support for a non-interventionist foreign policy"
Great article. Thanks.
Not a great article. What's great is Trump's legacy. There will be no more RINOs in the Republican party.

Trump didn't register to vote until he was 41.. He's not a conservative and has NO core values.

"Cupp, who identifies as a Log Cabin Republican, said the Republican Party should support gay marriage. She describes herself as a "mainstream conservative" and criticized Ron Paul's support for a non-interventionist foreign policy"
So Cupp is a RINO who we no longer want in the GOP.

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